THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified PAGE THREE THURSDAY. JULY 5,1945 GOOD FOOD HABITS HELD IMPORTANT LOCAL NEWS leave this week for their home in Spokane. Visit In Valley— Good food habits are as im­ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher are portant to good nutrition as go./d Enrolls in University— visiting in Eugene and other Ore­ nutrition Is to buoyant health. Eor I Miss Melda Coleman, daughter gon cities. They are expected to unless a child learns to eat a var­ of Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one return home July 9. iety of foods early in life, food of Nyssa, has enrolled for the sum­ cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. prejudices may easily result i n , mer sessions at Wtlltmette univer­ Here From Vancouver— malnutrition, states Mrs. Irene N. sity in Salem. Miss Coleman has Mr and Mrs. Wesley J. Browne Makin on, chairman of the Mal- , been living with her sister. Decile of Vancouver, Washington, former One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta j heur county nutrition committee. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc • i lJ t tLLANLOUS Coleman, in Seattle for the past Nyssa residents, spent the week-end “So, no matter how well a mocher keeps up on advances in two yeans. here. For Saie CABINET SHOP nutrition, or how much time she I FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. Taylor's cabinet shop, west of the spends juggling money and ration Goes To Texas— Grass Fire Extinguished— 220 or 410-3 phase motor and underpass. Open for business. K it­ poinis, she still won't have well- Miss Wanda Jeffrey left last Firemen were called Sunday to centrifugal pump, size 3X2'