Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1945)
y* y X THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1943 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX '2nd class oi Nampa, who has been and "The B-29” , written by M rs.'be on a local station, for the stationed witli Oernhardt at San Edwin C. Wertz. Nola Rae and project. home Nyssa Furniture, one block south of underpass. 28Jlxc. Part of the evening was ®vel*f I? ° T n sa&® two duets a n d ! Several garments have been spent In a treasure hunt, followed D Bybee * av* *°me currfJ‘ l made by the council for African FO R SALE— Red currents. Mrs. by a weiner roast. ^ on „,IVeiI} be^s present^ Mr. children. They were on display at Dick Groot, two miles northwest and Mrs. Eldred Brower were in the church last Sunday morning. - I - charge. on Columbia Ave. 28J2xp CLASSES E NTE R TAIN E D - I - HAS FOURSOME The young ladies’ class taught i N O -H O ST P A R T Y HELD Mrs. Charles Sohwelzer invited a FOR S A L E - Sweet cherries. Pick by Mrs. Don Seward and the young j Roy. foursome to play bridge at her your own, 10 cents a pound. Ed men s class taught by Darrell W ill- . Sf vef)al Nyssa ,ladies ,.r the , 1 ... Nazarene m run» ,-hi,r,-h r. hoBt party at the Payette home Monday afternoon. Guests Mess, 1H miles east of Payette- lams of church — were Country club last Wednesday night. were Mrs. Ralph Haworth, Mrs. Ontario junction. ENTE R TAIN S A T P A R T Y 28J2xp entertained at dinner Sunday at Mrs. John Olsen entertained at T h o r n e Qf Mr. an d ^ M «“ ''¿ w a r d ' “ ^ " d i n g were Mrs Qnmett Joe Brumbaoh and Mrs. Dennis a party Tuesday evening at Taylor’s „ . h . UavU of Montana, Mrs. Grover Patch. W A N T E D - Substitute for paper party room in Ontario. Six tables ^ h>ward. wtlu left Sunday ev- H * Mrs ° ene carrier from July 2 to 9. Phone 24, — 8— o f bridge were in play with prizes , . _ Douglas Utah to Mrs’ Jahn olsen ’ Mrs- Florence Charles Jeffrey. 28 Jlxp N EW LYW E D S HONORED going to Mrs. Grant Rinehart, first, enU.r army and rel. Hansen Mrs John Beckham and Joseph L. Bair and his bride, Mrs. Joe Sutherland, second. Mrs. at,ves accompaIlied hlm to Cald- Mrs. John Bishop. Irene, formerly of Glennwood N O TIC E —T o the boys who stole Dorothy Conklin, the traveling . . . . . Z. , . „„ — 5 — Springs, Colorado, were honored our boat—We are tired of making pilze and Mrs George Salle,., low * * “ ° party mem- T O “ O . LD PICNIC __ CLUB _ . . guests at a lawn buffet luncheon boats and buying locks. W e know 9 bers were Mrs. Williams and Mary ..,17 <L C* ^ tt* r![!?X h e « Sunday at the home of his you. W e have a list of your names. YO U I'U IS HONORED Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. V)** Thursday, June -1 , t brother, E. M. Bair. Out-of-town The sheriff says no more; you go Ralph Maze entertained the geward ' ' H o p e Grider's home with Jean guests 'were Mrs ¿ m o o t Bair of over the road next time. Signed. Methodist Youth fellowship at a , Sweeney as co-hostess. Pendleton, Mrs. Carl Bair Jensen Can- Barker. 28Jlxp. —8— The July meeting will be held at o f and Josepil E Balr party held at tits home Tuesday | HOSTESS A T P A R T Y night in honor of John Paul Gern- J Mrs. Herbert Fisher entertained the home o f Erls Bertram. lot Adrian. The bride and groom hardt, seaman, 2nd class, who is ! A Fourth of July P i « 1* » “ 1 have moved to Adrian, at two parties Friday. In the af- be held by the club in the Cald- home on leave. A special guest at M AR IU ED A T GREENLEAF Miss Eleanor Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, and Kenneth Crane, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crane, former Nyssa residents, were married Monday In the Friends oi lurch at Green- leaf, Idaho. A reception was held after the wedding at the home o f the bride’s grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Nyssa friends attending the wedd ing were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hob son and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson, Mr and Mrs. Dallas Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seward, Mrs. Roscoe Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Gibson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Don Seward and girls and Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Wild and the party was Garth Faust, seaman, [„"p la y with p r l^ . "going“ to Mrs" * e“ park’ ^ h family will furnish ---------------------- — ------------------— _ . . . ... .. „ . I t s own refreshments. Ice cream ------------------------------------------------- Frank Morgan, high, Mrs. G. J. ... . , __ . . . . .. .... ,i , . „ _ will be furnished by the club. Mitchell, second, and Mrs. Tom _g_l E’.dredge, traveling. In the evening -------- ------- * G IV E S SU R P R ISE P A R T Y five tables were in play. Mrs. Ber Several friends of Mrs. Henry nard Eastman won high score, Mrs. Fields gave a surprise handkerchief J. L. Church won second and Mrs. . , , ’ ” „ Eld Burbidge won the traveling I*110* ” * * * * * * * , ^ ? t ? 0 0 n r prize. Flowers provided the theme ^ n in ^ o of f the decorations. odhle and Mrs. Fields won low. Refreshments of cake, sandwiches E N TE R TAIN S CLUB and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman —| - entertained the Mr. and Mrs. club E N T E R T A IN A T SUPPER Sunday evening. R. G. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peck of won first prize and Mrs. Harry Cntarlo were lhosts at a ^ Miner won second^ |supper £aturday evenlng at their Owyhee Riding Club Dance Saturday, July 7 NYSSA GYM NASIUM Benefit of Building Fund Admission $1 per couple, 'including tax What'a Wrong with This Picture— o y ,1 aipn -Sri-' III At H o m e - Ms. A. L. Atkeson is confined to her home by illness. Keep Oregon Green Association — Salem, Oregon NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM TH EATR E FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 29-30 It’s back again! Yes folks here is a grand pic ture for young and old alike. In glorious tech nicolor, and with W alt Disney’s celebrated characters. ‘SNOW W H ITE AND THE SEVEN DW ARFS’ Sport Subject and Magic Carpet Mat., Sat., 2:S0 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. livening«, 40c-9c, Including Tax SU N D A Y & M ONDAY, JULY 1-2 A drama of tender love, stirring courage and deep devotion...that you will never forget. “THIRTY SECONDS OVER TO K YO ’’ Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson, Robert Walker and Phyllis Thaxter Passing Parade Note: 21/» hour show. Eve. Shows 7 and 9 Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-Sc, Inc. Tax Atlm. Evenings, 40r-9c, Including Tax — B AR G AIN N IG H T — TUESDAY, JULY 3 Lynn Merrick in “A GUY, A GAL, A P A L ” and a western Charles Starrett and Constance Worth in “SAGEBRUSH HEROES” Adm. 26c-9c, Inc. Tax W EDNESDAY, JULY 4 Vera Hruba Ralston and William Frawley in “LAKE PLACID SERENADE” Rugs Bunny Cartoon, Sports and News Adm. Fvening*. 40c-9r. In rlu din g T ax TH URSDAY & FRIDAY, JULY 5-6 The latest adventure in the Popular Gillespie Series...with Van Johnson in a romantic role as the young doctor faced with problems of the heart. "BETW EEN T W O W O M E N ” With Van Johnson, Lionel Barrymore, Gloria DeHaven and Keenan Wynn. Sports and Cartoon Adm Evenings. 40c-9c. Including Tux 5 — M A N Y ATTE ND DANCE Members of the Owyhee Riding club and their friends attended a dance Saturday night In the school gymnasium, with Savage orchestra furnishing the music. A trio of “stringers" also furnished several numbers. Several members of the club wore yellow “ floor’’ get acquainted ribbons. Ice cold lemonade was served by the la dles. W. L. Lane conducted a John Paul Jones to get everyone ac quainted. Funds will go towards building rodeo grounds and build ings. - 8 - SERVICE WOMEN MEET The mothers and wives of the L.D.S. servicemen met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. L il lian Newby. A picnic outing for the near future was planned by the entertainment committee with Mrs. S. P. Bybee in charge. Quilt ; blocks were handed to work di- I rectors, Ms. Luther Fife, Mrs. L. | a. Poulson and Mrs. Emma Hen dricks, which when completed, will be sold to raise money for hospital beds. m ake ; ICE CREAM At hom « —A ny fla v o r -D «tlc io u « —Smooth — N o it* crystal« — No cooking — N o r*- w hipping — N o «torched flo vo r — I a « v — In c ip o n tiv * — 20 r*c ip *« In *och 154 pkg. P lea t* «*n d »hi« ad fo r fr * * full • « it * «a m ple ofler, or buy from your grocer. LOUDOnOERRy STAB!UZ€R J Brand Homemade lc* Creom IW F M M ItM ) M l* N Y S S A ’’ NO-SEED A new plant hormone spray that produces Just spray the solution on the newly opened flower cluster with an ordinary spray-gun. Go To Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown are EASY TO USE To save flowers and kill grasshoppers, let us mix you some Paris green and bran. Kill those calcium. potato Listen to our broadcast Thursday noon and Friday morning over KFXD Nyssa Livestock Commission Company Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager Office phone 25R Residence phone 116J For a truck phone 72W or 05J3 arsenate of M Thompson & Son BUY NOW —For Bigger Crops to come! If you tried to buy Su perphosphate this spring, you probably know how scarce it was;—and there may be a scarcity next Don’t Forget the Regular Auction FRIDAY, JUNE 29 bugs w'ith Let us supply you with your sacks and twine. more by sale day. If you have one or more milk cows to sell, call or write us so that we can ad vertise them next week. W e will have plenty o f buyers for California cows and all other kinds. A ll dairy stock will be sold first, ahead o f the regular auction. - I - * IN Mrs. Johns of Adrian was dis missed from the Nyssa Nursing home Wednesday. T R O O P 3 G IR L S M EET Troop No. 3 of the G irl Scouts j met at the home of Miss Coleen Bybee Wednesday wl.h 13 girls present. Mrs. Hazel Lane is troop dlreotor. Colleen Bybee, Esther Bebe Benedict. Claudia Wilson and Tressa Jensen, were Initiated into the troop. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be held FYlday J at the C. B. Jensen home. P IC N IC A T APPLE V A LLE Y Approximately 60 members ol the L.D.S. church gathered at the Apple Valley school grounds Satur day evening for a picnic. After lunch, which was spread on the lawn, a program was given. Mrs. Max Swensen gave a reading. Ce lia Carol Bybee. three years old, led a chorus In singing a number. My Favorite Cowboy", written by her mother. Mrs. T. Carol Bybee PH ARM ACY •THE F IR S T SEEDLESS TOM ATOES E N TE R TAIN SA T D INN ER h0“ e lK h° n0r OÌ M r’ MrS’ ar « u .- » George Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. and re‘alWeS Mr. and Mrs. W F V t a d t a m v ^ r Scott o f Portland. Other ^ Lake City’ were hosts at a family dinner ___, ------------------------ Sunday for Mr and Mrs. W. E-1cHaj^ of^Nvssa1 The “ evening was E* - Sail» ' ’ Works H e re - Pindling and children M r and ^ °iay^ ut^ er ^ m es Larry Plsher haS recelVed “ med' leal discharge from the navy and Mrs. Bernard Frost and family, ■ __ has taken a position with Shelton's Corporal and Mrs, Lawrence Ph“ *- j PROJECTS DECIDED ON dairy, which is operated by hts ling, Mr. and Mrs. FYancls Defier | ^ ,d famiily of . . T e l l a L th e j ^ coming C ^ r year ' a T at a a ^ meeting U ^ Z of Mrs " * * * " and =ih„]mn ^ P '™ ’ a" d . d rian Mrt. ^ ........ „ „ rrv _ . .Mrs. Harry Shelton, Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Louis the women’s council of the C h u r c h __________________ Findltng. o f Christ at the home of Mrs. C(jts p|nger__ LE R O Y SEW ARD HONORED Lester Oden June 14. j j^.ed Bay cut his finger when Members and friends of the Naz- The projects are helping the opera^jng a meat cutter at Gor- arene church met at the home of mission in Lisuland on the China- don’s Drive-In Market Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seward Friday Burma-Tibet border for the for evening at a farewell party honor eign project and assisting with I n o l.»te t o Classify ing Leroy, who left Sunday for "The Christian Hour" a radio pro Fort Douglas. Utah, A devotional gram that, It Is hoped will soon TOR SA LE — Empty linoleum cans. ihour was held. Song Evangelist A. L Crane and his son, Ralph, enter tained the group with special music. —t — P A R T Y HONORS BENEDICT Ray Benedict, S 2|c, was honor ed guest at a picnic held at the Nyssa park Saturday followed by a mid-night theater party. Last | year’s seniors of the Nyssa high I school, of which Benedict was sec- l rotary and treasurer, sponsored the W e will sell all kinds o f dairy cattle. W e have party. He was here from San about 60 head ljsted now and will have many Diego on a four-day furlough. - - NYSSA To Attend Exercises— Mrs. W illiam Schireman left Saturday for The Dalles, wregon Oregon , oaium ay iur m e uanes, | to attend the capping exercises for her daughter' <^ ldet Nurse Phyllis Schireman. ______________ Nursing Auction of Dairy Calile Friday, July 13 An enem y more dreaded than a Jap balloon. A safe and sane "Fourth" means observing the rules of common sense. In other words, b e a fire warden: put out smokes, matches, campfires. KEEP O R E G O N GREEN WE W IL L T R AD E house-slipper comfort and money-saving extra wear for so little cash It makes Wolverine Shell Horsehides the moat economical Qf all work shoes. Golden Rule. Nyssa. 28J1XC. spring. Help us solve the prob lem of storage and distribution by taking some of your next fall and spring requirements now. Only in this way can you be sure of an adequate supply. Order Simplot Red Diamond Superphosphate from your local dealer, or write to— J. R. Simplot Dehydrating Co. Fertilizer Division Caldwell, Idaho Dority Welding Service Welding-Steel Fabrication General Blacksmithing Farm equipment built to order. large W e have a stock of steel plate for fabrication. ^ ''- 'A Portable welding equip How can a motor oil save gasoline? ment. W e can go any Much gasoline loss is caused by gradual ring and cylinder wear. Gas mixtures then "blow-by,” compres- s on is reduced, performance gets rough. RPM Motor O il slows this wear ’way down — sticks tight on hot <>r cold metal surfaces, insures cold motors against t lit starting wear, protects critical hot spots on long i n . For more mileage, less wear — use Standard’s P P M M otor Oil. W. E. “ Bill” Schireman Phone 61 Y o u r l ocal r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f or S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A place and take care of a job, saving valuable dismantling time. Let us help you w’ith your repair and equip ment problems. Phone 153J Nyssa, Oregon