V I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL The Veteran's Friend By J. F. Morfltt Counity Service Officer DO YOU KNOW: Tihat Con.manders Seybold of Nyssa, Fisk of Vale and Olaves of Ontario, who were recently elected by the American Legion to head their respective organizations for the ensuing year and now a heated friendly battle for membership for the year is expected between the three. That Service Officer Mor- EVERYTHING FOR TOTS! Check His Needs Bassinets Ivory finish, trimmed in blue and pink, equipped with pads. Kiddie-Koop Guards against infection, ani­ mals and Insects. Baby Carriages fitt just returned from attending the service officer school and con­ ference of the Disabled American Veterans, which was held at Med­ ford, Oregon. That the women's auxiliary of the Disabled American Veterans No. 18 Ontario, is hold­ ing the membership cup for the state department having shown the greatest percentage of increase in membership for the past year. That Leo Teschido returned to Ontario a few weeks past from the Pacific theatre and was taken to the Boise facility by your service officer this week. Q. Does the government furnish grave markers for deceased veter­ ans? Ans. Yes. Grave markers are furnished by the government and your service officer has the proper forms to be made out for appli­ cation. Q. Is there any provision set up lor burial expenses for a veteran? Ans. Yes. In the event of the death of an honorably discharged veteran outside of a government hospital, the government allows a sum not exceeding *100 to the person or persons who paid the iuneral expenses. Q. How may the United States flag be procured for burial of the veteran? | Ans. Flags may be obtained by applying to the nearest county seat post office or may be obtained from the veterans administration at the nearest facility, upon the completion of form 2008 which can be obtained from your service officer in your own community. Here From Colorado-- Bob Eldredge arrived Sunday f.om Boulder, Colorado to spend his furlough wHh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge. He is training with a V-12 unit. Girls Take Jobs— Miss Marie Seburn and Miss Grace Foster have gone to Baldy Mountain lockout station near Un­ ity. where they will work during the summer. They were accompan­ ied to Unity Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. Collapsible, menu, rubber tires, storm ahield. Return From Twin Falls— Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson re­ turned Wednesday from Twin Falls where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Verna Beutler. and Flay Table and two matching chairs. Nat­ ural finish, with design. High Chairs I ~ “ is a member of the 32nd infantry and determined enemy, an enemy division, which was recently com- occupying elaborately prepared de­ nended by the commanding gen­ fenses on ground of his own choos* ing. Your victory was impressive eral. Mator General W. H. OiU. and deceive and one of which you “The 32nd division has accom­ may well be proud.” (Continued from Page I) plished its mission. The enemy { lautem in the Saar. ’’Alter crossing the Rhine, it has been destroyed and the Villa Auto Repairing drove with the 6th armored divis­ Verde trail secured,” the general ion through Kassel and Mulhausen said. Electric Welding Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 8 "After 120 days of fierce hand- and became the first field artillery CHURCH OF THE NA7ARLNB P M . junit to fire across the Danube to-hand combat over terrain more Lathe Work Parts E. J Wilson. Pastor. Come! A hearty welcome awaits ¡when it operated in direct support difficult than any yet encountered 10 a. m., Sunday school. you. in this war, the 'Red Arrow' again 1 of tile 3rd cavalry group in its 11 a. m., worship service. pierced the enemy's line. You have ¡drive on Reger burg. And «hen the crushed completely another of the 7 p. m., pre-prayer service. CHRISTIAN CHURCH | artillerymen Joined the 13th (Black so-called 7:15 p. m.. Young people, inter­ impregnable defenses, George Whipple. Pastor. mediate and junior meetings. I Bible school, 10 a. m. Bring your Cat) band wagon in its surge brilliantly concluding the division's fifth campaign in the Pacific theat­ I through the heart of Bavaria.” 8 p. m.. Evangelistic service. Bibles. Nyssa, Oregon er. 8 p. in., Wednesday, prayer and I Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com- “I desire to express to every off­ | A nicely printed pamphlet outlin­ icer and enlisted man in the div­ Bible study, excepting the first ' munion and sermon. Wednesday of each month which Evening services. 8 p. m. Adult ing the activities of headquarters ision, as well as those attached, Is missionary and Crusaders night. ¡discussion group and Christian company 817, tank-destroyer batt­ my hearfelt appreciation of the alion, and containing Ihe names courage and determination each You are extended a cordial in­ ¡Endeavor for juniors and seniors, of the personnel has been received 1 has shown while playing his vit­ j 8:30, preaching and song service. by Mrs. Randolph S. Cooper from ally important part in this long vitation to all our services. ¡her husband. Corporal Cooper. j ml arduous campaign. You have ADRIAN FREE METHODIST I One page was dedicated "To our | outfought and destroyed a cunning ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH fallen comrades who made the su- I C. L. Snider, pastor Adrian, Oregon preme sacrifice for our cause”. The Sunday school, 10 a.m. Rev. P. H. Reiman. Pastor Serving 5 Counties battalion served with distinction We feel it a privilege Sunday school. 10 a. m. Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser­ in the offensive against Germany. From the Largest Stock of to be of the greatest Preaching. 11 a. m. •■ninne | Nyssa members of the battalion vice 8 p.m Young people's meeting. 7:30 p. help possible to those 'are Cpl. Cooper, Pfc. J. D. Willis Thursday. 8 pm., prayer for boys Come help us spread scriptural who come to us for ser­ In armed forces. Come, worship of the staff platoon, T-5 L. Reece holiness throughout tlfe world. with us and pray with us for your of the third platoon and Charles vice. All details for Smith of the third platoon. THE METHODIST COMMCNIT4 boy and some other mother's boy. Parts outstandingly beautiful CHURCH Orders Shipped Immediately services can be entrust­ L. D. 8. CHURCH j FORT RILEY, KAN.—Pvt. William H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. T. Ooleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood ed to our care. Church school, 10 a. m. William T. Coleman, route 2. Nyssa. meeting Worship and sermon. 11 a. m. Oregon, was graduated recently Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. NYSSA FUNERAL - T he Saving Name”. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament from the enlisted pack course, class Fellowships, 7:30. HOME No. 14. Major General William M. meeting. Gospel service. 8:30. Grimes, commandant of the cav­ Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society Methodist Youth fellowship in- alry school, announced. Private meeting. titute July 2-9 at Payette lake. First Tuesday of each montn at Coleman was inducted into the TRINITY LUTHERAN 4 pm . Primary for children bet­ armed farces December 22, 1944 Parma, Idaho and received his basic training at ween ages of 4 and 12. Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor Camp Roberts, California. Service: 10 am . BAPTIST CHURCH DO YOU NEED MONEY? Church School: 11 a.m. Corporal Ralph Lowe of Nyssa Second Street E. T. I.arson. Missionary Paste* We can arrange for a long term loan at low SUNSET VALLEY Sunday school. 10 a.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH interest rate to you. BILL LANE Morning worship, 11 a. m. Train­ Paster R. L. Casselman ing union, classes for all 7:15. Sunday school, 10 A.M. Auctioneer Sunday evening message, 8 p. m. Morning worship, 11 A.M. Mid-week prayer and Bible study Children church, 7:30 P.M. Phone 116J Nyssa Evening evangelistic service, 8 Thursday at 8 o'clock. You are o’clock. Cottage prayer meeting welcome to all of our services. Irs V W ) Our ¡3oys At E. W . Pruyn Concientious Guidance Me Cluer-Manser FARMERS Bernard Eastman A National DAIRY MONTH Returns From East— Mrs. Burl Wyckoff returned from Washington, D. C. last week after spending several weeks with her husband before he sailed for over­ seas duty. With pads. Well made sturdy. Folds for storage. CELEBRATE IN OLD OWYHEE COUNTY MARSING RODEO SALUTE Sponsored by the Marsing Commercial Club To The ROPING RIDING-RACING DAIRYMAN BULLDOGGING PROGRAM All standard sizes with pads, finished and unfinished. RODEO PARADE JULY 3 (I P. M., M.S.T.) Chairs AMATEUR BRONC RIDING Child’s rockers and arm chairs; also nursery chairs in different styles. CALF ROPING Hardwood Swings With stand. Use it anywhere. CRIBS PROF. BRONC RIDING Here is the man, the farmer and dairyman, whose public can be certain that he won’t let down on the job. labors make it possible for all of us at home, and all ■» He’ll keep his products filling the consumers’ market, on the battle front, to put all we have in the fight for and send enough over there. The dairyman is seeing to victory. His efforts keep America the best-fed nation it that he gets more from his herd than ever before. He in the world. knows that the more he puts into the effort the more KIDS’ CALF ROPING WILD COW RIDING BULLDOGGING PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, J tltf f ; ¿ S J 9 4 5 WILD COW MILKING BAREBACK RIDING DERBY there is. The dairyman’s job isn’t over yet, and the American SADDLE HORSE RACE ^ PONY RACE át-¿- LADIES' RACE SADDLE CLUB RACE This is National Dairy month, We award special recognition emphasizing the vital role played RELAY RACE STAKE RACE Clowning by the Two WESTERN KIDS at this time to those dairy farm by dairy food, which fights for workers on the home front. freedom. DANCE BOTH NIGHTS proof pads. NYSSA FURNITURE ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF UNDERPASS Bleachers To Seat 4000 Spectators! IULY 3 & 4 Marsing Snake River Bridge Will be Open Both Days and Nights for the Rodeo! Farmers Cooperative Creamery PA Y ETTE, IDA H O