THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE 4 This Week Marks Your Last Chance PICKING UP F A W N DEER IS ILLEGAL The Oregon state game comm- _ lsslon makes Its annual request tliat sympathetic Individuals refrain from picking up fawn deer that appear to be deserted. In most instances this is not true and if the fawn is left alone, its mother will eventually return to claim it. “Deliberate picking up of fawn# in order to obtain a pet is against the law and a permit Is not Issued to keep it unless It can be proved that the fawn actually was deserted and would have died,” officials said. “While voting deer mav be att ractive pets, as they grow older they can become burdensome to care for and often dangerous to human life if adequate facilities ere not provided. In the end, the deer may have to be killed as most rf them cannot be satisfactorily released after being raised In cap tivity." Lincoln Heights Following Sunday school Sunday morning, Clyfe Hainllne, U. S. ravy, gave a short message on navy life. He is home on leave, waiting for the repair of his ship, which was hit by a “suicide” plane. Sev eral sailors were killed but Main line escaned unharmed. He returned to duty Wednesday. Lincoln Sunday school plans to rend five delegates to the Amerl- o n Sunday school Bible camp, which is to be held at Payette lsik»s th“ last week of July. The Patch and Chat club met r* the home of Myrtle Ledgerwood Thur-risy afternoon. Co-hostesses were Mary Wtnslow, Lucille Hickey and 7,oia Pettet. Roll call was answered with a current event. The club decided not to hold any spec ial meetings during the remainin’ ai’mmer months. Ice cream, cookies and nunch were served. The Orien Hainllne and Jule Houston families enjoyed a picnic near Vale Sunday. Margaret Nelson of Newcastle. Nebraska arrived Wednesday even ing to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Vem Smith, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Donalda, Canada arrived Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith The two men are brothers, The visitors will go to Orovllle, Wash ington the latter part of this week and then will return to their home In Canada, where they will operate a restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnea and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Vem Smith end son Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith end Margaret Nelson were enter tained et Sunday dinner at the I e» Smith home. The farmers who raised nans for the cannery began to harvest them this week. The Christian Fndeavor young locople entoved a nfcnlc and swim ming party at. Welser Sunday. Fl ection of officers was held Sunday evening. lone Robbins and Doris Stohler are attending 4-H summer school rt Corvallis. Cleone Pettet, Jo- Plasa. Ked Oeimnl and Mrs. Florence Pettet rirtlclpated In a skit, “Western Charivari", given by the Boulevard Juvenile Orange. Mrs. Naomi Delmal was voted into the Reheknh lodge Of Ontario bv transfer Wednesday night, Peggv Terrel and Norma Stoh'er gave reoorts at the garden Club meeting held at kb# home of their leader In the White Settlement last Thursday afternoon. Eugene Reed has sent word from Oklahoma that his mother’s health is Improving. His son, Allen of Parma. Idaho is slaving on his father's farm while Mr. Reed la in Oklahoma. Vem Smith was elected director and Frits Held clerk at the annual school meeting held last Monday evening. Mrs. Ionise Ross and daughter rf Boise are visiting at. the Orien Hainllne home. Mrs. Ross received word that her husband was killed while serving in the armed force* about three months ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Stohler and Doris and Norma were entertained at Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs Rlndhold of Payette Lorraine and Dixie Scott of Parma spent a few days at the Eugene Reed home. Mr. and Mrs. Buell Hickey en tertained Mr and Mrs. Orien Hain llne at dinner Sunday. The Hainllne family were Thursday evening din ner guests at the Levi Johson home Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Krlner and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. A Zickmund and son of Cairo were entertained Wednesday evening at the Ralph Barnes home. The occ asion marked the eighth wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Barnes Mr and Mrs. Lyle Anderson have returned from Sunnysuie. Washing ton. where they attended the fun eral of a relative. Leave* For Home-- Mias Ruth Marie Brown, niece of Mrs Bernard Frost, left Friday for her home in Blackfoot Idaho after visiting for several days at the Frost home. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1943 To Buy War Bonds In The Seventh War Loan Help Nyssa and Malheur County Go Over The Top At The 11th Hour I iü t , VII » I Will you tell these men “I can’t afford to buy my sh a re "? BUY BIGGER BONDS —and More of Them! I • Read that figure again, neigh bor. It’s not just a lot of numbers pulled out of a hat. It’s our share, your share, in the mighty 7th War Loan. Does it sound big, neighbor? Well, those Superforts that are plastering Japan are big—and cost plenty. Battleships are big— and cost millions. The job our fighting men are out to finish is £ * J big — and the cost is staggering. So of course our job is big. But we can do it if you and every other patriotic American in this city buys a bigger bond than be fore—or invests a bigger portion of income in War Bonds now! Loans. This 7th War Loan is like drives in one. Study the chart below. See what your country expects you to do in the 7th War Loan. Remem ber, you are part of America— a part of America’s might! two Two D rives in One By this time last year, you had already subscribed in two War FIND YO U R Q U O TA If YOU« A V IR A O I W AOI P I« MONTH ISi Y 0 V « PfRSONAI WAS SONO QUOTA IS: (CASH V A IU I) MATURITY V A IU I OP 7TH WAR LOAN RONDSBOUOHT $117.50 $250 225-250 ISO.00 200 210-233 1 $ l.l $ 17$ 200-110 11 IS O ISO 1 »0-200 * * .7 S 12S 140-150 71.00 100-140 37.50 too so IS .7 S 2$ $150 P om oof Poor/Htgiïf/// Me 4 6 t Your War Bonds Are Like READY CASH / ... AND M A K E IT I M m 1100 MIGHTY / ff r s e v e tr m / / War Bonds are your safest investment. Safe in principal _ __ . . . safe in return. You pet $4 far every $3 you invest, at maturity. J This is an official U.S. Treasury, advertisement—»reDared under the auspices of Treasury Department and War Advertising Council Hollingsworth Mdwe. & Imp. Co. Nyssa Pharmacy Brownie’s Cafe Nyssa Lumber Co. Frank T. Morgan Lemon’s Hatchery Nyssa Packing Co. Gate City Cafe A1 Thompson & Son Inland Oil Co. Inter-State Oil Co. Thompson Oil Co. Nyssa Furniture Co. Curry Produce Eder Hardware Co. Idaho Power Co. Mo3S-Ninemire Motor Co. Nyssa Tavern Stunz Lumber Co. Towne’s Garage Farmers Supply Co-op Gordon’s Drive-In Gamble Store Owyhee Drug Co. Pruyn’s Garage Polar Cold Storage Nordale Furniture Store Powell Service Station Golden Rule Store Boise Payette Lumber Co. Nyssa Theatre Signal Service Station Atkeson’s Clothing Store The Food Mart Nyssa Elevator