THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JIJUY 23, 1945 PACE THREE said estate. Robert P. Thompson. Administrator ol the estate of John Wade Robinson, Deceased. I tended the Civic club meeting at Everett Ulmer and daughter of Sunday of last week. — in the 1945 edition of Who's Im the Oerrlt Siam place last Wed- App e Valley. Mrs. Geoffrey Williams of Clark- portant In Music, a publication nesday afternoon. I Mrs. Narwuk and little' daugh- dale. Arizona Is visiting her sister, which records the careers of lead frred Koopuian of Nyssa was a ter of Newell Heights were Sun- , Mrs. Oce Sohweizer. and also her ers in the field of music, and dinner guest at the John Lackey day callers in the ILumbaoh home, mother. Mrs. Bradney of Parma.[ which is compiled and published NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING home Friday^ | Mr ^ Mrs R u Haworth I and other relatives. oy the Institute for Research in NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that Mrs. Dick lensen and Mrs. Grant wece Caldwell visitors Sunday. n \in o n r ,n ..n » ™ RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. After one month one Biography, of New York City. It Barbara V. Smith. Executrix of Rnutvart and Greteh and Jo of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baldridge and ENDORSEMENT OF is one of the sections comprising cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. the estate of Sid E. Smith, deceased Nyssa were Sunday afternoon vis- : Betty of Roswell were Bend callers COUPONS rs URGED the biographical encyclopedia of has filed in the County Court of Iltors at ,tbe Broad hol"e’ Thursday the world, which also Includes sec Vale visitors this week were Mr. Malheur uouniy. County. (jregon, Oregon, ner her urst fir st1 i Vnll‘ this I____ nauineur ' — vLskors --------- ~ — . week . — ----- ------ Mrs Joe Brumbach visited her I Consumers were advised today room.. $60 per month. See Frank and final account of her admlnis- and Mrs- Edwln Mowerson and m Caldwell Sunday. by Willard Case, district OPA food tion on who’s important in the iVii^cELLANtOUS T. Morgan. 28J4xc. t tration and that the 28th day of 50,1 D“le’ Mr and Mis Will Robinson of rationing representative, to be sure »rmed forces, art, business, educa- For Sale W ANTED- ~ CarpenterinT' aTd re- 1 June 1945 at the hour of 2 °'elock „ m m n e A D m i T XT . . . T Roswell visited Mrs. George Swi- t0 endorse their fi-e-pound canning tion, engineering, government, law. pe g and re p M and the County c o Urt Room RUMORS ABOL T NAZI sert Sunday sugar coupons properly with their literature, medicine, religion and FOR SALE— Two pre-war safety pairing. F. A. Johnson, H. E. Coli in Vale. Oregon, have been fixed CAMP CALLED TRUE Gus Sillouis and Joe Brumbach name »nd the serial number of science. razors, one pair field glasses. Mrs. ma. Phone 122J. 31Mtfc. by the Court as the time and place made a trip to Ontario Monday. lthetr ration book 4 before present- Pearl Crosby, 536 7th St. _________ 28Jlxp. WANTED— Listings on real es- ior the hearln8 sald account -whatever lurid stories you hear planning to bring Cicella Sillouis m(? the coupons to grocers for FOR SALE— Kimball bungalow 1 taU‘- M We have 301(1 cvrx everything “d. , any objections ,hat about the c Buohenwald able to 8u*ar- v t aajiu y Liuug w we e ® ... ., , , ^ maV be uuuut u w ic u a a iu prison c camp tunp home, but found ----- her ---- not ------------- i I 1 __ > J _ II Ml tnprptn w han anrt whoro anv ... . . __^ x _____ moved. i Cicllia was operated nn on' id ^ some retailers are style piano. Ex<*il<»nt /wvnHi«on i had listed. Bernard Eastman. 19tic flled thereto- when and where any wiu probably not be exaggerated Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Frances, $3-4) F G m l a ,,C ----------- — Iperson interested ta said « “ •* bv any means! It was terrible be- for removal of her appendix in the «PParently accepting five-pound ^ Osborn, Rt. 1. 21J2xp | WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for | may appear, file objections In writ- J ,„ rt riesrriotion.” according to a Holv Rosarv hospital. homp cannln* su«“ - coupons wlth- Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Delbert Cleaver. the FOR SALF—Moiman hay derrick IllVe foX feed hor8es’ phone *• Pa> ‘ Iln* and be heard ‘hereon. iw u.r written by First Ueut. Ella Mrs R. L. Haworth and Mrs. out ProP « endorsement by I ette. 12Atfc. | Said account is for final settle- Ma!son army nurse co rp s , cousln Joe Brumbach were Monday after- customer. He said that such cou ~ ; and Donna Belle Goodell were in and cable $65. J. F. Brown, Bridge v/.n R u B. id Williams nrtiiiomc of r\t mi.fa i twin (TiMactc of rtf Mrs. Mrs. Charles Charles P0"3 Pons , must must be be debited debited against agauist the tin Ontario Monday. “““ Up° n 601113 approved 881(1 of"Mrs’. route L Ruests Word has been received here ol Island. 21J2xp. HI?LP W ANTED- Carrv aii a l^ P ^ m e O W ^ g I b I ' 5' ^ ", 66 ^ a dlstributlon Nyssa. Lieut. Matson is a daughter Schwelzer in Owyhee. Mrs. D. , 3* « « 3 account, thus reduc- inventory. Case death of Martin Elliott while . rnoiu o w n . uannon Broth- made of the assets in the hands _f w r anH A M nf Patch was the guest of honor. , lng - his allowable ------ ------------- ------------ FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. ers'______________ 24Mtfc. of the Executrix in accordance with FUtnpa and MrS A M " ' ¡ T and m T. v ’’ cu 4 °Tucker°rand 'therefore urged housewives to help 220 or 440-3 phase motor and GRAVEL. EXCAVATING the P^vlsions of the last will and U eut; Matson. who is daughter of Wilder were Sunday thflr °wn grocer by endorsing the ^ '" er_ ^ Ve Mrn and centrifugal pump, size 3X2 > 4, speed L. H. Snodgrass S ' t o “ ! ln Gen“ n^ enC'°Sed 3 CUppln* *“ “ “ BUh° P ^ i n ^ " ‘^ fur.ough Z Z E l i o t t f.m“ 3600, complete with switch and General custom work, gravel, ex- , a°mmistration brought to 3 telling of American army men who home. Illv latw mnvwi m Vi«™.ri starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2. said Executrix discharged. h a i folmd .w uvenir.s in German! Mr. a n l Mrs. Hinterlider, Mrs. ~ ~ — l T ( S r a » ^ « n t trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M„ speed Nyssa, Oregon. 26Atic Barbara V. Smith. homes made from the skin of nazi Douglas and Mrs. Blake of Nampa NAME APPEARS IN Sunday with Mrs Willis Bertram 1150. complete with 15 horsepower ________ ___ _________ 1 . J Xr U=rlX, 5 , ^ 0t I victims who died in the Buchenwald were Saturday guests of their M U S I C W H O ’S W H O Wlth Mrs Cleaver Wl1113 left Bertram. Delbert for Westinghouse 3 phase motor, swit BUTCHERING Sid E. Smith, deceased, Lampshades, book bindings daughter, Mrs Dyre Roberts, and r ^ - „ - . . , . . . , i -------- Camp Howze, Texas Tuesday after ch and starter. City of Nyssa, Custom butchering every Mon- day and Friday Beef sheen .„c NOTICE OF HEARING OWYHEE and 0ther ornaments had been family and helped her twin daugh- | Mlss Wilhelmina Hoffman, plan- spending his furlough with his Oregon. lOMtlc. _aL Q"d_ " iday: ..Bfef „ Sheep and made and in the case of a man tors, Sharon and Karen, celebrate and teaoher was noti, 1(.d thls pare,Us Mr an£, *Mrs ^ pork. Sanitary butchering guaran- IRRIGATION DISTRICT .%ho had been tattooed, the skin their birthday. week that her name is Included Cleaver. FOR SALE—Two 2-room houses teed. Phone 05R1 All stock must Notice hereby Is given, that there had been h up as a wall dec Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Skelton and with baths. Bernard Eastman. 7Jtfc come ln Thursday or Sunday after- have been filed with the Board of oratlon Children of Boise and Lt. Batty of Classified Advertising Buena Vista FOR SALE- Small acreage, close 1100,1 b<‘twe(‘n 1 °'clock an<1 7- No Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation A ‘ p of nurses working with Gsiwen Field were dinner guests ln FOR PLUMBING AND Llput Matson had visited the camp the Joe Brumbaoh home Sunday. in. good location, vineyard. Terms, stock accepted on butchering day. District, petitions for inclusion into she wrote and was plannlng | Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mar- A. L. Atkeson. 24Mtfc. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta the Owyhee Irrigation District, ol PIPE FITTING CALL avenue. Jajce Fischer. 29Mtfc the tracts of land hereinafter set to go the following day. garet were Nampa visitors Friday. FOR SALE— 1938 T. D. Interna I ¡. forth and said - - - that - - - the —- owners , ----- of — ----- in a letter written prior to V -E 1 Mrs. Darrell English and broth- tional trac tractor, one 14-foot' L e e a l A d v e r tis e m e n I | tracts of land and the petitioners day she wrote> .>If anyone had told er, Kenneth Clary, were Sunday hydraulic scraper. one 16-foot1 ;alf. as_ fol_ows' me a year ago that two nurses guests at a covered dish dinner NOTICE OF FINAL field cultivator, one 10-foot Wheat- 5;,I, Boyor and Gp e_ Boyeo"‘ could take care of over 700 patients at the Hoagland home in Roswell. SETTLEMENT land disc plow. Phone 05J11. Gan N W .4 NW , Section 32. Township only ward for assistants Thirty-nine guests were present to J „ non Brothers. 24Mtfc. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that ¡7 0 0 « p w"”vr Hilda Louise Tensen. Executrix of, Theo Moore All ' hnd in the 1 WO,lld haVe they Were nUts! help MrS' ClarV and HOaB" STORAGE— Consolidated Freight- the estate of Bettie Lafrenz. de- N , i w ' N c r h M FYohman Eut thM 15 What We're dolnB noW' land celebrat* th€lr blrthdays Of course our job isn’t too thor v.ays building. First street. See ceased, has filed in the County Ditch ,n ^ 13 Township 18. S. ough, but I’m sure tired.” Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc Couri of Malheur County. Oregon, r 45 e W M Phone Parma 6J2 Phone Nyssa 95J We quit griping about our C her first and final account of her Lino Uberuaga—SW USW 'l of l'GR SALE-- Eureka vacuum clean administration and that the 29th after sitting across the I Ten m em bersTJ-the Worthwhile Section 26, Township 17, S. R. 46, rations er. Jake’s Fix-It shop. 14Jtfc. table from a group of liberated club met Thursday afternoon at mi 11 in n u n in in m « s * u m in m m m m m in ni iu ni limi m ni in m in in mm in in in in in cfky of June, 1945 at the hour ol e W Nl" nit. 2 o'clock P. M. and the County o . H.' McClellan and Hannah starvation, and watching them eat the home of Lydia Wolfe. Ruth FOR RENT Court Room in Vale. Oregon, have McClellan—E>4SEV* of Section 8, _ . .. . Warren of Nyssa. Neva Counsil, I 'OR LEASE— Five-room house been fixed by the Court as the Township 18, S. R. 45. E. W. M. p' pryt‘hln8 in sight with relish. Dorothy Wolfe of Burbank, Calif This is a daily occurrence now- with 50 acres pasture, small furn- ! ,lme and place for the hearing of ornia and Mrs George Mininger of g Herman W elker-N W ^SW 'l of as the army liberates LosAngeles were visitoss. Refresh- g with 31 _■ acres, also. sal(1 —.... account any objections section 10 ’ Two 17 ’ S R 47 ’ E W * cctrorol days lo° i idled house r . _ _ u„ and t : 1_1 l 1 ___ l _ ...4__ r*a ’ trailer for sale. Mrs. Thomson, j that be filed thereto, when M and NEV4SEV4’ of Section 9,’ several camps 0306 wefk' ' ments were served by the hostess. | g Lust ranch, on Owyhee. 21J1XP, and whprp any person interested Twp 17 S R 47 E W M j A sewing machine fell on one g ' S I in said estate may appear, file | ^ prayer of each of ^ !of Mrs. Ted Pomeroy’s feet while § Charter Trips Aircraft Service = , objections in writing and be heard p e t i t e and petitioners is that Found 'she was preparing to sew at the thereon. WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE Mrs. George Swigert, who was Nyssa school building last week. ¡an order be made by the Board of F O U N D --3 u itc a se c o n ta in in g w um - til’s and children’s eicthino- Sa,'d acoount 13 ^°r final settle- Directors of the Owyhee Irrlga- a patient in thet Nampa hospital The broken foot will be kept in Nyssa Airport of Fail’dr Hankins an n ea l ,n 'meot and 0P°n being approved ^ tion District that the lands des- for several weeks recovering from a cast fo r three weeks, bottle I f medicine nurchaseri in ,f state ^ be olosedi a dls* icribed in each of such petitions a goiter operation, returned home j Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson I P. O. Box 396 Telephone 012R1 § a Caldwell drill’ store Owner ,m v | tr botlon I” ade of tbe re'Valnil\ i i and as hereinabove set forth, be last week greatly improved. Mrs. shopped in Caldwell Tuesday. „„o.eo. ...H __ _ L;. ^ssets and^the exerutrix discharged , includeti within the boundaries of .Flora Bell U assisting her with her Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman Z m mini in in mun i mnm hi mmiiiimhi m hi hi huh iiimi hi hi hi iii . iii hi hi hi hi hi hi hi iihiii hi ih hi hi hi hi hm i i ., ? have the suitcase and contents by Hilda Louise Tensen. and granddaughter, Janice, moved Isaid Owyhee Irrigation District. I home work. paying for this advertisement. 21J1 | Executrix of the estate of | Notice Further is Given, That | Because of the busy season, an Friday from the parsonage. Rev. , Re*‘ip Lafrenz. deceased. .said petitions will be heard and unusually small vote was cast at and Mrs. Casselman will visit their LOST ' Fir t pub. May 31. son. Raymond, and family in Port ¡considered by the Board of D irect-.the special election last Friday. l ast pub. June 28. 1945 LOST—Brown Billfold, with zipper. I ors of the Owyhee Irrigation Dis-1 Haying Rbpt many men and wo- land and their daughter. Mona $5 reward. Merry Norcott. phone I trict at its regular meeting to be men busy the past week. Crews Poore of Seattle. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 35R. 28Jlxp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Terra of held on Tuesday the third day of were small and ground was clear- ... . ' ° o i CE HF’R E B ' is 8iven* to th e j u]y 1945 a t 8:00 o’clock P m . a t cd slowly. I t has been said th ere Nyssa ---------------------- called at the Jess Nlshl res- J.E. Brower Sunset Valley STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION | 1 Big Bend WANTED creditors and all persons Interested (he office in Nyssa. O re- j was ju st one full crew in all t h e , idence T hursday. WANTED- ^ - i-o h nai i in ,b e estat« 'of JohlJ W ade R obin- ^ a n d aU persons in te rested or Bend. T h e Id a h o Pow er com pany in - i n delivery See H van Fpiiinnri V r H'n. deceased, th a t th e u n d e r- de slrlng to object th ereto , a re Mrs. M ary D enm an and Miss stalled a n electric line to th e W al- P a v r t t f r u m b.r^Co^Z n L n , f f i f b™ " P a n t e d A dm in- . notlfled to appea r a t the o f f ic e 'L e i, M aude D enm an of Boise a n d .te r HlUis farm last week. 255M O ntario a fte r 7 n m h i the estate of Jo h n aforesaid, a t th e tim e a n d place iM iss B etty Baldridge of Roswell I D orothy Wolfe of B urbank. C al- __________P‘ .ide Robin.von. deceased and has above 8^a ^e<j t ancj show cause, in were callers in th e B rum bach hom e ifornia is spending h e r vacation at WANTED— Baby calves. Phone No. (luallfie(1 83 suph- . ¡w riting, If any they have, w hy ¡Friday. th e hom e of h e r p a ren ts, M r. and 005-F21 and I will come a fte r them . 1 -V P f1’80" 8 having claim s a g ain st th f prayers of said p etitions a n d j Mr. and Mrs. M cG arr a n d c hild- Mrs. O tto Wolfe. O. P. Counsil. route 2. Nvosa 21Jtfc 'i " ' CSfa e a !’P yequlred “ prt>f Pnt each of them should n o t be g ra n t- ren of Anderson dam were guests A potluck supper was served In ’ the sam e w ith th e proper vouchers ed. - ' I of his parents during - - - — — and - the past - honor of ..............................- John Knottingham WANTED— To buy a good two- dul? verified within six months Dated this 5th day of June 1945 week. Charlie McCoy at the Sunset com- v-heel trailer. E. G. Osborn Rt. 1, of tnp datp of the flrst publication by order of the Board of D lrec-! Mr. and Mrs. James Maginnis i munity hall by a group of friends Nyssa. 21J2xp. . °f this notice, to the undersigned tors. land children of Oakland, Calif- and neighbors Saturday night, _________________ j at the office of A. L. Fletcher in Flank T. Morgan, Secretary, nia, who are house guests ln the Cash Turner Ls confined to his WANTED--Good modern furnished by designated as the place of bus- Owyhee Irrigation District. H. R. Hatch home, were honor home by i'Iness. house, • electric refrigerator, elec- j iness in all matters connected with First pub. June 7. 1945. guests at a picnic supper last Wed- | The Ed Price family of Kingman trie range and at least two bed- Nyssa, Oregon which place is here- Last pub. June 28, 1945. nesday evening at the home of her Kolony is working in the hay at ! sister. Mrs. Tom Fergueson In Ap- the Frank Assumendi ranch. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT i p]e Valley. Mrs. George Mininger of Los- ESTATE OF E. M. BLODGETT, | Carrcll Thomas reports at Cald- Angeles came Wednesday to visit DECEASED ¡well air port each Sunday to take her sister, Mrs. Otto Wolfe, and NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that flying lessons. family. B. T. Frost, the Administrator Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop enter- ¡ Mary Ann Hunter ls employed In with the will annexed of the estate tained at dinner Sunday in honor the Harold Fivecoat home south of E. M. Blodgett, deceased, has of Mrs. Thomas of Osage, Kansas ! of Mitchell butte, filed in the County Court of Mal who has been the guest of her | Members of the Assembly of God heur County, Oregon, his report daughter. Mrs. Veri Bishop, and Sunday school enjoyed an outing of his administration with his family. Guests Included Mrs. and picnic lunch at BHg Bend park first and final account, and that Thoma*, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sunday afternoon. the 14th day of July, 1945 at the Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Veri Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson and hour of 10 o'clock a. m. and t h e 'and children and Mr. and M rs.' family visited friends ln Notus County Court Room at Vale, Ore gon has been appointed by the .IEUELRY STORES OPTOMETRISTS Court as the time and place for DR. J. A. McFALL the hearing of same and any ob- PAULUS "See M< Fall and 5 « Heiter” | Jections that may be filed by any JEWELRY STORE person interested, where and when they may appear, file objections Union Pacific Time Inspector i in writing and be heard thereon. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Said account is for final settle 510 No. Oregon St, Highway 30 North ment and upon being approved WATCHES and settled, said estate will be Main Street at Second EYF.8JGHT SPECIALIST distributed in accordance with the Phone 556J ONTARIO OREGON provisions of the last will and testament of said ET M. Blodgett, WYCKOFF and the estate closed, and said PHYSICIANS JEWELRY STORE Administrator discharged. Official Time Inspector for B. T. Frost. SARAZIN CLINIC Administrator of the estate of Union Pacific J. J. Sarazin, M. D. E. M. Blodgett, with the will ONTARIO OREGON REPAIR FABRICATION WELDING General practice of medicine annexed. X-ray Physiotherapy 1st pub. June 7. 1945. GEORGE JACKSON Last pub. July 5, 1945. MODERN WATCH DEPAIRINQ COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE L. A. Maulding, M.D. State Licensed COLUMBIA AVENITE Physician and Surgeon Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and j Watchmaker Phone S7 Mrs. John Broad motored to Boise i FARM SUPPLIES ONTARIO, OREGON Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Saturday. Mrs. Marjorie Fields 3% blocks N. ol City Hall Dally—Except Sunday came back with them for the week- [ Ffy Building If you cannot buy what you need, we can end. On their way home they call- j HAY BUYER ed on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osburn DENTISTS of Meridian. The Osbums formerly build it for you. W. F. Jahn lived ln thLs com a unity. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen were J. R. CUNDALL Dealer in hay and grain In Payette Sunday. See Us For Light and Heavy Work Dentist Visitors at the Melvin Jensen I No. 5, Factory Court home recently were Mrs. Jensen's | Phone 56-J Phone 68M parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders of Ask for Charlie Croghan or Bob Pierce Sarazin Clinic Ogden. Opposite sugar factory NYSSA ORBOON Mrs. Pete Teasen, Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. John Broad at- Professional And Business Directory Farmers Supply & Repair * * % m m m im « « 5 WAITING LIST... * ! "N o w th a t th e war in E u ro p e ii over, w hen uJill / get a te lep h o n e? r T h a t is th e question b eing asked by m any peo p le whose ap p lica tions fo r telep h o n e service are delayed. In th e M ountain States te rrito ry th e re are m ore th a n 56,000 o rd ers fo r aervice now held o n w aiting lists. W estern E lectric now has been au thorized to resum e u n lim ite d m anufacture of tele p h o n e instrum ents, b u t th a t does not m ean th a t telephones w ill begin to ro ll ofT th e assembly lines a t once in pre-w ar q u an tities. P roduction i t » till-lim ite d b y ihortages o f m anpow er a n d material» and b y th e needs o f war. B ut th e sh o rtag e of telephone instrum ents is n o t th e only reason fo r the telep h one w aiting list. U n til th e w ires betw een th e subscriber’s prem ises and th e telephone office are available, as w ell as th e eq u ip m en t in th e telep h o n e exchange, th e in stru m en t itself is of no use. Ontario, Oregon T elep h o n e m an u factu rin g plan ts are busy m aking m agnetic, acoustic, an d electronic eq u ip m en t fo r o u r fighting force* in th e Pa- cific. W ar m ust come first. W hen progress in th e w ar against Ja p an perm its th e reconver- sion of these p lan ts to civilian purposes, and all th e needed facilities becom e available, th en installing them will be th e biggest jo b in o u r C om pany’s h isto ry —one to w hich we all look forw ard. s * S W e do not like to keep people w aiting for te lep h o n e service. Malheur Home Telephone Co. I I I