THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE TWO V P O W C I . L .................................................. V M t n t a n d SUBSCRIPTION All VERTI SINO KATES Six Month«......... .... - .....- * iStrictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postofBee Un-ough the C. tiled Slates the act 06 f BLACKSMITH WORK I’a b lta h e f KATES Open rate, per Inch......... »5c National, per Inch............ 36c '¿r Minimum..... ....30c | Freeman’s Machine Shop at Nyus. Malheur Cuunty, Oregon at Nyssa. Oregon for 'ransmUalon Malls, as second class iratler, under of March 3. 1879 PEACE TEST YET TO COME Successful culmination of the San Francisco world peace conference by representatives of 50 nations marks a big step forward in the effort to establish and maintain world peace. The world now has the machinery to enforce peace (and we say “enforce” peace advisedly), so if peace is not maintained it will be because some nations in the world prefer settlement of differences by war rather than peaceful means. We had a league of nations after the first world war, but it was not a success, because it was not given a chance to work and this one will not be successful, if the people of the world do not work for its advancement. Apparent settlement of the Polish problem by Russia, Poland, the United States and Brit ain is heartening because it is such problems that may cause an upset in the peace machinery. It is fairly easy to reach agreements on general ities, but the test of the world peace organiza tion will come over just such incidents as the Polish problem. The strain will come when some nation has to make a sacrifice in order to main tain peace. A. O. Wells, manager of the Nyssa theater and the company which he represents, have marie a splendid contribution to the seventh war loan campaign. Mr. Wells has acted as Nyssa chairman of the drive and paid all ex penses incident to the Lions club show pres ented in the theater Monday night. He and his company forfeited any receipts they might have secured from sale of tickets to a regular show and also furnished their theater facilities free of charge for the Lions club entertainment. DE LAVAL MAGNETIC SPEEDWAY MILKER NOTICE TO FARMERS Arcadia 3. All parts with which milk comes in contact are easily and quickly accessible for thorough cleaning. ORDER NOW Otis Bullard is the new school director elected at the recent school district election to succeed George Moeller. | C. W. Barrett returned Friday evening from Richmond, Indiana. IHLs daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hoxie, and ¡son. Ronnie, who accompanied him, | left Sunday for their home In Salem. | Mrs. L. E. Robbins attended a I will be Bible teachers training class In Mrs. George Cartwright resigned Caldwell three days last week, GRINDING GRAIN her position at Eder’s store and, i Mrs. Vern Butler returned Sun left last Monday for Camp Wolters, day evening from Portland, where for ch'icken feed all Texas to h*e with her husband. 'she attended graduation exercises evening dinner guests for her brother, Bob Payne, from this month. Bring your ' at Thursday the C. A. Brown home were medical school. First Lieutenant and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and grain. Ettles of Boise and Staff Sergeant Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moss of Nyssa E. Erikson, who has re fished at Ross lake In Idaho Sun NYSSA FLOUR MILL Richard turned from the South Pacific af day. ter 39 months of active duty., | Rev. McOonnlee of Ontario call P. M. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin spent ed at the Ellis Warner home one Saturday and Sunday visiting at ,day last week. Mrs. Lily Dement and Mrs. Ellis Warner called at the Roy Wallace home near Ontario Saturday, j Mrs. Clyde Bowers and Mrs. Lau rence Long were business visitors In Caldwell last Thursday, j The Arcadia Sunshine club met June 21 at the sohoolhouse. Mrs. ¡Geraldine Hall gave a lesson on fruit spoilage. Ice cream and cook- lies were served. Sunday school will be held at 10 a. m. next Sunday. Election of INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE officers will be held. ■Russell Warner, who Is In the service, visited hls uncle, Ellis Warner, and family last week. He was en route to the coast. Cpl. Harold Dali, who Is stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, was in the parade held In honor of General E.senhower In Kansas City June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Hartley and son of Powers, Oregon visited at the Ellis Warner home last Friday. Let us show them to you at our store The Nyssa Elevator Hollingsworth Hdw. & Imp. Co. J. H. Borgman, Manager Adrian Hay Insurance Frank T. Morgan Vacuum Cleaners Seven Rebuilt Machines With New Repairs HAMILTON BEACH GENERAL ELECTRIC FEDERAL HOOVER One all-enameled combination coal and fuel oil range, nearly new. Only two left--Combination clothes closet and chest of drawers. Nordale Furniture Store | NU-ACRES Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durrington I and family and Clyde Butchei Joined the Ray Butcher family and Paul Butcher family of Not ns for a picnic dinner at the park in Caldwell Sunday, i Miss Jeanne Seuell spent the week-and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Seuell. Miss Suell is employed by the Idaho Egg producers of Caldwell. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeGrande and son, Max, spent Sunday at the Lloyd Lane home north of Nyssa, where a reunion was held I for former Oklahoma residents. The Do-More 4-H club went on a tour of projects June 17. Club members, with their parents, met at ¡•the Dwight Durrington home. Mr. Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds Lack of Transportation Is The Reason Why There May Be a Coal Shortage Next Winter Only One Railroad to Serve Malheur County 1 The railroads are preparing to handle the great est long-distance transportation job in history. That job is the overhaul of tens of thousands of troops on their way from Europe to the Pacific along with enormous quantities of war materials. The big freight push to the west has already begun and will reach peak capacity by August. The chances for transportation of coal for civilian needs will decrease as westbound freight increases. As a result, a bottleneck is in the making in the coal producing area. Don’t gamble on your chances to get fall delivery on coal. Prepare for next winter by ordering coal now. Have your coal dealer fill your bin during the summer. But PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! Telephone your dealer today. Bon’t Risk a Possible Coal Shortage - Order Now! AL THOMPSON AND SON NYSSA ELEVATOR BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COMPANY - ini hi 11M ni 11 ri 1111 hi mi n ¡i mi h h h u h the home of Mrs. Martin’s parents Durrington took moat of the crowd at the home of Mrs. Sam Henne [club ladies. W. L. Lane, new m a n - ¡will assist in a horse sale at Baker In his truck to the homes of the sides the membership there were ager of the commission company, (next Monday. 1 1 Roswell. Miss Dorothy Toomb was a Sun- members, where the projects were present four visitors: Mrs. Thomas 'Nedbalek. Mrs. Ben Shaw of Ny ‘day dinner guest of Miss Nadeen viewed. A pot luck supper was served ssa, Mrs. Rlnlhold Stohler and Mrs. Wilson. Tuesday night at the LeOrande | The Francis Defier family were home in honor of Max LeGrande, P. J. Mootz of New Plymouth. Mrs. Seuell and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek Sunday guests at the Fmdling home staff sergeant, who recently re were co-hostesses. In Nyssa. turned home from Europe. Those I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune of | We are specialists in repairing farm machinery. Miss Irma Points of Allerton. If you are in need of beet pullers or other present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Iowa is visiting friends and rela Uehlln and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and | farm implements, we will make the machines to tives In Adrian and Nyssa. Billy Looney celebrated his sixth Rinhold Stohler and family, Mr. family. Jacolyn Orcutt went to 1 your specifications. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and family, birthday with a party Monday Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kersey and Nyssa to spend a week at the Ter hune home. afternoon. family. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Moore Mr. and Mrs. William Webb of Bremerton have purchased the D. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Visits In Adrian-- Johnson and Robert, Jr., Mrs. W. Patch home and will move here Frank Johnson and children. Cecil Miss Janice Frost is visiting Miss Norma Jean Dierklng in Adrian. July 1. 8 « minm m uni k m u m hi hi hi hi hi hi hi lira m hi iiiihi m ura m hi m mihi hi b k h m a hi hi i i hi u hi hi nut ____________________ Riddle and children. Mr. and Mrs. I Miss Maxine Smith returned last P. J. Mootz and family, Mr. and Horse Sale Success— week to Burlington, Iowa after a Mrs. Paul Thomson and family, One hundred and fifty horses visit with friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Seuell, Mr. were sold at the horse sale held at here. USE THE and Mrs. FYank Nedbalek and the Nyssa Livestock Commission j The Intermediate Scouts went Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans company bams Sunday, June 24 on an overnight camping trip Fri and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas highest price was $ 265 , paid day evening. Emily Otis and Ar Evans and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. The for a two-year-old palomino. After lene Peterson are leaders of the John Lane of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. the sale Frankie Wolf, local rider, Scout troop In the absence of Mrs. Harry Wood and Horace and the rode Seven Devils. As recompense Nevlns. hosts and the honoree. Max Le for the ride, the crowd contributed I Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch and Orande showed several souvenirs $52 to Wolf, who left that night , family were Sunday guests at the and related some Interesting ex- for Boise to enter the service. ,K. I. Peterson home. . pierences. Lunch , was served at the sale by FOR The Dan Holly family spent sev The Farmerette club meeting Mrs. Gladys Cooper and lemonade eral days vacationing last week o n ! was well attended last Wednesday was sold by the Owyhee Riding the north fork of the Malheur | BEST, FASTEST AND CLEANEST MILKING. [ river. j Howard Hatch left Tuesday to | GREATEST TIME AND LABOR SAVING drive the bus to Corvallis, taking a j group of 4-H club members to th e ' CLEANEST QUALITY MILK 'annual summer school. John Holly went to Caldwell LOWEST COST PER YEAR OR USE Wednesday evening for a meeting of the rock and mineral collectors It is about time to think of your sacks, twine organization. 1. The DeLaval Magnetic Speed-way Milker Mr. and Mrs. Dave Matthews and storage. received word that Carroll Mat saves at least half the time and labor of milking thews had received body burns a given number of cows by hand and frequently from a gasoline explosion, but ex We will have a big supply of sacks and twine pected to be back at his work as more. radio supervisor. and also plenty of storage for your wheat, oats The Howard Hatch family en tertained the Dennis Patch family and barley. 2. Furthermore, this milker is a safe and de at dinner Monday evening. Mrs. M. L. Kurtz was elected to pendable milker in the hands of any operator, the high school board at the school We will be in the market to buy all kinds election Monday. She replaces J. G. regardless of experience and can be installed Lane. of grain at any time. The Wm. Looney family were in any barn. ¿,gj| Monday evening dinner guests at the Francis Deffer home. COAL WILL BE SHORT THIS WINTER ihe Gate City Journal K LA S8 THURSDAY, JtTlV 28,1945