THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L PA G E SIX T*- 4 | Miss ” Ctaudlne ' TH U R SD AY, JUNE 21, 1945 i T . birthday. H ie party was also In S A LE — Weed-free head- Marty McKtm of Tacoma visited Tomlinson played Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Olbson and hQnor q( hgr KraIKlnlother Mrs FO R 'strains of the wedding march at children, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe L Q poulson whoM btrthday was gates and oheckgates. Nyssa Tile Mr. and fA rs. E. E. Crocker and the piano. Miss Verna Ruth Find- Kellogg and family of Ontario and same day. out-of-tow n guests and Pipe Co. Located north of over the week-end at the home of 21J2xp ling, the groom's sister, was maid Virgil Seward and baby. , were anq Mrs. Milton Carver Polar Cold Storage. Mrs. Mary Coulter. Mr. W hittet 9 and children o f Ogden. Darlene ot honor, and her friend, Walter Is a nephew of Mr. Crocker and M A R R Y IN TEMPLE received many lovely gifts. Lunch Returns H o m e - Obendorf. was best man. Miss Lois Mitchell, daughter of was served 20 guests. Mrs. M cKim is a daughter of Mr. Mrs. Oscar Anderson returned to Following the wedding cere- Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell, be and Mrs. Orocker. Nyssa Monday after undergoing a ... . niony the couple were tendered a came the bride of Rosel Anderson, H A P P Y E IG H T MEET Oernhardt, who read the ring cere- H . LOCAL COUPLE M ARRY ---------— -------- ,ee«ptlon at the home of Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ander The Happy Eight Pinochle club major operation at Nampa. Prior Corp. Lawrence Bernard Find- mony of the Methodist church. Mrs R,ude-liclc. Mrs. Lucille Norcott son, Wednesday, June 20. when Expected Home— met at the home of Mrs. Tom Eld to returning home she spent a week ling, son o f Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miss Rudeiick. whose parents i and Mrs gem ard Frost poured. their marriage was solemnized in John Oernhardt, son of Rev. and redge Friday. Mrs. Jamison was a convalescing at the home of her Findhng, and Miss Mary Rudeiick live in Salt Lake City, is a neice The bnde and groom cut a three- the Salt Lake temple. Mrs. A ll Mrs. H. J. Gernhardt, Is expected guest. Mrs. Emil Stunz won high daughter. Mrs. Richard Morse. were united in marriage June 11 of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rudeiick. j (ler wedding cake, derson Is employed by the Wilson |and Mrs. Dave Mitchell the travel- j home today from San Diego, where at 2 p. m. In the Methodist Com- j The bride was given in marriage j The bride wure an afternoon Brothers clothing store here and lng prize. Lunch was served to Relatives Visit-- he has finished his ■'boot" training munity church, by the Rev. H. J. by her uncle, Nick Rudeiick as j frotk oi floral patter and small Mr. Anderson is assisting his fath eight guests. The club will meet Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whittet and ! white hat with a shoulder length er on the farm. Both have attend June 29 at the home o f Mrs. Ira son of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. in the navy. veil, and carried a bouquet of ed the Nyssa high school. Ure. - I - n : J : " /~ I " L 11 white carnations, gardenias and DROW NS ENTERTAIN sweetpeas. G ARD EN CLUB ELECTS Miss F*lndling wore a short a f Mr. and Mrs. H. B. William of I Mrs John Timmerman of Newell ternoon frock with a corsage oi Newell Heights were Sunday guests yj«?bjhts entertained the A. N. K. loses and gardenias. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Q arden ciup Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Corporal and Mrs. Flndllng left Drown. They have sold their farm McPartland spoke on “Carnations” after the ceremony for a short and have moved to Nampa. and Mrs. Garret St am spoke on honeymoon. They expect to leave - 8 - T h e Siberian Iris". V fS .C S . MEETS for Kingman, Arizona, where Cor- Mrs. Maurice Judd was elected Three rough carpenters needed for essential The W S .C S . of the Methodist president for 1945-46, Mrs. Sid !<oral Flndllng will be stationed in the signal office at the Kingman church will meet at the home of Flannagan, vice president, and Mrs. army air field. He served with the Mrs. H. C. Bennett June 28 at Charles Newbill. secretary-treasurer. construction job at Payette. Wages $1.25 an army in the Pacific theater of war 2 p. m. Mrs. Walter McPartland New members o f the club are Mrs. for two and one-half years. His will have charge of the program. W. H. Bunch of Adrian and Mrs. NYSSA GYMNASIUM bride was formerly employed in the Afterwards a social time will be Sid F'lannagan and Mrs. Walter Me hour. Two months work. Nyssa branch of the First National held. Those attending are asked Partland of Nyssa. Mrs. Robert Benefit of Building Fund to take their needle work. bank of Portland. Overstreet, Sr., and Mrs. Dennis A miscellaneous shower was - - Patch were made honorary mem Transportation available from Nyssa each day E NTE R TAIN CLUB given In their honor Thursday eve bers, Admission $1 per couple, including tax Mr. and Mrs Grant Rinehart | Thg club wjl, meet wlth Mrs ning at the home of Mrs. Bernard Frost, with Miss Verna Ruth F*md- entertained Sunday evening at din- ' Crandall of Nyssa in Juiy . Mrs I ling assisting. Lunch was served ner and bridge. Three tables of p feiler ^ Nyssa will be the speaic- ! to 20 guests. * bridge were in play, with prizes er —8— ¡going to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hart- CONTACT W ARREN KELCH, FOREMAN C IVIC CLUB MEETS I ley. Guests other than club mem- AN A P P R E C IA T IO N ! The Nyssa Civic club met at the bers were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lien- I wish to express my thanks and Ihome of Mrs. Garret Stam Wed- kaemper, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. appreciation to my friends for Inesday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Coad Sohlreman and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- their cards, letters, beautiful flow Box 105, Nyssa, Oregon 1 pave a report on the last legisla- 11am Wahlert. ers and prayers for my speedy | tive session which she attended, recovery from recent operation. E N T E R T A IN S FO R FRIE ND and spoke briefly on the measures Mrs. O. O. Anderson Mrs. H. R. Sherwood entertained to be voted on at the coming el ection. Mrs. Threlma Elliott of Ad- a few ladies at her home Saturday lo o Late to Classitv rlan demonstrated the making of honoring her house guest, Mrs. C. W A N TE D — T o buy a good two- corsages. Tea was served to 30 G. Wade of Seattle. wheel trailer. E. G. Osborn. Rt. 1, ladles, with Mrs. Henry Hartley - 8 — S T A K E DANCE PLANNED Nyssa. 21J2xp. and Mrs. E. C. Crandall In charge. L.DJS. members from nine cities, — 8 — Including Nyssa. constituting the FOR SALE-- Kimball bungalow EM PLOYES HAVE P A R T L The post office employes and Weiser Stake, are invited to at style piano. Excellent condition their partners held a party Tuesday tend a semi-formal dance In the »350. E. G. Osborn. Rt. 1. 21J2xp evening at the home of Mrs. Harry stake ballroom Friday, June 22, Sayles. In “cootie” Lloyd Lewis beginning at 9 p. m. All ward FO R LEASE-- Five-room house won high and Bernie Barnes the members and their friends will be with 50 acres pasture, small furn City streets will be oiled soon. ished house with 3*4 acres, also consolation prize. Lunch consisting admitted free of charge. trailer for sale.' Mrs. Thomson of strawberry shortcake and coffee To protect your cars, please stay o ff the - 8 - Rust ranch, on Owyhee. 21Jlxp L.D.S. T O HAVE P IC N IC was served to 16 guests. All members of the L.D.S. church Fresh Oil - - and their families are Invited to FK>R S A LE -- Guernsey cow. Been CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y The Nyssa chapter of the East participate In a picnic to be held fresh six weeks. W. W. Foster, west beginning at of gym. 21Jlxc. ern Star celebrated Its 25th an Saturday evening, niversary Monday evening, with 50 7:30 at the Apple Valley school Foot members and friends present. A grounds. The picnic Is sponsored LO ST and good riddance. candle lighting ceremony and hum by the officers of the Young Peo discomfort due to stiff-as-a-board orous program were conducted. A ple’s Improvement association, with work shoes disappears when you three-tier birthday cake, coffee Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Brower In change to Wolverine Shell Horse- and sandwiches were served. Mrs. charge of arrangements. A men's hides. Soft as old house slippers One and one-half hours of hilarious vaude W. E. Shireman, Mrs. Herbert softball game will be the first but tough as nails for money-sav Fischer and Mrs. Merritt Greeling feature followed by a program, In ing extra wear. Golden Rule. Nys ville entertainment in addition to the showing were In charge of the celebration, cluding several vaudeville acts, un sa. 1XC with Mrs. Shireman acting as der the direction o f T. Carol By bee. Each family will furnish their LO ST—Black and white Springer chairman. of the musical comedy, “ The Merry Monohans” . own lunch. spaniel. Goes by the name of Pep - 8 - per. Last seen with a small brown E N T E R T A IN A T DINNER dog at Adrian. I f found return to ATTEND S U T A H W EDDING Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett en- Admission only by war bond, bought in the tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cot- j Mrs. Wilford A. Bybee and child- Brown's Mercantile, Adrian. R e 21Jlxip. ton at Sunday dinner. ren left Saturday for Ogden, where ward. —J— | they will attend the wedding of Nyssa-Adrian area since the auction. HAVE DINNEIR GUESTS i Mrs. Bybee's nephew, Pvt. Dean FO R SALE— Morman hay derrick Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carpenter j Stocker. Mrs. Delbert Garner and and cable »65. J. F. Brown, Bridge 21J2xp. entertained at Sunday dinner f o r , two children accompanied them to Island. Buy your bonds now at the theater, bank, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge and Utah. FOUND--Suitcase containing wom son, Don, and Miss LaRue Nye. - - en's and children's clothing. Name B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HELD — 8 - post office or A lex’s place. E N T E R T A IN S A T BRIDGE Miss Darlene Pierce, daughter of Edgar Hankins appears on a Mrs. W. R. Campbell, Mrs. Ed of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Pierce of bottle of medicine, purchased in Frost and Mrs. Bernard F'rost, Apple Valley was honored guest a Caldwell drug store. Owner may Ju*t arrived—a large variety of davenos were co-hostesses at 11 tables of at a party given Monday afternoon have the suitcase and contents by bridge FYlday, five in the after- In celebration o f her seventh paying for this advertisement. 21J1 noon and six In the evening, at and platform rockers. Mrs. Campbell's home. In the a f ternoon • Mrs. George Salee won 'high and Mrs. Quinby second high. Four special prizes were given to Mrs. Burton, Mrs. R. G. Larson, Mrs. John Bishop and Mrs. Carl H. Coad. In the evening Mrs. Tom DOUBLE F E A TU R E Burningham received high and FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 22-23 Mrs. Tom Eldridge second high. Special prizes went to Mrs. Lucille The East Side Kids, yes the Gang’s all here... Blacksmithing and Steel Fabrication Norcott, Mrs. Oswald F'orbes, Mrs. Those rough, ready irresistable rascals in S. W. Abersold and Mrs. Joe “DOCKS OF N E W YO RK ’’ Maughan. Lunch was served. Owyh“ tee Riding Club CARPENTERS W A N TE D Dance Saturday, June 23 8 Lions Club Show Notice To Car Owners Monday, June 25 7:30 P.M. Nyssa Theater 8 City of Nyssa 8 NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Johnny Mack Brown Western “THE N AVAJO T R A IL’ Mat., Sat., 2:30 Atm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-He, Including Tax SUNDAY, JUNE 24 Laird Gregar and Linda Darnell in “HANGOVER SQ UARE” Special “ Let’s Go Fishing". Cartoon Mat., Sun.. 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax M ONDAY, JUNE 25 BOND PREMIERE Lions Club Fun-Fest Plus “THE MERRY M O NO H ANS’ ___________Admission by bond only — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, JUNE 26 Tom Neal and Roger Pryor in “THOROUGHBREDS” Bill Elliott, Alice Fleming and Bobby Blake in “CHEYENNE W IL D C A T ” Adm. 2Ce-9r, Inc. Tax W EDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JUNE 27-28 Bing “ ac-cent-tchu-ates the positive’’-- starts a tidal wave o f joy in this Bing, Bang, Beautiful Musical. Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton, and Sonny Tufts in “HERE COME THE W A V E S ” Adm. Evenings, 40e-9o, Including Tax Welding Service FAR E W E LL P A R T Y PLANNED The P T A organizations of the Adrian union high school district will give a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch and family Wednesday. June 27 at 8 o'clock in the high school building The party will be for all of the com munities o f the high school dis trict. Those attending are to pro vide cookies, sandwiches or mat erials for a fruit juice drink. Mr. Patch has been principal of the Adrian high school since the high school district was organized. F AR E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN The young people of the Nazarene church gave a farwell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Olbson. honoring Leroy Seward of Nyssa. Maro Ackeson of Emmett and Ralph Crane of Ontario. Sew ard and Crane will leave Sunday to enter the service. Ackeson Is home on furlough from the army. Fifteen years o f ex perience with some o f the largest construction companies in the Unit ed States. W e have the best of equipment and know ledge to take care of your repair and fabri cation problems. Portable equipment with speedy seiwice for that job that cannot be moved. Precision machine D avenos $69 50 £r up Platform Rockers $ 3 I5° 6• Up >