Classified Advertising RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. A lter one month one For FO R SALE—One Oliver drawn mower, One John binder, 6 foot cut, both in condition. E. R. Norman, ] W A N TE D -C h ildren ! Mrs. Earl Leach. horse Deere good Apple to care for. 7J3xP W ANTE D — Carpentering and re pairing. F. A. Johnson. H. E. Coll­ ins. Phone 122J. 31Mtfc. j j Parts W ANTED— Listings for modern houses. Have big demand. See 24Mtfc. 14J2XP Frank T. Morgan. Valley. Adrian Mrs. E. C. Larson and sons, j itary service. a nd family of Oow hollow, Mr. and j Cpl. Glascock has been working Mrs. Willard W hitt man and fam- Norman and Dale, left Friday ev­ 'ln the traffic dtvi ion of the PBS ily of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. ening for Ogden to vtsit Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Bunch of „ Wapato. Washington visited this ^anspoUatlon seed. n. which c o o r-, Wilbur Chapin and family and H. Larson's parents and other relatives. Many farmers in this community 1 week at the W. H. Bunch home in dinates a11 movtment o i P 61"50110' 1 C L° " ‘nSen ° f Wood Lak*' Nebr“ * are chopping their hay in the fields. Administrator of the estate of ¡Adrian. They arrived from Yakima. ®nd freight by air, water, rail and ka. Mrs. Loyal Fields of Boise visited , „ ...... kv motor vehicles. She wears the Among those shopping in Ontar- John Wade Robinson, Deceased. | whi.h they team ed by airplane the 'lo Monday sere Bob Newgen. W il- Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot, Jr., ' i ‘ om Portland. While in Portland rlb, on the African-Ediro-|bur c h a Pln » " d Kenneth Loren- Saturday evening. NOTICE OF F IN A L HEARING :they appeared in the Northwest pein th<,ater ribboll wUh two NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, Uiat j Neighbors. radio program to teU vice ntars, and three gold bars j COLUM BIA AVENUE Barbara V. Smith, Executrix o f| Qf 6 beir 14 years experience in for 18 months overtees service. Auto Repairing the estate of Std E. Smith, deceased, !. SiniTSDore where thev were in 1 cpl. Cpl. GiascocK Glascock was graouaieo graduated irom from ■ *®r' aI)d Mrs- Diok Oroot r e - _ has filed in the County Court o i l W j h„ - , v Nyssa h r * school In 1039 and from 1c* ‘ ved a lett" thls j Electric Welding Malheur County. Oregon, her first |flrUCt° rS ln the M:,I“ yan *em lM ry' Eastern Oregon College of Educa- I-“ ’ 1“ - » « - Corporal Loyal Fields.' and final account of her adminLs- , Bunch, a twin of W. H. Bunch tton at ^ G r a n d e In 1942. !stat he awarded a Lathe Work tration and that the 29th day o f 'o f Adrian, teaches in Wapato high ----------------------- ( certificate of merit for meiitorious . , „ , . . i __ . . . . 'service in support o f combat oper- June 1945 at the hour of 2 o'clock school. S iin s o f V a II a V At ations. Fields is stationed at an P. M. and the County Court Room j Mrs Don Patrick, the former ___ air base at Spinazzola, Italy. He in Vale. Oregon, have been fixed Jean Brown, has arrived in Adrian Colleen Hillis Is spending a week wrote that he had just returned for ^ L ^ h e l r m g ^ ^ ^ V ^ r e o u n t from Enid, Oklahoma. Lieut. Pat- visiting at the Harry Frye home fro ma vacation on the Isle of Nyssa, Oregon, which place is here- by designated as the place of bus- iness in all matters connected with | said estate. Robert P. Thompson. rent per word. Minimum, cosh in advance, is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS Saie PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL____THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1945 WANTF.D-- Listings on real es­ FO R SA LE —Smith-Corona port­ tate. We have sold everything we able typewriter, like new. V. W. had listed. Bernard Eastman. 19ttc n f d t h e ^ w h e T e n ^ L e r e ^ n ^ 11“ *«“ ’ a p,toU' ^ J ^ T ^ ttin g h a m Is spending | ^ Nyssa Civic club met Wed- 81 LubbOCk' Iexas a 30-day furlough at the home of nesday at the home o f Mrs. Garret Duus, Factory Auto Court. 14J2xp. WE P A Y H IG HE ST PRICES for ixi'son interested ln said estate 108 ^ . . . John de Goode of Ogden and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stam. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 , Pay­ ln Wrlt’ Merle Kygar of Owyhee visited Knottinghan, I Miss Norma Jensen of Boise FO R SALE—New radiator to fit ette. ing and be heard thereon. 12Atfc. Thursday at the C. G. Brown home. | Rev. R. L. Casseiman delivered came home Saturday to spend the Said account is for final settle­ 1534 or '35 standard Chevrolet. A l­ De Goode is a student at the naval his farewell sermon at the Assembly week-end with her parents, Mr. and I HELP w a n t e d Carry-all oper^ so John Deere number 2 mower, ator. Phone 05J11. Gannon Broth­ ment and upon being approved said academy at Annapolis. of God church Sunday morning. Mrs. Melvin Jensen. w, "th »'h T n ri! M r- and Mrs- Harvey Otis and i Mr. and Mrs Bob Newgen spent Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson good condition. G. H. Horn, 7th ers. 24Mtfc. nviri'* of the Executrix in acooixLmee with Emily enterlalned at dinner Wed‘ Sunday visiting in the Cecil Riddle and Dale were in Boise last week. and Locust, Nyssa. 14J2xp. GRAVEL, E X CAVATING ! h nesdi,y evening for the Dennis home in Nu-Acres. Mr. Mowerson received eye treat- he provisions o f the last will and and on Sund f , Kenneth Lorensen and ment. L. H. Snodgrass FO R SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. tesutnent of said deceased, anti Beaumont and Miss May fa^ er-in -law . H. C. Lorensen of ------------ -------- --------------------- General custom work, gravel, ex­ 220 or 440-3 phase motor and Lake, Nebraska were 0 n t. j I. cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2, said administration brought to a close and said Executrix discharged. , w , ___: S e i 'V i n centrifugal pump, size 3X2%, speed Nyssa. Oregon. 5 Counties 20Atfc Miss Arlene Peterson arrived in ario visitors Tuesday. Barbara V. Smith. 3000, complete with switch and Largest Stork of From Adrian Saturday. She has com- Mary Query spent three days Executrix of the estate of BUTCHERING starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen­ Genuine pleted her junior year at Oregon working last week at the W. F Custom butchering every Mon­ Sid E. Smith, deceased. trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M „ speed ¡State college. Morton home in Boise. 1150, complete with 15 horsepower day and Friday. Beef, sheep and Mrs. Betty Korman and daughter Mrs. Robert Ditty and sm all 1 Westing-house 3 phase motor, swit­ pork. Sanitary butchering guaran­ N O TICE OF HEARING, OWYHEE went to Boise last week-end for son, Byron Dean, came home Mon­ IR R IG A T IO N D IS T R IC T ch and starter. City o f Nyssa, teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must an extended visit. day from the Brittingham Nursing Parts come in Thursday or Sunday after­ Notice hereby is given, that there Oregon. lOMtfc. William Toomb and Dorothy and home in Ontario. noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No have been filed with the Board of Orders Shipped Immediately Berne Lorensen, who spent the FO R SALE—Small house east o f . i;tock accepted on butchering day. 1 Directors cf the Owyhee Irrigation 1 visited relatives in Ironside Sunday, lost few weeks in Nebraska work- tracks In Ward addition. $1000 j on e mile west of Nyssa on Alberta District, petitions lor inclusion into _ __. —__ ___ ___. . ,___, 1., _ : , . , Mrs. George de Haven entertained Ing, came home Tuesday morning cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jtfc. ¿venue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc the Owyhee Irrigation District, of , * _____ „ ___ . . 1 .. , , , , , , . . . , members of the young married and is to report to Portland this the tracts of land hereinafter set , , IT . , _ Phone 49 Payette. Idaho FO R SALE—Two 2-room houses week for -his physical examination s “f L.epal Advertisement I forth and that the owners of said with baths. Bernard Eastman. 7JUc before entering the navy. . 'tracts of land and the petitioners dy,erlan ( " h . ^ ‘day ey™ Rev. and Mrs. Casseiman returned NOTICE OF FIN AL are as follows: T F O R SALE— Small acreage, close Tuesday evening after spending a rr r* T 3 , t ¡handkerchi ef shower. SETTLEM ENT H. C. Boyer and Ople Boyer-- t Peterson family were in. good location, vineyard. Terms. few days visiting in Idaho. N O TICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that A. L. Atkeson. 24Mtfc. A well drill owned by A rt Grant m 32' TOWnShiP « “ dinner guests at t h e V a n k Hilda Louise Tensen, Executrix of n WS T t V e T of Boise is in optration on the t L Moore- All land in the l C^hUl hame In Nyssa. FO R SALE— Michael-Leonard gar­ the estate of Bettie Lafrenz, de­ Mrs. Norman Owing of Napa, Anton Myhr place increasing the den seed. Alfalfa, pasture and clover ceased, has filed in the County N 'i N W 'i , North of Frohman | seeds. Hollingsworth Hardware and Court o f Malheur County. Oregon, Ditch in Sec. 13. Township 18, S. California was a visitor at the C. depth of the present well. G. Brown home Friday. H. C. Lorensen. who has been her first and final account of her R. 45, E. W. M. Implement Co. 31Mtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Richards and dau- visiting his son, Kenneth Lorensen, administration an l that the 29th 1 Lino Uberuaga—S W 'iS W '4 W e can arrange for a o f! FOR SALE— 1938 1 . D. Interna­ day of June, 1945 at the hour of Seetion 26 Township 17 s ' R. 46. khter of Notus visited at the Will- and fam ily left the -first of the interest rate to you. tional trac tractor, one 14-foot 2 o'clock P. M. and the County E W M week for his home in Wood Lake, lam Ashcraft home Sunday. A great deal of damage was caus­ Nebraska. hydraulic scraper, one 16-foot Court Room in Vale, Oregon, have ! O. H. McClellan and Hannah ed in this vicinity by the hail Irwin Wolfe came Friday evening field cultivator, one 10-foot Wheat- been fixed by the Court as the McClellan—E S S E N of Section 8 . storm that occurred June 9. land disc plow. Phone 05J11. Gan­ time and place for the hearing of -to spend his furlough with his Township 18. S. R. 45, E. W. M. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe, non Brothers. 24Mtfc. said account and any objection., | Herman Welker—NW !4SW ',i of that may be filed thereto, when Section 10. Twp. 17, S. R. 47, E. W. Barbara returned Monday from the and other relatives. STO R AG E — Consolidated Freight- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. and where any person Interested M, and NEUSEV4 of Section 9, coast, where Mrs. Hatch attended ways buildti'o, First street. See the cannery school at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and in said estate may appear, file Twp. 17. S. R. 47. E. W. M. Jake at the Fix-It shop. 24Mtfc the Harry Russell family of Cow Hollow. Mr. and objections in writing and be heard 1 That the prayer of each of said They visited . . .. . „ I petitions and petitioners is that f » « “ 1* and relatives in Portland Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, and Mrs. F OR SALE— Eureka vacuum clean­ thereon. Willard Whittman and children of Said account Is for final settle­ Ian order be made by the Board of er. Jake's Fix-it shop. 14Jtfc. ret™ * ment and upon being approved Directors of the Owyhee Irriga- “ r and Mrs. Frank Parr Mr. Nyssa attended the Nebraska pic­ said estate will be closed, a dis­ tion District that the lands des- and “ rs Henry Hartley and Mr nic at the park In Caldwell Sun­ tribution made of the remaining cribed in each of such petitions and Mrs. W alter McPartlana of day. Charles and Robert Ditty hauled FO UND —A certificate of discharge assets and the executrix discharged and as hereinabove set forth, be Nyssa were Monday dinner guests at the Dennis Patch home. seed potatoes from Baker Wednes­ issued by the department of comm­ Hilda Louise Tensen. j included within the boundaries of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter trans­ day and Thursday. erce. bureau of marine inspection Executrix of the estate of 'said Owyhee Irrigation District. acted business in Ontario Satur­ Prayer meeting was held W ed­ and navigation, to Nicholas J. Rad- Bettie Lafrenz. deceased. ! Notice Farther Is Given, That nesday evening in the T. H. Brewer onich. Owner may. have certificate Flr t. pub. May 31. said petitions will be heard and day. Mr. and Mrs. George de Haven home in Owyhee. by paying for this advertisement. Last pub. June 28. 1945 considered by the Board of Direct- __________________ and family visited relatives in Ont­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen 21 Jlxc i ¡ors of the Owyhee Irrigation Dis- Phone Parma 6J2 Sunday. entertained at supper Monday ev­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS j trict at its regular meeting to be ario Charles Damon. C. S. K . of the ening Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker W ANTED ¡N O TIC E HEREBY is given, to the held on Tuesday the third day of navy, and Mrs. Damon are visiting creditors and all persons interested . ___ WANTED Furnished apartment in the estate o f John Wade Robin­ July 1945 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. a t , the district office in Nyssa, Ore- j at^ . b e ^ h'^lp „ I^ 1^ a,l I _b<^ ec by June 25. Veteran world war 2 son. deceased: that the under­ The W. H. Bunch, Henry Reuter, end wife. No children or pets. R. signed has been appointed Admin­ gon and all persons interested or Dave Matthews and Dan Holly desiring to object thereto, are. F. Lay, route 1. Box 156. Ontario. istrator of the estate o f John notified to appear at the O ffice' aml» « at B .unoh 14JJ2XP. Wade Robinson, deceased and has aforesaid, at the time and place ° r ..p icn ic supper Sunday even ng above stated, and show cause, ln f bonor of the Dpnnis Patch W A N TE D — Bn!e1 hay. Cash paid qualified as such. All persons having claims against writing, if any they have, why fa ™Uy' . . . _ . __ . t rn delivery. Fee H. van Egmond at said estate are required to present the prayers of said petitions and I Ady,an C' f , mptr at ^ Ral«e P tyelte Lumbpr Co. or phone each of them should not be grant- home of their pack leader, Donald the same with the proper vouchers 255M. Ontario after 7 p. m. 21J2xc. , Elliott Thursday evening. ! duly verified within six months W A N T F D -- Baby calves. Phone No. ! of tne date of the first publication ' Dated this 5th day of June 19451 W W. SmlM who has been ill nt the home of his daughter. Mrs. fO l-F il and I will come after them. ! of this nolice, to the undersigned by order of the Board of Direc­ Alvin McGinnis, is improving in O. P. Cotinsil, route 2. Nyssa. 21Jtfc at the office of A. L. Fietcher in tors. health. Frank T. Morgan, Secretary, j Me Cluer-Manser E. W. Pruyn Nyssa, Oregon Concientious Guidance W e feel it a privilege to be of the greatest help possible to those who come to us for ser­ vice. All details for outstandingly beautiful services can be entrust­ ed to our care. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME FARMERS DO YOU NEED MONEY? long term loan at low Bernard Eastman FOR PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING CALL Found J.E . Brower Professional 4M Business Directory J E W E L R Y STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE OPTOM ETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL “ S tf M< Fall and So* Better' Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Tim e inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON george J ackson MODERN W A TC H D E P A IR IN G j State Licensed Watchmaker O N TA R IO , OREGON 3% blocks N. of City Hall EYESIGHT SPE C IALIST O N TA RIO OREGON PH Y S IC IA N S ~ ~ SARAZTN C LINIC J. J. Sarazin. M. D. General practice of medicine X -ray Physiotherapy L. A. Muulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone $7 Hnurs- 10 to 12 and t to 8 Daliv—Except Sunday Fry Building HAY BUYER DENTISTS W . F. Jahn Dealer in hay and grain No. 5, Factory Court Phone 68M Opposite sugar factory J. R. C U N D A L L Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON Owyhee Irrigation District. First pub. June 7. 1945. Last pub. June 28, 1945. LT. S U N D Q U IS T TO R E A CH HOM E SO O N N O TTCE OF F IN A L SE TTLE M EN T Fred SundquLst. who lives near ESTATE OF E. M. BLODGETT. Nyssa, has reported receiving a let- DECEASED er recently from his youngest son. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that it. Victor V. Sundquist, who was B. T. Frost, the Administrator recently released from a German with the will annexed of the estate prison camp on the Baltic coast. o f E. M. Blodgett, deceased, has Previously reported by the govem- filed In the County Court of M al­ nent as missing and later a pris­ heur County. Oregon, his report oner of war, Lt. Sundquist was of his administration with his captured when the plane of which first and final account, and that he was navigator was shot down the 14th day o f July, 1945 at the over Munich while serving with hour of 10 o'clock a. m. and the the 15th air force based ln Italy. County Court Room at Vale, Ore- The letter stated that when Lt. Î gon has been appointed by the Sundquist's German captors retreat- Court as the time apd place for I ed the advance of the al- j the hearing of same and any ob - 1 jjed army prisoners of the camp ! jections that may be filed by any 1 were behind. The next day a | person Interested, where and when Rusian army in, took poss- they may appear, file objections ^ es 8 jon and provided everything the in writing and be heard thereon. | prisoners requested, even driving Said account is for final settle- | ¡n a band 0f cattle and in bluster- 1 ment and upon being approved I )ng good humor, telling them to eat and settled, said estate will be a]j tbe meat they wanted, distributed in accordance with the | letter the first received provisions of the last will and from the officer since the one that testament of said E. M. Blodgett,' was rpeej Vpd through the Red Cross j and the estate closed, and said jn December, stated that he would Administrator discharged, be home soon. B. T. Frost, 1 A Administrator of the estate of a m i n i s i r a i o r 01 t n e e s t a t e 01 t . t t £- ic i r < I » O f O r i V T f \ E. M. Blodgett. With the Will MISS GLASCOCK TO RETURN TO NYSSA annexed. 1st pub. June 7, 1945. Corporal Gloria Belle Glascock of Last pub. July 5, 1945. route 1, Nyssa, will soon return home after completing 18 months [ Fish At Unity— Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drown and ¡of service wttti the penlnmilar tose section, the main army service force family and Dale Ashcraft of Adrian in the Mediterranean theater of were on Rose creek and West Camp 'operations. creek over the week-end on a fish­ Cpl. Glascock, who has been in the army since March, 1943. Is ing trip. returning under the army's point system. Fly To Utah— She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William J. Be us went to Ogden by plane over the Mrs. Anna J. Glascock. She taught week-end and visited friends and In the elementary school in Elgin elatives there. | Oregon prior to entering the m ll- j Phone Nyssa 95J the left sleeve of the uniform worn b y passenger conductors, brakemen and flagmen are the insignia indicating length of service; a star for tw enty-five years, a bar for each fiv e years. The proud possessors of "stars and bars" help to form the solid foundation of a rail­ road's personnel. Because of their intimate knowledge of operating rules, equipment and e many situations and prob­ lems they have met and solved ey are of tremendous assistance to younger men. A m o n g the 6 5 ,0 0 0 U n ion P a c ific em ­ ployes there are approxim ately 7 ,0 0 0 " o l d tim e rs "— representing all depart­ ments— w ith tw e n ty o r m o re years o f nr# nocMssnrt U N I O N PACIFIC RAILROAD s e rv ic e . T h e s e e x p e r ie n c e d em ployes have, in a large measure, been respon­ sible for the enviable record maintained b y Union Pacific in the face of wartime conditions. The transportation of many thousand train­ loads of troops and materials ovj * the Strategic M id d le Route, uniting the tcct with the West Coast, calls for the wisdom and cool judgment of maturity coupled with the ambition and tireless energy of younger em ployes. Union Pacific is proud of its employes, regardless of length of service, for the jo b th e y are d o in g to h elp s p e e d th e hour of victory. all