Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, June 21, 1945, Image 1

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N Ö T23'
'C A TTLE REGISTERED I n i.o| R p w i H p n t «
P r o tp < * fin n O F
2 Witnesses Are TO
IVLSJl,U , U h
Called In Case The Adrian community cannery Juveniles Topic
Approximately 50 head ol cattle
Against Bailey
Meeting have betn reiisU'red for the Nyssa On Two Measures
v j i
; use
______ L.
| dairy show to be held June 29 and
Murder Trial Testimony Reuter- agriculture instructor at
To R e Completed This ,A:iHan hish S£h0°1' has announced Committee Chairmen El- sta rs
1 T'
hn r cannery,
n n n p r v . located i in
n the Ad­
AH - !
/x A o i- O A n m ' » «
I | irrnunHs
at Session of
I building
rian ag, shop, will be conducted by
County Board
Plans Outlined
For Lions Club
The band concerts, scheduled to |
have been given by the Nyssa band, I Vaudeville Show
Schools, Building Fund
’Z - S T S S Purchase of Bonds For
win te bunt on the school Tr,
‘p() i3enefit
Riinofo From
L'.nm Favor-
Favor. cancellation
....... ....
Admission Urged Be-
the concert
pst n
unfit» s school
ehnnl 1
■ .
of f th#»
the ff grade
planned for Friday night of this
fore Monday
for exhibiting the animals.
been Henry Reuter and Mrs. Howard
The city has been contributing
Judging will be done on the lawn.
Residents of Nyssa and other
Olea Billings, director o f the
H ath , with Mrs. Henry Reuter
The problem of juvenile protec- j
sections of Oregon will vote Friday f 1® a c“ nc*rt for the band ent er- ( c l u b fun_fest
^ presented
called up to Wednesday afternoon
as assistant.
by District Attorney E. Otis Smith - The cannery will be open to any- tlon and Juvenile «“ inquency ‘ " a n
A II P i
of this week at a special election <jnue the appropriation The money
#he Nyssa theater next Monday
in the state ’4 case against Kenneth J one in the county who wishes to Malheur county was the topic ot |
L± ~ 1 1 V 1 U U I J l I S
on two measures referred to the ttas used o n
o r ***. “ 8
. ..
" .
war loan campaign, announced to-
Bailey, charged with murder in can food for home consumption, discusison at the county Parent- j
peopie by the legislative assembly, of the band. Mr. Davis said.
' day lhat aU arrangements have
connection with the death of Ser- No charge will be made except for Teacher board of managers meet-
The bills are designed to raise
Large crowds, considering the been con>pieted for the
_, .
, ..
_ | the cans used.For fruits and veg- ing, which was held Saturday, June !
ize of the town, have been attend­ which will be opened at 7:30 p. m.
money for support of the public
grant Ted Chambers of the Oregon e(ables No 2 can3 will
7 cents j e in Uie Conklin school building !
ing the concerts.
state police force in the
Annex ^
No ^
g cents For ,n Ontario
June 25.
schools ana lor a state building
| The vaudeville will be presented
schoolhouse near Weiser April 29. meat8 No 2 cans will ^ 9 cents
Mrs Maurice L. Judd of Adrian,
Thirty-two 4-K club members liudd-
Mr. Smith said he expects to
in connection with the showing of
and No. 2 'i cans 10 cents.
j newly elected president, said, "Par- d local leaders ot Malheur coun. \ The proposals are as follows:
1 » n i r* A t t # » n H p H
call four other witnesses in the
the feature picture, "The Merry
I Special equipment, including a
r O / xi • J
Monohans". a war bond premiere.
trial which is now underway m
peg huller_ meat grlnder and fruit enlle protection committee which
,w leit Tuesday moaning to attend
Admission to the show will be
Uie circuitcourt In Vale, with Judge
juicer b belng installed. has sponsored youth organizations
<he annual 4-H summer school
Purpose: Levies tax lor two years
by bond only. Bonds may be pur-
M A. Biggs presiding. Prospects
Canning appointments may be as a protecUon against delinquency
held at Oregon Staite college June outside limitation fixed by section
The PTA organizations of the chased at ^
theater, the bank
indicate lhat the taking ot test- mflde any time after the opening and we feel this is a very import - ! 20 to 29 •
|U. article XI, Oregon constitution,
iniony will be completed this week- d£Up Js aIlnounced by calling the ant phase of our work. However, I As many of the housing facilities of $5,000,000 annually, creating state' Adrian high school district spon- 11081 0,flce or Alex's place in Nyssa
end, but arguments of attorneys
^ various problems have been brought 1 —
Holly at Adrian
on the Oregon State coliege cam -j building fund of $10,000,000, to be sored a clinic Tuesday, June 12.
high yrhool or contacting Henry
may not be concluded Saturday iReuter OI Mrs. Howard
to our attention and perhaps °we Pus are being used for military I offset by income taxes; approp- j The clinic was attended by 53 Any bond purchased since the uuc-
could do more."
personnel it was necessary to limit riating $6,000,000 for the construe- children. Some of the children re- tion sale wi" be consldered an ad"
Selection of the jury was com- j
A letter from County Judge Irwin the number of club members at-;tion, alteration and repair of build- celved examinations by the phy- mission ticket. A. O. Wells, war
pleled Wednesday morning. Judge I > , , _ L, „ „ „
I ,''l „ ,.4 „ A
Troxell. in which he expressed an tending summer school. Each coun- ings required for state institutions sician. Dr. Maulding. Others were bond campaign chairman, said
l..ggs then ordered the jurors to l i l l i i l l l l i r 1 j 1 C C t f l l
interest in the PTA juvenile pro - 1 ty has been given a quota based under the jurisdiction of the state given smallpox and diphtheria Pro­ those who are buying bonds regu­
be taken to the Annex schoolhouse j
tection commitee and a desire to| °‘> the number of members en- board of control, and for furnishing munization and Schick tests. Mrs larly by payroll deductions will also
in order that they might better j
meet with such a group was read. rolled in club work. As Malheur and equipping such buildings; app- Edna Farris. County public health ^ adm>tted All they will need will
understand the oral testimony a t !
I** the recetPt from their place
A new Juvenile protection com- county has a relative large en-jiopriating $ 1 , 000,000 for the con- nurse, later read these tests.
Mrs. Farris was aided at th e,0' employment stating that they
the trial. No court will be held
W. Buchner was re-elected as mittee was elected, composed of the uellment. her quota nearly reached structlon, alteration and repair of
lild a y because of the state-wide a member of the board of direc- I following members: Mrs. Dick Jen- the average attendonce in pre- buildings required for institutions clinic by the following ladies of are buying bonds regularly. Mr.
fpe-lal election.
tors of school district No. 2GC in sen, Ontario; Mrs. A. P. Ackerman, war years.
under the jurisdiction of state board the Kingman Kolony PTA: Mrs. Wells also announced that any
The first witness for the state the annual school election held Ontario, and Ross Butler, Vale. The
The club
attending of higher education, and for furn- Guy Glenn, chairman of the summ- military personnel is invited to
vns Dr. Joseph Beeman of Port- Monday.
committee will investigate the pro- summer school from this county 1 siring and equipping such build- er round-up work, Mrs. Laurence,8ttend the entertainment as guests
lm J. state department o f law en-
Buchner, with 51 votes, noted blent and reuort its findings to 1 this year are going on scholar- , ings; continuing each approprla- Kreager, Mia. Oscar Schafer and o f the Lions club,
... .
..g . , I-; . a n
_ . _
. .
. . .
ixa 4
two top fa
of the pro­
li icement, who told of making a out g id Flanagan, a write-in can- the various local PTA units.
An ] ships awarded by some sponsor- j tion until expended.
1 4rs. D. W. Patch,
will be the 20-
plat and drawing of the basement dfdate. whose supporters apparent- invitation will be issued
to all | ing organization and won by the | BILL AUTHORIZING CIGARETTE I The
clinic was well organized.
c.t die schoolhouse, showing the jy conducted an active campaign service clubs in the county interest­ club member in county-wide com- TAX
PUBLIC due to the previous conferences minute old-time ‘‘ mellerdrammer"
location of the coal bin in the for hLs election without formally ed in youth to send a representative petition. Donors of these scholar- SCHOOLS--Purpose: Levies tax of in each of the school districts. Mrs. kit, with an all male cast (de­
northwest corner, the stairway on announcing his candidacy. Flana- to meet with the group.
ships were Malheur county fair | one-tenth of one cent on every Parris haa held these conferences s‘Kned aM-raot the feminine bond
tlie south side and two closets gan, a farmer, received 38 votes,
As an effort to promote safety board, Ontario Commercial club, cigarette sold, offered for sale or to determine which children needed' bu^ers* and tbe bu'a dance- The
extending along the east well. N o , Buchner, elected for five years, education, die board voted to give Nyssa chamber of commerce, Mai- given away; requires dealers 10 examinations by a physician and [conyn^tee »olved
on« of its
attempt was made to locate the Wju retire as chairman of the a 4-H scholarship to summer school heur County Health association, affix stamps purchased from the also to encourage all children u, problems by finding two hula skirts
furniture because it had been mov- , board.
at Corvallis for the club member Farmers Supply Cooperative, Mai- state tax commission on all clgar- attend the clinic who were needing ; and faatenlnK them to» rth<‘ r to
Grange. I ettes and cigarette-vending mach- immunization of any type.
I Members of the election board carrying a health and safety pro heur
Imake one sklrt lar« e enou« h ior
Lloyd Lewis.
. The second phase of Dr. Bee- were Mrs. J. L. Church, chairman, ject and who had done the most Amalgamated Sugar company, and ines; provides for segregation of
Rehearsal held Tuesday night re-
stocks in interstate business; dir-
man's testimony pertained to the and Mrs. B. B. Lienkaemper, Mrs. outstanding work in safety. A $5 Nyssa and Ontario Lions clubs.
Class work in 4-H
summer ects administration and enforce- O v I J 5 V C I I I I 1 3 1 U n I l C vealed that the barber shop quartet
autopsy. The expert did not exam- w . R. Campbell and Mrs. G. J. prize will also be offered for the
‘ may “ steal the show’’, because ttiey
ine the body of Sergeant Chambers Mitchell.
I best contribution to the promotion school tills year will be devoted ment of the act and provides pen-
are really “sending solid".
until May 1. Four wounds were | The board, meeting
Tuesday ()| safety by any youth organiza- quite extensively to food produc- allies
for violation;
____ -
I Several numbers have been arr-
Lund, but the fatal shot was the night, approved the 1945-46 budget tlon ¡n yle county.
[tion, preservation, and conserva- procedure for the confiscation, sale
Sergeant Robert W. Browne, for- anged. They include Clnude Wlll-
one that penetrated the left eye as advertised.
j a new service, which the Mai- tion. Recreation activities will be and release or seized cigarettes and
merly of Nyssa, was killed in action son's dancing dolls (not live ones),
and emerged from the back o
-------------------------- ¡heur County Parent-Teacher ass- streamlined to fit war-time con- vehicles; transfers all moneys in
the head during a gun battle in
ociation is offering to the local ditions.
I xcess of $5000 over administrative in Okinawa May 12, according to j “The Sow Song“ as presented by
which Bailey's companion. W. R.
I * G ( ) t ( ) 11 1 FI
¡units tills year is the speakers! Club members attending from j expenses to the state public school information received by friends ; Wayne Morris, accordlan selections.
Reed Ray, and vocal solos, Henry
Huffey, was killed and two officers
bureau, which will make available this county are: Betty Lou Parker, ' assistance fund; and directs dis- here.
Sergeant Browne was a son of Hartley.
w rjw ou n d ed .
R p O -1111 T h i i i Y V p p k speakers on subjects of timely Eileen Barnes, E '-lyn Lang, Eleanor | ributton thereof.
Dr. Ray Tacke of Ontario, county ' * ' o 1 1 1 1 1
T " v A 1 V interest. Mrs. Kathryn Claypool is ; Reed, Shirley Russell.'“ Eleanor| The Oregon Congress of Parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Browne of j Although persons attending the
Heights, Vancouver, show may buy their bonds at the
coroner called to the scene of the j
'chairman of the activity.
Reed. Patsy Lting. and
Anita'and Teachers has gone on record McLoughlin
¡hooting the afternoon of April 29,
Oiling of ihe Nyssa streets will
The f 0 ixowing committee chair- Barnes of Grove community; Col- j as being in favor of the cigarette former managers of the Baldridge Iheiter Monday eves'.mg. F r. WeHs
Implement company in Nyssa.
¡urges purchase of the bond», before
said he found the body of Sergeant br stalled this week by the Morri-
mpn were elected U) serve f0f ¡.he 1 een Stokes. Ellen Judd. Ross Lane, tax measure.
Chambers near the doorway, with son-Knudsen company of Boise.
comjng year: program, J. L. T u r n -‘ Donald Elliott, Jimmy Wilson, Les- 1 Frank W. Parr, executive secre- Sergeant Browne, who was 20 show time,
the feet extending in an easterly City Manager E. K. Burton said.
bull Ontario; membership, Rev. - ter Parker,
and tary o f the Oregon State Teachers years old, was graduated from th e! John Holly, Adrian war bond
m .Adrian;
m m round-
m m , Ivan
m m Jensen,
m . „ of _
. ■ ■ that
■ the two Nyssa high school in 1943. He par- chairman, reported that more than
direction and the head up under Eight and one-half
miles of j p . ■ Nevin
Kolony: ‘ __________
association . contends
Witty and
and Carol
Carol Witty
Witty of
of state
state measures
measures appearing
appearing on
on the tidpated in football, basketball and $25,000 worth of bonds have been
some broken chairs
in a comer street has been bladed and in uu Mrs
Mrs. Dick
Dick Jensen
Jensen, Ontario'
Ontario; ¡Joe
Joe Witty
— ■
— “ ■ ballot
. ..
-• track.
- — ■-
sold in that section. A few districts
of the room.
some cases gravel applied, in PreP" Igoai3i Mrs. W. O. Roehr, Annex;'Lower Bend: Elaine
"are of ...............
vital importance to
Members of tthe Jury are Mrs. aration for the oiling, which will xeglslative Mrs R R Belknap. Ont- S hoites, and Rosemary Reed of Oregon's public schools.”
I Besides his parents. Sergeant have not reported.
Agnes Holly, Mrs. Elizabeth Groot, be done with a dust palliative road
ario; pulJUcity Mrs. W. L. Me- Brogan; Nola Caverhill and Orval ( The polls will be open from 8 Browne is survived by two sisters.
Mrs. Nova Glenn, Earl Blackburn, oil, which does not provide a hard
Parl'land Nyssa; better school lun- Caverhill of White Settlement; a. m. to 8 p. m. in the usual Nyssa lardila and Barbara, and a broth­
M. J Blackburn, Joe Harris, Fred surface.
|ch Mrs j rpne Makinson, Ontario; Harold Richmond of Cairo; lone voting places: No. 1, in the city er, Jerry.
Ciinman, Ella Jones,
F. W. Smith,
The city will be able to apply pubncat|orlSi Miss Lillian Nisbet. Robbins and Doris
of hall: No. 2 in the Eagles hall, and
John Yvarzabal, B.
W. Knlghten 20,000 gallons of oil at a cost only Ontario; magazine, Mrs. Wesley Lincoln; Carol Ramsey of Jeffer- No. 3 in Addle Wilson's residence, FORMER RESIDENT
and Rally Van Buren, with A. T. slightly greater than would be re" ,m anton, Lincoln; Juvenile pro-Ison; Margaret Belgarde and Joe Only one board has been appointed
Munson as alternate.
jquired for water.
Itectkm, Mrs. Dick Jensen, Ontario, 1 Allison of Harper; and Mayann in each precinct, so that the day OF N YSSA /PASSES
A gasoline transport truck and
Hailey is represented by A. L. | Automobile owners are urged t o land 4_H ciubs, e . M. Hauser, Ont- Wroten of Jordan Valley. Mrs. board will count the votes after
Mrs. Anton DeVines, a former trailer owned by Gordon Ray of
Fletcher of Nyssa and Charles W. keep their cars off the fresh oil ariQ
Harry Billups of Annex is the 4-H he balloting has been completed,
Nyssa resident, died at her home Twin Falls and Dewey Ray of
Swan of Vale.
¡for at least 24 hours. Oil coating
Mrs. Hilda Tensen, local regis­
leader with the delegation.
in Everett. Washington June 10, Baker, sons of Mrs. Stella Butler
jon a car is expensive to remove, Here From Corvallis—
trar, announced that the registra­
according to information received of Nyssa, overturned and the driver,
Water Users Warned—
I Mr. Burton stated.
tion books will be opened again
Don Eldredge. son of Mr. a n d ; Here From Rupert—
by friends here.
¡Floyd Milton Sanders of Baker
Water users are requested to I
Mrs. Tom Eldredge, arrived h om e! Mrs. A. C. Duffin of Rupert, the day after the election in the
Mrs. DeVines had been in poor ¡was killed on Midvale hill. 18 miles
observe city restrictions on water Injured at Work--
Sunday merning for a 10-day va- ! Idaho was in Nyssa last week vis- city hall for Arcadia, Owyhee and health for several years. She is sur- north of Weiser Friday afternoon.
as to hours on Sunday as on other | Kenelh Phifer threw one of
cation. He will then go to school iting her sister. Mrs. Damon Sav- Nyssa precincts.
Sanders, home on 60-day con­
vived by her husband; a daughter,
days of the week. Water may be legs out of place while shoveling
Boulder, Clorado to continue ge. She and Mrs. Delbert Garner
Mrs. C. W. Bonham, and a grand­ valescent leave from the navy, was
used in all parts of town on Sunday gravel for Prank Freel of Adrian bjg studjes 0{ business and indus- were Friday visitors at the S. P. Visits Relatives—
daughter, in Seattle, two sisters driving down the hill when the
during certain hours, but not be- this week. He will undergo an tries
Chief Petty Officer Charles Dam­
Bybee home.
accident occurred. The truck and
and a brother living in Holland.
¡operation in Boise next Tuesday.
on, storekeeper in the navy, and
tween 1 and 4 p. m.
trailer were loaded with 5000 gall-
and superior manner. His leader-
ns of gasoline.
Miss Frances Poster, who has
William Stover, Washington coun­
been attending the Westmont cou­
ON CASH FOR BONDS ity foreman, sitting in a pick-up
pon and skill in employing it have f
California is hère for her Ecoy of Spokane, Washington and Adrian. Damon, who ihas been in
alongside the highway, was badly
made him one ol the most val- vacation. Her sister, Grace, w ho' their children are visiting their the navy for six years, will return
Savings depositors of the First burned by the flaming gasoline,
liable soldiers in 'his company. Pfc. has been visiting in Los Angeles for ! parents. Mr. and Mrs. George to San Francisco and then go to National bank of Portland have which became ignited in the acc­
Fenn's courage and devotion to the past two weeks came w ith : Schweizer of route 2, Nyssa.
ea again.
been given an added incentive to ident.
duty have been a substantial con­ her. At the present time Frances
make additional purchase« of war
Funeral services were held for
tribution to the excellent combat is in Caldwell doing Bible school Council Men Speak Here—
Here From Portland--
(bonds before the end af the curr- Sanders In Baker Wednesday.
Clarence Aston of Ontario and
record maintained by his regiment work for Rev. R. G. Chandler.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eachus and fn t seventh war loan drive, accord-
C. L. Gilchrist were members of family of Portland are visiting Mrs. ing to O. J. Mitchell, manager of
during this period and reflects
the Weiser stake high council who Eaohus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. the Nyssa branch
great credit upon himself and the Guests Are Here—
r -
| "Depositors of our bank who A T LABOR CENTER
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Abersold had spoke at the L.D.S. services Sunday J. Bums of Nyssa.
military service.”
as overnight guests Thursday Mr. evening. DnrThel Bybee sang a
withdraw funds from their savings
¡CAMP WOLTERS TEXAS— David and Mrs. William Nichols and two vocal solo "Oh Lamb Of God", ac­ Visiting Relatives--
In the absence of the minister.
accounts between now and the 30th
companied by Mrs. Lloyd Lewis
W. Thomas, husband of Mrs. Mar­ children of Lewiston. Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowty of 0f June for the purchase of war the Sunday morning worship ser-
ie Thomas of Nyssa has arrived
Cashmere, Washington are visiting bonds will be paid full Interest on ' vice June 17 in the Boise Valley
Have Drill P ractice-
jat this infantry replacement train- Here From Wyoming—
at the home of their son, N. H. their deposits through the end of Community church developed into
Members of the Owyhee Riding Dowty of Owyhee comer,
ing center to begin his basic train -1 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stacey of
'June, even though the money is a symposium on the subject, “Op-
B-29 BASE, TINIAN—Lt. Loren E. Jng as an ¡nfantryman. He has V/orrlen, Wyoming stopped over­ club held a drill practice Sunday j
withdrawn before that time, which | »rtunttles for Religious Develop-
Earnest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer • been assigned to a battalion stress- night Monday at the home of Mr. afternoon at the stockyards here. Visiting Mother—
|Is the normal Interest payment ment in the Colleges of Today."
and Mrs. Bud Anderson on their .They also entered into some calf | Mrs. Alma Dean Walsh came to date," Mr. Mitchell said.
From this little church
L. Earnest of Nyssa, Oregon has ing rifle.
way to Vale. Mr. Stacey is M rs.'roping and other sport. Several Nyssa by airplane from San D iego' w ar
bond application
blanks which meets each Sunday morn­
been awarded the oak leaf cluster j
new members are Joining the club, last Tuesday to be with her moth-'.should
be presented to savings ing in the recreation hall at the
to the air medal for "meritorious j Jay S. Bybee is now on Luzon, Anderson's brother
er, Mrs. Ruth Brooks, who is ill In window tellers upon withdrawal of Adrian farm labor supply center,
super-fortress He says the natives are ready and
Will Give Dance--
the Nyssa Nursing home.
Mrs. funds so that full credit for Interest students have gone during the last
Attends Utah Funeral—
raids on Japan as a navigator with willing to exchange souvenirs,
The Owyhee Riding club will wilsh expects to return soon to her ¡earned may be credited to savings three years to 13 colleges in seven
Mr. and Mrs. Allred and family
a unit of the 21 st bomber command
states. This summer the following
Clarence Herrud of Nyssa has|went to Ogden Saturday to at- live a d U N in the Nyssa gymnas- duties as secretary to the super- accounts by the First National.
students have returned to the
Pfc. Delbert C. Fenn. son of been graduated from the naval air | tend the funeral of Mr. Allred's i im Saturday night, June 23. The vLsor of the public works depart-1
arms of this area and participated
Mrs. Aota A. Fenn of Nyssa has technical training center at Nor- j grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda Allred, proceeds will be placed in the build- ment, naval air station, in San Will Plcnlck -
been awarded a bronze star by man, Oklahoma with the rating of j
— —
(lng fund that the club is raLsing Diego.
The young adult group of the in the syposium: Miehlko
Methodist church will hold a pic­ Hamltne university: Noriko Kldo,
Major General Charles H. Ger- seaman, first class. He will now be Returns Home--
for construction of rodeo grounds. |
nic Sunday. June 24 at 2 p. m. at Kansas Wesleyan; Alice Nlshitanl.
hardt. division commander, for transferred to a naval unit afloat 1 Charles Doty of Portland has re- Savage’s orchestra will play for Attending Conference-
Link's Business school; Jean NLshl,
meritorious achievement in action.'or to another shore station for turned home after vLsiting for a the dance, which will be held from
Mrs. L. E. R/hblns, Mrs. H J. the city park at Nampa.
Hiram college; Yukl Take!, St.
Pfc Fenn is a machine gunner further instruction and work.
|week at the home of his sister, 9 to 12 p. m.
Gernhardt and MLss Katherine
Crandall are attending a leadership Go To U ta h -
Olaf's college, and Masako Endow.
Mrs. Frank Freel of Adrian.
for company D of the 116th infan­
l uncheons Cancelled-
training conference at the College
Mrs Kenneth Cottle and son, Taka Iwasaki and Chiyo Yamada.
I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker of
The chamber o f commerce lun- of Idaho at Caldwell today and Lyle, left this morning for Utah, College of Idaho.
Newell Heights have received lett- Parents of Boy—
The text of the citation reads:
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Taylor are clieons normally held on Wednes- Friday. Adult, youth and children's where they will spend their summ­
From 13
July, ______
1944 to 5 February ers from their sons. Leroy and
1945 in Normandy. Brittany and Melvin, who are now with the army the parents of a son born June 15 ¡day of each week, will be cancelled work will be discussed by three er vacation. They will visit friends Shop At Boise—
Mr and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and
western Germany. Pfc Fenn has o f occupation in Europe. Leroy is in the Brittingham Nursing home ¡until after the Fourth of July be- noted apeakers from the national and relatives at Lewiston. Logan
performed hLs duties as heavy at Kitslngen. Germany with the in Ontario. The baby weighed 8 ¡cause of the rush of business at board of education of the Moth- and Ogden They will be gone sev­ daughters were Boise visitors Sat­
machine gunner in an outstanding!
(Continued on Page 5)
founds, 8 ounces.
¡the Gate City cafe.
odist church, Nashville, Tennessee. eral weeks.
Attend Summer
School Session
Joy 5t) Children'
School Director
Dies In Action
Ray Truck And
Trailer Crash
O ur Bovs In ship abiiity’ ku°wiedge °f his wea_
Th e Service