Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURKAf PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JUKE 14, 1945 Mrs Carl Coad and a talk and Mary Jamison, first vice president; demonstration on the making of Julie Hopkins, second vice pres coi&ages by Mrs. Threlma Elliott. ident; Jean Maughan, secretary; ¡Louise Heldt. treasurer; Jean Plet- » - ATTE N D P A R T Y ¡ciier, chaplain, and Oertrude Ford. Mrs. John Bwhop, Mrs. John aergeant-at-arms °lson. M rv A1 Kuehn. Miss Kath- , Ha„ ., „errm an. the retiring pres- eryn Crandall. Mrs. Jean Cranney.' EHOWER HONORS M R3 C H ILD Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Olea Billings and Mrs Sibyl “ *ent °* ttle NV“ * unlt’ wai> Pres‘ Mrs. John Schenk gave a hand- at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Aldrich attended a party Satur- ented with a past presidents pin. kerchief shower at her home Friday Fischer. Mrs. Noble la Mrs. FIs- <*“ >■ evening at the home of Mrs Lunch was served by the Ontario afternoon in honor of Mrs. Mark tn er’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. W C. 1-kryd Hague in Ontario. Mrs. unit. Child, who will move to Salt Lake Fw-i»er and Martin Fischer and Kuehn won first prire and Mrs. City In the near future. Various r.irs Dee Fischer and her son were John Bishop won second games of intelligence were played Wednesday guest« at the Jacob — HAVE A N N IV E R SAR Y D IN N IR during the afternoon. Lunch was l c .ner home. Mr. and Mrs. Ward W.eneke. served to 14 ladies. Mary Lou "E W IN G *ls DONE Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn and Mr. ■ Schenk gave a piano solo and Hire second r u e d r y of the month 8n<^ Mrs. Glea Billings celebrated \ ¡siting Here Laura played a vio.ln solo, acc Relief their wedding anniversaries Sun- Mrs. George Massie and Mrs. ompanied by her mother. Mrs. was tpent by the L. D S Free- Child received many lovely hand o iety in -ewiitg, beginning at 10 day evening by attending a din- Melvin Blower and son of . m at the L. D. S. church. her at the Payette country club, water, Oregon are visaing at lire kerchiefs. . _ oth er guests were Mrs. Lloyd home of their daughter and slater. E NTE R TAIN CLUB Hague, Mrs. Art Smith and Mr. Mrs. Jess Ford, FISCHERS E NTE R TAIN Mr. and Mrs. K. G Whitaker am* Mrs Sid Ptonnagan Later in ----------------------- Mr and Mrs. Orval Noble of entertained the Mr and Mrs. the evening, the party attended a Makes Business T r i p - Rev. and Mrs. E. T. Larson re Bridge club Sunday evening. High •mow. turned Wednesday from a business score was won by Harry Miner ____ ~ 5 — trip to Bend. Oregon. Rev. Larson From the Largest Stock of and second high was won by Mrs. PRESENTED IN R E CITAL Genuine George Sallee. Mr. and Mrs. Sal- ! Miss Hoffman pre- is pastor of the Baptist church and sented a number of her pupils from Mrs. Larson Is superintendent of lee were guests. Nyssa. Ontario and Parma in the the Nyssa Nursing home. - I - national piano auditions, which ----------------------- OLUB T O HOLD MEE.TING The next meeting o i the Nyssa were held in Boise last week from Return From Provo— Parts until Friday evening. Civic club will be held at the .Tuesday until Friday evening., Mr. and Mis. John Schenk and Orders Shipped Immediately home oi Mrs John Siam W ednes-i Paul Stoye. head of the piano son, Larry, returned from Provo day June 20 at 2:30 p. m. Any- |department, o f Drake university at after visiting Mr. and Mis. Greer, one’ wishing transportation ls|Des Moines, Iowa, was the judge. They also visited in Bancroft, asked to contact Mrs. Jean Flet- j and commented very favorably up- Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Red- cher. The program will M M t t at on the performance of the voting dish, Payette. Idaho Phone 49 a report on the last legislature by pianists. Following the auditions. _________________ which were private. Mr. Stoye J Shop At Boise— gave a short, informal recital es- j Mrs. LeRoy Hartley. Mrs. W il- peciaily for Miss Hoffman's pupils ford Bybee and Mrs. Sherman By- and their parents, an event which bee were in Boise Tuesday shop- was much enjoyed by those who ping. were present. | ------------------ Miss Eunice Ann Brady of Nys- Here From Payette— sa was Judged a district winner | Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Fulton of for the successful playing o f a Payette visited over the week-end Don’t wait to finish your haying. program of four pieces from mem- with their daughter. Mis. Tom Eldridge. ory. hospital. \ idling Here— i Visiting In Idaho— Mrs. Fred Chresst and daugh-1 Jack Duncan and Gordie Smith Too Late to Classify ter. Ella Oean of Glenns Perry are visiting their uncle and aunt, FOR SALE-- Eureka vacuum clean were in Nyaaa last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chresst in er. Jake's Fix-It shop. 14Jtfc. and attending to business. Glenns Ferry this week. HI In Hospital-- Mrs. Peggy Rambaud has received Mrs. Chet Pulsipher and son ar word that her mother. Mrs. Grace ner monier. ------ rived here last week from Port Raine, is 111 In a Los Angeles land. Mr. Pulsipher, who came to Nyssa some time ago. plans to locate here with his family. To Locate Here— W A N T E D —Woman wants LOCAL NEWS Serving 5 Counties Me (luer-Manser HEY! Arrange your hay insurance now. See Frank T. Morgan Free Lettuce Culls Bring your truck or trailer J.C. Watson Co. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 60W NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Buy War Bonds Now At The Theater For the Lions Club Show DOUBLE FE A TU R E FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 15-16 Donald Barry and Ruth Terry in “MY BU D D Y ” Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Jean Porter in “SAN FERNANDO V A L L E Y ” Mat., S:it.. 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, JUNE 17-18 William Powell, Myma Loy, Lucille Watson and Gloria De Haven in “THE THIN MAN GOES HOME” A fter five years o f absence, William Powell and Myma Loy are reunited Mat., Smi.. 2:30 Ad in., 30c-Sc, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax — B AR G AIN N IG H T — TUESDAY, JUNE 19 Richard Arlen and Jane Frazee in “THE BIG B O N A N Z A ” and Bill Elliott, Alice Fleming in “LONE TEXAS RANGER” Adm. 2fic-9c, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. JUNE 20-21 Rita Hayworth, Iree Bowman, Janet Blair and Iveslie Brooks in “TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT” You have a date with a beautiful picture— the Musical drama o f your dreams In Technicolor News and Cartoon Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c. Including Tax - I - Goes On Vacation— OUESTS A T DINNER Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson w ere1 Miss Betty Tillman, bookkeeper dinner guests Sunday at the Norton for the Idaho Power company, left Randolph home. last week for a two weeks' vaca- __j __ tlon at St. Louis, Missouri. Vlr- WOMEN MEET 'ginia Snyder of New Plymouth is Furteen members o f the Foreign taking Miss Tillm an’s place In the Missionary society of the Nazarene local office, church met at the home of Darrell Williams last Friday. Devotionals Go To Boise— were led by Mrs. E. J. Wilson. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Abersold Norton Randolph had charge of were Boise visitors Sunday. the native workers program. After lunch the afternoon was spent in Here F'rom Portland— sewing and wrapping bandages. Mrs. A rt Smith and baby of Portland are visiting in Nyssa and - 5 - Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HELD Nyssa Mrs. Herbert Fischer enjoyed a former teachers in the birthday surprise the evening of schools. June 7 when members of her Sun- ----------- day school class and a few friends Attend Government Sale— 'called on her. Several lovely gifts D. O. Bybee and William J. Beus were received by Mrs. Fischer. Ice flew to Lewiston Thursday. From | cream and cake were served. there they flew in Mr. Beus' plane to a government sale of machinery E N TE R TAIN S CLUB MEMBERS In Washington. They returned home l Mrs. A. H. Boydell invited mem- work. | bers of the Thursday afternoon , bridge club to her house last week. Frizes in the card game were won by Miss Doris Kuntz. Mrs. Tom Eldredge and Mrs. George M it chell. Guests other than club mem bers were Mrs. Ed Frost and Miss Eva Boydell. Mr. family of Mr. Notus. D IN N E R GUESTS and Mrs. A. L. Heldt and were dinner guests Sunday and Mrs. Henry Iverson of Idaho. — 5 — G IVES P A R T Y Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and Miss Eva Boydell were hostesses at six tab les of bridge at the Sarazin home last week. Prizes were won by Mrs. Lucille Norcott, Mrs. L. A. Mauld- ing and Mrs. John Bishop. - 5 - Do Your Duty on June 22 Votors have a job to do, too The voters must authorize the State Building Fund so O regon can do its duty in providing adequate educa tional, hospital, and other facilities. O regon must not lag behind. Your YES VOTE is all that is needed. VOT E 3 0 0 X YES Paid adv , United Citinea« Committee, Inc., Ralph D. Manager, 233 S. W . Sixth Avenue, Portland Moore«, A U X IL IA R Y IN S TA LLS i The Nyssa unit of the American Legion auxiliary met with the Ont ario auxiliary Wednesday night for j Joint installation of officers. Mrs. | Marie Wilkins of LaGrande, dis- [ .trict president, presided, j The following Nyssa officers were installed: Nellie Powell, president;) \%V S T A T E BUILDING F U N D rïïïV, “ The First In Nyssa” NYSSA P H A R M A C Y 'wipe out” insects quickly Concientious Guidance Standard Fly Spray is sure death to flies, fleas, mosquitoes, moths, ants, many other insects. It kills on contact — in a jiffy! Safe to use. Standard Fly Spray won’t harm humans, won't stain wallpaper or fabrics, when used according to directions. Get some today - for health protection! W e feel it a privilege to be o f the greatest help possible to those who come to us for ser vice. All details for outstandingly beautiful services can be entrust ed to our care. W. E. “ Bill” Schireman Phone 61 Y o u r l oc a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A NYSSA F U N E R A L HOME The Best of Gifts for Dad Father’s Day Sunday, June 17 Men’s Suits $3750 to $50 Pure A L L W O O L fabrics of fine weave, smooth finished, double twist worsted. Highly tailored to stand long, hard service. THE MODELS Both single and double breasted in regulars, shorts, longs and stouts. Every type o f man can be suited with the proper style and model. THE PATTERNS Neat mixtures, plain colors, stripes, plaids and checks in light, medium and dark colors. These suits are o f a weight that are suit able for year ‘round wear. Genuine Panama Hats The Nyssa Livestock Commission Company $425 to $ 50 « NYSSA, OREGON & $ 6 °° Had buyers at their sale Friday, June 8 from King Packing company, Kime Packing company o f Boise, Carston Packing company o f Calif Here are some of the finest ornia. Also cattle buyers from Payette, Ontario, specimens Weiser, Vale and many others. When we have buyers like this your livestock will bring just as much as any place you can take them. Remember this auction with a consignment this Friday. ALSO BIG SADDLE HORSE SALE SUNDAY, JUNE 24 Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager O ffice phone 25R Residence phone 116J For a truck phone 72W or 05J3 • >V& New of Panama weaving. shapes, shades and trims. Everyone a real hand-woven Pan ama. KEEP ON BUYING AND KEEPING W A R BONDS ALEXANDER'S O N TA R IO ‘Where Good Clothes Cost work, more for home than wages. Thelma ----- ls iiv n I Taylor. Western hotel.___ Less” OREGON