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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1945)
THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L Sunset Valley ______ attended prayer meeting Monday evening in the Howard home in TH U R SD AY. JUNE 14, 1945 home west of Nyssa. ’ the mosquitoes are numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe of Nyssa l - .. PAGE FIVE = i. He Ls serving in the military police, service. He tpeat 30 months over- the infantry in the South Pacific. - - ‘ , seas in the New Oulnea area. Weeks hJu participated in the New Ora Newgen returned Thursday 0 w v l*ee. spent Sunday, June 3 with Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nye have T5 Ira C. Sage is now stationed U a son of Mr. and Mr». Tom S Guinea, New Britain, Philippine« evening from Portland, where he I Rev' and Mrs- TNPPlet. o f Baker and Mrs. Bob Johnson. received word that their son. Alvin in the Moluccas is..1 .'ids in the E astj Weeks. During his furlough <h<jand Loaon campaigns, visited relatives. Mrs. Newgen re- and ReV- aIui Mrs' ° !icar Arneson j Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross o f Nye. has been promoted to corp- Indies, according io word received youth has been assisting his father mained in Portland for a longer :,nd «L ig h te r were overnight Edmonds. Washington are visiting ora1' He 13 servlnJ in the Phil- here by his wife Mrs. Margaret hi remodeling 18* fam ily residence. Girl Breaks A i m - ■ — | Phyllis McOei. eight-year-old visit. guests Wednesday in the Charles!in the Thomas Evans home. Mrs. Lt. Raymond Steinhaus, son e l daughter of Mr. and Mrs Herbert. MiS. Kenneth Lorensen ami Her- Ditty home. Rods is a daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crlsmon have ! Pfc. John H. We»Its arrived June Mr. and Mrs. Prank Steinhaus of Petty of route 3, Nyssa, fell Sun- man Lorensen, motored to Caldwell Word was received that Bernice Mrs- Evans. received a letter from their son. 5 from Minter field, California, Parma. formerly o f the Nyssa sac- day while climbing in the barn on Sunday and took dinner in the Lorensen and Larry Callahan had ?,Ir and Mrs. Curtis Pry and James, who is now in Prance. It where he has been stationed since tion, visited at tha home o f Mr. the 'Petty farm and sustained a Leslie Johnston home. i been involved in a J collision in family spent . .... Sunday .... , „ with „ Mr. and .. Ls the first word they have had December as a mechanic. He h a s ___ K---- ------- and ______________________ Mrs. Randall Stathopules Tues- ---- fracture ^ of the ...... arm, which was Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman Ntbiaska. They received only min- E1‘ R a t l i f f of New Plymouth. { , om hlm io r more Ulan two years epent :7 montiia in the armed 1 day. He has spent 3« months with broken below the elbow, and Janice left Sunduy afternoon or cuts. The occupant o f the other P vt- John Pry has been hospital ler Elgin for a visit. .ear, a woman, received head and ized 91 Damp Custer. Michigan. Rev. C. L. Snider of Nyssa fille d ' ueck injuries and 36 stitches were i M r- and Mrs. Jim Brunt of Cald- the pulpit at the Assembly of God required to close the wound. 1 well called on Mr. and Mrs. Paul church Sunday evening. | Rev. and Mrs. Lester Carlsen Thomson Thursday evening. N O TIC E IS HEREBY O IV EN to the legal voters of Union High School District No. 4, of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that a T h e Ed Nishi family have mov- o i LaGrande and Geraldine Trip- . M r- al‘ d Mrs. Carl Peterson. Sr., SCHOOL M EETING of the said district will be held at the Union High School building on the 25th day of June. 1945. at ■ p. m . for the ed into living quarters on the Jesse oi Baker were overnight of Not us spent Wednesday after purpose o f discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1. 1945, and ending June 30.1946. hereinafter set forth and to vote Nishi place for the summer. guests of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. noon »1th Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johnson. on the proposition of levying a district tax. Byron Dean Ditty, 6 pounds and Casseiman Wednesday. Mr. and Mlrs. Hlghbarger of 1 ounce, was born Friday to Mr. A large crowd attended the and Mrs. Robert Ditty. Oregon-Idaho fellowship meeting Notus spent June 3 at the Dwight The Jake Koch fam ily o f Johns- Wednesday. Rev. C. L. Snider oi Durrington home, Mrs. Oscar Samuels and Mrs. town, Nebraska, who were en route Nyssa spoke in the morning, Rev. Schedule I Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balancee Durrington shopped in home from a visit with their son Baker of W ilder in the afternoon Dwight Caldwell Monday. " ITEM Total AU General Fund Bond Interest at Seattle, visited Monday in the and Rev- Arneson, district super- Miss Marilyn Martin has been Funda and Sinking Wilbur Chapin and Kenneth Lor- intendent of Idaho, in the evening, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ensen homes. 1 Mr. and • Mrs. Lester Zucher of Fund Jay Martin. Miss Martin is taking Word was received that Jay Homedaie visited in the parental Estimated Receipts from a course in nurse's training in Howard, who went to Boise for Charley Wilson home Sunday, Delinquent taxes ...... 82.000.60 42.000 00 medical attention was placed in E ffie Ellen Council of Nyssa Portland. Vocational Education 1.267.00 1.287.00 a cast last week. spent Sunday at the home of her | M r- and Mrs. Thomas Evans cel- High School Tuition ......... 200.00 200 00 Mrs. Charles Ditty, Tressa Ditty parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Coun- : ebrated their 40th wedding anni- Elementary Transportation 1.500.00 1.500.00 and Mary Query were callers P rl- oil. | versary Sunday with the following Rentals ............................... 360 00 360 00 day in the W ilford Edmond home Leslie Ditty and son. Kenneth, Present: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ames, Notice of School Meeting Budget on the Oregon-Idaho line. left Saturday for La Grande for | Mrs- Merle Ames, Floyd Ames, Estimated Total Receipts ............................... 534700" 00.00 5.317.00 Mrs. Leslie Ditty and Charlotte a Visit. They returned home Mon- 1 Mrs- Bertha Deno, and Miss Verda Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit 3.764.29 1.947.00 1.917.29 and Ronald left Thursday for a daV morning, bringing Mrs. Ditty Lanfear. all o f Caldwell. Mr. and Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit 9.111.28 ? 194*1 1,917.29 visit with Mrs. Ditty's parents, and the children with them. Mrs. Taylor Evans of Baker, Ore- Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brown of La Visitors in the Jay Howard ®°n' M r- and Mrs- John Evans of Estimated Expenditures Schedule 11— General Fund -------------- Grande and her brother, Leo, who home Sunay were Mr. and Mrs. | Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross is home on furlough from Illinois. ° ° n Medrud and Mr. and Mrs. of Edmonds, Washington, Andrew Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Next Mr. and Mrs. Willard Whittman Keiuh Orris o f Nyssa. , Evans of Cascade, Mr. and Mrs. Preceding the- Current School Year and fam ily of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson returned AHen Ballard of Parma, Mr. and Estimated Budget Detailed Second Year First Year Mrs. Max Moore and children had llome l031 week irom a two weeks’ |Mrs- Sherman Keck and family, Expenditures Allowance Expenditures Give Yearly Give Yearly breakfast with Mr. and Mrs Ken- visit with relatives in Poraland and ■M r- and Mrs- Cecil Evans and High Schools in Detail ITE M for the for the Last Totals Totals family and Miss Janice Evans. neth Lorensen Sunday. other points on the coast. Ensuing for ttie Year o f the 1942-43 1941-42 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and Mrs. John R effett is staying at j Jay Howard returned to his School Year Current Three-year per- •the home of her daughter, Mrs. home Saturday afternoon from family were Sunday dinner guests in Detail School Year iod. 1943-4^ o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood. ixnen Hite, while Mr. R effett is Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson spent takii.g his preparatory schooling j Vera Paye Council spent Satur- G E NE R AL CONTROL % 1. Personal service at Baker priai- to entering the day night with relatives in Nyssa. !£und« y with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bailey o f Nyssa. A double pink and blue shower 1 120.00 $ 120.00 8 120.00 (2) Clerk ......................................................... $ 120.00 forest service guard station located in honor of Mrs. Harley Wilson 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 2. Supplies ......................................................... 10 miles from Unity. 50.00 50.00 3. Elections and publicity ................................ Mrs. Mary Martin ‘ is enjoying and Mrs- Robert Ditty was a 10.00 10.00 1000 15.00 a vi.;it from her daughter, Lillian, feature of the afternoon Monday, 4. Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) ...... 200.00 150.00 200.00 150.00 lesides in Idaho. [when a group o f ladies met at 6. Total Expense of General Control .............. 433.44 155.00 Ruby Riddle of Nu-Acres is the home o f Martha Lorensen. II. IN S T R U C T IO N —Supervision (Continued from Page 1) i pending a week visiting her sister. Refreshments of jello, cookies and 1. Personal service: Mis. Bob Newgen. punch were served by Martha Lor- | Burns of Nyssa is home on fur- 1,600.00 1,600.00 1234 00 1 100.00 (1) Principals ................................................. Mrs. Ted Pomeroy and Mrs. «nsen and Levina Howard. ¡lough. A machine gunner with an 115.00 115.00 115.00 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors ......... 115.00 WUliom Gre: g worked for the Red —— -— — ---------- I anti-aircraft battalion, he last 1 349 00 1,715.00 1,715.00 5. Total Expense of Supervision ...................... 1.215.00 1.115.00 1,385.37 Cross i,i Ny a .Monday. . NU-ACRES !served in the battle o f Peleliu. II. C Loren u i of Wood Lake, _____ I Corporal Bums is -the son of III. IN S TR U C T IO N —Teaching Nebraska car Monday for a vis- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and M r- and Mrs- A - J- Bums of Nys- 1. Personal service: it With his ¿on AWcinieth Lorensen, amity and Mr. and Mrs. Harley £a„ ,H^ enlisted ln August. 1942. 12835 00 15,336.00 15,336.00 (11 Teachers . ............................... ........ 11.622.66 aiid w e Eager and fam ily spent Thursday' c l^de Halnl>ne, V S . navy, is 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00 (2) Home Economic Supplies ...................... Cool e; Ditty and Tressa Ditty at the Ira Tish home near Green- sPendiIlB a 30-1ay leave at the 100.00 100.00 (3) Ag. Supplies ...................................... ..... 200.00 wer-- Boise shoppers Tuesday. Mary leaf. thome o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 300.00 300.00 200.00 (4) Ag. Mileage ................... ......................... Q-. . y accompanied them home. 115.00 Robert and Leona Johnson spent 'Orien Hainline o f Lincoln Heights. 115.00 2. Library supplies, repairs ............................. K(V. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman1 last week in the O. W. Bailey iHainl1ne has been serving in the 325.00 325.00 325.00 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ........................ 825.00 Pacific theater o f war. 13 260.00 16,276.00 16,276.00 7. Total Expease of Teaching ......................... 12,547.86 11.997 40 11,625.27 t ; Our Boys Jack F. Ford, S mate, is home on after spending 40 duty. He expects on shore for the J Extra Attractions 3 c Carpenter’s a 30-day leave months on sea to "be stationed duration. Fecond Lt. Joseph Wheeler, AC, husband of Mrs. Betty Wheeler, and son of Joseph Wheeler, Box 216, Nyssa, Oregon, has arrived at the AAF training command's emergency rescue school at Kees- ler field, Mississippi for an in tensive air crew operational train ing course to prepare him for duties with an emergency rescue squadron. Emergency rescue squadrons, of which he eventually will become a crew member, are charged with he mission of searching for and aving» the lives of army air forces personnel who have been forced down or have been forced to abandon their aircraft over land or water in the theaters o f war. t COFFEE TABLES $10.50 to $15.50 UTILITY TABLES 5 $5.50 to $13.50 Walnut finish chests o f draw ers for those extra linens. to $1650 Occasional Chairs And Rockers $95« to $165° Nyssa Furniture Company One Block South o f Underpass P E A R L HARBOR, T. H..—Tun neling supplies to the vast P a cific fleet is the task of the naval supply depot here. One of the navy men engaged in his supply program is Grant A. Lewis, storekeeper, third class, US- NR, of Nyssa, Oregon. Lewis attended Utah State A g riculture college in Logan. Utah, and was an agriculturist for the Amalgamated Sugar company be fore enlisting April 23, 1944. His wife and daughter, Sandra, live at 514 3rd avenue West, Twin Palls, Idaho. The importance of the depot’s work was emphasized by Fleet Ad- midal Chester W. Nimitz. when he described this war as a con flict o f "beans, bullets, and oil"— all problems of logistics handled by supply. The depot here is the chief link in the chain o f supply for the mighty fleet now batter ing at the doors of Tokyo. Mr. and Mrs Ed Stelnke have received word that their son, Dar- eld, is stationed with the army in Texas. He asks that his friends write to him. His address is Pvt. Dareld Steinke. 39944433. Co. B, 66th infantry Tng. Bn„ Camp Wolters, Texas. 1 Mrs. Peggy Rambaud has receiv ed a phone call from her husband. Pfc. Lewis F. Rambaud. He is now receiving treatment in a hospital in Vancouver, Washington. | Opl. Marvin M. Hasty, brother of Mrs. Ed Steinke, has been award ed the bronze star. Hasty, who helped build the Ledo road, is now driving truck in convoy to China and flies back to India. He said that rain falls there most ot the time, the water is terrible and IV. O PE R A TIO N OF P L A N T 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employees ................ 2. Janitor's supplies .......................................... 3. Fuel ................................................................ 4. Light and power ........................................... 6. Telephone ...................................................... 8. Total Expense of Operation ......................... 1.800.00 365.00 600.00 400.00 75.00 3,240 00 1.800.00 365.00 600.00 400.00 75.00 3.240.00 V. M AINTENANC E AND R EPAIRS 2. Repair and Maintenance of: furniture and equipment ............................. (1) Buildings ................................................. (2) Grounds ................................................... 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repair.. 400.00 40.00 440.00 400.00 40.00 440.00 6.042.00 6,042.00 VI. A U X IL IA R Y AGENCIES 2. Transportation o f pupils: (1) Personal service .................................. 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies ........ V II. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance ........................................................ 4. Total Fixed Charges ... .......................... V III. C A P IT A L O U T LA Y S 4. New furniture, equipment, replacements...... 5. Assessments for betterments ...................... (1) Library books .......................................... (2) ................. ....... ........... ....... ........................ 7. Total Capital Outlays .. .......................... 1500.00 365.00 500.00 400 00 75.00 2 840.00 1.200.00 325.00 450 00 400 00 75.00 2,650 00 60.00 50.00 60.00 110.00 00.00 6,042.00 6.042.00 5.740 00 5,740.00 6 740.00 6,740 00 5.586.78 5.828.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 247.60 247.60 222.00 221.70 75.00 75.00 75.00 1.543 80 00.00 00.00 75.08 143.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 100 00 92.57 100 00 92.57 150.00 1 626 04 1,174.24 1000 00 24,511.39 23.133.98 23.347.90 75.00 IX . DEBT SERVICE— NON-BONDED 1. Interest on warrants .................................... 2. Interest on other indebtedness ................... 3. Total Debt Service, Non-Bonded ............... Total Schedule II--G eneral F u n d - Total estimated expenses for the year—sum of items 1-6, II-5, III-7 , IV8, V-4, VI-4, V II-4, V III-7 , IX-3, X ............................... ......I ........ . 130.00 2,228.08 718.85 80 66 29.25 808 5« 115.00 X. EMERGENCY 2,234.00 24.98900 29.412.24 Schedule I I I — Bond Interest and Sinking Fund DEBT SERVICE-BOND INTE R EST AND S IN K IN G FUND 1. Principal on bonds (include negotiable Interest-bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O. C. L. A.) ..................... 2. Interest on bonds ........................................ 3. Total Schedule I I I — Debt Service-Bonds and Interest ................................................ 4.500.00 1.092.17 4,500.00 1.158.43 4 500.00 1.310.93 5.592.17 5.658.43 5.810.93 6,911.00 3.190 46 Schedule VI.— Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and Available Cash Balaaees, and Tax Levies E S T IM A TIO N OF T A X LE VY Total All Funds Total estimated expenditures ............................ ......................................... DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I ) ...... Amount necessary to balance the budget ............... ........................... ...... Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget is made _____ _________ ______ ______ _____ Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year 829.412M Bond Interest and Sinking Fund, Total Schedule I I I 87,509 4« 1,917.29 5.592.17 9,111.29 27.810.41 1.194.00 22.218.24 1000.00 1000.00 00.00 23.218.24 5 582.17 28.81041 Analysis of estimated tax levies: Amount inside 6% limitation ..................................... Amount outside 6% limitation ................................................. Indebtedness 1. Amount of bonded Indebtedness (include all negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under sec. 111-1016. O. C. L. A. ____ 2. Amount of warrant Indebtedness on war rants issued and endorsed “not paid for want of funds” ______ ___________________ _ 4. Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, 3 » ............ .................... ............ ... 936.921.70 Oeneral Fund Tot. Schedule I I 23.218 24 80.00 Dated this May 22. 1945 Signed : Mabel Plenty J. O. Lane District Clerk Chairman. Board o f Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 22, 1945 Signed: Chas. E. W itty W E. Plercy Secretary. Budget Committee Chairman. Board of Directors 829.965.00 00 00 $29955 00 I