Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1945)
% THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAt PAG E 4 live on the Van Cleei ranch, where 1 Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Hoffman and Mr. Fuzi is employed. Mrs. Jim Ritchie were in Ontario Mrs. Heath of Notus was a caUer Friday. A severe hall storm struck this Residents of this district who section Saturday evening, doing the Brumboch home Monday. ‘ ” considerable damage to gardens, i ^he Royal Neighbors of Roswell attended the "house-warming Bl field crops and 1 utt met Monday evening with Mrs. E. the Alfin Ekanger home Friday al- Big Bend Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller trans- » Brumbach. After a short bus- acted bailies» tn Ontario laat.ines, meeting a social hour was Tuesday enjoyed and a lunch was served. Miss Mildred Thomas, who has Miss Catherine Wilson of Big been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bend and Jack Adams of Nampa Verl Bihop. left Friday morning were married during the past week, for Los Angdes to visit friends be- | Many Bend farmers have cut fore returning to her home in their hay and are awaiting good Kansas. weather so they can stack it. Mrs. Joe Brumbach spent t h e -------------------------- week-end in Caldwell visiting her parents. Friends here have learned of the -------- death of Mrs. LyleT rew In Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Buena Vista ington. The fam i* moved front family spent Sunday at the Ver- here to Kingman Kok.ny and lat- non Chadwick home In Nyssa. ei to Kuna, where they bought a ; Mrs. S. B. Hoffman has received ranch. word that her niece, Mrs. Lyle Mrs. Gretohen Mattox Mattox of of Boise Boise True, True, died died ... in WalhlDftOQ. Mrs. ------Gretohen ..... D.~......... . visited her sons at the Hatch home True formerly lived near Adrian. SniKiiiv r > w Mr of RoLsp sDent Sunday. I Leonard Cleaver of Boise spent Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mrs. Orov- Sunday with his parents, Mr. and er Lee of Ontario were Sunday Mrs. Qeorge Cleaver. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1945 Jess Gregg homes Wednesday. He was on furlough after spending 27 month» In the Pacific area and was v^ n« brother, Jay^ Dun- can of Payette. Mrs. Jay Duncan and sons, Jimmie and Donald, and daughter, Lillie, were also visitors ternoon were Mrs. J. W. Jennings, here^ Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. Mrs. Glenn “ **’ Hoffman and Mrs. George Cleaver. m(j(. ------------------------- pac^ NOTICE OF 1945-46 BUDGET MEETING ^^ A d ria n ™ K ,u opl. Kendall Thomas who is stationed at an army air base in Gklahoma, spent his furlough with w^ e at their home at the Owy- bee corner. Mr- and Mrs Frank Raymond and two sons were dinner guests - of . . . j M . r- « and Mrs- Louis Skinner Approximately JO young people of the United Presbyterian church tield a farewell party Tuesday ev- ; enlng honoring Kenneth Elhott and Thurman Piercy, who left last week to enter the ---- navy. Swimming ------------------ enjoyedI a t w r i n g s , Mr/ Amold and new ^ V u l Korman retmned home daughter. Marlene Gale, have re- T tw o -^ ^ turned from the nursing home at l ues<^ aft* r two vblt Nyssa and are vlMtl Mrs aUp. ^ M Mr an(* ^rs. Holly w e r e __ Boise visitora Monday. „ Owvhee Community club M r and Mrs. Henry Reuter and lne «-»wynee community ciud daughters returned to Adlan wU1 meet with Mrs. Ell's Walters 1AO aaugmers returned to Adlan . , ^aturday evening Mr. Reuter has ’ j ' , clecUon wlll dinner guests in the Miller home.. Women from this district th* Sch° ° ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop and attended the Home Ercnomlcs club Mrs. Thomas were Ontario visitors meeting at the C. H. Bennett home I Mls- mreima e-iuoit and Mrs. unuay In Nvssa Thursday were Mrs 10,5 Cartwright were Tuesday ev- Sunday. be held June 18. One director and the clerk will be elected and the . _ budget and special levy for the TZ M ^ e Paul of Arena valley ° ™ l ’E y f f 5 - 2 S - T 5 and Joe Fuel were married Tues- er, Mrs. Glenn Hoffman and Mrs. " OI w m a - m day morning at the Blessed Sac- Alva Goodell. j Several women and their pre- rament church In Parma by Path - 1 ’ Irvin Topliff spent several days s< ° °j obl*dren attended the pre- er Dooley of Payette. They will at his ranch near Ola, Idaho. 001 clinic registration held at the Kingman Kolony school Wed-| tu 11 im i unii unii ni ni in it limn m m m m mm m m m in in m in in m in in in in in m um inn nun in in mm in innmii nesday afternoon The Dennis Patch family were dinner guests at the Earl Parker home Wednesday night and at the PORTLAND, JUNE 14—J. W. Mal Ralph Haworth home Saturday ev- oney. collector of internal revenue, | We are specialists in repairing farm machinery. s ening. announced today that the new $5 | If you are in need o f beet pullers or other E I Mrs. Wesley Piercy has been ap- auto use tax stamps for the year = pointed clerk of the Adrian high Ë farm implements, we will make the machines to S school district, succeeding Mrs. beginning July 1, were placed on sale in his office at Portland and | your specifications. = Florence Otis. in all post offices in Oregon, on n The Harland Diven family of Saturday, June 9. The law requires g Nyssa were recent dinner guests a t , the owner of every automobile, ^ the C. G. Brown home. I truck, motorcycle, or bus which Is — i Sunday guests at the Frances used on the public highway on or f B L A C K S M IT H Car Tax Stamps Now Available WORK I Freeman’s Machine Shop Li "3 D e ffer home were M i’s. Leo ibee and children and Mrs. in iii iiriirm rrni iii i i i i mm m m m m in nimmurni nun in m iii m m n m . ..... . i m m m m m nnn in um m m urn» E ll- j lifte r July 1 to buy this stamp and w u i - ! d ls p la y ü o n h is v e h ic ie . Himilllimil lllllimiillilllllll ill mm III mill WMmillHIillillilimillil Will mmillll III HI HI IIIITliimiil Mil III HI HIT*.la !^. EU1.1?e<;„ o f _P arn la' . f S T U D E N T F L IG H T IN S T R U C T IO N A ft o Charter Trips Aliciait fceivice W INEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE | P. 0. Box 396 Nyssa Airport Telephone 012R1 ’Mlirillllllillllinill!l!l!lllllllin!lii:illlli:ill!lli; Register Your Animals For The Nyssa Dairy Show O n O r Before June 16 A t Frank M o rg a n 's O ffic e Open to all grade and purebred animals of all breeds. Animals will not be shown unless they are entered by June 16. DAJRY SH O W COM M ITTEE Farmers Supply & Repair 510 No. Oregon St. Highway 30 North Phone 556J Ontario, Oregon FA B R IC A TIO N W ELDING REPAIR COM PLETE A U T O M O T IV E SERVICE FARM SUPPLIES If you cannot buy what you need, we can build it for you. See Ua For Light and Heavy Work ! Collector M aloney said th a t his | The W. H. Bunch family were 1 staff would start a campaign soon E quests at a party held at the Glenn after the first of July to check on h ,Evans home in Parma Sunday ev- an persons who had failed to pur- 3 ening. I chase their auto tax stamps. All ^ | Miss Dorothy Toomb entertained I persons who are found driving 5 ®t- dinner Sunday honoring Max- motor vehicles without the stamps ^ ine Smith. Guests Included Nadeen properly displayed will be liable E Wilson, Maxine Smith and Jewell, ^ a penalty of *5 or more in add- 3 Wilson. |ltion to the cost of the stamp. To ¡ 2 1 Gra Edward Durham, third class protect themselves against unnec- E Petty officer of the U. S. navy, and essary penalties. Collector Maloney f- , Miss Morfitt of Boise were Sunday advised owners of motor vehicles gj visitors at the C. G. Brown home. nof to be misled by false rumors § Durham is home on leave after alleging that this tax has been re- 23 months of active duty in the pealed. ft South Pacific. j post offices wlll sell the stamps Miss Dorothy Toomb is employed the counter for cash only, for the summer at Eder’s store. alwj will conduct no mail order Mrs. George Callahan and ohil- business. Auto tax stamps may be dren of Nyssa were Friday evening ordered by mall from the collector dinner guests of Mrs. Vernon Par- internal revenue, Portland. Pay- ker- Iment on mail orders must be by Mrs. Kenneth Parker and ohil- office money order or postal lden of Elgin have been visiting nofg or certified check. An uncer- relatlves and friends in Adrian and tlfied check cannot be accepted in vicinity. ¡payment for these stamps, Malon- Rev. and Mrs. Philip Reiman €y stated. and family and Miss Mae Jackson In Oregon all auto tax stamps visited friends and relatives in are required to be placed In the Boise Friday. upper left-hand corner of the in Ted Holly, pupil of Miss W il- side of the windshield. The wind helmlna Hoffman, participated in shield rather than the adhesive the national piano playing audi side of the stamp should be dam tions held in the Boise Junior pened when affixing it. An effect college auditorium Friday after ive method of preventing it from noon. Paul Stoye of Drake univer curling away from the glass is to sity, noted musician, judged the brush clear varnish over the stamp ' auditions. after is has been affixed, or to | Approximately 25 young people elnforce It with adhesive tape. of the Free Methodist church att ended a party held at the Sparks :home Tuesday. I The Reiman family were Sun By Leona Anderson day dinner guests at the W. W. Idaho Power Co. Deffenbaugh home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. "Cook With Honey For Your Phelan and Mrs. Anna Lee were Honey" Sunday evening guests at the Dan Honey can be used in many ways Holly home. Mrs. Robert Overstreet of^BoLse In our cooking and baking—and and Mrs. Robert Overstreet, Sr., will replace sugar, that “hard-to- visited Saturday afternoon at the get” article on your grocery list. Sweet names for endearment have Dan Holly home. Miss Donna Ashcraft of Nampa found their way Into our vocabu visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lary and “honey" is no exception. It la universally used—as Is honey W. Ashcraft Sunday. Itself. A good recipe for parties, teas O W YH E E Pvt. George Cuppernall and Mrs. and hungry children alike Is “choc Cuppemall of Gowen field, Mrs. olate cookies". CHOCOLATE COOKIES ¡Richard Brown and children, Pat- Jsy and Michael, and Jimmie Brown l 1, cups honey • Victory Food Hints of Boise and Mrs. Lynn Kygar and Maxine were dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. J. W. Kygar Sunday. Mrs. Mearl McClure and sons, Lee and1 Jimmie, of Oakland arr ived Sunday for a visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Culbert son, and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall and daughter. Joan, of Seneca arrived Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Including Mrs. Westfall's brother. Donnie Brewer, who left Thurs day to Join the navy at San Diego. Bob Duncan of the sea bees vis ited at the Martha KUngback and FOR I will be GRINDING G R A IN for chicken feed all this month. Bring your grain. NYSSA FLOUR MILL PLUM BING P. M. Warren AND PIPE F ITTIN G C A L L J.E. Brower Ask for Charlie Croghan or Bob Pierce Phone Panna 6J2 meal and chocolate. Add sifted I Vi tap. soda dry Ingredients and walnuts and |2W cups flour vanilla. Drop on greased cooky 1 tsp. vanilla 1 cup walnuts afreet. Bake In moderate oven 1325 Melt chocolate. Cream shortening degrees) for 15 minutes. and honey, add beaten eggs, oat 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 2 sq chocolate 1 * cup rolled oats 1 tsp. baking powder V, tsp. salt l tsp. cinnamon Phone Nyssa 95J In accordance with the provision of the "Local Budget Law” (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215, O. C. L. A., as amended), notice Is hereby given that the budget committee of Malheur County, Oregon, tn com pliance with the laws, prepared and adopted on May 25. 1945, the budget estimates for Malheur Oounty, Oregon for the ensuing fiscal year July 1, 1946 to June 30. 1946. All persons are hereby notified that on Thursday the 2gth day of June at 10 A. M.. In Vale, Oregon, said budget estimates may be discuss ed with the Oounty Court, the levying board for Maiheur County, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies will be heard In favor cr against said proposed tax levy or tajt levies or any part thereof. Detailed expenditures for each of the two fiscal periods next preceding the current year, budget for the current year (1944-45) and Itemized estimates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing fiscal period July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946. for Malheur County, Oregon, are as follows, to wit: Estimated Bud July 1. 1944 to Actual for Actual for get 1945-1946 June 30. 1945 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Budget July 1. 1942 to July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1944 June 30, 1943 OOUNTY COURT: $ 2,400.00 $ 2.400.00 « 2.320.00 Salary, Judge « 2,380 80 1,000.00 1200.00 684.60 Commissioners and Travel Exp. 610.89 250.00 250.00 126.52 Office Exp. (Furniture, etc.) 216.69 3,650.00 3.850.00 3.031.12 Total 3.208.48 SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Salary, Sheriff Salary, 1 Deputy Salary, 1 Deputy, Tax Salary, 1 Deputy. Tax SaJary, Tax Clerks Special Tax Clerk Traveling Expenes Oounty Jail and Board of Prisoners Office Supp. & Coll, of Taxes Special Deputies Total CO UNTY C LE R K S OFFICE: Salary, Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Stenographers Supplies Office Equipment Special Clerks Total ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: Salary, Assessor Salary Office Deputies Field Dep. & Traveling Exp Supplies Reclassification of Property Clerk Automobile Total COUNTY TREASURER: Salary of Treasurer Supplies & Traveling Expenses Total COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT: Salary of Superintendent Traveling Expense Supplies Clerk Car Hire Total CIRCUIT COURT: 3 Terms CO UNTY WELFARE: Dependent Children Old Age Assistance Blind Assistance General Assistance Total Sealer of Weights & Measures State Industrial Acc. Com. Malheur Oounty Home Indigent Veterans Water Master & Traveling Exp. Insane, Examination of School Institute & Examinations Justice Court Coroner County Physician Tuberculosis Indemnity Audit Oounty Books Officers Indemnity Bonds General School Tax Election Vital Statistics District Attorney’s Office Court House, Office Furniture, Insurance, Improvements, etc. Current Expense, Fuel, Water, Telephone, Janitor, etc. Library Contract. .65 mills Agricultural Advisor and 4-H club Emergency Fund Miscellaneous Bounty on Predatory Animals Insurance on Oo. Fair Buildings County Fair, for Buildings and Repairs Weed Control County Nurse Cricket Control Official Advertising Experimental Area School Library Tax Advertising Oounty Lands Tax Rebate Tax Rebate Discounts Sinking Fund. Court House and Grounds Oounty Service Officer Oo. Service Officer Trav. Exp. Oounty Veterinarian Children's Aid in Homes Roads Totals LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FOR YEAR AND CASH ON HAND Cash. General Fund Cash. General Road Fund County Clerk’s Pees Sheriff’s Fees Circuit & Justice Court Fees and Pines Penalty and Interest on Delin quent Taxes Motor License Fund County Lands. Rents Sale. Cbunty Lands Road Sinking Fund State Predatory Animal Refund State Welfare Refund Total TO TAL BUDGET _ 2,471.11 851.72 1,759.58 2.499.96 1,920.00 1 925 00 2,500.00 2,100.00 1.800.00 1,070.15 3.199.42 3.300.00 890.35 615.98 3,612.01 00.00 11,270.90 2,211.09 648.26 1.843.59 00 00 14,247.32 1.900.00 1 300 00 3.500.00 250.00 16,650.00 2,500.00 2,280.00 1.800.00 1.800.00 1,000.00 250.00 1.800.00 1,300.0 3,000.00 00.00 15,730.00 2,377.80 1,705.30 2,378.35 990.12 149.00 00.00 7,600.57 2,400 00 1,630.00 3.019.19 1,304.98 00.00 99.50 6.453.67 2.500.00 1800.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 250.00 600.00 2.500.00 1,800.00 4.500.00 1,200.00 250.00 00.00 9,350.00 10,250.00 1.990 84 3,1981)5 1,403.60 1,446.93 00.00 00.00 2,000.04 2 863 63 2,724.58 1,505.63 00.00 00.00 2 500.00 3.800 00 1 . 000.00 1,500.00 25030 1.500.00 4’ 8,029.42 9.093 88 10,350.00 2.500.00 3,600.00 400.00 1,700.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 9,950.00" 1,505.65 216.11 1,800.00 400.00 1.800.00 500.00 1,721.76 1,800.00 250.67 2,050.67 2,200.00 2,300.00 1,505.65 320.00 330.58 659.30 *600.00 26071 350.06 780.00 1.000.00 300.00 350.00 900.00 2,815.53 3,512.40 3,190.77 2.149.26 3 350.00 3.500 00 1,800.00 480.00 400.00 900.00 300.00 3,880.00 3.500.00 6,331.42 15.132.60 225.00 10,987.38 31.676.40 155.98 211.25 8 504.99 394.45 23.20 201.10 100.00 467.10 254.40 300 00 95.17 386.00 445.00 86.163.49 1.800.34 280J27 887.96 6,301.84 13.200 00 186.40 3,621.88 23.310.12 184.34 25190 10,088.45 1,231.30 460.21 137.85 127.95 324.50 79.90 287.72 00.00 595 00 425.00 71,722.68 2,143 87 187.25 920 02 6,00030 15,000 00 450.00 2,000.00 23,450.00 175.00 300.00 6,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 150.00 100.00 500.00 250.00 300.00 250.00 600.00 500.00 56930.00 2.500.00 200.00 1200.00 6,000.00 17,000.00 450.00 1 . 000.00 24,450.00 175.00 250.00 6.000.00 1,000.00 2,250.00 150.00 100.00 500.00 300.00 350.00 150.00 600.00 500.00 60,100.00 2,000.00 200.00 1,350.00 281.26 454.39 1,25000 1,250.00 3,717.01 5.790.89 6,229.16 685.00 432.12 575.00 275.00 3.863.53 5.899.42 6.068.00 0030 270.1J 826 82 00.00 5,000.00 8087.72 6,000 00 2,75000 2,608.37 1000.00 00.00 5,000.00 8,760.00 6.000.00 2,000.00 1,562.57 2,000.00 00.00 500.00 3,084.85 3,550.17 37.88 1.496.76 698.49 644 08 00 00 00 00 00.00 3.000 00 3370.90 00.00 1,378.28 00.00 568 31 00 00 298 98 50030 3.009.00 4.080 00 • 200.00 2.000.00 00.00 569 30 300 00 00.00 12,000.00 00.00 3,000.00 4.555.00 00.00 1.500.00 13.479.00 601.00 300.00 00.00 12,000.00 00.00 20,219.30 97,222.48 *2T#S25 97 44.868.14 8256.685.83 20.000 00 1,800 00 250.00 3,000.00 900.00 76,000.00 8313,642.57 19,701.40 11,38861 7,000.00 800 00 24,000.00 00.00 8,000.00 800.00 1 . 000.00 1 . 000.00 27.216.34 (19.28 2.500.00 20.000.00 1.000 00 2.500 00 . 2.000.00 25,000.00 600.00 2,500.00 30.000.00 1.000 00 900.00 65.69031 95.800.00 192.795.82 217.842.57 INDEBTEDNESS: None May 25. 1945 Certified Correct Charles W. Swan. Chairman of the Budget Board J. F. Cooper. Secretary of the Budget Board