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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1945 P/kCE T U R P E [creditors and all persons interested in the estate of John Wade Robin- | son. deceased: that the under signed has been appointed Admin rtg -p P d m d e istrator of the estate o f John Wade Robinson, deceased and has jgp F M u rra iW .id r qualified as such. RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one All persons having claims against cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. said estate are required to present O Temporal O Mores! CHURCH OF CHRIST iates and junior meetings. the same with the proper vouchers The governor Is hot under the (Christian) Services every Wednesday night duly verified within six months George Whipple, Pastor. , by June 35. Veteran world war 2 . collar--and not just because it Is at 8 o'clock at the church. , i . _ |of tne date o f the first publication and wife, NO cim am i or pets. R. ■ I Bible school, 10 a. m. Remember W e extend to you an invitation summer. He is agitated at the way For Sale F. Lay. route 1, Box 156, Ontario. of t,ds notlce' tBe undersigned I our attendance goal. (the O P A has handled the present to worship with us. n i i i y p : at the office of A. L. Fletcher In ! . ___ . . ,, _ UJJdXP. Nyssa Qwgon whtah place u here_ j Morning worship, l i a. m. Com- FO R SALE—Clarinet set, B flat i meat rationing problem In Ore 1 C dpí/dl- Advertising MISCELLANEOUS but do not permit an Increase to CIS a day regardless of amount of vork done for the county. Where bonds Issued by a hospitJ .ssoc'ailon draw ln.erest, bond hc’ i'.ers hereby earning a profit cn an Investment, the corporation L net exempt from taxation as a charitable institution. Arcadia Daily vacation Bible school was opened here Monday morning with and A Both Albert system. Good | W ANTED — Young calves, hoi by designated as the place of bus munion served each Lord's day, gon. "Livestock production and Miss Crooks and MLs Wilkerson SUNSET VALLEY tone. Case included. Ingulre Jour- jstoin and «uernaey. O. P. Counsil. iness in all matters connected with both morning and evening. Sermon ASSEMBLY OF GOO CHURCH marketing regulations have been as teachers. Miss Wilma Bullard 7J3XC. said estate. Paster R. L. Casselman nal office. 14JIXP. topic "M en and Christianity". pitifully misdirected, he states. and Mrs. Lily Dement are trans Robert F. Thompson. Sunday school, 10 A.M. Evening services, 7:30. Adult dis "Protests have been without re porting the children and assisting FO R SALE—One Oliver horse W ANTE D —Children to care for. Administrator o f the estate of Morning worship. 11 A.M. m the classes. cussion period and Christian En drawn mower, One John D eere1 Mrs- Earl ^Leach. 7J3xP John Wade Robinson, Deceased. sults," the governor continued and Children church. 7:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Long deavor for the young people; then called attention to the fact that Evening evangelistic service, 8 M b in -Ropd | w a n t e d -- Carpentering and~re- and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and son a song service and preaching. Ser- condition. E. R. Norman, ^Apple j ptrtl.lhg p; A .Johnson, H. E. Coll- NOTICE OF F IN A L H E AR IN G o'clock. Cottage prayer meeting I food conditions would be intoler- visited at the home o f Mr. and Valley. 14J2XP iui.'Phone -132J. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 8 j ably worse had not the livestock- Mrs. Harness in Caldwell Sunday. 31Mtic. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that mon topic “ A U ttle Bit More" ____________________ : Barbara V. Smith, Executrix ol On the second Lords day in July I men and producers done such a Mrs. Dora Splawn is in the FO R SALE—Smith-Corona port W ANTED — T o buy a gasoline en- ' the estate o l Sid E. Smith, deceased, lliere wlB *** a panic ln Payette P-M. Come! A hearty welcome awaits magnificent and unusual job. Ontario hospital under observa able typewriter, like new. V. W. glue, 5 horse power. In good con- has filed in the County Court of in ihe parl£ immediately following Big Highway Jobs Placed tion. Duus, Factory Auto Court. 14J2xp. dition. Houston Dunaway, Rt. I , 1 Malheur County, Oregon, her first tlie morning services in the church. you. T R IN IT Y LUTHERAN The largest highway contracts Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller This is the celebration for the Nyssa. 31M3xp. and final account o f her adminis- Parma, Idaho FO R SALE— New radiator to fit since Pearl harbor have just been and daughters spent the week-end ' tration and that the 29th day of Bd,‘ e scBo° l contest wldch closed Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor 1934 or '35 standard Chevrolet. A l W A N T E D - Listings for modern June 1945 at the hour of 2 May 20. awarded by the state highway in Nampa and Meridian with rel- Service: 10 a.m. so John Deere number 2 mower, commission. The contracts placed. atives. houses. Have big demand. See p M and the ColJnty Court Room l Choir practice at 8 p. m. Thurs Church School: 11 a.m. good condition. G. H. Horn, 7th in one day totaled nearly 82,000.-1 Arcadla will hold Its school el- 24Mtfc. j ¡n vale, Oregon, have been fixed daV- and Locust, Nyssa. 14J2xp. Frank T. Morgan. 000. On a low bid of 8772,724.50 the jectlon June 18 from 2 until 7 p. m. ADRIAN FREE METHODIST W ANTED-- Listings on real e s -1 by the Court M the ttale and place Warren Northwest company was One director will be elected, FOR SALE—Apricots in season, tat«.. We have sold everything we for the hearln8 881(1 account given a contract to build both the | Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard were CHURCH ST. P A U L ’S EPISCOPAL big orchard. Prank Graham, 8t* had listed. Bernai d Eastman. 19tfc | ? " d any objections that may be north and south units of the Pa- business visitors in Weiser las* Adrian, Oregon M ISSION miles southwest o f Nyssa. 7J2xp . . . ________i filed thereto, when and where any cific highway Steiwer ihill-Albany week. Rev. P. H. Reiman, Pastor The Rev. Burton Sailer, vicar. WE P A Y H IGHEST PRICES for person interested In said estate relocation project. The 819-foot The Arcadia Sunday school board FO R SALE —Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay may appear, file objections In writ Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 Santiam river concrete bridge con held a meeting at the home of 220 or 440-3 phase motor and Holy tommunlon and sermon each Preaching, 11 a. m. ette. , 12Atfc. ing and be heard thereon. centrifugal pump, size 3X2'(¡, speed Young people's meeting, 7:30 p.m. tract went to C. J. Montag A Mrs. George Moeller June 6. Said account is for fin al settle second Sunday of the month. Son fo r 8545.923.40. Mrs. Vernon Butler attended a 3600, complete with switch and HELP W ANTED— C any-all oper- ment and upon being approved said Church school at Th:30 a. m. led by Mrs. Lorena Nelson. Unemployment Payoff Up party given in Ontario Friday night Women s Guild second Wednesday starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen ator. Phone 05J11. Gannon Broth- estate wU1 ^ Llosed, a distribution Evening message. 8:30. During the past month 1225 ol at the home of Mrs. Udick in honor trifugal pump 200 G. P. M „ speed ers. Come help us spread scriptural 24Mtlc. made of the assets In the hands of each month. the 300,000 workers who are cov o f June Udick Hague. 1150, complete with 15 horsepower holiness throughout the world. of the Executrix In accordance with GRAVEL. FX C A V A T IN G ered by the state jobless Insurance The Arcadia Sunshine chib met L. D. 8. CHURCH Westing-house 3 phase motor, swit the provisions of the last will and L. H. Snodgrass Come help us spread Bible holl- applied for benefits. In tile at the home of Mrs. Fred Schilling Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood ch and starter. City of Nyssa. testament o f said deceased, and , General custom work, gravel, ex ness throughout the world. ¡March period there were 1057, In June 7 with Mrs. Jake Groot as meeting Oregon. lOMtfc. cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2, said administration brought to a February 043 and in January only assistant hostess. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. close and said Executrix discharged. 26Atfc PE RSO NAL comfort not. possible N yssji, Oregon. 501. THE COM M UNITY UNITED Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Barbara V. Smith. In work shoes that dry hard and Reserves of the unemployment Attend Spokane Banquet— PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH meeting. BUTCHERING Executrix o f the estate of stiff. Wolverine Shell Horsehides Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray and compensation fund is approaching Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society Kingman Memorial Sid E. Smith, deceased. Custom butchering every Mon dry soft after soaking and stay the 839 million mark, considered Mr. and Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee J. C. Nevin. Pastor. meeting. n d ' -------------------- -— soft. W ear so much longer they day and Friday. Beef, sheep a ample for the post-war jobless days were in Spokane during the week First Tuesday of each montn at 10 a. m., Bible school. cut work shoe costs to the bone. pork. Sanitary butchering guaran- NOTICE O P H EARIN G . O W YHEE 4 p.m. Primary for children bet end attending a celebration given 11 a. m.. morning worship with of Oregon workers. IR R IG A T IO N D IS T R IC T C et 'em from Golden Rule Store. red, Phone 05R1. AH stock must by the Inland Empire refineries. Dr. H. H. Hayman of the College! Opinions of Attorney General ween ages of 4 and 12. Nyssa. 14J1XC. :ome In Thursday or Sunday after- Notice hereby is given that there of Idaho preaching. \ A county court may erect or Besides making a trip through noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No have been filed with the Board of 8 p. m., evening worhlp. Song assist In erecting or paying for th i refineries, the visitors attended B A P T IS T CHURCH PC-R GALE Small house cast of stock accepted on butchering day. Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation rervice. Discussion: Young people's only one veterans’ memorial arch. a banquet at which 100 distributors Second Street tracks In Ward addition. 81000 One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta District, petitions for inclusion Into F.. T. Larson. Missionary Paste- ¡leader is Ellen Judd; adults, topic, monument or building In a county. from various parts of the United cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jttc avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc the Owyhee Irrigation District, of — . - v i « n _ _ _ _ — _. _ 1 Ct nil li A p nil mi r natni i> n s im iAtm nn States were present. Mr. Ray and How Can Parents Prepare m Home! Statutes aUow n county surveyors Sunday school, 10 a.m. — :— ■— :----------------- ------ ---------- the tracts of land hereinafter set Morning worship, 11 a. m. Train for Returning Service Men and »15 per day for services while ac- M r Bybee represented the Inland FO R SALE—Two 2-room houses Legal Advertisem enf forth and that the owners of said tually performing duties of office O il company o f Nyssa. Women?” with baths. Bernard Eastman. 7Jtfc ' tracts of land and the petitioners ing union, classes for all 7:15. Sunday evening message, 8 p. m. Wednesday, 8 p. m., choir prac — - j NOTICE OF FINAL are as follows: FO R SALE— Small acreage, close ! SETTLEMENT Mid-week prayer and Bible study tice at Toombs’. Boyer and Ople Boyer— in goo.1 -ocation, vineyard. Terms. | NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that H' C Thursday at 8 o’clock. You are Thursday, 2 p. m., M ary and N W H N W U , Section 32. Township A. L. Atkeson. 21Mtfc. , Hilda Louise Tensen, Executrix of welcome to all of our services. Martha society meets. 17, S. R. 47 E. W. M. 8 p. m. Thursday, officers meet FOR SALE John D einTfront and <lhe estato 07 Lafrenz- dp-1 Theo ..................... Moore—All ....................... land in the at Wilson’s. iear. six-row cultivator bar for [ cea-sed. has filed in the County N ,iN W , „ Nortlh of Frohman ASSEMBLY OF GOD Friday, 10 a. m „ prayer group model B tractor. Dick Wyatt. 24M4 Court ot Malheur County. Oregon. Ditt.h in ^ 13 Township 18. S. C' ** Sn,der' pas,or meets. See Sunday bulletin for ______ ______________ her first and final account of her R 45 e W M Sunday school, 10 a.m. FO R SALE— Michael-Leonard gar- administration and that the 29th j uberuaga—SWV4SWV4 of Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser place. den seed. Alfalfa, pasture and clover day of June. 1915 at the hour of cec(jon 26 Township 17 S R 46 vice 8 p m seeds. Hollingsworth Hardware and 2 o’clock P. M. and the County e W M~ ' ’ Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Implement Co. . 31Mtfc. Court Room in Vale, Oregon, have, o H McClellan and Hannah in armed forces. Come, worship H. J. Gernhardt. Pastor. FOR ~SALE— 1938 1 P Interna’ ’ ‘T ” fix/ d , ^ ,the Court as the McClellan- E ' , S E ‘ , of Section 8. ' with us and pray With us for your s a i t, 19J8 i . d . Interna- time and place for the hearing of TVnm«hin ia <? r as w w m Church school, 10 a. m. boy and some other mother’s boy. tional trac ------- tractor, one 14-foot ! faW accollnt and any objections Township 18. S. R. 45. E. W. M. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. hydraulic s-raner one 1 « mm ‘“ “ ‘T “ “ “ * “ » Herman W e lk e r - N W L S W ', of Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of nyurauiic scraper. one 16-fooi, that may be filed thereto, w h en 1 R , 7 t- w Fellowships, 7:30 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NA7.ARENF field cultivator, one 10-foot Wheat- , ,,d where anv Derson interested S e c a ° n 10’ 17' S ' R ' 47' E' W ' School District No. 26C of Malheur County, Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 E. J Wilson. Pastor. 'and disc piow. Phone 05J11. G a n - , ln a ld estate may appear, file S R * i f E W i f 0“ 0” 9' p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. State of Oregon, that the annual election of Training class Thursday, 4 p. m. non ro ers^______________ 24Mtfc' objections in writing and be heard , ^ at 'the prayer of each of said Morning worship, 11 a. m. said district will be held at the elementary sch 7:15, young people's, intermed- ST O R A G E — Consolidated Freight- i thprePrl- petitions and petitioners is that Notice of Annual School Election ways building. First street. See ' Sald acpmmt is for final seUle' Jake at the F ix-it shop. 24Mtfc and upon belnB approved I said estate will be closed, a dls- F O R S A L E - Weed-free headgates | tribution made of the remaining and checkgates. Nyssa Tile and ^ t s and the executrix discharged ' ~ ' ' n orth. of Polar 'Hilda Louise Tensen. Pipe Co. Located Executrix of the estate of Cold Storage. 7J2xp. Bettie Lafrenz. deceased. First pub. May 31. W ANTED W A N T E D —Substitute for paper Last pub. June 28, 1945 carrier. See James Pruyn. 14Jlxp. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .riven rhe W ANTE D — Furnished apartment N O TICF HFRFRV N O T ic p HEREBY is given, to the an order be made by the Board of and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. Directors of the Owyhee Irrlga- The Clayton Jensen family and tion District that the lands des- ~ ~ ’ 'th e C. M. Tensen fam ily spent CTlbed ,n each of such petitions The J. G. Lane family were wepic.end at Summit Prairie. and as hereinabove set forth, be Boise visitors Monday. j Business visitors in Ontario included within the boundaries o l Mrs. Bach, Mrs. J. G. Lane s Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Dick mother, has recently returned to said Owyhee Irrigation District. j __________________ Notice Further is Given, That the Lane home. Thurman Piercy. son o f Mr. and said petitions will be heard and CARD OF T H A N K S considered by the Board of Direct- Mrs. W. E. Piercy, left with ICen- W e wish to thank our friends ors o f the Owyhee Irrigation Dis- neth Elliott of Adrian and Don- and neighbors for their kindness K in g m a n K o lo n y PAULUS J E W E L R Y STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. M cFALL "See Me Fall and 9.» Better” '• s DIAM OND8 W ATCHES Main Street at Second W YCKOFF JE W E L R Y STORE Official Tim e Inspector tor Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON GEORGE JACKSON M ODERN W A TC H D E PAIR IN G State Licensed Watchmaker O N TA R IO , OREGON 3% blocks N. of City Hall EYESIGHT SPECIALIST O N TARIO OREGON P H Y S IC IA N S ^ S A R A Z IN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. General practice of medicine X-ray Physiotherapy L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 87 Honrs: 10 to 12 and I to 8 Dally— Except Sunday Fry Building H A Y B U Y ER W . F. Jahn Dealer in hay and grain No. 5, Factory Court Phone 68M Opposite sugar factory DENTISTS J. R. C U N D ALL Dentist Phone 58-J Sararin Clinic NYSSA OREGON This election is called for the purpose o f el ecting one director for a term of five years. Dated this 7th day of June, 1945. Attest : ,rict at lts n* ular meetln* to ^ ald Brewer of 0 ^ he€ to enter and floral offerings during our held on Tuesday the third day of the navy last Thursday. They will bereavement. C. W, Buchner Heny H. Hartley July 1945 at 8:00 o’clock P. M. at report to San Diego. They were Mrs. U. G. Sebum and John | the district office in Nyssa, Ore- honored at a swimming party at Chairman, Board o f District Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum and I gon and all persons interested or Snively's springs Tuesday evening, family j desiring to objeot thereto, a r e ; Misses Letty Bronson, Ellen Directors Mr. and Mrs. V. Roper and I notified to appear at the o ffic e ! Judd and DeLora Hurst were Sun- family aforesaid. at the time and place day dinner guests of Porestlne Lucien McLaughlin and. fam ily I above stated, and show cause, ln Wilson. writing, if any they have, why j Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson | the prayers of said petitions and were Sunday dinner guests at the each o f them should not be grant- K. I. Peterson home, led. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunt and | Dated this 5th day o f June 1945 children and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn | by order of the Board o f Dtrec- Bronson o f Big Bend were Sun- tors. day callers at the Max Belnap Prank T. Morgan. Secretary, home. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager and Owyhee Irrigation District. fam ily and Ardls Hurst attended First pub. June 7. 1945. The Western-Hall H i-Lift sweep rake with Power Control unit is de 'the horse sale in Ontario Sunday. Last pub. June 28, 1945. I E. M. Hauser, county club agent, I signed to take the drudgery out of forage crop harvesting, cuts haying j N O TICE O F F IN A L SE TTLE M E N T was in the Kolony last week time as much as 50 per cent; does the work o f 3 or 4 wagon crews. Del 1 ESTATE OF E. M. B LODGETT, weighing the 4-H beef cattle. ivers clean fully leaved hay to the stacks. Handles shocked grain to the DECEASED Miss Letty Bronson was an over N O TICE HEREBY IS G IVEN , that night guest of Forestine Wilson thresher easily and quickly. Is used for all bundled or bulky forage IB. T. Frost, the Administrator Sunday. crops; baled or loose straw. j with the will annexed o f the estate Jewell and Nadine Wilson were <>f E. M. Blodgett, deceased, has dinner guests o f Dorothy Toomb The KNEE-FLEX Spring Suspension gives the hay a smooth ride over ! filed ln the County Court o f M al Sunday. rough fields at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. It is loaded and unloaded heur County, Oregon, his report Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hall have o f his administration with his returned from southwestern Ore as fast as you can shift gears-easily and quickly detached from the first and final account, and that gon. tractor. the 14th day o f July, 1945 at the Dick Ashcraft has been trans hour of 10 o’clock a. m. and the ferred by the navy from the hos County Court Room at Vale, Ore pital section to dental school on gon has been appointed by the Mare Island. Court as the time and place for Sgt. Tom McConnell, brother of the hearing of same and any ob Hugh McConnell, has returned jections that may be filed by any home after nine months in a Call us Collect, Phone 167, Caldwell person interested, where and when German prison camp. they may appear, file objections Mrs. Clara Shaw and son. Don in writing and be heard thereon. nie, of Nyssa were callers at the Said account Is for final settle Hugh McConnell home Sunday. Rachel and Herbert Shaw of ment and upon being approved and settled, said estate will be Jamieson are at Hugh McConnell's distributed in accordance with the iarm helping ln the hay. provisions o f the last will and | Crops were badly damaged by testament of said E. M. Blodgett, a severe hail and wind storm Sat In Burns Chevrolet Co. Building and the estate closed, and said urday evening. Administrator discharged. 9th and Arthur Street» B T. Frost, COLUMBIA AVENUE Administrator of the estate of Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. E. M. Blodgett, with ttve will and Mrs. George Smit o f Nu-Acres Idaho annexdM. were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mrs. 1st pub. June 7. 1945. | Lost pub.Xluly 5. 1945. Marjorie Fields of Boise and Mr. Professional And Business Directory JE W E LR Y STORES ool between the horn’s of 2 :00 p. m. and 7 :00 p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 18th day of June, A. D. 1945. Western Hall Hi-Lift Sweep Rakes Immediate Delivery B. & M. Equipment Co. Caldwell