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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1945)
. Ä T " " " m . JOURNAL r/ieNYSSA VOTA ME XXXX ÑüT21 'N 7 ^ S X r O K E 0 O 5 rT H U U S D A Y , JÜÑE 1 , 1945" EPISCOPALIANS TO PRODUCE COMPANY $ 30,000 Worth Place O f U. S. Increase Shown | ^ GA5 y $ B 0 Definite Dates 'BUILD N EW CHURCH BUILDS ADDITION O f Bonds Sold In Budget ror In World Told For Nyssa Dairy The Episcopal church has laun- Al Meier and Bernard Frost, The Eastern Oregon Produce ch ei a "new church fund drive” students of Ralph Winebrenner, To PTA And 4H i company has built a large addl- Show Decided At Auction Here | during the seventh war loan cam- Malheur County local flying Instructor, have soloed _____ , tlon to Its packing shed and has Geokan Makes Highest I paJ«n iu r purpof:<! tl#V of e8tabl,sh- Total Budget $313.642; and _ s0V 0ral others are * , ab °“t Winners In Spring Style ||vr^ Wed “** lnsWe oi t*ie old Plans For June 29 and 30 _ . . _ m m V» » ill /4 1*1» fit M A l 1 /, W ««»111 Kil ___ _ _ __ . . * _ .1^ l— . ■ * i ing a building fund, which will be building. Bid; Vaudeville Is Amount To Be Raised to solo, but are awaiting proper Event Outlined by Show at Ontario are used after the war. papers from the C. A. A. inspector. Ttie addition is a frame structure, Planned By Tax $217,842 Committee ! Patrons and friends of the church Announced Other students, including sev- covered with Sheet metal, tt is 40 mmi a More than $30 000 worth of war are asked to help in the project The Malheur county budget, eral women, are enrolled in the by 60 feet, increasing the size of Tire role that the United States 7 ' “ -------------* --- ------ Th0 Nyssa dalr>’ show committee, bonds, maturity value, were sold by donating to the church bonds which was submitted to the Gate school. They are Anna Lee Melton. ' purchased during the bond cam -I ' ~ ' 7 must play if w'orW peace is to ue j 'The' "id 411 ionb wi ^ hmtt hermi«» ni00tln8 Monday night, definitely at the war bond auction held Sat ■»sign a number of bonds were city Journal for Publication this Irvin Durfte, Alex Geokan, Robert plished. was stressed by / 1* * , a***,t*°" ,*** bu,K ^ » u s e decided to hold the show June 29 urday night on Main street. The presented to Bishop William P week, calls for $217,842.47 to be Thompson. W. N. Holmes. Bert Father Dodley oi Payette when he “ u c T thlT y^ar M ^ g e r Tom and 30 0,1 the school grounds and sale Increased the total bonds sold Remington at a meeting held raised by taxation. outlined other plans for the event. Hanev. Peggy Rambaud, D. O. By- addressed the county P.T.A. and Burnlngham said’ , Persons desiring to enter animals in the Nyssa section to approx- May 37. The total budget for the 1945- bee. Orln Sumner. Howard Smith, 4’ H ^oups ln Ontario Saturday., in the show must register them on imately $70,000. I The Prese" 1 cbur0h wlu **“ 1150(1 40 fiscal year amounts to $313.642.- Emil Stunz. Irvin Duffln, Mrs. Pa(her Dooley, who has spent 24 • as a recreation hall. i Robert Thompson. Roy Holmes, Holme. J0ars ln European countries, said or before June 16. Miss Effle Ellen Tiie E bond quota of Nyssa is j Grant Rinehart and Mr 3 . J. J. 57- Estimated receipts and cash on lOounsil will register the stock at William DeGrofft, Jr., and Dr. and that America is the hope of $108,000, issue price, so that Nyssa g^j^^n are members of the build- hand amount to $95,800, leaving vr.- r ^ Mauldin" Europe. Europe can never have . r, , « . Fiank Morgan's office. .ho". p h U m I Half rk f Jvirs* U . r k . n m u iU U lg . has raised approximately half of 1|lg lund committee. I Grade and purebred animals of Ground school courses have been l>ea' e unt11 1416 riBhts of the small | a balance of $217,842.57 to be raised its E bond quota. Sale of other all breeds will be exhibited, but started with good attendance. (Countries are respected by the by taxation. types of bonds is progressing sat- ; With good flying weather ahead, lar6*r nations. Following the first | a varied program of songs and nothing under six months of age The amount used for the basis , fcfactorlly, Chairman Olean Wells ________ was __________ given last ____ Fri will be shown. No bulls over two of taxation during the cur rrent Winebrenner expects an increase world war 1416 United States was demonstrations said. the only large nation that did not day night ln the Nazarene church years of age will be exhibited, year was $258,685.83 and estimated in the number of students. Alex Geokan made the highest j acquire land that did not right- at the concluding session of the I"*1* committee will furnish bedd- receipts and cash on hand were bid at the auction, buying $3000 jfullly belong to her. dally vacation Bible school spon- l,l8' but the owners must provide $65,890.01, leaving a balance of worth of bonds for a ride over j Father Dooley said that before sored by the Nyssa Ministerial the feed. No entrance fee will be D O W Î lC d in l he Owyhee dam, offered by Ralph William McElroy. Sr., passed * » « ™ .8 3 to be raised by taxa- W i f e S international peace could be association. charged. The awards will be in tion Winebrenner, local aviator. away Saturday morning at the the form o f ribbons. The cows P l o n n A r . / » ; r I « r . + o ! br° UBht about two things were The intermediates opened the ( Several new items appear in the W. L. Lane was auctioneer, Mrs. Holy R «ary hospital. 1 I tin I t / I L L I U L I I I » ¡necessary: First, that propaganda program by pledging allegiance to must be tested for Bang's disease Mr. McElroy was alone at his b,Kl80t' ‘ "eluding *3000 for a coun I a lie, cleik, and Claude Willson -------- must be outlawed, and second, the America,', flag and the Chrls- before the show. A special veterin homo in Ontario anJ was bathing ,v veter‘ n:inan to comply with a and Mr. Wells assistants. A quarter of a mile of eleotric that the world must have inter- ,tjan flag and to Christ, arian will be in the county to do The next major event in the when he fell, breaking some of new state law requiring each coun- wire was torn loose when an air- national honesty. The United Tile beginners sang "Good Ev- the testing. Arrangements for the war 1 and sales campaign will bo his ribs. In attempting to open the 4y « ^ ^ s 'b u d g e t e d ^ o w a r d 1'the Plane piloted by Merritt Cook ales is in the best position of ening’ and then assisted Mrs. Sew tests will be made through the vaudeville show to be giv*n by buthroom door he pulled the knob 01 *2,5° was budgeted toward the «truck .— . any nation to insist on these two ar(i (n a demonstration in which registration committee, the ,,— line last ............. Saturday at the Lions dub in the Ny sa theat- o ff. and was unable to gain exit. ? x.^ nse office” with” $1800 to apply 5:30 p' m' obout a mlle noruh oi iactors' and the fl*ture P0800 01 the story of Moses was told. The, 11 »W not be necessary for the « in connection with the showing it was reported he lay in the service iry and $250 for traveling the Nyssa -Parma Junction. Cook 4110 world is in Jeopardy unless primaries gave a demonstration , animals to be “papered" for the i f a war bond premiere, "The ' athroom several hours before he expense on salary " ‘ “ was dusting peas at the time and the United States takes a firm showing Christ as a lighthouse Purebred class, but if challenged Merry Monohans’, the night of was discovered and taken to the The road fund was increased to waa f;ylng low ln order to do stand at this time. 'and then the primaries and Junior-Ith0 owners must be able to prove June 25. Only one show will be j hospital by ambulance. $76 000 effective dusting. The afternoon program of the intermediates held a song service, registration eligibility. pi refilled that night. Admission Mrs. McElroy, who had been as- No special class will be arranged , ... budget committee decided The ac-'d ,r t P"t out lights in county P.T.A. ana a-rt groups The intermediate^, represented wi 1 be only by war bond, pur- surung in the care of her ailing to The employ a w a t T r m ™ t e 7 fo r ^ t ,he rural ,0rriu'rV of the Idaho opened at 2 o'clock in the Conklin by Robert Hartley, Tommy Ftoster for the 4-H club, but all club mem < in >< d at the Nyssa pharmacy or mvthei in Montana, was called to mon|;hP o{ th(1 and „ Power company on the Idaho and auditorium. Group singing was led and Dolores Gray, gave a “motion bers are urged to enter stock. The the Nyssa theater. Glea Billing-, h7L homp- Iriated $2250 for that purpose' P !Ol'0Bon sides of the river for a Mr- Harris of Ontario accom- picture" demonstration. The plc- committee especially desires to em is chairman of the committee in Their son. William, Jr., Is on P_ , ^ ^ few minutes. i>anled by Mrs. Donald Joseph of tures ased in the demonstration phasize that .the animals will not A levy o f c‘ ie mill will be made tliarge of the show. duty in the Pacific area with the for the county experiment farm i Apparently the mi hap caused £ 0 Jeffer^n district Following were drawn free-hand. be Judged on the basks of groom Mr :. Hilda Tensen, who has been .navy. no damage to the plane. , Father Dooley s address, Mrs. Thirty-six beginners were en- ing and showmanship, but upon Tlio McElroy family own a farm ! ln. accordanc0 with a measure pass appointed bv Mrs. Fred L. Olm- ed by the voters at the election! Aviators from Parma and Emmett 1 Dm™!, Patch of Adrian sang roIled Thirty-one received certif- bask: qualifications, such as pro ftecd of Ontario, Malheur county in Lincoln Heights but moved to are making use of the Nyssa airfield i Danny D<'V • Doris Stoier of (ica^ for attending on at least duction and type. As a result, it chairman, as chairman of the Ontario nearly three years ago., last fall. The tax will amount to the Idaho side of the river I Lincoln district gave a reading eight days of the two-weeks school. ■will not be necessary for Che ani women’s ui,-.,ion in Nyssa said the They were former residents of There will be little change in !for dusting purposes. : and Miss Geraldine Pettet of Lin- Twelve were given perfect attend- mals to be especially prepared for women of her group will actively Nyssa. An airplane reported to have i0010 sang a solo. The Mathour 4-H ance awards the show. salaries, Judge Irwin Troxell said, j engage In 'he sale of bonds. The Funeral services were held Tues o f the n enrolled In the primary The Owyhee Riding club will Several departments showed a slight b0en PllotPd by 8 Caldwell avia clothing groups then presented money derived from the sale of day afternoon at the Peterson department, eight had perfect att- give a demonstration one night of tor tore down a telephone line in their spring style show. decrease in their office budgets. bi nds purchased forn the women's Fuller:.1 home. Interment was in At the regular board of man- andance. Fifteen received certtf- the show and the Nyssa band will Members of the budget committ the Owyhee canyon Memorial day. division will be used exclusively the Ontario cemetery. agers meeting of the county lcates for ^ h t -d a y attendance. play. A dairymen's ball will be ee ln addition to the county oourt Several Nyssa residents attended for liospltal work. P.T.A. held Saturday morning. | Forty-eight youngsters were en- held Saturday night, June 30 In were Charles W. Swan of Vale, J. the funeral. Mrs Maurice Judd of the King- roUed ln ^ junior-intermediate th0 gymnasium F. Cooper of Ontario and C. C. Visit Ilere-- man Kotony P.T.A. was elected departmPnt. Thirty-two received A chamber of commerce comm Cotton of Nyssa. Mrs. Merle McCormick oi Whit Here From Seattle-- county president for the coining certificates. ittee will be appointed to arrange tier California a,»i Mrs. A E. Mrs C. G. Wade of Seattle is year. | J ______________ plans for the dance. Moore and daughter of Pocatello n guest nt the home of her sister- Other officers elected were Mrs. el. M. Gutterrez, 19, and Ernest > Ackrman of Ontario, vice presl- TRUSTEES NAMED visited last week at the home of in-law, Mrs. H. R. Sherwood. NO TRACE FOUND OF their grandparents, Mr. and M r s . ----------------------- Apodaco. 17, alleged occupants of |dent; Mrs. Elmer Sparks of Ad- BY RIDING CLUB V A N PETTEN PLANE C. C. Cotton. Mrs. McCormick was ■ Officers Nominated— an automobile that crashed into j rian, secretary, and Mrs. Joe, _____ fn route to Seattle to meet her I Nomination of officers of the a building occupied by Mr. and Brumbach of Big Bend, re-elected; Five trustees were appointed by No trace had been found this husband, who is returning from Nyssa Lions club was held at the The parents and teacher units lMrs- Ronald Batt and family on treasurer. ¡the members of the Owyhee Rid- weekly luncheon of the organiza of the county are concentratin'» v,,est Main street several days ago, j Mrs. Judd has been an active ing club at a business meeting morning of Frank Van Petten and the Aleutian Islands. tion Monday noon. The election this spring on immunizations of Pl0aded guilty last week in circuit (Continued on page 2) held Thursday evening at the Ore- Charles P. Flegel of Ontario, who Visits I fe r e -- gon Trail, with 32 disappeared ln Van Petten\s air will be held next Monday noon. all pre-school children including court in Vale to a charge of larceny I members present. They are Nell plane May 27 while on a fishing Mrs. A. C. Paris arrived from ages from six months to freshman of an automobile and were sen- j FINE BULL TO BE Dlmmick. D. O. Bybee, Lloyd Ad trip to Yellow Pine near Council, Pocatello Eunday to visit her par On Fishing T r ip - tenced and paroled. P E 'r ,I 7 'T W n P P U I A V age for the first time. The Mexican boys were sentenc- xvTiLalVl V C j U r rvlL/rV I ____ _____ ams. William DeGrofft and Ron- Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding and ents and attend to business. She Pre-registrations have been arr Ralph Winebrenner, local avia returned to Pocatello Monday ev- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rinehart and anged ln each community where cd ,to two years in the state P0"' BY LOCAL BREEDERS'aid Holmes. their families spent Saturday, Sun there Is a P. T. A. unit. Most of itontiary and paroled to Sheriff C. < ning. -------- | Marie Holmes was appointed as tor, and Dr. Tacke. county coron day and Monday at Wallowa lake the registrations are completed and ! w Glenn by Ju-ige M. A. Biggs A Jersey bull calf, one of th e ; entertainment chairman and chose er. were among those who assisted More To Nyssa— in Wallowa county. The men re the Annex and Lincoln P. T A !on condition that they engage in outstanding calves ln the country, Mrs. Lloyd Marshall as her assis- in the search for the missing men. They made an aerial search of Mr. and Mis. Robert Long or ¡ported a good catch of fisli cltnics have been held. Ontario gainful occupation and refrain from will arrive here ln style (on the tant Jordan Valley have moved to Ny- President Lloyd Marshall pres the Indian valley and Council val parents are asked to register their indulgence in gambling and drink- j Portland Rose) Friday morning f j to make their home. Mr. and Go To Portland— I from the Sherman stock farm at ided at the meeting. Plans for ley territory. children at the Conklin school ing liquor. Miss Peggie Herren and her today from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. The Mrs. Wayne Morris have moved Helens, Oregon and will b e . construction of a rodeo grounds from the l ong residence to the brother, Donald, left Wednesday Ontario clinic will be held at 2 p. boys’ first, the Judge told them he received by C. M. Beaumont, King- constituted the most important FATHER OF MRS. horse formerly occupied by Mr. evening for Portland to visit friends m ^ the Conkl,n ¡business discussed. The member- Monday> would give them an opportunity to man Kolony Jersey breeder. W ILLIAM S PASSES Many events have transpired, Mr. ship now numbers 75. Lunch was and Mrs. Oi-mand Thomas. for two weeks. |june 11. The Adrian clinic will be make amends for their mksconduct. Beaumont said, since he secured an served by the ladles committee, From now on, he told them, they Lafayette (Lafe) Johnson of Nyssa the past week. He has serv- j b0ld Tuesday, June 12 at 9 a. m. must decide if they want to be 1 option on the calf of Coronation with Mrs. Nell Dimmick as chair- Nampa, father of Mrs. H. B. Will „ . , __,. ..__ . ¡ „ . at the Adrian high school. Owyhee, ed five enlistments, enlisting first . . . _ . . , : Wade and Lower Bend children are law-abiding citizens both are native Brightie of B. F„ when she topped man. iams of Nyssa rural route, died ln born, of Mexican descent) but he ,the American Jersey Cattle club’s | A drill was held at the livestock a Boise hospital last week follow- when he was 17 lyears old. He was jnvired to the Adrian clinics, umess a Saturday dinner guest at the | ^11 children in any of these warned them that any infraction | testing list in May and June, a yards to Nyssa Sunday afternoon, ln„ a fori 13 year ago, with 118.82 and 115.8 with approximately 50 persons tak-I Mr. — M " , was a prominent home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard communities over six months of of the rules he had I laid down lor Johnson Bair. He left Wednesday morning a^e and under .school age are in- them would result in their losing pounds of butterfat and took sec- I Ing part. Nola Rae Drown and rancher and fruit grower to the fo'r Utah and Iowa, and will visit vited to attend the clinics at any their freedom and no credit would ond position in July with 101 | Dan Oraham were among the i Lakeshore district until his re be allowed on the two year sen- pounds. The cow made a medal o f , new members. his sister in California. one of the centers. tirement two years ago. utah Cpl. Harold F. Wilson arrived j Mrs Maurice Judd of Newell itnee for any time spent on parole, merit record of 750 pounds of butt-1 The next drill practice will be I Mr j0tln9on who went erfat to 305 days. Mr Beaumont held one week from Sunday. TTiose' recent|y vlslt r(,latlv„ , was sent home last tVednesday from King- Heights, the county chairman of j One stipulation of the parole was man. Arizona for a vLslt with his the P t . A. round-up clinics, asks that they should pay all damage was to exercise his option only in desiring to become members should to boap|tai Tuesday night iji ~ ¡contact Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass, sec- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. pai*pb,ta be at the clinic center incurred when the automobile case that the calf was a bull. of last week. The calf's sire. Brampton Basil retary. The fee Is 5 per year for Wilson. Cpl. Wilson will report to at lhe openlng of the clinic to I which they took from Ontario A resident of Idaho for the past Amarillo. Texas after his visit for ¡ ^ „ r c lhem s(.rvic<, t }, c phyriclans smashed into the Nyssa building, Stan, a son of Brampton Basllue adults and $1 for Junior members, 4 years, Johnson was bom April and grandson of Basilue. world's further training in the air corps. are yery and leave as soon as j -------------------------- 9, 1860 at Springvllle, Utah. He record Jersey cow, made his silver Go To Arizona— -------- , finLshed. Mrs. Irene Makinson, started his own fruit orchard to medal on the records of his first Allen Forbes, chlei carpenter s su vlsor_ farm «county Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFarland a sagebrush tract south of the lake five daughters on test. Beglntng left Tuesday for Cottonwood, Artz- mate. USNR. has been honorably adtnlnistration and chalrman CI to 1918 and made his home there Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Larson have discharged after three years of ser- the count nutrUionai council, and at one year and nine months of ona to visit their son, Russell, and until 1943. received word that their son, Ray vice in the navy, including about ^ age, the reifers made rocerds LHUan Nlgbeti ^ „ t y librar_ family. Besides his daughter, he is sur mond. Jr., has been promoted to 18 age the cows made records in 305 mon,ils ln the battle 201,03 of ian, have been present for con- vived by five sons, two brothers, the rank of staff sergeant, e has ♦he Pacific. Forbes, who served in imitation with parents and to dls- Undergoes Operation — P ^ c' a of Va!*' > > » - mllkln* lwo a day' °| two sisters, 26 grandchildren and been In Czechoslovakia and Ger WoTld War I. is now attending . exhibits at each nre-rerristxa- oi the Nyssn-Adrtan district, died from 424 pounds to 493 pounds of Mrs. O. A. Anderson Is recover 16 great grandchildren. HLs wile •*-- t,on play center exnlwts Mrs at eacn pre r0i!liitra many. He is expected to arrive in school In Ban Francisco. He *- is the Farris, pub- June 4 at tlic Holy Rosary hospital butterfat and two Juet missed with ing satisfactorily from a goitre op died two years ago. the states the latter part of June son of Mrs. Betty Forbes Wheeler Itc hea,th nurw has ¡396 and 411 pounds. The Shermans eration performed May 30 at the the in Ontario. Funeral ervices were held Tuesday and will receive further training of Nyssa. Mr. Recla was born in Trento, have refused $5000 for the bull. A Samaritan hospital to Nampa. units with registrations. afternoon in the chapel of the Austria. March 21, 1891 and came | <xm of Brampton Basllue and half- before being sent to the Pacific. second ward of the L. D. 8. church. to the United States in 1907. In ! brother of Brampton Ball Stan. Nursing Home Notes— The meritorious service unit ln- r> * M Fl P O M r E P T T O Bishop Warren Erickson officiated. signia has been presented to Major D A IN 1J t U W L / t / K l 1 U Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham 1914 he was married to Elvira Brampton Canadas Finest has been Mr. and Mrs WtIHam Huff are Interment was in Kohlerlawn cem Giaonoli at Iron River, Michigan. sold to a firm in England, the parents of a boy. weighing 6 pounds, have received information from Lloyd A. Wilson of Nyssa. Oregon. BE GIVEN FRIDAY etery. They came west to 1929 and moved only Jersey bull ever to be shipped ¡8 ounces, born June 1. Pvt. and their daughter, Mrs. Frank Fronek, statistical control officer to the I -------- of Wisconsin, stating that her hus- 21st statistical control unit at j The second Nyssa band concert to Vale three years ago. to England from America. His dam Mrs. Arnold Slippy are parents of U. P. W ILL BUILD band, who is stationed in Italy, eighth air force headquarters in of the season will be held at the Survivors include his wife, three Is Brampton Favorite Girl, grand a girl born May 31 and weighing SIDE-TRACK HERE has been promoted from second England. | band partition Friday evening, sons. John Rccla of Vale, Pfc. Joe daughter of the Beaumont and 8 pounds. 4 ounces. A boy weigh H. Rccla, serving with the armed Cummins senior herd sire, making ing 8 pounds. 12 ounces, was bom A work order has been Issued to first lieutenant. Lieutenant j Mator Wilson is a son of Mr. | June 8. at 8:30. Fronek also received the air medal and Mrs. E. C. Wilson of Nyssa. He ! The program will consist of forces ln Italy, and Fl i c George two bulls in the Beaumont and | June 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard by the Union Pacific Railroad com pany for construction of 5000 feet and a citation of honor from the is a graduate of the University of marches toy John Phillip Sousa, aiE. Recla, serving with the navy in Cummins herd from his half- Price of Homedale. president. Mrs. Fronek is residing Oregon, where he was a member baton demonstration by Helen ¡the Pacific: two daughters. Mrs. brothers, though unrelated. Mrs Ruth Brooks of Nysaa, who o f track east of the main line ln with Lieut. Fronek's parents at of Beta Alpha Psi and Beta Gamma I Warren, an accordktn solo by Reed j George St. Cyr of Aberdeen, Wash- suffered a paralytic stroke, entered Nyssa for storage. The side-track will run from the Amalgamated Eagle River, Wisconsin. Sigma fraternities and participated Ray, and a routine by the major- lngton and Mary Recla of Vale; Woman Is III— the nursing home June 4. Sugar company factory north for -------- in intra-mural sports. He was an ] ebtes under the leadership of Myma five grandchildren and one broth- Mrs. Ella D. Smith has been er, Valentino Recla of Alpha. Mi seriously ill at the home of her Buy* Farm- a distance of almost a mile. Pfc. Alvin Nye has been advanced accountant for the International j Jordan, drum major, The new track will provide room daughter, Mrs. Frank Fry. to the rank of corporal, according Harvester company in Great Falls, j Anyone who can play a musical chigan. Rube Oraham of Buhl Idaho has purchased the H. B Williams for storage during a waiting per- to word received by his parents Montana before entering the army Instrument is invited to Join the Rosary will be recited at 8 o’clock Friday evening at the Attend Conference— farm two miles northwest of Ad- lod, which will provide time for here this week. He has moved to to March. 1942. band. Peterson Funeral home in Ontario. another Pacific island. | Wilson was graduated from o f f - --------------------------- Miss Peel. AI Thompson and rian and all of the livestock and unloading cars. Services will te held at the Blessed Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt are equipment He will take possession The grading will be done under _____ : leers candidate school at Miami Gees To Portland — Chief Boatswain's Mate LaVem Beach. Florida and air forces stat- Mrs. Artie Robert-on left Tues- Sacrament church ln Ontario and attending the annual conference of of the 80-acre farm Monday. The contract and the laying of steel Wells has been released from his istical school at Harvard unlver-tty, ¡day for Portland, where she will interment will be in the Catholic the Methodist church at Burley, deal was handled through A. L. will be done by a Union Pacific cemetery. war duties and visited friends in (Continued on page 3) 1 receive medical treatment. Idaho. ¡Atkeson. crew. Demonstrations Given At School William McElroy Dies In Ontario Youths Paroled In Theft Case Clinics Stress Immunizations Our Boys In The Service Louis P. Rccla Taken Ky Death * j