Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, M AY 31, 1945 PAGE SIX 4-H S P R IN G SHOW HELD clubs. The annual 4-H spring show was Tne style revue ol Ureases maUe held at the Adrian high school by clothing clubs was pi evented by Tuesday evening. Pour-H members *-H club members. and leaders from the Wade, Low er! ' “ was played by Betty I Jean Tuonib for the style revue. Bend, Naptun, Kingman Kolony >rhe wui giv<.„ a beau. and Adrian districts participated m u; background of a flower gar- in the program | den, with .lattice work, garden gate Miss Lois Jordan or White Settle- and floweia. Mrs. L- Krtager liad ment spoke of her trip to the 4-H charge of the decorations. National Club congress in Chicago, j Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hauser of Club demonstrations were pre- Ontario were special guests, sented by Patsy de Haven and —! - Mildred Sparks who made meat j E NTERTAINS CLUB patties. M ym a Lane and Joyce1 * Mrs. K. G.- Whitaker entertained Fancher demonstrated the making at bridge Wednesday evening. Mrs. of a salad. Shirley Sparks and | Glea Billings won first prize and Marjorie Bowers demonstrated cor- i Mrs. A. L. Maulding won second rect table setting and Norma Jean Mrs. Billings and Mrs. S. W. Aber- Dieiklng and Phyllis Eastman dem sold were guests. onstrated the darning of hose. - OUESTS A T DINNER A number of exhibits were made of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Long, by the 4-H sewing and cooking FOR PLUM BING AND PIPE F ITTIN G C A LL J.E. Brower Dallas, Oregon, Mrs Al. Vaughan those attending were Mr. and Mrs. and son, Jerry, of Portland, Mrs. Burbank and famny. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bates of Riverside, Call- Burton Haney anti family. Bonnie fornia and Mrs. otcar Golden and Dlxoni j ohn gfc,- alld Mary Ktn- Mr. and Mrs. D an r-ong uf Leban- gade A welner |oit,. was held on on. Oregon were honored guests at the tionie lnovies were siiown. dinneis given by relatives during A prcgram of mUiic was enjoyed, ihe past week. They were called Mrs. By bee presented each guest here because of the serious laness wltll of published corn ed J. T. "Grandpa Long. positions. A white three-tier birth- Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomp- d a y cake, trimmed In blue and son entertained Thursday evening y ^ , , waa served to 23. The guests for the visitors. Other guests were honor received several lovely Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and glfts Mr. and Mrs Al. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson H AVE BRID G E P A R T Y were hosts to the group at dinner Mrs. J. J. Saraatn and Miss Eva duturday evening. The family ge>ydell gave a bridge party at the gathered at the home of Mr. and home of Mrs last Thursday Mrs Al. Thompson Sunday. M r .,nlght W llh ,,ve tables In play, and Mrs. Robert Long and daugh- j prizes were won by Mrs. Tom En ter. Evelyn, of Jordan Valley, also drt.dge Mrs Powell and Mrs. spent Sunday with the family. Dean Smith. - 8 - —S' AD RtAN G IR L M ARRIES H A VE D INN ER P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown of Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown, Mr. Adrian announce the marriage of and Mrs! Mark Child. Mr. and Mrs their daughter. Miss Jean Brown, i Arve] child. Mr. and Mrs. John to Lieut. Don Robert Patrick of Schenk and Mr. and Mrs. William Glendale, California on April 29. j jjeus were guests of Mr. and Mrs. The vows were read at an after- Lloyd Lewla at a dinner party noon ceremony at the home of g ¡ven Friday evening. Games were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilson of ^},e diversion of the evening. North Hollywood, aunt and uncle — of Lieut. Patrick. The Rev. Carl | HOSTS A T D INNER SUerle officiated at the ceremony. > a,ld Mrs Howard Bair were The bride was given in marriage hosts a t a dinner in honor of Pvt. >y her uncle, Mr. Don Holbrook. K eith Blackburn Thursday evening. Miss Beverly Holbrook, a cousin of Blackburn left Sunday for Port Ihe bride, was maid of honor, and Meade, Maryland. Plight officer, Carl C. Nelson was best man. P A R T Y HONORS TEACHER The bride wore a lime green Mrs. Mildred Hite of Owyhee was wool suit with doe brown accessor- guest of honor at a party given ies and a pink flower hat. Her cor- | by the Kingman Kolony P. T. A. sage was of gardenias and pink Tuesday afternoon at the home roses. o f Mrs. Prances Deffer. Games and Miss Holbrook wore a black and refreshments were enjoyed by the yellow suit with black accessories guests. Mrs. Hite was presented i Her corsage was of pink camellias. wtth a lapel pin by the group. Miss Brown is a graduate of the M rs. Hite, who has taught the first I Boise high school. She had been and second grades of the Kingman ¡employed In her father's store in Kolony school for a number of Adrian. years, recently resigned. She and Lieut. Patrick, a graduate of her daughter, Marjorie, will spend ¡Herbert Hoover high school, was the summer near Olympia, Wash- ' employed by the Klnner Motors, tngton. Inc. prior to his Induction. He has Just returned from England. where B R ID A L SHOWER HELD he was a member of the eighth Forty ladies attended a bridal air force. shower given at the home of Mrs. The young couple will go to Son- Sam Hartley Friday afternoon In ta Monica, where Lieut. Patrick honor o f Mrs. Arlen Haroldson. will await re-asslgnment. formerly Miss Ilene Hartley. Six — 8 — tables oi bunco were played, with HOSTESS T O CLUB Mrs. Sherman Bybee winning high Mrs. G. J. Mitchell was hostess to and Pern Hartley low. Mrs. Leon club last week. Mrs. Prank Morgan ch ild also won high and Mi's, won first prize. Mrs. Glea Billings Arvel Child low. A lunch was ser- and Mrs. A. J. Kuehn were guests, ved, with Mrs. LeRoy Hartley and —8— I Mrs. Ruben Haroldson assisting Visits Sister Here-- hostesses. Spring flowers were used Mrs. Golden Neilson left Satur- for decoration about the rooms, day morning after several days' The bride received many lovely visit with her sister, Mrs. Amasa gifts. M. Hammon. Her home is in Ogden. , __j __ —5— CLUB ELECTS O FFICERS QUESTS A T D INN ER I The Wives and Mothers of the Mr. and Mrs. Vibert L. Kessler l . D. S. Servicemen'c club elected and family were Sunday dinner several new officers, at a meeting guests at the S. P. Bybee home. J Phone Nyssa 95J Phone Parma 6J2 See TUTTLE LUMBER YARD For CINDER BLOCK» Immediately Available No Priority Needed We Can Also Furnish: CEM ENT, LIME, PLA STE R , IN S U L A T IN G BO ARDS A N D O TH E R B U IL D IN G M ATER IALS. Lumber to Qualified Purchasers About 30,000 ft. o f Used Lumber, Including 5000 Feet of 4-inch Fir Flooring. Tuttle Lbr. Co. Phone 65 458 SW 3rd St. 217W Ontario, Oregon 8 E N T E R T A IN - - NYSSA P hone IO S PROGRAM TH EATR E i i i i'** p ll- DOUBLE F E A TU R E FR ID A Y & S A T U R D A Y , J U N E 1-2 Gale Storm and Peter Cookson in “G. I. H O N E Y M O O N ” Jimmy VVakely, Lee White, Dermis Moore in “SPR IN G TIM E IN T E X A S ” Mat., Sat., 2:50 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax A dm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax S U N D A Y & M O N D A Y , J U » E 3-4 Gail Russell, Joel MeCrea and Herbert Marshall in “T H E U N S E E N ” A drama of a young girl caught in a tangle of weird and terrifying circumstances. 2-reel Musical and Speaking o f Animals Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-Sc, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— T U E S D A Y , JU N E 5 Ruth Terry, Brad Taylor, Lulubelle and Scotty, Roy A cu ff and his Smoky Mountain boys. “SING N EIG H B O R S IN G ” Sports and Cartoon _____________________ Adm. 23p->c, Inc. T a x W E D N E S D A Y & T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 6-7 Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Marion Hutton in “ IN SO C IE T Y ” Good news...for everyone who wants to laugh these days.!.and who doesn’t...your favorite fun-stars are in society. News, Cartoon and 2-reel featurette Adm. Evenings. 40c- V , Including Tas - 8 - E N T E R T A IN S A T D INN E R Mrs. Stella Butler entertained at dinner Sunday. Guests were Dewey Ray and daughter, Leona, o f Bak er. and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge and daughters. Preceding the din ner, they attended memorial ser vices held In the Methodist church - * - O FFICE R S IN S TA LLE D The V.F.W. auxiliary met W ed nesday. May 23, at the Legion hall for installation of officers for the ensuing year. Members Installed were: President, Fredrika Kollen; lenior vice president, Grace Ern est; junior vice president. Adda Ulrey; chaplain. Wilhelmina Leuck: secretary-treasurer. Wanda Sykes; conductress. Geneva Palmer, and guard, Maud Calvert. T h e officers were installed by the district presi W ill be held on Friday instead of Saturday, hereafter. Bybee Livestock Co. Phone 25--R däSStXi W Phone N YS SA Serving Real Estate Farmers Supply & Repair 510 No. Oregon St. Nyssa Highway 30 North Phone 556J Ontario, Oregon F A B R IC A TIO N W ELDING R E PA IR 6v OREGON 5 Phone 05J3 Auctioneer Bernard Eastman Insurance D. 0. Bybee Mgr. Col. Bill Lane COM PLETE A U T O M O T IV E SERVICE FARM SUPPLIES Counties From the Largest Stock of Genuine I f you cannot buy what you need, we can build it for you. Phone 49 See Us For Light and Heavy W ork Ask for Charlie Croghan or Bob Pierce Payette, Idaho 8 - FOR T H E RESIDENTS OF Nyssa And Vicinity 8 - Recelves Award-- Mrs. D. O. Bybee received $5 in war stamps Tuesday for her winn ing poem In the Minute Maid slo gan contest recently held In Boise. - 8 - Remember Our Sale We Are Going To Work O IR L SCOUTS MEET Troop No. 4, Olrl Scouts, met at Ithe home of Mrs. Bernard Eastman Monday afternoon. Tire girls learn- led the Olrl Scout laws and how to follow map directions. - (In * 8 - - OUESTS A T C O U N T R Y CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier at a chicken * dinner at the Payette Country club Saturday evening. Me Cluer-Manser Auctioneer OUESTS A T DINNER Mr. and Mrs. James Spofford and Mr. and Mrs. Frank T . Mor gan and son, Clayton, were dinner 1 guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sara- zin Wednesday of last week. - bUY BONDS AT THIS THEATRE and SPEED TOTAL V IC T O R Y B IL L L A N E Phone 116J - I - E N TE R TAIN S A T D INNER | Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure entertain ed at a dinner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burningham and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher. Parts Orders Shipped Immediately — UTAH N S Mr. and Mrs. Golden Neilson of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Hammon of Nyssa were Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dart O. Bybee. Mrs. Neilson is a well known singer and music teacher in Ogden. Refresh they have been visiting since De held at the home of Mrs. Burnall dent, Alfreds Shelton. cember with Mrs. Forbes' husband, ments were served to the group. Brown Wednesday evening. Oswald Rorbes C M oM M . of the | Mrs. George L. Poulson was el D A IR Y CLUB MEETS navy. ected to assist on the work com The Oregon Trail 4-H Dairy mittee with Mrs. Luther Fife and ! club met at the home o l Richard I no Late to Classity , Mrs. Emma Hendricks. Mrs. Sher- j Diven May 17. Alter a brief bus ! man P. Bybee was elected to act t U K o a LE — Michael-Leonard gar iness meeting, games were played 1 as chairman of entertainment, with | and refreshments served. The next den seed. Alfalfa, pasture and clover ¡Mrs. Sidney Brown and Mrs. El- [ meeting will be ne-.d at the Bush seeds. Hollingsworth Hardware and i don Stringfellow as assistants. home. Implement Co. 31Mtfc. | Seventeen members were present. — 8— Each lady will do a “ girl with HOSTESS T O CLUB FOR S A LE -- Duncan Fife drop-leaf umbrella” block for a quilt, which Mrs. A. L. Fletcher was hostess to when finished will be sold for the Tuesday bridge club Tuesday table, with four extra leaves, slight purchase o f a hospital bed. Several evening. Mrs. G. J. Mitchell won ly used, and six cnairs. Mrs. S. P. new rules were approved. Mothers 31Mlxc high score and Mrs. Frank Mor Bybee, phone 06R1. or wives of the L. D. S. servicemen gan won second. Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. are asked to telephone Mrs. Lila Harry Miner, Mrs. Jean Cranney W A N TE D -- Carpentering and re Haroldson. secretary, If and when pairing. F. A. Johnson, H. E. Coll and Mary Sallee were guests. any o f their boys come home on ins. Phone 122J. 31Mtfc. furlough. Mrs. Lillian Newby will Here From Portland— be hostess at the next meeting, Mrs. Claudine Forbes and small FOR S A LE -- New Duncan Fife which will be held June 26 at 8 p. daughter, _______ Pamela, ______________ arrived In Nyssa dining room set, table and buffet. m. at the home of Mrs. Burnall Wednesday from Portland, where 212 S. Third St. 31Mlxp Brown. In our new building on First street near the underpass. 8 - T W O MEN HONORED Dixie Kinkade and Clarence D ix on were honored guests at a birth- j day party given at the D. O. Bybee home Monday evening. Besides the iKinured guests and the hostesses Manufacturing And General Repairing Faithful Remembrance The last tribute to a loved one is the final opportunity to express affection. It is a time for perfect harmony. It is part o f our service to assist in the selection and notification of pall bearers and clergymen and handle other de tails so burdensome to a sorrowing family. Nyssa Funeral Home O f all types o f farm machinery. Beet bodies, Hay stackers and Other Farm Implements Man ufactured Our shop is equipped with a large lathe, shaper, drill press, trip hammer, blacksmith equipment and electric and acetylene welding outfits. Walter Freeman, partner, 25 years of experience in manufacturing and maintaining mach inery. Vincent (W h itey) Skubal, partner, 23 years of experience in welding and mechanics. Bill Doolin, blacksmith, 35 years of experience in bis line. F R E E M A N ’S M A C H I N E S H O P