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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1945)
‘*ií£2r r ' ',77 - rAeNYSSA GíáBLátlTY JOURNAL VTìLUME X X X X Ñ o . 1945 4-H Spring Show Scheduled For June 1 & 2 197 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEMBERS SELECTED 'N YSSA, OREGON, TH URSDAY, M A Y '2 4 , '1945 Bond Auction Will Be Held FLORENCE SUMMERS STORIES ACCEPTED Budget Of Nyssa Schools Drafted For Publication SCHOOL ELECTION SET FOR JUNE 18 Veterans Plan Memorial Rites To Honor Dead Appointment o i members of the Henry Hartley, cierk of school | Radio station KOAC School of city budget committee was ann district No. 26C, announced today ' the Air has accepted Mrs. Florence ounced this week by City Manager A bond auction will be held in that the annual election of the Nyssa June 2 for the promotion Homaday Summers' series of Juv E. K. Burton. district will be held Monday, June Principal Program W ill Representatives of Var The members are George Sallee. Iof bond sales, which are lagging en ile stories for use in Its program Tentative Plans Call For 18 between the hours of 2 and 7 1 A. Chadwick, Aden Wilson. Cliff 1 in NVssa and in the county. | through the year 1945-46 on Mon- Total Outlay of Be Given May 30 at ious Clubs Eligible Main, Hay Larson, Carlos Buchner | The auction will be held in the days at 1:35, beginning October 1. p. m. at the grade school building. Schoolhouse $130,818.52 1 and Burnall Brown. j business district. Merchants will The election will be by ballot To Compete James M. Morris, program dir The budget for school district and nomination by petition. Inter j The committee will meet with ^ asked to donate merchandise, The organized veterans of the I the city council Monday night to which will be displayed in the Ny- ector, stated In a letter to the No. 26C, appearing in this paper. ested parties may secure petition Tlie annual 4-H spring show has i ,UTanfe the tentative budget for “ a Pharmacy window, j Nyssa woman that "I like the way | caUs for a total outlay of $130 818.52 blanks from Mr. Hartley's office wars 1 and 2 have arranged a been scheduled for Fiiday and Sat- ( the 1915-46 fiscal year. The public Definite arrangements for a spon- I 'he stories are written. They're Of the total, $15,801.58 Is allocat- in the l»1**1' « * » « » building. C. W. program to be given Memorial day I sor of the auction have not been i fascinating in their style, and I urduy, June 1 and 2, according to meeting will be held July 15. ed to principal and interest on J* the retirin« niember ol in honor of all members of the made, Chairman Olean Wells said. E.M. Hauser, county club agent. the b° ard;________________ armed forces of the United States Nyssa's sales of E bonds amount ! am sure will find great favor with bonda> $13 ^ who have died in the service of Members of 4-H clothing, cooking, j to $10 837.50 and other bonds $8000, ! ,ne £ch001 of the Air audlence' 1 building fund voted by the l u - their country. and woodworking clubs will exhibit making a total of $18,837.50. The Veterans will assemble at the H e ld ¡county total is $146 469 of all typ- j ‘ M ^ ^ Z m e ^ a^ a memtgr of'Ste ' P* y" S a year a8° and ‘ 101’516M M e X i c a i l S the esuits of their project work I the me gruruti vt ujAtinuug luim. - e-« ■» utkiuh legion hall at if 9 a. in., m., iviay May ju 30. . aiita and P. E. O. sisterhood and the 1to *enf‘ral or °Per*tln* fund- :es of bonds, or 25 per cent of the carried on during the past winter. The budget this year is 82084.52 i ™ 1« 1' from the hal1 alon« Bower j Daughters of the American Rev quota. 4-H Health club members may ex- 'greater than that of the last year J ; evenue to First street, along First Kenneth William Bailey, held in [ J. L. Holly has been appointed olution society. 1 rit posters dealing with some I Vale in connection with the death war bond chairman In the Adrian The budget calls for a tax lew Two Mexican laborers, alleged slreet Main street and along f * i n th fu occupants of the automobile that Main street to the public school, of State Police Sergeant Ted Cham- section. « of their project work. of $88.744. Actually the property crashed into ^ bulwln# occupied Iwhere the Program, to which the i ■■sentaUve.s of the varlc.s j bers in a gun battle at the Annex owners of the district will pay by Mr and Mrs R A Batt o n | public is Invited, will be presented, c. as are eligible to compete in sohoolhouse near Weiser a few only $56,744. the remaining $32,000 west Main street Sunday after- j program will be opened at 10 th contests which are a pan, of i weeks ago, pleaded not guilty In ( 'l l I l l f l 1 F) tl spring v iiu p m n i coming from income tax p a y m e n ts . 1 noon about 3 o'clock, were taken : ° ’®lock' In case th<L spring allow. Club numbers!circuit court Saturday to two in-1 Receipts from other sources and Vale by state police officers , " * * • the program will be held in cut vying the t-.*rd division of the , dictments, first degree murder and | R. G. Whitaker, chairman of the this week to face a oharge of la r -i1™5 gymnasium. cooking project may compete in assault with Intent to kill. i < ash on hand will amount to *42 - ;ceny of an automoblle. The program will be given as city council, has issued a procla cither bread-baking contest or hi | The second indictment was re- I the dollar dinner contest. Teams I turned in connection with the The 8rpat thrill and the privi- mation calling upon the residents 074.52. The levy Is expected to a m -; The men, Rmest Apodaca and follows; Invocation, Rev. George of two members will demonstrate wounding of State Police Officer b'ge of living in the present day of Nyssa to observe May 26 as ount to 21.4 mills as compared to Cresencio M. Gutierrez, waived Whipple: address. Rev. H. J. Gern- some phase of their work in the Richard O'Brien. were discussed by Chaplain Joop Buddy poppy day. 22.9 mills last year. ¡preliminary hearing in justice court hardt; song, Nyssa trio; remarks to those who have lost loved one In The proclamation reads: oemonsti. on team contest. Girls' Judge M. A. Biggs set June 18 as °f Gowen field, Boise, at a sub In compliance with the new |n Of118110 Tuesday and told off- battle; roll call for department Whereas, the Buddy poppy has taking ciotliing will model their the date for the trial, and ordered district meeting of the Methodist . „ ___ , icers they intend to enter pleas dresses in the , ‘ yle revue. , drawn a special venire, consisting brotherhood In the recreation room been universally adopted as Amer- state law passed at the 1945 session of gullty in the ctrcult court They comrades, placing of flowers on The spring mieting of the county Of the names of 31 persons, who the Nyssa Methodist church last 1 ica's flower of remembrance ever of the legislature, the Owyhee and are y,eld in the county Jail In lieu the grave of the unknown soldier, since the annual nation-wide sale Kingman Kolony school districts of $750 each. The automobile In and sounding o f taps by Glen council of Parent-Teachers will be will be ordered to attend to supp- j Thursday night, held Saturday in conjunction wlth ’ lement the regular jury panel. I Chaplain Jocp„ holding the of this symbolic flower was inaug are also publishing their budgets which they are alleged to have Schireman and Francis Sitz. The veterans will then proceed The court appointed Charles W .! rank of captain, said “There are urated by the Veterans of Foreign in the Gate City Journal this been riding was owned by Salto the 4-H show. to the Snake river bridge, where brothers of Ontario. i he exhibits and contests will Swan of Vale and A. L. Fletcher |those who can see only the bad. Wars of the United States in 1922 week. The automobile, traveling from a ceremony of casting flowers upon be judged by Miss Helen Cowgill, of Nyssa to defend Bailey. D is - ¡They are right, but they see only and Whereas, the purposes of this | trlct Attorney E. Otis Smith has | Part of «■ Then there the optim Ontario, rounded the curve at the the waters in memory of those who us.*.b t-aiit state club leader, from 'Y", careened across the street and have been lost at sea. Oregon Stale college. The classifi elected to try Bailey on the mur ist. He also sees only part of the nation-wide campaign to raise F n n l l l i n n i * n r r u i n t After the service at the river, a truth. We must see both the bad funds are dedicated exclusively to V x J I H I l l d H . V JIIIC T IIL crashed against the corner of the cation system will be used in judg der charge first. and the good and then get to work. the care and rehabilitation of the building partly used as a residence ritualistic memorial service will be ing the exhibits, with all exhibits "It is 'a great privilege to live nation’s disabled and needy veter by Mr. and Mrs. Batt and partly given by the veterans in the Nyssa oi comparable quality put in the -------- now because we are seeing right ans, their dependents and the wid- j as a cream station by Ralph Curry. cemetery. Douglas McDonald will same group. before our eyes what are the true ows and orpfiians of America’s de- | 'T h e performance of your civic The automobile crushed the west be In charge of the buglars, Ar Tlie exhibits will be on display in duty in local, national and inter- wall and bulged the front wall of thur House, in oharge of the fir |and what are the shaky founda ceased veterans and the Oil'si i high school gymnasium j Whereas, this worthy campaign ‘ national fields” was the theme of the building. It badly damaged ing squad; Don M. Graham, In tions of life. We have been seeing and most »1 the contests will be | has annually received the approval the commencement address del an iron bedstead and wrought charge of the roll call; Dr. Long, ------- I the strong things and the things held in the home economics rooms Attendance at the vacation Bible j that have failed us. It takes more and endorsement of every presi-1 ivered by Attorney Frank Joseph havoc in the room, including dam in charge of grounds arrangements; in the administration building. school now underway in Nyssa is | than little red schooihouses over dent oi the United States since : of Weiser at the sixth commence age to tables and chairs and an All>ert Heldt. In charge of the un ment at Adrian Thursday evening. electric ice cream freezer owned known comrade’s grave, and Del averaging 15 per cent above the | the country to redeem the world, 1923. therefore Be it resolved, that the 26th Mr. Joseph, in speaking on “Your by Carl Burnlngham of Salt Lake bert Rouse, in charge of colors. attendance of Che first week of i We have to build on spiritual Leroy Herrman will represent the last year's school. | foundations. Life is a thrilling day of May, 1945 is hereby desig Civic Duty,” stressed the need of City. nated as “ Buddy poppy day” In 1 more active participation by cit- j A demonstration of the work j experience today, The Mexican drove the automo American Legion, George N. Baer done in the school will be held | “Secondly, we are living in a the city of Nyssa and that the pat- ' lens tn civic affairs, and the need bile out of the building with only the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mrs. Fiiday night, June 1 at 8 o'clock, day of great deeds of heroism. The riotic citizens of this community ¡to be informed on national and slight damage to the front of the Leroy Herrman the American Le Pvt. Edwin L. Kurtz, son of Mr. The public, and especially the par- man who does not get a thrill out are hereby urged to be generous international policies, car and started toward Adrian. In gion auxiliary, and Mrs. Harry Veterans of Foreign and Mrs. Oscar Kurtz of Nyssa cuts o f .the pupils, are invited to | of the heroism that has been in their of Buddy poppies j The seniors entered the audltor- the meantime. City Manager E. K. Shelloi' Me iural route, was killed in action attend the demonstration. shown in our day is dead. There whioh should be worn on Memorial ium to the strains of ‘Pomp and Burton and Chief of Police Dolan War* auxiliar?-. Andrew F day by everyone as evidence of our Circumstance” , played by the Ad- standing In the block west of the Glnnis will be general chairman. on Okinawa April 21, according to Workers in the school, sponsored is something wrong with him. All civic and fraternal organi by the Nyssa Ministerial associa- Chaplain Joop then discussed desire to honor the memory of ■ rian high school band. Mrs. Kath- underpass, saw the careening car iiifoiniation received here. Pvt. Kurtz attended school in | tion, are as follows: | some of the experiences of the America's hero dead by helping | ryn Claypool, county school sup- at the other end of the street and zations are invited to participate erintendent, presented diplomas to drove to the scene of the crash in the program. They are invited Nampa for several terms and fin- i Beginners, Mrs. A. J. Kuehn, sup- servicemen with whom he has come ! the living. the . veterans Signed. the eighth grade graduates of the just after the Mexican drove away. to meet . . with ¡shed his high school training at erlntendent. and Mrs. Elmo Ladd, In contact. . . at „ the „„ R.*G. Whitaker. [districts of Adrian union high Burton and Dolan gave chase in He told how the nazis thrilled Nyssa after lie and his parents Miss Dona Florea, Miss Dorothy hal1 not later than 0:30 Early indications point to the! school, moved to this vicinity. iBartholoma, and Mrs. Dwight Sew- at participating in Hitler's planned the city manager’s automobile. Af- a' m' new world order and added that sale of 15 million Buddy poppies in | Lorlna Witty and Della Kygar, ter Gutierrez "piled up” the car The youth was inducted into the ard, teachers, army July 22 last year and re- Primaries Mrs. Norton Randolph, “You and I have a chance once | the 24th annual nation-wide cam- j honor students from the senior along the highway, he ran into a eeiied his basic training In Camp superintendent, and Mrs. Ted Ross, ¡more to build a new world. We paign in which Nyssa post No. class, presented the salutatory and field, where Dolan caught him, the Wolters, Texas. His brother. Sgt. Miss Dorene Bear, Mrs. Carrie F o x , are following one whose kingdom 3505 will participate, according to valedictory. city men said. ' Principal Dennis Patch gave lu io ld Kuitz, is serving in the and Mrs. Bernice Gibson, teachers, j is still alive on earth. You can be I Commander George Bear. Officer Dolan said Apodaca app The mark will be an all-time special mention to the outstanding arently left the scene after the ¡univ in the Philippines. Junior intermediates. Mrs. Opal participants or onlookers. What record in the 23-year history of ____________ | Robbins, superintendent, and Sgt. the nazi is willing to do for his scholastic record of Carol Witty crash and was later arrested on Miss Lois Jordan of White Sett Miss Witty completed her work Main street. C'l,ilil Si'ceunibs_ i Robbins and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt. fuehrer, we must be willing to do the program. lement, winner of one of the 4-H Commander Bear said “Every in three years with the highest- m . Burningham, owner of the for our Lord and build with Him Graveside services were held teachers. summer school scholarships award Tuesday for Irene Cooper, infant Other workers are Mrs. Roy War- that world which will make this cent, every dime, every dollar col- scholastic standing of the senior building, told relatives over long ed by the Nyssa chamber of comm | lected through the sale of VFW class- d a ugh ter born to Mr. and Mrs. | ren, story teller; Mrs. Carlos Buoh dastardly slaughter impossible. I distance telephone that the struc- erce last year, speaking at the r and George Whipple, music; “On my trip to Europe I found Buddy popples in 1945 will aid in The Adrian high school girls, tore Is insured against fire, but weekly chamber luncheon Wednes Carry Cooper Saturday night in the Nyssa Nursing home. Bishop Mrs. Crisp, secretary,treasurer, anti the churches empty. I said ‘there rehabilitating the wounded men of sextet presented two numbers and not agalnst “collision day noon, discussed her trip to / rvil Child of the LDS cliurth of- Mrs. If. Gordon Chapman, nursery. is something wrong. We have lost j this war as well as those who Miss Ruth Larsson sang “An Old ‘ the national 4-H congress held In have fought under the stars and Refrain". few people who disbelieve in God. fi iated. Mrs. D. O. Bybee sang Chicago last winter. stripes in previous wars. The sale Following presentation of dip a vital faith In God. Hhere are •Tliy Will Be Done” . Isaac Cooper, In Charge of Scouts— Miss Jordan, the first Oregon Randall Stathopolus had charge but that is not faith in God. Some of Buddy poppies also makes poss lomas by Chairman J. G. Lane, the gi: ndfather. gave the opening 4-H club member to enter the prayer The infant is survived by of the Boy Scouts at their meeting 0f our men are coming back with ib le the VFW’s program of assis- citizenship awards were presented national contests, was one of 17 tw> liters, Kay and Marlene, and Tuesday night in place of Roger a foxhole experience with God. You | tance to veterans’ dependents, their by Commander Jergen of the Ad Oregon girls and boys attending i widows and orphans. rian post of the American Legion. Tucker, who was out of town. j and I have a great opportunity to a brother. Bobby. Recommendations as to changes the 1945 convention. They went “The American public recognizes These awards are made each year ------- —---------------- ■ build. God pity us if we fail this •to Seattle early in November and in Pangasinan province, Luzon, P. time. We are craftsmen who can ¡the VFW Buddy poppy as our nat- by the Legion to the boy and girl j in the state game laws were drafted went to Chicago by the northern at a meeting of the Malheur Coun | lonal memorial flower," Comman- of the senior class who have ex I-P riv a te Otis G. Carroll, son offtake this broken world and make route. Pennsylvania and Califor R J Carroll. Nyssa, Oregon, has it swing again. We can help God ander Bear said. “Consistently, celled In citizenship. This year's ty Game league in the Boulevard nia were the only states not rep Grange hall Tuesday night. through the 23 years of its history awards were received by Shirley been awarded the combat infantry- , get the pieces together again." No radical changes In the bag resented at the congress. Ouests man's badge for exemplary conduct! Dr. N. C. Donaldson, district the annual Buddy poppy sale has Price and Prank Davis. Included residents of Brazil. Chile, Diplomas were presented to the limits and seasons were recomm- In action against the enemy. superintendent of the Methodist been guided by one ideal—to ‘honor Colombia, China and Canada. The the dead by helping the living.’” following seniors: Donnie Brewer. ended to the state fish and game Now a machine-gunner in a church, gave a short talk, 4-H club members were guests of Melvin Crocker, Frank Davis, Ken commission. heavy weapons company in the A1 Thompson, toastmaster, pre- various companies on trips and at The sportsmen suggested that neth Elliott. Dale Glenn, Marjory sented the following program: veteran 32nd (Red Arrow) infantry entertainments in Chicago. one hen be permitted In the Chin Hite, Georgia Hillls, Mildred Hig Piano solos. Robert McDonald; division. Pvt. Carroll has been over Oregon was second In having the gins Esther Jensen. Della Kygar, ese pheasant bag limit. They rec seas five months, and Is now In reading. Mrs. William Gregg: vocal most natloal winners. Minnesota ommended that one elk of either . . . . . . . , Keith Lane. Lois McGinnis Alice ¡action with the 32nd, along the duets, Oscar and Bert Bratton; Meaoham, Anna Molt, Verda Mit sex be allowed In open territory 1™ * / , Pa , hV Villa Verde trail, high in the pre reading, Keith Pierce of Ontario, chell, Wilford Prosser, Thurman In the eastern part of the state. I MUs Jordan ‘ ^ " k e d the cham- ' clpUous Caraballo mountains of and vocal solos. Mrs. Gilbert Klink- Howard Crosby of Nyssa died ptcrcy^ Shirley Price, Fay Price, The men made no recommend» - . r enberg, m h o i 'i r o /'c n m n a n in r l h tr re F n r . ° co" v!ner" for/ hhe “ accompanied by Mrs. Car r.orthern Luzon. .__ school scholarship, which she In- Monday, May 21 in the Nyssa Nurs- | ft,,bprt Trussed Carroll Thomas, tions on deer. I . ... Before entering the army in los Buchner. [Nadine Wilson, Carol Witty and Mr. Lockwood, head of the Ash t#£ U„ t0 J ? * thlS Dinner was served by the ladies ing home from a heart attack. June, 1944. Pvt. Carroll was a dairy Mr. Crosby was born February t „ rlna wittv division de- 'club » agent, ' " aUSP^ r„ ^ n~ U has w of the Methodist church. . . of the fLxh . . . and __ game . . _, said ° fM? Miss nta1 Jordan man. 20, 1885 at Panqultch, Utah and I '____________ partment. showed five reels of col- ^ “* ' Tgt. Carl Ledgerwood of Lincoln been “doing exceptionally well In came to Nyssa about eight years c- o A 12 c -z Y\J 1212 D Q ored motion pictures of various Heights has been awarded a cer- Second Lieut. Joseph E. W h e e le r,_____ _________ ___________ PRODUCE OUTFIT 4-H club work. She has been out- ago. He had been employed by the | ^ U IN r E iK b types of fishing tiflcate of merit "In recognition Jot gf Nyssa wm soon complete t - u / i x j q a x t * 1 1 F’V t i standing tn demonstration work reclamation bureau since the first j D E G R E E S O N 11 of conspicuous, meritorious and an intensive COurse in combat fly -] vv z VUL i C i I o during her six years of 4-H club of the year. outstanding performance of mill- ar>d m the near future will | „ ast(irT1 or«rn,. Produce work." Mr. Crosby was married to Mrs. | The third and fourth degrees IVAN ZESIGER IS Mr. Hauser recommended that dUtived ? ; h ^ M r e n to m T 2 « overseas to a combat area' , * company^bowhrtg °team won the Pearl Mae Van Houghton Septem-1 were conferred on 11 candidates at K I L L E D IN AC T I O N been received by his parents Mr wheeler is a member of a flying £ , h, h the two scholarships voted by the ber 3, 1928 at Great Falls, M on t-' a meeting of the Oregon Tralli ------- ana. Orange Tuesday night. Ivan L. Zeslger of Nyssa rural chamber of commerce during the Besides his widow, he Is su r-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wlcklander. route was killed In action In the winter for this year be awarded vlved by his mother. Mrs. Frances state deputy and eastern Oregon South Pacific area recently, acc- to Lester Parker of Kingman Kol — * "* • w '■ - * » — - « * « chairman, respectively, ' ordlng to information received here, ony and Doris Stohler of Lincoln md the Andrews Seed company Crosb.v of Cowley, Wyoming, and a juvenile Ing initiative and leadership by Lieut. Wneeler. who attendee ggregatkm of Ontario tied for sister. Mrs. Maude Tucker of Oar- spoke to the members on Orange] Zeslger was graduated from the Heights. He snid both youngsters establishing excellent gun positions utah htg,h school, is a sot work over the state. ^ Adrian high school In 1942. Later have been doing well in food pro econd place. The produce men hod den City, California. while engaged in combat in Ger- j g( Joseph g Wheeler of Nyssa. duction and preservation. Funeral services will be held I The Grange passed a resolution he engaged In farming. 19 wins and 23 losses and the many. Ills keen judgment In pro- j _____ The other scholarship awarded Friday afternon at 2 o'clock In favoring more definite collections | The young man Is survived by viding protection in these positions Mf and Mrs j B Allen. Sr. >ther two high teams had 48 Víctor the Methodist church with Rev, of fees on weed control services his wife, the former lone Benson, by the Nyssa chamber for last es and 24 losses. resulted in a superior record of rM,fivpd wor{j that their son-in- to Jimmy Wilson of Members of the produce team H. J. Gemhardt in charge. Inter- rendered by tfhe county. The res- and a small son, who live at Nam- | year went no casualties in his crew. Sergeant law Haroid Green of Dayton, Ohlc pa. ¡Kingman Kolony. who was unable were Sid Burbidge. R. O. Whit ment will be in the Nyssa cemetary. olutlon will be presented to the Ledgerwood has always been cap- has promoted from majoi Details of hl.s death were not to attend the luncheon this week, Pomona Grange at the quarterly aker. Cliff Main, Bill Wahlert, John able of keeping morale at a high ^ lieutenant-colonel. Bible School Planned— 'meeting at Ironside Saturday. available. Bowen and Tom Eldredge. standard among his men. and his , ..... To Have Rail Game— The Owyhee Sunday school Is1 The Grange charter was draped inspiring leadership and personal j ggt p hiiip A Mitchell, son of A ball game will be played Sun- sponsoring a Bible school, which In memory of Pvt. Edwin Kurtz, Leaves Hospital— Parents of Son— courage are in the highest tradl-|Mr and Mrs j B Mitchell, arriv- May 27 at the Morgan park Mr. and Mrs. Durlin Hammon v ill be started Monday, May 28. and who was killed in action April 211 J. C. Crismon arrived In Nyssa day tlons of the military service. !cd home last week from Africa are the parents of a son bom ¡last one week. Classes will be held on Okinawa The Orange will be Tuesday morning from the Nampa,at 2 p m The publk Is Invited _______ ¡for a 21-day furlough. He will be Tuesday at Ontario. The Hammons in the mornings at the Owyhee in mourning for 30 days for Pvt. hospital, where he underwent a n , to attend and Is asked to provide | schoolhouse. ¡Kurtz. ¡operation. i equipment. formerly lived at Ogden, Utah. Continued On Pagre 7. With the 32nd Infantry divLioi ’ Not Guilty’ Is Flea Of Bailey A lttf GTilSn Poppy Day Will Be Celebrated Delivers Talk Is Held at Adrian Attendance At School Is Good Pvt. E.L. Kurtz Of Nyssa Killed Merchants Hear About 4-H Club Suggestions On Game Submitted Our Boys In The Service Howard Crosby Of Nyssa Dies r js . & £ irrj1 332 '.¡z „„ ^ **«