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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1945)
^^aT-Crr^ 77ieNY5SA v a n m ra x f Labor Supply In County Reported To Re Very Good No. 18 POMONA GRANGE TO HOLD GATHERING r'r'r'^ i* ' *“ LlUTY JOURNAL 'NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, M ATT?, 194Ó T w o - w e e k R i h l e ¡BACCALAUREATE is rTV . n, JHELD AT ADRIAN SchoolJPlanned „rllj — „ Work Out Plans For Rond Drive T ^ Anderson Urges Linking Up With Something Great El Dorado Grange at Ironside Mrs. Hilda Tensen has been app- will be host Saturday, May 26 to ' olnted as official registrar for vot- A union vacation Bible school jthe subject chosen by Dr. William the other Granges of the county _____ ers in the local precincts, succeed- . . at the second quarterly meeting will be held in Nyssa for two weeks. Nall, president of ’he College of W n W p ll q A n n n i n t p d in* Gr*nt RtrMfhart' resigned. Announced At I 1 lSOnorS of Well Allivo, ' uf the Malheur county Pomona beginning next Monday, under t h e ! “ »ho •» the baccalaureate ser- O U ie e lk , . eU S A p p o i n t e d The registration books will be Awards auspices of the Nyssa Ministerial • v*ee beld Sunday evening at Ad- 833 Mexicans Working ¡chapter. As Chainnan in Nyssa closed May 22 . Anyone who did Commencement of rian high school. District not vote in rbe last election or In County I Erie H. Parker, Pomona master, association. Nyssa High The girls glee club under the ___ who has moved should register Classes will be held from 9 to ------- 1 will preside at the all-day session, Oleen Wells, who has been app- “ order to be eligible to vote in John L. Anderson, dean of men Five hundred German prisoners whlch wi„ * at 10 oUotk 11:30 a. m. from Monday to Fri direction of Jerry Stone, sang of war arrived here Sunday night Saturday morning. Mr,. Blalne day, inclusive. Classes will be con- | "Fairest Lord Jesus” and ‘‘Ave 'olnted as chairman of the seventh ^ special election to be held by at the College of Idaho, told the the state June 22. from Florence, Arizona to work on ducted for beginners, primaries and Maria . Miss Ruth Larsson, home war loan drive in Nyssa, is work- 1945 graduates ol the Nyssa high local farms. , Girvln, Pomona lecturer, Is arr- juniors and intermediates. The economics instructor, sang God ^ ing with a committee on plans school and a large crowd of par The men were sent into the artging a program which will in ents and friends in the gymnasium ¡for promoting the sale of bonds J p J I C P n C h O S C f l fields in five squads Tuesday mom- l elude educational, musical and beginners will consist of children B!eas America". In connection with the baccal- during the campaign, which opened last Thursday night that "We ing for training and went out in humorous features. A speaker has from 4 to 5 years old, the prim should link up our lives with squads of 20 to actually engage in ^ sted from the county aries. first, second and third gTade aureate services, an observance of May 14 and will continue piac- V-E day was held. The posting tioally through June, fa rm pnnpcnnv ¡w 'f'n rn m cr * • farm work W Wednesday, according something greater than ourselves.” pupils and the juniors and intcr- and retiring of the flag was per-I At a meeting of the Lions club agricultural agent's office. to R. E. Brooke of Ontario, county George L. Jensen of Nyssa has "This class should especially be | mediates, fourth, fifth, sixth, sev- agent and county farm labor sup 2 “2 e . r i g “ £ * . ^ . ^ v i s o r for congiatulated for sticking It out j enth and eighth grade pupils. The ervisor. one or two events for stimulating , t2le “ »ho WFA wage board for when wages were good and the Captain Rochelle is in charge ministers ask mothers not to send sales. President Calvin Wilson app- j *he eastern Idaho area, according armed service was calling and of the Nyssa camp and his ad j to the school children less than ointed Glea Billings, Klass V. Pow- * “ information released by C. E. classmates were going out and jutant is Lieut. Schofield. . four years of age, because they ell and Orin Summers to work with , Herrington, executive officer for seemingly doing a more important The camp will be conducted un have no way of caring for the the wage board. ' Job”, the dean said. the chairman. der military rules and farmers The date for a meeting to dis- ' tots Mr. Wells, manager of the Nyssa j Mr Jensen, formerly with the "The sense of futility after the are asked to be prompt in picking j Cuss the proposed raise in grazing j Children are asked to assemble _____ theater, has also been called upon reclamation service on the Owyhee first world war was very real at|d up their work details because if ' fees has been tentatively set for Monday morning at the places Tentative plans for a dairy show I by the motion picture division of jand Anderson dam projects with it may be real again if we expect they are late at any time they | June 7 and 8 at Baker, according where they will meet each day: the to ^ he,d ln Nyssa were diiica_^ed the war activities committee to ! oiflc« at N-Vsaa' has taken charge too much from the San Francisco may find themselves without any to the grazing officials at Vale. j beginners at the Methodist church, at a meetjng 0f the Nyssa chamber spearhead the local theater part- ¡of the wage board program for conference: from the startling vic icipation in the seventh war loan “ counties in the eastern Idaho tories in the east and the west". ' nr v c m it ic imnnrtant Pirsl *** ior March 19 and 20 in primaries at the Nazarene o{ commer<ie Wednesday noon. Mr. Brooke said it is important gait Lake City, meetings for west- church and the junior-intermediat- j y Irving representing the Jer- drive. area. Dean Anderson suggested "root that a farmer give the prisoners ;ern districts have been postponed j es at the Christian church. Each sey Breeders association, said the Mr. Jensen, a former farmer ing our minds in faith to keep us The total quota for the oounty close supervision. He should have frotn time to time. Including the pupil will provide a pencil and jereey men had decided to hold according to Joe F. Dyre of Ontar and a native of Franklin county, going” and said that "Just keep someone in the field with them meeting scheduled to be held i n ' furnish what small amount of a ,.,)rlno. show The Oregon Trail io, county chairman of the war Idaho, is well acquainted with ag- your eyes open. Sometimes, how at all times to supervise the work. Ontario May 25. The local grazing materials will be needed outside orarure has organized a dairv club finance committee, is $592,000. Ny-1 ^cultural and farm labor prob- little do we see. We love the fa work. , officials will notify members, it was , of work books. w iT h a£> 3 s to hold a show. ssa and Vale each have a quota 'env> *n the area, officials said. He miliar Ideas, beliefs and surround He will be better satisfied and sai cjt if further postponements oc- ! A free-will offering will be ta k -} ..Wp decided," Irving said, “we of $121,750. Ontario's quota is has established an office in the ings. We tend not to see the things the prisoners will do a better job", cur w . W. Scott and John Medlin, |en Friday of each week at classes . mjg.|U make iU an all-breed show. $243.500. The E bond quotas are | federal building ln Idaho Falls, crashing in about us". Brocke said. both members of the grazing dis-1 and at the demonstration which If others want to come in I am Ontario. $216,000, and Nyssa a n d 'from which he will administer all The speaker told of letters he Two hundred and fifty prison- trict No. 3 advisory committee, | will be held on the last Friday of sure the jersey men would wel Vale, $108 000. The county quota Phases of the agricultural wage had received from servicemen, one ers of war are expected to arrive wiu represent the stockman in the school. for corporations is $105000, which stabilization program, of them a graduate of Nyssa high come them.” at Vale this week-end. ¡this area although the meeting! All of the Bible school workers school. Tentative plans call for the show will be divided between the th ree! Three hundred and thirty-three WI,i be a public hearing and any-1 are asked to meet at the Meth- to be held about June 20. The towns. “There is the possibility of be I ELLIOTT OF ADRIAN Mexican nationals are working in one wishing to attend may do so, odist church at 2 p. m. Friday of definite date and other plans will ing utterly fed up with war”. Dean A sample of the baby bonds is SETS STATE RECORD the coun.y. More than half of District Grazier Martin Galt said, this week to receive materials and probably be decided upon at a Anderson said. "The G.I. is going to them are living on farms and the ) The grazing service instituted in plan the classes. put it behind him and settle down meeting to be held by breeders iobby.lSPlay in the Nyssa theater IN HIGHJUMP EVENT remainder are living in the camp 1935 a program to check the evils ! -------------- ---------- on a 40 acre plot. That Is the Sunday. Kenneth Elliott of Adrian set a making of provincial mind. Let at Ontario. of overgrazing with its consequent M E M O R I A L S E R V I C E S The chamber of commerce voted SINGING MEETING "As a result, we have the best erosion and destruction of grazing ^ V new state record for the high Jump us keep our eyes and our minds to sponsor the show. at the state track meet held at open. labor sup " 1n sir ht that we have iands and the program has had WILL BE HELD FOR IS WELL ATTENDED ever had," Mr. Brooke said. _____ | Corvallis last Saturday. The ex- Lhe support of a majority of liv e - ! PRESIDENT GRANT “The second thing I want to say The Boise valley singing conven- isting record was 6 feet 1-5|8 lnch- is almost opposite to what I have stock men. In each community or tion, which was held in the Bap- es, established by Duefraine of been saying. We can sometimes President Heber J. Grant, 88- district, a committee of stockmen ADRIAN LEADS IN tlst church Sunday, May 13, was Eugene in 1933. has been formed and has function- year-old president of the Church 1 keep our windows too open. Each WAR CHEST DRIVE well attended. Singers ' from ail ( The new record established by of us must build around certain tJ as an advisory board to the of Jesus Christ of Latter Day over Boise valley gave solo. duet. Elliott is 6 feet 3 inches and is convictions to carry us through . ... _ . __._________. . tv,„ federal administrators. The fee has Saints, died at his home in Salt Funeral services were held in the trio and quartet numbers and con- . the second state track record held whether the tide is up or down. rta“ t^ w a “ “^ ! ^ < ~ e ,y been five cenU a U k e City at 6 30 p^ m. as a result Nazarene church Wednesday morn gregational singing was also en- 1 by Adrian high school. In 1941 That means we must think. That ing for Mrs. LaVina Bertha Looney, joyed. A basket dinner was served Stewart Schweizer set a state rec js somehow a rather unpopular ^ r ^ n T S 1 Bernard “ “ c a r te r S £ 5 , — ^ , ord in the low hurdles with a time thing.- One of our troubles is that Ander on, county war chest chair- of sheep. Half of the total annual, Telegrams recrived by »take who died Friday, May 11 in a at noon in the church, i New officers were elected as fol- J of 22.8 seconds, which still holds our nation has never established a collection which is now about leaders throughout the world, in- Nampa hospital. Interment was in lows: A. J. Tomason, president: H. as a record. Adrian’s other entrant. foreign policy. We have not had M $1,000 000 goes back to the states structed them to hold memorial the Ontario cemetery. Mr. Anoerson statea tnat w» I an<J is transferred Bhe grazlng services this Sunday in their own Mrs. Looney was bom November H. Ryan, vice president and Dale Ted Nelson, failed to place ln the any convictions. This hits all of Adrian community had the high Ryan, treasurer. mile run. us. Our policy of education is to est per capita donations of any districts for further improvement churches. President Grant was 28, 1905 in Des Moines, Iowa. She The next Boise valley singing Howard Hatch and Jim Attebury make specialists. You can't de in grazing lands. ] known over the United States as ! was married to W. A. Looney in community ln the state. Chair Now the grazing service has de- an organizer and financier. The U November, 1941. Mrs. Looney was a convention will be held at the accompanied the two boys to Cor pend on an expert in a democracy, men for the Adrian drive were Christian church ln Star, Idaho. vallis. because all of us are Involved. K. I. Peterson and William Ash termined that what the stockmen and I sugar industry, well known member of the Full Gospel church, are getting would cost them about in Utah and Idaho, owes much oi Mr. and Mrs. Looney came to “In the third place let us link craft. Rev. J. C. Nevin was treas Goes To Montana— Visit In Emmett— six times as much at the rates j its early day expansion to Mr. I Nyssa about eight months ago. up our lives with something great urer of the war chest drive. Irshal Davis left Nyssa Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Wertz, charged for grazing by private, Grant. He was president and dir- | Besides her husband, Mrs. Loon- er than ourselves. We can't do any owners of grazing lands and they ector of several major Utah Indus-I ey is survived by four children, | after a successful band season at accompanied by their two sons, thing better than Hnk ourselves up DONALD COOPER propose to increase the five cent tries. He was the originator of the Kenneth, Teddy, Larry and MU- the Nyssa high school, for a vaca- spent Sunday in Emmett visiting with a great person or a great tion. He will go to Montana to their parents and Mrs. Wertz' movement, something that lives on. rate to a graduated scale of fees welfare plan which now is carried dred Crosby, KILLED IN ACTION visit his brother, who is also a brother. Pvt. Joe Roesberg and In starting life’s voyage we should ranging from 14 cents to 18 cents .out in all church territory. music instructor. He plans to be wife, who are here from the King- have a star to guide us, a book Word has been received by per animal unit, so adjusted that i Mormans of Nyssa and surround- Go To Salt Lake City— memorial! Mrs. Nick Rudelick and Miss gone about two weeks. The spring man army air field. Joe, a tail- under our arm and by our side a friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph it would fluctuate up and down ing districts will hold ! Mary Rudelick left Tuesday night concerts which were well attended gunner. was the inspiration for friend, a companion. I wish for Cooper that their son, Donald with the stock market and thus ! services Sunday. i for Salt Lake City, where they last spring in the city park, will a song written by Mrs. Wertz, you. the class of 1915. these things”. Cocp r, was killed ln action April adjusting itself to the stockman's be started again June 1. accord about a cowboy turning into a income. The increased revenues Visit In Idaho— will visit for a week. 18 presumably in Germany. After the opening number and ing to word received here. tail-gunner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wemick and j ------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Donald grazing land. the processional by the high school Utahans Here— The stockmen have risen in pro- ! son, Lawrence Graham, have r e -! Here From Idaho— are former Nyssa residents. band directed by Irshal Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ray of prayer by Rev. J. B. Salter, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Earl Owen and Here From Idaho— test headed by the National Live-1 turned from a business trip to Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Sr. Ogden were here this week looking Cntario Visitors— ¡stock association and the wool,Twin Falls. They were accompan- daughter. Earline of Middleton, (Continued on page 3) Mrs. Hugh Lamb and Mrs. Lewis growers. The matter will consider- ied home by Ilene Graham, dau- Idaho were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton. over business possibilities. They Jr., and daughter of Meridian, were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Perry Ward. Mrs. Owen ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wemick, Pratt were Ontario visitors Satur- ed at a series of local meetings, Goes To Baker-- Idaho visited Sunday with Mr. George Hunt and daughter and day. I of which the Baker meeting is one. who was graduated from the Twin and Mrs. Ward are sisters. Mrs. Lula Hoxie left Monday for and Mrs. Tom Nordale. Mrs. Stap son-tn-law. Falls high school last week. Miss Baker to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin re Graham will make her home here Leaves For Twin Falls— leton. Jr., Is a daughter of Mrs. Paul Wilson, who Is ill. To Stay Here— Mrs. Verna Beutler and daughter Nordale. ceived word that their son, Nor this summer. Mrs. Warren Larson and small left Friday for Twin Falls, where bert, has received a first class daughter, Lorraine, of Sioux Falls, Mrs. Beutler has been transferred Go To Portland— Transact Business— rtaing in the radio division of the Cliff Greer of Portland, former by the Farm Labor association. Mr. and Mrs. George Poulson South Dakota arrived last week navy. He Is stationed ln the Ad Nyssa watermaster, Is here th is , and family went to Portland Sat for an Indefinite visit with Mrs. ------------------------- urday to visit relatives and attend Larson's parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. week attending to business. He sold , Visits In Washington— miralty islands. J. Sarazin. They will remain here his 40-acre farm near Fruitland Mrs. C. Klinkenberg left Thurs to business. while Sgt. Warren Larson Is stat Cpl. Dale R. Dorman of Camp to Robert Bentley of Haines, who ¡day for a month's visit with her Edited by ioned ln Florida. mother at Olympia, Washington Home From Hospital— was also here this week. Maxey, Texas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Gladys Lewis, daughter of j ---- ----------- — and her son at Seattle T. CAROT, RYRKF Omer Dorman of Nyssa, has been, Here From Klamath Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Lewis, re- | Attend Ontario Sale— FIGHTING FOR THE USA turned home Tuesday evening af- Nyssa residents attending the promoted to the rank of sergeant. Mrs. Helmar Ostrom Is visiting Bays Store Interest— (By Mrs. E. J. Penn) W O. Peterson, administrative ter an operation performed in t h e ! special horse sale at Ontario Sun- The more bonds we buy her husband’s parents, Mr. and day were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lane, The more bombers we'll fly A bronze star medal has been Mrs John Ostrom of the Nyssa assistant of the forest service at Ontario hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox, Mr. and Hip hip hurray. awarded to Master Sergeant Gerr- Lumber company. Her husband is Salmon. Idaho, has tendered his Mrs. Nell Dimmtrk. F Maze, Dixie The more bombers w ell fly erman of route 1, Nyssa. Timmer- serving in the medical corps In resignation and will move his fam Beets Thinned— Klnkade and John and Mr. and The more Japs will die Eighty-nine prisoners of it Timmerman, son of John Timm- the Philippines. They were enter ily to Nyssa, where he has pur- N yssa , learned how to thin beets on the Mrs. D. O. Bybee and daughters Cause they are fighting the USA Keith D. Bybee, S 2-c, has been man. a battalion motor sergeant, tained at a Mother's day dinner chased an interest in the rent overseas, for the second time, participated with the 951st field Sunday at the home of a daughter. furniture store. Mr. Peterson has Nyssa LD6 ward church farm So you keep 'em flying LOCAL COUPLE WEDS had a long career In the forest' southwest of Nyssa. There were The first time he artillery battalion, in the Nor- Mrs. Adolph Boe. in Boise. At a home wedding Tuesday af And we’ll keep on buying service of region No. 4. He has ltv- four tiuckloads of men. with Bish- mandy. northern F*rance and Ger- j ________________ was five days out man campaigns, | Go To Portland— I ed ln Weiser and was formerly a op Arvil Child, Leon Child, D. O. ternoon. Miss Ilene Hartley, dau And boy this ain’t hay. when "something _ Mrs. Herman Towne left Thurs-| member of the Weiser stake L. D. 1 Bybee and Hubert Christensen ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartley The dippy slant eyed Jerks Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tuttle of day for Portland to attend a s. presidency. ¡driving trucks. This beet work Is a became the bride of Arlen Ilarold- We re all out to give 'em the works happened” to his son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Be gorie they're fighting USA. ; welfare project. ship and it was Apple valley received a telegram Mother’s day program at Maryl- Haroldfion. President Luther Fife ------------------------- . Saturday, stating that their son. hurst college, where her daughter, Return From Visit— of the L. D. S. Weiser stake per Let this be a lesson taken back to Eugene Tuttle, had arrived c d ieen is a student. She was ace- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drowns and visit Here— If they are a guessing island oif San in c aiifornia from the South Pac- ompanied by her sister, Mrs. Then five daughters returned Sunday ev- | Mrs. Rena Rosenburg and dau- formed the ceremony at the That they could whip us anyway. Pedro and put in jfic. He is expected home soon. Moore of Ontario. Mrs. Moore and enlng from eastern Idaho, where ghter, Mrs. Oiler, and Deha Jean groom's home. After a family din Here's the rectification dry dock He tel- ----------- Mrs. Towne expect to be gone they visited Mrs. Drown’s brother. I of Prosser. Washington were over- ner. the couple went to Boise for We all love our nation who Is home on furlough, after | night guests at the home of Mr. a short honeymoon. The bride was ephoned his mot- A telegram was received T ues-|tw o weeks. being wounded ln the South Pac- and Mrs. Walter Fox. Mrs. Rosen' graduated inn the Nyssa high She'll always be our U8 A. day momlnr by Mr. and Mrs. John \ her, Mrs. D. O. Ostrom that their son. Edward, Suffers Heart Attack- school last week. burg is Mr. Pox' sister. ific. We're not giving her up _______________ Bybee from Cal- Wh0 is stationed at Chatham field. | Mrs. Clarence Aston. former To those dirty pups HAVE DINNER OUESTS In Boise On Busin: i^ u n a ”’Y>rior to ¡earing for the Oeorgia. expects to arrive ln Nyssa Nyssa resident, suffered a heart In Utah— So let them think what they may. Mr. and Mrs. Tren Jones were So we'll keep on working Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and son. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Child and second time. Sunday. He has spent three years attack and is confined to her bed Mr. and Mrs. Tony Marostica in the South Pacific. in Ontario for several weeks. Mrs. family were in Salt Lake City and Lyle, were In Boise Tuesday on hosts to several guests on Mather’s Our jobs we’re not shirking have received word that their son- j ----------- D. O. Bybee and Mr. Aston's bro- other points In Utah during the business. Mrs. O. R. Anderson and day. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. While our boys are fighting for Helen and Mrs. Melvin Jensen and Edgar Chamberlain and Mr and in-law. Jfc. Joe H. Recla, was A telegram was received by Ran- J ther of Payette called on Mrs past week. our USA. Mrs. Max Swensen. Mr. Swensen Verla were in Boise Friday. wounded April 19 in combat in dal Stathopulas that his brother,! Aston Sunday. is home on leave from naval train We’re not a missing Here From Boise— Italy. Mrs. Recla received notice Jerry, S 2-c, M. C.. arrived in ------------------------- The joy of your kissing ing at San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Soloman. Visits Parents— from her husband that he was San Diego on a hospital ship Parents of Girl— The tears of your darlings away. Mrs. Doris Paris spent Mother's jn a hospital somewhere in France Jerry has only been in the service) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lewis are former residents of Nyssa, arrived Till then we're wishing Tid recovering from his injuries, four months but has seen action parents of a daughter bom May Saturday from Boise for a visit of day with her parents, Mr. and In Boise— Vv* extent of which was not re- in the South Pacific. His bride is 15. The girl weigher 7 pounds, 121 a few days with relatives a n d . Mrs. Dean Smith. She returned j Mrs. Olenn Petterson was ln ¡The very best on your mission TUI you return to our old USA. waled. I now at Grand Island, Nebraska. ounces. I friends. Mr. Soloman is assoclat-1 to Pocatello Sunday evening. , Boise Wednesday on business. Wage Official New Grazing Fee Proposal Rapped Dairy Show In Nyssa Planned Mrs W.A.Looney Taken Ry Death Our Boys In The Service POET’S CORNER