WOMEN HAVE BANQUET presented With an attractive pro The Nyssa Business Women’s gram, including the tea pi,.grain club held a banquet in Brownie's and activities of the Girls league. cafe May 8 at 7 o'clock with 25 Officers for next year Include business women oi ;<yssa present. Delora Hurst. president; Ilea A turkey dinner was followed Kr eager, secretary; Betty Wolfe, by a short business meeting. The treasurer, and Beth Ctiapin, stud rest of She evening was spent in ent representative. entertainment, with Mrs. Mae Mrs Joe Brumbach Is advisor for the Girls league. Schireman In charge. »- PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS GIRLS HONOR MOTHERS The annual mother-daughter tea The Happy Eight Pinochle club was held Saturday afternoon. May met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5 In the high school building In j Emil Stun/. Friday. A special guest was Mrs. Sallee. Instead of giving Adrian. The guests were seated around j a prize for high score, Mrs. Stunz the blue and white streamer-pav- | presented each guest with petunia Uioned auditorium with a white * plants. Lunch was served to eight. "gateway" symbolizing the theme 8 ENTERTAINS CLUB of the year at the front of th e1 The Mr. and Mrs. club was room. The address of welcome was. given by the president. Mildred entertained Wednesday evening at Higgins. A skit, "Who Says Can’t”; the home of Mr and Mrs. Bumall a piano solo by Betty Jean Toomb; Brown. First prize was won by a reading by Esther Jensen; chor- I George Mitchell and second by al readings by the Junior class j Ray Larson. girls; ‘‘One Fleeting Hour” and j -I- SUPPER GUESTS “Sing Me To Sleep”, vocal solos | by Miss Larsson, and a duet “An Mr and Mrs Harry McPike and Old Fashioned Garden" by LaWana Mr. and Mrs. Loren Overlander of Stokes and Delora Hurst were 1 Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth presented for the guests. Following installation of officers | Pond were supper guests at the a special song and dance number j George Sallee home Saturday ev were given by the Junior girls, ening. featuring their theme song, "Gate 8 INITIATES EASTERN STAR ways." Tea was served on the high At a meeting of the Eastern Star schoollawn and each guest was Monday evening in the Masonic £ III I I11 III ri II HI HI M HI III M HI HI It IIM M HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI 1111I II II — - LOCAL NEWS Mother Visits— Mark Child has been enjoying a visit with his mother of Ogden. She returned home last week. — Going To Los Angeles-- Mrs. Cora Tomlinson and dau ghter. ClaucLine, will leave Friday morning for a two-weeks vacation in LosAngeles. Ill At Hom e- Earl Gray, manager of the Inter- State Oil company is confined to his home this week by illness. Leaves For Utah— Mrs. Sidney Brown and Marion Grace Brown left last Saturday for an extended visit in Utah. - Dairy Club Meets— The Oregon Trail Dairy club held its second meeting at the home of Nan Grider May 3. A short business meeting was held, after | which games were played and refreshments served. Two more members were enrolled. The next meeting will be held at the home of Richard Dlven May 17. I STUDENT FLIGHT 1 INSTRUCTION hall Virginia Miller of the Big in the parish hail at 2:30 Wed Bend district was initiated. The nesday, May 16. Guest day will entertainment committee consisted also be observed. of Mrs. Luray Trabert, Mrs. Ber Those taking flowers to the meet nice Fisher and Mrs. Perry Ward. ing are asked to provide their own containers. Plants and cut = Charter Trips Aircraft Service | BRIDGE CLUB MEETS flowers will be shown. A special Members of the regular Tuesday program WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE will be given. Members of I Mothers Tea Planned— afternon bridge club met at the all outlying clubs are invited to j The mothers of the children of home of Mrs. John Bishop last attend. Nyssa Airport the Christian church Bible school | week. A guest of the club was Mrs. are Invited to be guests of their 8 I P. 0. Box 396 Telephone 012R1 § Ed Frost. High score was won by FAMILY REUNION children in the basement of the Mrs. Burnall Brown and second A family reunion as HELD Ü Mira HI HI HI lll'HI HI MM HI III Mill HI HI'HI III HI HI HI HI HI III HI M l'! HI M Hi HI III HI HI HI H! Ill li III HI HI HI HI HI 11 111 HI ’ high held by church Friday afternoon, May 11 by Mrs. Joe Sutherland. members of the Lem Wilson fam at 2:30. The Bible school work ily at the Wilson home recently. done recently will be on display. ENTERTAIN 8 AT DINNER Frank Wilson, who is stationed The children will acquaint their Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wild enter with the army at Fort Sill, Okla mothers with their activities in tained at dinner Tuesday evening homa, left Wednesday of last week Bible school. for Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Hester of for camp visiting his parents, Tule Lake, California, who are Mr. and after Mrs. Lem Wilson, and Visit in Boise- en route to Boise. other relatives. He was accompan- Mrs. Dave Mitchell, Mrs. Emil to Nyssa by his wife and baby Stunz and Mrs. Dale Garrison GIRL SCOUTS 8 REORGANIZE ned who will remain here. spent last Thursday In Boise. The Girt Scout are reorganizing A daughter, brother, Harold Wilson, stationed for another year. No gift can possibly match her Group 1 has 11 members led by at Fort Douglas. Utah also attend Go Ro Reservoir— the reunion. Other guests at the Harry Miner and Bernard Frost v charm, no thought will do justice Mae Schireman and group 2 has | ed family dinner were Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday and Monday at Owy- Johnson. Group 3, led by Hazel ' Vern Wilson and son of Vale and bee dam. to her love and devotion. Lane, has 15 members. Marjorie •Mrs' °'ladys Morfitt and daughter. Visit From Wilder— Eastman leads group 4 with 12 __ However we suggest stationery, members. and Mrs. Orie Frlel of Wil Group 5. without a leader HOLD INITIATION der, Mr. Idaho at the Luray The Adrian Senior Girl Scouts at the present time, has a mem- cosmetics or candy as material bership of 15. This is a Brownie held an Initiation ceremony in the Trabert home visited Monday. group. The new Brownie group high school building Monday ev Visits In Baker— gifts for her. will be led by Iva Kuehn. Its ening at a special candle lighting Mrs. Lloyd Lewis visited friends membership Is 25. ceremony. The reorganization brings the Installation of Ellen Judd as in Baker last week-end. Girl Scout enrollment in Nyssa up president and Ilea Kreager as Visit In Weiser— to 90. secretary was held. Virginia Miller Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster and spoke on Girl Scout work and the Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson visited 8 OUEST DAY PLANNED life of Juliette Low. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and The annual flower display spon The service was preceded by a Mrs. John Garver ln Weiser Sunday. sored by the Nyssa Civic club will dinner for the gorls and their be held at the meeting of the club mothers. PROGRAM FORMER PASTOR OF SERVICEMEN HONORED NYSSA Pvt. Ross Grover and Seaman Rev. John SUCCUMBS Garver of Weiser, First Class Max Graybeal, Jr., former Nyssa pastor, died at his Phone 108 were honored with a dinner given home Saturday. The body was tak at the home of Icle Jordan Sun en to Walla Walla for burial. DOUBLE FEATURE day afternoon, May 6. Rev. Garver. probate Judge at FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 11-12 Pvt. Grover was in Nyssa on the time of his death, served as I furlough from Camp Roberts, Cal pastor of the Nyssa Methodist Here is a gland picture for dog lovers. A story ifornia and Seaman Graybeal was church when the church was or of a dog in battle against the Japs. visiting at the home of his aunt, ganized 37 years ago. He later re- j Mrs. Jordan, from Fort Lander- celved a second assignment to the Larry Parka and Jeanne Bates in GIVES YOU ville, Florida. Nyssa church. “SERGEANT MIKE” ALL Out-of-town guests weTe Mrs. Rev. Garver is survived by his Richard Travis and Charles Lang in Max Graybeal, Sr„ of Umatilla, wife and two sons. THESE “THE LAST RIDE” - 8 - - First Lady In Your Life Sunday Is Her Day - - - - NYSSA - THEATRE Mat., Sat.. 2:S8 Aditi. 25c-5e Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40c-9r, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, MAY 13-14 A tremendous spectacle of magnificent Tech nicolor! Created for your joy and entertainment “SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS” with Carmen Miranda, Michael O’Shea, Vivian Blaine and Phil Silvers. Cartoon and Movietone Adventure Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-5c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, MAY 15 Jerome Cowan, Jane Wyman and Faye Emerson in “CRIME BY NIGHT” 2-reel special, ’’Beachhead to Berlin” Haunted Harbor Adm. 25c-9c, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 16-17 “FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS” In Technicolor-with Gary Cooper, Ingrid Berg man, Akim Tamiroff and many more. For the first time at regular admissions latest News Note: A 3-hour 6-minute show. Shows start at 6:00 and 9:06. Adm. Evenings, 40c-to. Including Tax AOVANCED FEATURES LO W FIRST COST. Gtootor capacity per horsepower of average pressures — more water per dollar of invest ment cost. QUIET O P E R A T IO N Smooth perform ance, no motor hum. LESS S E R V IC IN G . O nly ONE moving part. No gears to wear. No oiling. No stuf fing bos to look or repock. POSITIVE AIR CO N TRO L Correct amount of air is as sured. No water-logging. N O R E P R I M I N G . Pump can't lose prime even if it sucks oir or if water contains gas. Ask us about thoso and many other advantages of th is new Mye r s W a t e r System, New Arrivals In New Furniture and Furnishings Spring-Filled Mattresses Box Springs 4 Dozen Chairs Rustic Furniture Unfinished Dressing Tables We also have the following used articles: Vacuum hand cleaner Leather daveno 3 Sewing machines Gasoline range And lots of other used furniture Nordale Furniture Store DANCE Saturday, May 12 Sunset Valley Hall Con Christianson’s Orchestra Net proceeds to be do nated to Adrian soldier memorial. Admission $1 GIVE MOTHER THE JOY OF BEING REMEMBERED! Sunday Is Mother’s Day The one day set aside for you to tell your mother how much you appreciate all she has done for you. Surprise her with a lovely box of Whitman’s or Daven port candy. - Nyssa Pharmacy - FOR SALE—Six inch Parma lift pump with practically new 10- liorsepower. 3 phase vertical motor. Also Allis Chalmers 15 horsepower 220 or 440-3 phase motor and centrifugal pump, size 3X2'2. speed 3600, complete with switch and starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen trifugal pump. 200 G. P. M.. speed 1150, complete with 15 horsepower Westinghouse 3 phase motor, swit ch and starter. City of Nyssa, Oregon. lOMtfc. FOR SALE—Horse-drawn McCor- mlck-Deering beet cultivator. Full set of tools. Carl Mitzel, 5 miles northwest Nyssa. lOMlxp. FOR SALE— My entire breeding stock of New Zealand giant doe and buck rabbits, some young stock. | Reduced prices. Also hutches built in room for 150 rabbits. J. L Gray, FOR SALE OR TRADE-- A good 1938 Chevrolet truck for a pick-up. O. P. Counsil, Nyssa. lOMlxc Malheur Game League meeting. Boulevard Grange hall. May 22, 8 p. m. Note the date and be present. 10M2xc Owyhee Drug Company SAIPAN T~ïçf *T'~ O a ra fO H & <1 rt A TINY DOT ON YOUR WAR MAP OF THE P A C IFIC ... Vafutun P t BU T- On Saipan today there is more than enough communications equipment in operation to meet the normal telephone requirements of a city of 190,000 people. Here is graphic evidence of the reason for the shortage of telephone equipment at home. Then, too— with the realization that Saipan is only one small island on the way to Tokyo, you get some idea of the job that lies ahead. ^ estern Electric, producer of our telephone equipment, has manufactured much of the vast array of telephone, teletype and radio equipment used by our fighting forces and their allies in every theatre of war. Another reason why there is not enough telephone equipment for all civilian needs. Malheur Home Telephone Co.