TH E N Y SSA H A T E C IT Y J O U R N M Pa^e Five T H U R S D A Y , M A Y Ì 0 , 1945 Lincoln Heights ,1s reported to be recovering. Rev. R. L. Krlner sprained his ¿rlliUO* i baa* C 15 at 8 p. m. visit. ankle last week as a result of a A short pregram will be given un Malheur Game League meeting, ,der in? 4i. i.oa A the earnet ■ Here f rom Baker— Lincoln school won a baseball fall. '°milevard Orange hall. May 22, 8 Dewey Ray of Baker visited his •Mrs. Nesbitt and Mrs. Taylor. H ie canning demon.tration that gume fiom White Settlement when ... ,i, 'Tote the date and be present. The 4-H Sewing club met Sat­ mother, Mrs. Stella Butler, Monday. was to have been he’d at the Jule 10M2xc they played last week. urday afternoon, May 5 at t ie ‘ Houston home Wednesday was &orls Stoliler was chosen pres- held at the Ja. k Pettet’ home. Ur*. school house whh their leader Treated in Hospital- iuem of the garden club lor this Geraldine Hall was in chaige. Mrs. Glen Dowers. Ten members Mark Child was in the hospital Don M. Graham attended. several days last week for treat­ year. The members met at the No Christian Endeavor meet'nj The Idaho Power company Is ment. Miss Noni Child has returned CUM Joman home in White Sett- was held Su,Klay evenin« b' ca,‘ 0 „ , „ .o f baccalaureate services. Mrs. j hi l ding a power Une to the Olen to her home after an operation Insurance Agency icmeat last Saturday. 'ju le Houston was the leader le^t Lay place. | in the Holy Rosary hospital and Mrs. Annie Harris left Tuesday Sunday evening and Mrs. Vein I Mrs. Luy Dement of Vale spent - ■ for LaGrande for a final eye treat- Smith will be the leader Sunday I a few days at the home of h e r, Fire and Automobile ment. She will then visit at the evening, May 13. daughter, Mrs. Ellis Warner, and BILL LAN E home of her brother, Robert Comer Lincoln eighth graders a ill par­ | tamily last week. Insurance allel at the home of Mi's. Minnie tlcipate in graduation exercises at I Glen Dowers went to Vale last j Auctioneer Alien, all of Wallowa, and at the the Boulevard Grange hall Wed- , week to help draft the non-high: linmes °i her daughters. Mis. Carl nesday evening. Other schools tak- school budget for the coming year. Rentals Bonds Phone 116J Nyssa Mell at Wasco and Mrs. Florence ing part will be White Settlement, I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roy are vis­ Zaekery at Fossil, Oregon. Cairo and Valley View. iting Mrs. Roy's parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emmons of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Book attend- | Mrs. Ira Ure and family. Mr. Roy i i m Mil m 1111 i i 1111 i i mihi m m i! M i:i i i in n in m u 1111 m 111 it i t 111111111111 u in 11 in m hi hi hi m i Ontario vt lted Thursday and Fri- ed services at Lincoln Sunday ¡Is serving in the U. S. army and day of la .t week at the home morning and were dinner guests Mrs. Roy is taking nurse's train- ling in Ogden. Utah. t f Mr. and Mrs. Amos Dejmal. at the Ralph Barnes home. The two Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watterson families were acquainted when Mr. and Mrs. Olen Lay are add­ attended the funeral of Mrs. Wat- they lived in Nebraska, ing a room to their house. terson’s uncle Neal Rlvett at a Bible school will be conducted Eddy Gregg of Ontario spew High Pressure, Centrifugal, Hydro-ejector type the week-end at the Otis Bullaic! Nampa Wednesday morning. the week of May 14 by Rev. R. O. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson were Chandler of Caldwell Other helpers home. Sunday dinner guests at the home « ill be Mrs. Orien Halnline. Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers. Vern Smith and Mrs. Jim Haw- OFFICERS ELECTED Mr. and Mrs. Elroy McDole of kins. BY ADRIAN SCHOOL Tt is your privilege once each year— on Memorial Lincoln became new members o f Friends and neighbors surprised the Boulevard Orange at Its last Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ledgerwood with Day— to wear a Buddy Poppy. Wear this little Pete Timmerman wr.s elected meeting. Geraldine Pettet sang a a charivari and shower Saturday These outfits give you running water under student body president at the el­ red flower as your Decoration for Patriotic Serv­ solo, “ My Dreams are Getting Bet- evening. Mr. Ledgerwood. a mem- ection held Friday In the Adrian pressure at the turn of a tap. ter All the Time”. Mrs. Flank was ber of the United States navy, Is ice to the'cause of veteran welfare. high school. pianist for several selections, spending a 30-day leave with his Other officers elected are Dick “ Your Protection is Our Guarantee” Three girls and one boy of Lin­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ledger- Stam. vice president; Betty Wolfe, coln Heights will be graduated wood. HLs bride formerly lived in secretary; Ellen Judd, treasurer | The Advance vertical centrifugal pump has with the senior class of Ontario North Dakota. and Wilbur Jackson, business man­ high school Thursday evening. They only one moving part, the bronze impeller with ager. are Donna Winslow, Geraldine Pet­ George Hillis was elected May 3tainlese steel shaft. tet, Dolly Hawkins and Dale Green i VETERANS OF FORÉÏGN WARS OF U. S queen, with Nadeen Wilson and Charles Farley will gilso be grad­ Marjory Hite as attendants. Miss The motor is of the most modern vertical- uated. He lived In this vicinity Hillis will be crowned at the for several years. (Continued from Page X) ball-bearing—brushless—built-in switch protect­ ented the plaintiff and Robert D. annual May day festival to be Mrs. Mark Terrel and Mrs. Clyde wounded. Lytle and Charles W. Swan the held Friday. May 4 at the Adrian ed type, and is supported by rigid east iron Whittle called at the Cliff Jordan "Having administered medical high school. A special feature of defendant. home in White Settlement Wed­ aid to the officer and realizing the bracket. Motor bearings are of the grease pack­ the May day festival will be the nesday of last week. Members of the jury were E. D. track meet with the grade schools importance of immediate evacua­ ed, double sealed, ball bearing type and require Bert Pearson, coach of the New tion. Opl. Points, in disregard for FARM SALE Ward'.ow, Walter Alford, Tom E n -'o f the high school districts par- Plymouth high school, who died his own safety crawled 200 yards no greasing for the life o f the motor. Monday, May 14 3|4 mile north, nor, Andrew Greeley, Elizabeth! ticlpatlng. in the Ontario hospital Tuesday back to the ambulance with the morning, wa; a nephew of Mrs. casualty on his back, thereby sav- 1 8 mile east of Fruitland, or V* Oroot, Maude Kline, Edith Knott, Visits in Ogden— Olhe Pearson of Lincoln Heights. ing valuable time getting the cas- ■md* east. H south, then 18 Donald M. McKenzie Mattie More­ Mrs. Marilyn Stringfellow. dau­ Mr. Pearson p anned to teach in ualty to a station where surgery I mile eact of Gala gardens. Sale to land, Lillian Nicholson, Franklin ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth the Ontario high school next year. could be performed. start at 1 p. m. 11 cattle, 2 horses, A. Schroeder and Fred A. Weitz. Cottle, has gone to Ogden for a T iiimrn m o i ; i ii n 1:1 n in in in m m 111 Him 111 ii m mm in niii'i m ci ci M ini iii ci ci iiiiimiiiii!iiiiiiiu 111 ci ci ii He 1; survived by his widow and “By Ills heroic action, Cpl Points farm machinery, hay and grain, a four-year-old daughter. reflected great credit upon himself dairy equipment, household goods. Last Sunday dinner guests at and the entire military service.” W. B. (Bill) Reyburn, owner. Col. A R C A D IA the . Jule Houston were „ „ __ home „ . , Mr. Cpl. Points spent most of his Bert Anderson, auctioneer. and Mrs. Ray Whitsell and family llfe ln Nvssa Rev. E. T. Larson of Nyssa held and M r, Annie Harris o f Lincoln I Mr and Mra. s D Polnts of Malheur Game league meeting, Heights and Mr. and Mrs Howard Bolse route 2 Wftlvfd word trom Boulevard Grange hall, May 22, 8 services here at 9:30 Sunday morn­ Lemons and family of Fru.tland L nother son, Pvt. Harold Points p. m. Note the date and be present. ing. Classes will be held next Sun­ Rev. and Mr,. R. L. Krlner and that hfl has lanrted safely some. 10M2xc day at 10:30. Miss WSlma Bullard's fann y were present at Lincoln v here ln He ls a barber ln primary pupils will have charge of Sunday school Sunday morning, , a hospltal. He also apmt hu « a * * , VACANCIES TCTBE the closing exercise. All mothers Rev. Kriner held services following j d in Nyssa are asked to attend. Mrs. Theo OPEN AT ACADEMY cla ses. The Krlner family were j Visiting at the Ed Henderson Mntherly, teacher of the young dinner guests that day at the For- J home in the Richland district last Congressman Lowell Stockman people’s class gave a weiner roast rest Sayers home. | week was Pfc. Malcolm A. Higgins will have three vacancies at the Tuesday night. of Twin Falls, a nephew of Mr. U. S. military academy. West Point. | The Arcadia Sunshine club met Henderson. New York, for the class beginning May 3 at the school house. The | With the seventh combat div- July 1. 1946. | next meeting *¿¿11 Jje held May 17 •isinn- of the Infantry. Pfc. Higgins MrStockrnan also will have two with Mrs. Jake Groot and Mrs, has seen action in the Aleutians. vacancies at the s naval aoad_ Fred schilling as hostesses, Marshall islands and Philippine Mr. and Mrs. Conley Butler left emy. Annapolis. Maryland, for the liberation campaigns. He received last week for San Francisco, where class begining July 1. 1956. the bronze star for gallantry dur­ Candidates for the military acad­ he will report for duty with the ing action on Luzon and also emy must have reached their 17th armed forces, earned the purple heart with one Mrs. Dave Brady received a birthday, but must not have reach­ oak leaf cluster. Higgins has been ed their 22nd birthday on ^he date telegram la«t week stating that In the army for three years, 20 her mother Is seriously 111 in a j of entrance to the academy. months of which he has spent Candidates for the naval academy hospital in Arizona, overseas The visit is the second must be not less than 17 years of Mrs Olen Dowers went to Cald- Higgins has to this vicinity. age nor more than 21 years o f'w e ll Friday to visit her mother, He said he was amazed at the j age on April 1 of the calendar (who ls 111. development on the ‘new” land year (1916) in which they enter i Several from here attended the since he was here in 1939. the naval academy. ¿baccalaureate services in Ontario Applicants for both academies «'«I Nvssa Sunday evening. Wilma Baby chicks thrive on R A N C H - j Mr. and Mrs. Dave Matthews of W A Y ’ S balanced nourishment. ' Adrian hate received word from rhould be high school seniors or,Bullard Is the only graduate from R A N C H -W A Y is always uni­ their son, Carroll, stating that he graduates of high school, or coll- .Arcadia this year, service | Rodv Mnrostica broke his leg form, easy to digest; promotes has been promoted to radioman, ege students. The civil commission expects to hold a com - | ogam Thursday at school. He broke rapid growth at low cost. ! 2nd class. He is with the U. S. navy petetive examination July 28. 1945 , 'Be same leg in February, to aid in the selection of nominees I The Arcadia school board met | at Okinawa. for the academies. Applicants must Monday night at the Glen Dowers Word has been received that Cpl. be residents of the second con- home. Richard Holly, son of Mr. and Mrs. gressionail district o f Oregon and iThe eighth grade graduation ex­ jercises will be held in the Arcadia I Dan Holly of Adrian is with Gen- in perfect physical condition. All boys who are interested and leral Patton's forces in Europe BYNOI’ 818 OF ANNUAL STATEM ENT o f SOLO AND RECOMMENDED BY Cpl. Dale S. Smith has arrived qualified should write immediately the BANKERS A SHIPPERS INSUR­ ANCE COMPANY o f NEW YORK, In in Nyssa to spend his furlough to Congressionman Lowell Stock- THE STATE OP NEW YORK, on the Alice couldn’t seem to understand. 31st day o f December, 1944. made to the The average price of household elec­ visiting his mother, Mrs. Julia man. House Office building, Wash­ Insurance Commissioner o f the State of Nyssa Elevator to law: Smith, and his sister. Mrs. Robert ington, D. C., so that they may I Oregon, pursuant INCOME tricity has actually come DOWN since The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, Davis. Cpl. Smith is stationed at receive additional information and I Net premiums r e c e iv e d ____ $3,553,245.47 Total Interest, dividends and Halloran General hospital. Staten be admitted to the examination. real estate I n c o m e _______ 227.680.06 war began]— while the cost of most Advance Water Systems O u r Boys SALE CALENDAR 1 Hollingsworth Hdw. & Imp. Co. ° £ c H'W* v \ May ¡je it will look right if I stand on my head,” said Alice CONFIDENCE * DEPENDABILITY Income from other sources _ Island, New York. Farmers Supply & Repair 510 No. Oregon St. Highway 30 North Phone 556J Ontario, Oregon FABRICATION WELDING REPAIR COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE FARM SUPPLIES If you cannot buy what you need, we can build it for you. See Us For Light and H eavy W ork Ask for Charlie Croghan or Bob Pierce RUTHERFORD GETS TURY’S VERDTCT A jury last week relumed a verdict ln favor of the plaintiff in a civil-suit in Judge M. A. Biggs circuit oourt in Vaie, in which K M. Rutherford was suing W. J. Cape for $462 damages for alleged oreaoh of contract. The Jury aw­ arded him damages in the amount of $440. Rutherford said he had made an oral agreement with Cape a year ago to buy 286 head of cat­ tle at $62.50 and that Cape had failed to deliver 42 head. Subse­ quent to the agreement, Rutherford claimed, he had bargained to sell the cattle to Claude Derrick of Ontario for $73.50 per head and the failure o f Cape to deliver the remaining 42 head caused him to lase a profit of $11 a head or $162 which he would have had if the contract had br-n fulfilled. Cape ¡argued that the plaintiff himself had first breached the contract, thus voiding It. and that he was therefore not bound to complete the transfer. Blaine Hallock of Baker repres- drew one flipper across his eyes, and l>egan again. 76,676.14 Total I n c o m e ____________ $3,857,601.67 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyhold- | ers for lo s s e s ____________ $1,869,648.77 Loss adjustment expenses __ 126,114.02 Agents commissions or brok­ erage -------------------------------- 1,022.217.33 Salaries and fees— officers, directors, home o ffic e em­ ployes ------------------------------ 251,805 20 Taxes, licenses and f e e s ____ 138,665.60 Dividends paid to stockhold- ers (Cash. $160,000; stock, $ 1 6 0 .0 0 0 » ------------------------ 160.000 00 All other exp en d itu res____ 340,824.90 i Total disbursem ents______$3.909,275.82 ADMITTED ASSETS Value o r bonds owned ( amor­ tized * ------------------------------ $3,699,771.18 Value o f stocks owned (m ar­ ket value» -------------- a ------ 2,865,175.00 Cash in banks and on hand 566,306.49 ' Premiums in course o f collec­ tion written since Sept. . 30. 1944 -------------------------- 569.147.57 Interest and rents due and accrued __________________ 30,176 86 Other assets m e t ) __________ 13.352.40 I Total admitted a s s e t s ___ $7,743,929 50 l LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS . Total unpaid c la im s ________ $ 591.189.00 I Estimated loss adjustment ex- i pense for unpaid claim s __ 36,800.00 I Total unearned premiums on j all unexpired r is k s ----------- 3,471,895 93 ! Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, j accounts, fees, etc., due or accrue.! --------------------------- 8,237.51 . Estimated amount due or ac- ! crued for t a x e s ------ 79,464.42 Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and ac­ crued ----- 24.480 00 All other liabilities---------------------- 3,076 86 Total liabilities, s x c e p t c a p i t a l ---------------- ------------- $4,215.143.15 Capital p a i d u p _____ $1,000.000 00 Surplus o v e r a l l liabili­ ties ............. 2.528.786 35 Surplus as re­ gards policy­ holders --------------------------- 3,528.788 35 T o t a l ----------- -$ 7.743,929 50 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums r e c e iv e d ________ $17.974.80 Net 108 isea 1 Paid id----------------------- _ _ ____ 3.856 47 Name _ ' am« o f Company: _______________ B A N K E R S *PF SH IPPERS,, INSURANCE COMPANY o f NEW YORK Name o f President: R E HEACOCK. Name o f Secretary: A. R. MATTHEWS Statutorv resident attorney for service: JOHN A COLLIER. Portland. Or. other things was going UP. “ This line is the cost of living going There has been no shortage of elec­ up— and that line is the cost of elec­ tricity— the basic raw material of all tricity coming down. Now do you see?” important war materials have neces­ “ N o,” said Alice, doubtfully, “ why war production—though most other sarily been scarce'or rationed. don’t they go together? One of them That record is the result of careful must be upside down.” planning and hard work by Amer­ Sobs suddenly choked the Mock Turtle. ica’s ¿umnejj-managed electric com ­ panies. And it is your assurance of Alice was eager to please. “ Maybe it will look right,” she said, “ if I stand on my head!” ■Cr -Cr There is an Alice-in-Wonderland flavor to the simple facts about electricity. plenty of cheap electricity for peace­ time job production—and for all the new electric conveniences you’ll en­ joy after the war. tl.1%. M R tha V. s. Bureau of L abor italic! lea. a //aor NELSON EDDY in “THE ELECTRIC HOUR,” with Robirt Armbruitni'i Orchntna. Sunday afttrnoom, 49», EWT, CBS X it work. IDAHO V P O W E R A C IT IZ E N W W IR iV B R IT S E R V E S DOMT WASTE ELECTRICITY JU ST BECAUSE I T * CHEAP I