THE NYSSA G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L PAGE 4 T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 10,1015 Big Bend Mr. and Mrs. W ill Sweet leit Thursday morning (or Twin Palls (or a visit with his sister. Prom ALL OUT FOR THE there they will go to Tacoma (or an extended visit with their son, Homer. Mrs. W. T. Hamilton. Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Mrs. Joe Brock and Del- no Brock shopped In Nampa last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach were dinner guests o( Mrs. John Bishop in Nyssa Thursday. Miss Virginia Miller has received a Rod Cross appointment as re creational entertainer In hospitals and will report at Washington. D. C.. May 28. Mrs. Verl Bishop entertained members of the No Name club Wednesday aiternoon. The Jolly Janes met with Mrs. Otto Nielsen Wednesday aiternoon and worked on a quilt. Mrs. Walter Bishop and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop spent Friday after- noon in the Red Cross rooms In Panna roiling bandages. Mrs. Oscar Pinkston. Donna Handler and Pete Sleeper spent last Sunday visiting In the R. C. Sleeyer home In Notus. Mrs. Jess Higgins returned home Sunday (rom Lamar. Colorado, where she was called because o( the serious illness o( her (ather. Mrs. R. L. Haworth and Mrs. Charles Sohwelzer entertained a group o( (riends at the Haworth home last Saturday evening in honor o( Miss Mary Zink o ( Coll- ister. Mrs. Walter Bishop and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop transacted business in Caldwell Saturday. Mrs. Horace Chaney, Bernice Chaney, and Carol and Lorlna Witty attended the Founder's day (estival In honor o ( high school students held at the College o( Idaho In Caldwell Saturday morn ing. Guests (rom Big Bend at the Girls league tea given In honor ol their mothers in Adrian Sat urday were Mrs. Horace Ohaney, Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. Charles W it ty, Mrs. Stiner, Mrs. Met ham. Mrs. Jess Higgins, Mrs. Ed Nielsen, Mrs. Otto Nielsen Mrs. Shipley, Mrs. Bronson, Mrs. Quick, Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Miss Virginia Miller, and Miss Mary Weir. Mrs. W. S. Ahearn o ( Caldwell and Mrs. Cecil Case o ( Arena valley were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach and Mrs. John Bishop and children ol Nyssa were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Paulding In Boise Sunday. Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mrs Grover Lee o ( Ontario attended the Girls league tea at Adrian Saturday afternoon and called on Big Bend friends in the evening. rive of All ! > 0 . Their “Quota” may be DEATH Your Quota is Bigger Bonds # S TH E tempo o f the war in creases . . . as the lines o f com munication grow longer . . . as the need fo r new guns, new tanks, new planes grows more urgent . . . the cost o f the war is at an all-time high. A That is reason Numlier 1 why every true American must hack this M IG H TY 7 T II W ar Loan Drive be yond all limits o f what he thinks he can afford. Reason Number 2 is that this drive is really two drives in one. By this time last year, you had sub scribed to two W ar Loans. COLUM BIA AVENUE Mrs. OUn o f Nyssa Heights call ed at the Dick Qroot home Friday. Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mrs. Dick Oroot and Mrs. John Broad were Boise visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stam of Ore gon Trail entertained Sunday (or Mr. and Mr«. Gerrit Oroot of Apple valley. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Dav idson o f Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were Boise visitors Friday. Dave Hawkins returned Friday from a trip to Portland. Yes, the need is greater than ever before. And YOU . . . everybody . . . must invest a greater portion o f your income . . . o f your cash reserves . . . in W ar Bonds Now! Study the chart oil this page. Fig ure out your personal quota— and make it! BUY MORE AND BIGGER BONDS You already know that W ar Bonds are the liest and safest investment in the world . . . that you get hack at maturity $1 fo r every ¡S3 you invest . . . that they safeguard your future security . . . and that you eau cash them in on a moment's notice in ease of emergency. So let’ s go, Am er icans! Let's hark those gallant hoys who are fighting and dying fo r us on far-flung battlefields the world over. Let's all l*iy bigger bonds and m ore o f them, right now! OW YHEE The Owyhee Community club well meet with Mrs. Jess Gregg May 17 with Mrs. Gerald Slippy as co-hostess. Mrs. Charles Culbertson and two children were dinner guests o f Mrs. Arnold Slippy In Nyssa Sunday. Mrs. George Gregg left Thurs day evening for Seattle to meet lier husband, who Is leaving for an unannounced destination. Miss Esther Neln returned Sat urday evening from the Ontario hospital, where site spent several days. Mrs. William Peutz has returned from a stay of several weeks In the Ontario hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Collins of Ontario and daughter, Miss Mary Collins o f Boise were guests In the Jess Gregg home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Glen gave a birthday party for their daughter. Ouyanne, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Glenn and son. Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwel- w r of this district attended. Mr and Mrs. Laurence Kreager and family o f the Kingman Kolony were also guests. Mrs. Martha Klingback and Mrs. Russell R. W olf and daughter. Ellen, were business visitors In Caldwell Monday. I’ lcnlck At Owyhrc l)*m -- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher. Mm. Emma Qulnby. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier and Nancy, Mr and Mrs Fred FWher. Mr. and Mrs Henry Meter and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Meier spent Saturday at Owyhee dam * IF YOUR AVERAGE WAGE PER MONTH IS: YOUR PERSONAL WAR BOND QUOTA IS: (CASH VALUE) MATURITY VALUE OF 7TH WAR LOAN BONDS BOUGHT $250 225-250 210-225 200-210 180-200 140-180 100-140 Undar $100 $187.50 150.00 131.25 112.50 93.75 75.00 37.50 18.75 $250 200 175 150 125 100 50 25 r.''i People’s Quota: Seven Billion Dollars GreryMy.. EreryvAere .. Say /ffore -/HORE-/M QR£f Hollingsworth Hdwe. & Imp. Co. Frank T. Morgan Al Thompson & Son Nyssa Furniture Co. Idaho Power Co. Stunz Lumber Co. Gordon’s Drive-In Pruyn’s Garage Golden Rule Store Nyssa Pharmacy Inland Oil Co. Curry Produce Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. Towne’s Garage Gamble Store Polar Cold Storage Boise Payette Lumber Co. Brownie’s Cafe Nyssa Packing Co. Inter-State Oil Co. Nyssa Lumber Co. Gate City Cafe Thompson Oil Co. Eder H ardw are Co. Nyssa Tavern Farmers Supply Co-op Owyhee Drug Co. Nordale Furniture Store Atkeson’s Clothing Store The Food Mart Nysra Elevator Pov, ell Service Station Signal Service Station