^2 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUKNAl Classified Advertising PAGE THURSDAY. MAY 10,1945 = | ested In said estate. Said account • gii certain manners as prescribed their aunt, Mrs Orover Cooper, i visitor in Payette Thursday. I is for final settlement and upon by the O. I. bill of rights. Notice; Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper The Home Economics club met at uerwi being approved said estate will be see your service officer who will visited her mother, Mrs. Snyder the home of Mrs. L. Kreager Tues- Mio. £. B. Hoffman returned of Caldwell Sunday. closed and the administrator dls- assist in filling out the proper I day of last week. Mrs. T. B. Hall papers in these cases. fr‘<m Nebra ka. where she spent | charged. The Sunset Ladies auxiliary will | and Mrs. D. W. Hall were guests, REMINDER:-To all veterans. ***• P881 several weeks with her sponsor a dance In the S u n setT h e afternoon was spent In sewing | A. L. Fletcher, Administrator Es It is not Ion* now until M im -1 nwtlier, who has b<en ill tate of Brady O. Fowler, deceas- valley hall Saturday night. May 12. for the fall bazaar, after which RATE» Two ceni» per woro lor caen Issue Minimum casti in | ed. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were The proceeds will be turned over Mrs. Kreager served refreshments. .orlai day and it is the duty of 11st pub. April 19.1945. advance is 30c. every man now serving In uniform Sunilay dlnner gues* at the Loyd | to the fund to be raised for the Kingman Grange members and I Last pub. May 17, 1945. or who ever served in it to take Ac*ams Lome. memorial to servicemen at Adrian. their families enjoyed a picnic at Harold Robbins, son-in-law o f. _______________ ¡ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT , part in these observances in mem the Owyhee dam Sunday. A picnic ing sugar coupons. Addressed to NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN. ,,,., f our comrades who have H L Day' tS visttl’'g hele Robb' = « dinner was served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Bernice Butt. Finder please That Frank T. Morgan, Guardian Ins’ a paratrooper, was wounded j l \ I O Q I T 1 d n l > 0 * O O y Beet and lettuce thinning Is return to Ronald's Shoe shop. j of the person and estate of A nna;sone to report t0 ,h0 *-uprf me ,n the Philippines. — ■ lOMlxp Housh, an incompetent person, h a s ; Cimmander. In every city in this Mrs. Olenn Hoffman. Mrs. Geo- | Ronald Lane is home on leave now underway In the Kolony. FOR SALE—Five passenger Cad --------------------------------------------- ined in the County Court of Mai- i0unty lhf veterans organizations rge cleaver, and Mrs. Alva Goodell from •'boot" camp at San Diego. The Pollyanna club met a t the illac, radio, heater, six tires, trail- i i heur County, his final account of sPonsoring programs for this i attended the Heme Economics He expects to leave Saturday for home of Mrs. Walter Pinkston er attachment »900. Terms »500 i ------------------------—____________ his guardianship, and that the day and they talce “ *ls °PPMtunity ,-iub meeting at the Roy Holmes Mississippi to enter quartermas- Wednesday of last week. Mrs Wil son was co-hostess. cash. Fine condition. Powell ser- ! WANTED TO BUY-Alarm clocks Court has fixed the 18th day of t0 aik a11 men at home at 01,81 home Thursday. ter school. Mrs. Hurst reported that »18.75 f not running. nmnino G. o E. E Bertsoh. n ^ r.^ h i 581 May, 1915, at the hour of 11 o'- time and ,hos* who i*‘rved in th e l Mrs. Alva Goodell and Mrs. j Rev. and Mrs. Pollard of Boise vice station. 19Atfc clock A. M. as the time of hearing past to ,oln wlth them in thcse George Cleaver attended the moth- | were guests at the J. G. Lane home was collected in the Kolony for Emison St. 26A4xp the cancer drive recently com any objections thereto programs. , ers tea at the Nyssa gymnasium. Monday FOR SALE-- 5 H. P. motor 220 V " - -------- — ! ,,, i j Come on with those questions I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shaw and pleted. 3P and 3" centrifugal pump, both WANTED— Poultry and rabbits. j An Persor ’ interested In said have received a few but I know son of Jamison were visitors at in A1 condition, »125. Trade eight Now paying live weight, deliver- matter are notified to file any ob there is others in the county who 1 the Hugh McConnell home Monday. R e tu r n s T o P o rtla n d — jections that they may have, in plant: Colored hens. 2«c; I Wl1lin on or before tlnle 'and would like to have some problem foot, four-horse disc, a good disc ed at The Misses Lawonna Stokes. Miss Fern Grover returned to for a four-horse riding fresno. 8 Letty Brownson and Delora Hurst her home in Portland Friday af- miles southwest of Nyssa, ia mile £ K ;r r z r hr d r r ounilz ^ e veterans prob,ems were Sunday dinner guests of! ter visiting her brother, Pfc. Ross east of Langton's corner. A. D. | Produce. Phone 155, Payette, Idaho. ¿ ^ 0v £ and T l d ----------------------- definitely at the home of their Forrestine Wilson. 'Grover while he was on his fur- Mrs. Lynn Hurst was a business lough in Nyssa. Mases, Nyssa route 1. 19A4xc | WANTED- Listings on real es- guardianship will be closed and . . . p j i Grover ^Cooper"" . - i . ------- 1 Mrs. Robert Ditty and son, FOR SALE—Michael-Leonard gar- 1 tate- We have sold everything we said guardian discharged. Dwight visited Tuesday with Mr. den seed. Alfalfa, pasture and ■' had listed. Bernard Eastman, 19tfc Frank T. Morgan, Guardian of By Leona Anderson the person and estate of Anna and Mrs. Earl Sieber of Caldwell. Idaho Power Co. clover seeds, also flower and garden i --------------------------------------------- Housh. plants. Hollingsworth Hardware l WANTED Man for year around Jack Glascock has completed ICINGS WITHOUT SUGAR Now that we are getting less several days carpenter work on and Implement Co. 2CA4xc. 1 wolk on falm ' Good house and lst pub' ApnI 19'1945 ____ ______________________ . • living condition. Married man | Last pub. May 17, 1945. sugar than ever before we must the parsonage. FOR SALE—100 bushels ear corn . ' only. See Jake Fischer. 15Mtfc i --------------------- Monday dinner guests at the dig into our files to see if we can Robert Ditty, 6 miles west Lang 'find sugar saving recipes to use j George Wilson home were Mr. and | WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for ton's comer. 5Atfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF all the time. It really isn't such 9 I Mrs. Ray Holcomb of Owyhee and ! live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay 12Atfc lT,,E STATE OF OREGON FOR job to get along on less sugar if i Marion Price. FOR SALE--80 acre farm, 10 miles ¡ ette. southwest of Nyssa fu'lv eauipped I ________________________ - ____ T,,E colJNTV OF MALHEUR we figure things out ahead and j Mrs. Leonard Newgen and Mrs. Horse machinery. 5 horses 25 jer- I WANTED—Used furniture. Highest; NOTICE OP HEARING FINAL budget our supply. j Eobjiewgen were Monday shoppers Icings can add much to a cake in Ontario. sêy cows, eligible to registration. ' l)r,ces Puid. Phone 149W, Nyssa I ACCOUNT _ . . I m Furniture im iti rvy 12Atfc.1 In the matter of the estate of and the wonderful part of it Is Anton Myhr and Charles Ditty One registered ............................* bull, four . heifer Co. John Bartholoma, deceased. that we can make them entirely and daughter, Tressa, were Parma The 1945 license for dogs is now past due. calves, few hogs. 2 sets of new j HELP WANTED visitors Thursday. Notice is hereby given that the without sugar, harness, household furnishings, el Mrs. Mary Martin and Mrs. MILE HIGH ICING ectric range, washing machine, WANTED-Man for steady work, undersigned administratrix of the j Licenses are available at the city hall and from Walter Hillls left Thursday morn experience necessary, I * * * * * 01 John Bartholoma, de- , 2 egg whites, water softener, electric separator, irrigation ing for Burley to attend funeral milking machine and 30 tons of modern house, chicken coop, g a r-iceased' has flled her flnal account; l cup white corn syrup services for Mrs. Manon Hillis. liay. Possession may be had im din. fruit, prevailing wages. Ira R. !as such administratrix, and th at 2 teaspoons vanilla the chief of police. Licenses are $2 for male mediately, except for 22 acres that Ure, phone 06R2, Nyssa. 19Atfc the same wild be heard In the , into a large mixing bowl of an . Mrs Mary Query and daughter, j County Court Room at the City 1 electric mixer, place the whites of | Sharon, and Tressa Ditty left Mon- Is rented for row crop. »15,000, $10,- and $3 for female dogs. 500 cash, balance long terms. 29M- WANTED— Man to work in dairy, of Vale, Oregon on June 4. 1945, at two eggs and one cup white Karo , day for LaGrande to vLslt rela- Slielton’s dairy. 19Atfc i the hour of 2 p. m. o’clock of said j corn syrup. Start beating on low (tives and to attend an all-day tfc. day at which time and place a n y , speed then increase to high speed, j ohuroh service at Elgin Wednes- A. L. Atkeson Please purchase your license before May 25. ! objections to said account will be To this amount of icing, add two day. t. vanilla. When mixture will hold ! Diana Whitman of Nyssa is FOR Ht LE - FifG acres west of « ----- --------------------------- | heard and determined mile visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Nyssa city lin .'a rw<. houses, ex- _ \ ESTRAYED—To my place, Myrtle E. Bartholoma , its shape, spread on cake. HONETY FROSTING , Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, for a few cellent soil, pinet. -* .00 per acre. south of Mitchell butte, one 3-year Administratrix of the Estate of old holstein steer, branded W bar John Bartholoma, Deceased. See Frank T. Mo.gan. ISMtfc. l t t cups honey. idays. H connected on right side. No «ar First pub. May 3. 1945. 1 egg white. j Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen were FOR S \LE Small house east of marks. Unless owner claims the Last pub. May 31, 1945. 1!4 tsp. salt. ¡callers in the Jack Wilson home; tracks in Ward addition. »1000 steer. I «’ill. sell for feed costs. J. Place honey in a sauce pan and j in Apple valley Sunday evening. | cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jtfc P. Dunaway. 26A3xp. bring to a boll. Add salt. Beat egg Rev. Lester Carlsen. district i white until light. Pour honey in presbyter, and Mrs. Carlsen of FOR SALE iiiumpaon's Chek-R- GRAVEL, EXCAVATING a thin stream into egg white, beat- LaGrande were visitors in the Rev. Chlx lor delivery every Wednesday L. H. Snodgrass R. L. Casselman home Sunday. ing constantly. Spread on cake. end Saturday after March 3. Ord General custom work, gravel, ex Rev. Carlsen spoke in the morn er < ar y to get the breed and date cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2, ing and evening services in the y< i want them Thompson's Ont Nyssa, Oregon. 26Atfc Assembly of God church. Do you know that we would sug ario hatchery. 18Jtfc Mrs. Bud Chapin received word BUTCHERTNO gest for the best story of the year FOR S4 1 E— Large cement mixer, Custom butchering every Mon that one from Toastmaster Bill The Merry Matrons club met at that her brother had died on tv.) wliee barrows. R. K. Loewen, day and Friday. Beef, sheep and Fisk regarding the camouflage de the home of LaVinnie Smith Thurs- I foreign soil. box 833 Nyssa, Oregon. 10M2xp pork. Sanitary butchering guaran tail and will suggest that Ont day afternoon. May 3 with Virginia | Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper tee d. Phone 05R1. All stor;k must ario’s park commission see him Rookstool as co-hostess. The after- visited her mother, Mrs. Snyder of FOR tV TE ~ Milking shorthorn come in Thursday or Sunday after- for an Idea. T hat Adjutant Rouch 1 noon was spent sewingr for the hos-i Caldwell Sunday, bull Eight months old. C. W. Wil noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No 1 of the Nyssa American Legion tess. Eight members and tw o ' The birthday anniversaries of son east of Kinsman Kolony sch- • took accepted on butrhering day. ; do not give up hope for even sucli guests. Connie Chard and Olive Mrs. Joe Hobson and E. J. Hobson oolhouse. 10M2xp One mile west of Nvssa on Alberta 1 a tough old top-kick as Neissan) Graham were present. Games were were celebrated Tuesday by the 29Mtfc,can make a mistake and cannot 1 played, with Virginia Rookstool and Et J. Hobson and Wilbur Holcomb FOP "ALB— Two cltv lots, one avenue. Jake Fischer. on 5tih and one on 6th. Inquire ---------------------------- ;-----------------| always bring the skipper to sus- j Gladys Byers wining prizes. The | families. I esfa l A d v e r t i s e m e n t tain him and might, I say even next meeting will be held May 30 j The Worthwhile club will meet* Journal office. 10M2xp ----- -------------------------- - , --------- _____ might find that he was wrong at the home of Gladys Byers with April 17 at the home of Stella FOR SALE—Laying hens. Minnie NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT have tQ admlt it Alice Holmes assisting. Refresh- i Wilson with Betty Wilson as co- DeRuit, by railroad bridge south ' Notice hereby is given that A ., w hat is the procedure for ments were served by the hostesses, hostess. of Nyssa. 3M2xp. D. Fletcher, administrator of the j thfi n#xt of kjn to make appiic a-' Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Willard Whitman estate of Brady ! tton for the American flag which Frank S. Byers entertained mem- of Nyssa and Kenneth Lorensen ed. has filed in the County Court Is theirs through proper appli- bers of the Oregon Trail Sunday were Boise business visitors Mon For of Malheur County, Oregon, | „„„ , his Ication. school at a party Saturday after- day. Yep, today when everybody’s helping all The grade school will be olosed H , ; ' b v a 07 w f,rSt and fln al l a n j Ans. T he next of kin should ta k e 'n o o n . G am es were played. R efresh - trailer house. Box 97, O ntario. 3M3 , m inistration, and th a t th e 18th ' Ietter of condolence from th e m in ts were served by th e hostesses. this week. they can w e’re prouder than ever of our fight- Cecil Riddle and family of Nu- I rW T :^ay °f war or navy department to the The party was given in honor of ing-food-value...proud to be called the perfect Acres were Sunday visitors in the ___________ *_____________ __ I11 °'clo!'k A M ,.and .‘-he ®od J ¡commander of the veterans’ organ- those having birthdays in March LOST— 170 pounds of red clover' Court ln. 1 le V . °. , a ’ | izatlon in their local community and April. Honored guests were Leonard Newgen home. food. Oce Schweizer recently pur -eed between Nyssa and Adrian. 0reg°n . ave been appoimen y ^ Ma,heur county and they will Wilbur Pair, Winnie Relk and chased a Cadillac sedan. Liberal reward. H. H. Hardman, >“ » ' it certified and fill out the Frank Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riddle of Rt. l. lOMlxp j t o T ^ 1,10 mav papers so that this flag then may, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes were . I and any objections that may oe ^ obtained. hosts Saturday _ evening _______ at a » Nu-Acres are staying this week ln ) LOST-- Envelope containing cann- filed thereto by any person inter- Q. What Is meant by the state- family gathering. Those present I the Leonard Newgen home helping ment of good health ln relation to were Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes, with the farm work. Bobby and Jean Barrett of the Incident to reinstatement of Mr. and Mi's. Rolland Holmes and AT THE UNDERPASS a veteran’s national insurance? family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hol- Mountain Home, Idaho are stay As. The words “good health” mes and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers ing Indefinitely at the home of When used in connection with in- and family. surance mean that the applicant1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bow«n and Is. from clinical or other evidence, I family and Donald Byers, together free from disease, injury, abnormal- , with Mr. and Mrs. William Weldy ity, infirmity, or residual of dis- j and Mrs. William Davenport of ease or injury to a degree th a t ! Ontario picnicked at the Owyhee would tend to weaken or impair l dam Sunday. the normal functions of the mind Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams and or body to shorten life. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes made Q. Can discharged men from i a business trip to Caldwell Sat service receiving a blue discharge urday. Mrs. Ewen Chard, Mrs. J. E. OPTOMETRISTS have a chance to show cause for DENTISTS having this discharge set aside Bowen and Mrs Archie Smith att and receive an honorable discharge. ended the mothers tea in Nyssa " 8 « Mr Kail and 8 » BrtUv" J. R. CUNDALL Ans. Yes this can be done throu- Wednesday afternoon. B Vista MISCELLANEOUS For Saie WANTED are Sunset Valley Victory Food Hints N O T IC E Legal Advertising To Dog Owners iv a MISCELLANEOUS J.R. Dolan Veterans Inform ation Chief of Pol ice Oregon Trail W e 'r e In The Fight, Too! Rent Shelton’s Dairy Professional And Business Directory FOR ALL Y O U R n /fet Grom/itf DR. J. A. McFALL NEEDS Dentist JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY _ DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREOON GEORGE JACKSON MODERN WATCH DEPAIRING State Licensed Watchmaker ONTARIO, ORE3GON 3H blocks N. of City Hall wwwwwww ¡was 2 Try Pullet Grower Hurry For Your Corn S H O n P Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON Residence and Outside Theft Insurance EYE8IGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS L. Physician A. Maulding, M.D. and Surgeon Phone S7 Hours: 10 to 12 and I to » Dallv- Except Sunday Fry Building SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin. D. M. medicine General practice of X-ray Physiotherapy SHOE SHOPS Abbott'* Sho# Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing. Across from post office Here is something entirely new in THEFT Insurance. It may be exactly what you are looking for. It will pay your loss: 1. If someone enters your home and takes your personal prop erty and Jewelry. 2. On property taken from your yard or garage. 3. On your effects ln hotels, restaurants, theatres, laundries and also in summer homes if your property is taken while you are living there. 4. On children’s property at school and also on bicycles. 5. On personal property from your locked or unlocked auto. 6. On baggage while on train, bus or airplane. 7. On money up to $100 against holdup, theft, pickpockets and mysterious disappearance. "Mysterious disappearance” of any insured property shall be • presumed to be due to theft. Premiums for *1000 insurance f*500 on Jewelry, Sterling Silver and Furs and »500 on Other Property). One or two family residence 1 year *10 3 years »25 Apartment dwelling 1 year »12.50 3 years 31.25 The cost for larger amounts will cheerfully be furnished upon request.“ Bernard Eastman A Ì ' THE STORE W ITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN Rich in body-building ingredients. Grows ‘em fast and big for early laying. A complete food. If you expect to get it planted in time for a bumper crop.