PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION • KATES One Year ........ 1230 *1 26 Six Months............. Single Copies ...... . .. ufi : Siric i ly In Advance) • KU Ldliur and Pabllabrt ADVERTISING KATES Open rate, per Inch........ ISo Nar.onal, per Inch............ ISC t tassai»<is. per word.... — . V Minimum.... .... 30c and thus give Oregon seed higher Mrs J C Smith. Mrs. Bert Pettet children are house guests o f Mr . . . . and Mrs. S. P. Bybee. Mr. Larkin quality. More foundation stock U and son. Jimmie, of Nampa were at the Hill field ai- , M utah. being planted In the county (or also guests at Che Smith home Thursday. I | first generation seed. Dll RCT>; fhe Gate City Journal Kl.ASS V. POW ELL THURSDAY, MAY 10,1045 FREE M ETHOOIS’l CHURCH Adrian. Oregon Rev. P. H. Reiman, Pastor ADRIAN LOCAL NEWS ( . l i c i t e l i OP THE NAZAKENB E. J. Wilson. Pastor. 10 a. m„ Sunday school. Called To B u rn t- Mrs. Stella Butler was called to Burns because of the drowning of her two grea[ grandsons, Scott and Elton Hays, sons o f Mr. and Mrs Othenile Hays. Mrs. Hays, formerly Zeima Lackey of Nyssa. attended school in Nyssa. Her parents. Mr. I and Mrs. Bud Lackey, operated the present A. L. Atkeson farm I ------------------------ Chosen Fire Chief— A1 Kuehn has been appointed as fire chief, succeeding Robert Thompson, resigned. Mr. Thompson will remain with the fire depart ment as a fireman. 11 a. m., worship and preaching. 7 p. m.. pr»-prayer service. Sunday school, 10 a. m. 7:15, N. Y. P, intermediates and Church service, 11 a. m. Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon Junior service* Subject: "T h e Holy Spirit". Entered at the postoltlce at Nyssa. Oregon (or 'ransmuslon 8 p. m„ evangelistic service. through the I • lted States Malls, os second class matter, under Youn^ people's meeting. 7 p. m. ______ the act of March 3. 1870 We are dismissing the evening 4HE M E TH O D IST COMM UNITY service for the baccalaureate In CHURCH lire high chool. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. REAC TIO N TO VIC TO R Y IN Prajer meeting next week In the j Ohurcii school. 10 a. m. Nelson home in Ridgeview Wed-1 Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. EUROPE SUBDUED iHsday at 8 p. m. | Special Mother's day music and W ell, what we have been awaiting for many Come help us spread Rible holi- message months—the end of the war in Europe—has oe- ness throughout the world. Fellowship meetings. 7:30. Evening worship and hymn sing cured, but one would never know it by outward Street Lights Installed— I I » : tW M M llN IT Y UNITED 8:30. appearances in Nyssa and probably thousands A street light has been Installed PR ESBYTE R IAN CHURCH Bible study and prayer Wednes at First and Bower and one at of other towns in the United States. Kingman Memorial day. 8 o'clock. J. C. N’evin. Pastor. Training class Thursday. 4 p. m. Fifth and Ennis by the Idaho Those of us who are old enough to remember Power company at the request of 10 a. m. Bible school. the end o f world war 1,cannot help contrasting the city. 11 a. m„ morning worship. Ser 8T. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL the hilarious jubilation that marked the defeat mon. "The Mother We Remember' MISSION Observance of the national day The Rav. Burton Salter, vtca. Operated On— o f Germany in 1918 with the sober satisfaction Orie Harris was dismissed from of prayer as proclaimed by the Morning prayer and sermcn. 9:3. that typifies the attitude of the American peo Holy communion and sermon eac'. a Boise hospital this week after president. ple this week. undergoing an operation on his 4 p. m., Pldelae Amicae at the second Sunday of the month. right foot. parsonage. Church school at 10:30 a. m The reasons for the difference are many. At Wamen s Guild second Wednesday 8 p. m. we Join with the high the close o f world war 1, the American people Girl Injured— school in the baccalaureate ser of each month. thought that “ the world had been saved for Dianne Wilson, small daughter vice for the graduating class. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W ilson., ASSEM BLY OF GOD Monday. 9 a. m.. first day of democracy” . Although Germany was not nearly sustained a fracture of the arm j C. L. Snider, pastor vacation Bible school at the King- so badly beaten in 1918 as she is now, her de last week when she fell down a Sunday school, 10 am. man Kolony schoolhouse. A ll girls feat actually marked the end of world conflict Sermon, 11 a m. Evangelistic ser stairway. and boys invited to attend. 7:45 p. m„ Boy Scout troop 36 vice 8 p.m for a time. The end of the war came suddenly Thursday. 8 pm., prayer for boys Go To Idaho— meets at the high school. and unexpectedly. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson. Sr., Wednesday, 8 p. m„ choir prac in armed forces. Come, worship Now, people realize that they still have a with us and pray with us for your have gone to the sheep ranch of tice. their son. Bud, near Lewiston, Id boy and some other mother’s boy. tremendous task on their hands in defeating aho for a two-weeks visit. CHURCH OF C H R IST Japan. Not until the Japs are completely sub (Christian) B A P T IS T CHURCH dued will the American people live in a peace Story Hour Planned— George Whipple. Pastor. Second Street A story hour for children will be Bible school, 10 a. m. Bring your ful atmosphere. The defeat of Germany this E. T. Larson. Missionary Pasto- held every two weeks during the Bibles In honor of mother. Sunday school. 10 a. m. time had been expected momentarily for sev summer in tihe city hall. The first Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com Morning worship. 11 a. m. eral days and this removed much of the enthus session will be held Tuesday. May munion served each Lord’s day. B. Y. P. U. at 7:15 p. m. Sermon, “ A Godly Mother". iasm. The two tyrants who were responsible Sunday eveaing preaching ser 22 at 2:30 p. m. under the sponsor Evening service, 7:30. Bible study vice at 7:45. A series of seven ship of the library. Parents may for world war 2 were either dead or missing. groups for adults and C. E. for messages covering the book of Rev accompany their small children. Mussolini had been shot to death as a traitor children and young people. Preach- elation will be given at our Sun and Hitler had either committed suicide or l ing service at 8:15. Sermon. "W hat day evening service. You are wel T o Thin Beets— On Monday morning, May 14 come to attend all our services of Tomorrow?” made his escape to a hide-out. Special events for Mother’s day. and especially do we urge you to the various organizations In the The American people are thankful to God An award will be given to the hear these lectures on the last L. D. S. Church will help thin the Weiser stake church welfare beets for conclusion o f hostilities in Europe and they oldest mother In attendance in book of the Bible, Revelation. on a farm near Ontario. Those not Bible school, the youngest mother, are thankful to the servicemen who made vic having transportation should con SUN8ET VALLEY and the mother with the largest tory possible, but they realize that only part of ASSEM BLY OF GOD CHURCH tact the bishopric. It Is desirable number of children present. The that all who are able come equipp a miserable job has been accomplished and children In the Bible school will Paster R. L. Casselman ed with hoes. A period of enter present a program at the close Sunday school, 10 A.M. are determined to complete the remainder of tainment and rest Is planned. Morning worship, 11 A.M. of the Bible school hour. the task as soon as possible. When the work Children church, 7:30 P.M. is finished there will be nothing to dampen the L D. S. CHURCH Evening evangelistic service, 8 Class Goes F ish in g - Fourteen members of the L. D. Priesthood o'clock. Cottage prayer meeting Sunday 9:15 a.l American desire for celebration, because by Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 8 S Sunday school class went fishing | meeting that time we-hope the “ Big Three” will have Saturday at the Owyhee dam. with Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. P.M. agreed to some formula for preventing another Sunday 7:30 p. m Sacrament Come! A hearty welcome awaits Hubert Christensen, class leader and Bishop Arvil L. Child In att you. meeting. armed conflict, at least o f world-wide propor endance. Even the girls were Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society tions. «quipped with overalls and worms, T R IN IT Y LUTH ERAN meeting. plus their rods and hooks to catch First Tuesday of each montn at Parma. Idaho fish. A lunch was served and a 1 p.m. Primary for children bet Rev. John E. timon, Pastor Serving 5 Counties I A d r it an hike was enjoyed. Service: 10 am. From the Largest Stock of ween ages of 4 and 12. Genuine Church School: 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Willis of Parents of Son--* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence, Mt. Vernon, Washington are visit made lor the benefit dance to be reages. former Nyssa residents, are parents ing at the Alvin McGinls home. given for the Memorial Service Information as to acreages and of a boy bom May 2 at San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood have re Men's center May 19. crope to be used for seed Is Import The baby, named Frank, Jr., weigh- I Parts The Dan Holly family, Miss ant Inasmuch as a crop specialist ed 7 pounds. 13 ounces. Mr. Law Orders Shipped Immediately ! turned to Adrian from Madras. Mrs. C. A. Brown left fast w eek1 Gloria Pounds and Miss Virginia from Oregon State college must rence is a gunner’s mate. 2nd | j for Glendale. California, where she Mllll'r vlslUxl Mrs HoU>''s brother come Into the county for the cer class, in the U. S. navy. The baby’s and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence tification In the field. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. will visit Lt. and Mrs. Don Pat Anderson, in Jordan Valley Sun In certifying red clover this year, Jess Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho | rick. who were married last Sun none will be certified which comes Don M. Graham of Nyssa. day. day. Mrs. Patrick is the former Lowell Fuller, prlcipal of the from any seed beyond the third Jean Brown. North Powder schools was In Ad generation from foundation stock, Have Boating Picnic— I S Y N O P S IS Ok A i t t U A L b i d . .. I Mrs. W. H. Bunch entertained rian Sunday. the U N IT E D S i A Y E S H U A H C ii •Uil,'. Holladay said. A generation Is con Mr. and Mrs. Vtbert Kesler and K R A I. A C C ID E N T h IK K A L ip E AS-4IJ v j members o f the 4-H Cooking club The Adrian chamber o f comm sidered as two years. Those buy Cpl. and Mrs Wayne Baker of ANCK C O R P O R A T IO N . L IM liE D , ufr P E R T H . S C O T L A N D tU . S. BRANCH at a luncheon at her home Wed erce met Thursday evening for its ing seed from ether states must Brigham City. Utah were guests 114 W A L N U T S T R E E T . IN T H E K i A i k i i O F P E N N S Y L V A N I A » , un the thirty first nesday noon. regular business meeting and voted have such information in order at a boating picnic given Sunday day o f December, 1944. made to the Insur Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Nevin en to contribute to the memorial fund. to be eligible for certification this by Mr. and Mrs. Sherman P. By m ice Commissioner o f the State o f Oregon I pursuant to la w . tertained the John Auker family IN C O M E Howard Hatch gave a favorable year. This data is Important In bee at the Owyhee dam. Net premlume r e c e iv e d ___ $19.353.190 14 at dinner Thursday evening. T o ta l Interest, dividends and report on his meeting with the that varttiea become adulterated r real eal e s t a t e In i n com m e e ________ estate ______ 1,285.333 30 Henry Reuter, agriculture In Nyssa chamber of commerce In and lose their disease resistance | Visit Here— - other .. 269.555 28 • Income -- from auurcee structor. arrived In Adrian Mon regard to a creamery and roads. and other hardy characteristics j Mrs. W illiam Lewis o f Payette Total Income __________ $20.908.078.7*2 day. He will live at the Frank DISBURSEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson after four generations. Such con- | visited Friday and Saturday at Net amount paid policy- Miller home until his family arr attended the Grange picnic Sun trol will make a better program the home of her mother-in-law. holders for losses________ 7.228.802 89 ------ adjustment -Ae— «------ ------------ 1.751,673 84 I dise expenses ives. Agents commissions or day at the Owyhee dam. brokerage ______________ 4.097.901.02 Ralph Morgan of the state vo Salaries and fees—officers, Mr. and Mrs. James Attebery directors, lióme office cational education department, vis and Mrs. Betty Korman vtsited I employes ____ __ _ ___ 1.587.22* 80 Taxes, licenses and fees___ 1.880.9/4 62 ited at Adrian high school Thurs Mu. Attebery’s mother In Cald Dividends paid to stockhold- day. None well Sunday. i Dividends paid or credited Several of the Junior class girls . to policyholder*_____ __ « None A ll other expenditures____ 4.000.720 17 presented a group of choral read I Total disbursements____ $20.556,299.34 ings at the American Legion dinner SEED RAISERS ASKED „ ^ A D M IT TE D ASSETS Value o f real estate owned Wednesday night. TO SIGN U P NO W (market value) ---------- 8 478,300 00 , Loans on mortgagee and The D. W. Patch family were collateral, e t c . ___ _____ 22.000.00 Thursday evening dinner guests Farmers intending to certify Value of bonds owneJ „ (amortlead) --------------- 23.347.179.72 at the Frank Miller home. clover, alfalfa or grain for seed Value of stocks owned (m arket value) ..... 18.033 .19« »3 0 Donna Stee’man. who has been should sign up at the county ex- Cash In banks and on hand 4.102.642 133 Premiums in course o f col 1U of pneumonia at the Nyssa tension office within the next two lection written since Sep- L in a *»r 10. 1944 ------- 3.230.908 42 Nursing home. Is now at home weeks. J. B. Holladay, assistant Suitable for transporting farm laborers. To be Interest end rents due and county agent, said today. Oonsld again. ot^rsLu-rar— ’M I S The No-Name club met Wed erable acreage of Midland red clov sold “ as is” at ceiling price. nesday at the home of Mrs. Helen er and ladltvo clover are expected again this year In connection with Bishop with Mrs. Vernon Parker Total unpaid claims 14.743.989.00 Bettmated lose e.tjuatmenl as assistant hostess. Plans were government request for larger ac- n Me Cluer-■IManser FOR SALE TWO SCHOOL BUSSES ! e*p*n*e for unpetTd claim« Total unearned premium« un til uneYnlred' rt.ite” ” ■alarle«, rente, eipeneee, bill«, account«, fee«, etc. du or a e r n ie d ________ " due ■et I met «4 amount "d u e- or aeerued for t a x « « --------- Commissions, brokerage, or other chargee due and ao- crued _______ _______ ___ _ A ll other liabilities . . . . ___ 6.606.129 I t 9000000 1.473.644 95 72* 912 87 7.327!034 70 Total llablllttea. except C P R « .........................134.391.934 38 U P ........ 8 800.000 00 Stirpiti, ov >r all Habill ée.« ------ 14.400.000 00 Surplus ae regarda poller ! holders . . . ---- ---- -------- 15 000 000 00 F I 'HI N E S S '(V f "O REG O N- One 1937 Chevrolet. Rated capacity 42. 262.243 00 Leaves Nursing Home-- Jake T. Long returned to his home Sunday from the Nyssa Nursing home, where he received medical treatment. ladies Meet-- The ladies council of »he Christ ian church held a missionary meet ing today at the home of Mrs. Elmer HiU. Attend Conference— Cpl. and Mrs. Wayne Barker spent last week with Mr. Barker's sister. Mrs. Sherman P Bybee while en route to their home in Brigham City, Utah after attending ing the San Francisco conference. Cpl. Barker is in the medical di vision at the Bushnell hospital at Brigham. Miss Beth Mitchell went to Utah with them Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larkin and two Faithful Remembrance The last tribute to a loved one is the final opportunity to express affection. It is a time for perfect harmony. It is part of our service to assist in the selection and notification of pall bearers and clergymen and handle other de tails so burdensome to a sorrowing family. Nyssa Funeral Home Auto Repairing Electric W elding Lathe Work At E. W. Pruyn Nyssa, Oregon ■YNOP8I8 OF A N N U A L S TA TE M E N T > FE D ERA L INSU RAN CE COMPA.N* ...... GTON. In th* S TATE OF NEW »n the Slat day of December, 1944. made to tha Insurance Commissioner of tha Stat# o f ^raigr^purauant to law: m h Nat premiums received ---- $ 6,634,316.72 Total Interest, dividends and real eatata In c o m a ------ 700,545.47 Income from other sources. 3b,593.33 | Total In c o m e --------------- $ 7,371,455.52 I DISBURSEMENTS Nat amount paid policyhold- era for lo s s e s --------------- $ 2,636,700.67 Loss adjustment expenses 123,582.53 Agents c o m m i s s i o n s or brokerage ------------------- 1,896,542.02 Salaries and fees— officers, directors, horns office era- p lo ? e s ---------------------- 1,662.50 Taxes. licenses and le e s .. 825,999.3d Dividends paid to stockhold ers (Cash. S560.000)__ 560,000.00 All other expenditures------ 203,394.75 Total admitted assets...$28.954.563.44 L IA B IL IT IE S , SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid c la im s ---------$ 2,977,620.14 Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims 90,163.12 Total unearned premiums on all unexplred risks ___ 2,920,243.25 Salaries, rents. expenses, bills, accounts fees, etc., due or accrued __________ 15,000.00 Estimated amount due or ac crued for taxes ------------ 727,056.07 Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and ac crued — 173.778.13 All other lia b ilitie s _______ 2.896,102.55 Total liabilities, except _ capital --------------------$ 9.799,963.26 Capital paid u p ---------$ 4,000.000 00 Surplus over all liabili ties ------- 15.154.600.18 Farmers !! GET YOUR EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY AND MEDICAL AID INSURANCE HERE >0*R Mît: 610 YE **R 38 TERMS CASH M - ór "credited-- 1 e ______________ R 'ltcyholdera ame o f Com pany; United «»K N K ftA L 40 3 ‘ * * ° Non* STATES ACCIDENT A L IF E A S S U R A N C E C O R P . L T D r iR k Name o f United States Manager and At torney JOHN H GRAD Y „ . ' » ’ • '¿ '“ »j;. rreMenl attorney for servie« C O M P A N Y 1'' RK ° r BtH),’ rgT * CLARK Frank T. Morgan Insure In Sure Insurance School district No. 26C Nyssa, Oregon > * T o t a l ____________________ $28.954,563.44 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR t ’HK YEAH Net premium, received____ $ 56.993 15 Net louse« p a id ---------------- 17,431.41 Name o f Company: FE D E R A L IN SU R ANCE COM PANY Name o f President: HENDON CHUBB ORAT?? Of Secretary: JOSEPH J. MA- See TUTTLE LUMBER YARD For CINDER BLOCK, Immediately Available No Priority Needed W e Can Also Furnish: CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, INSULATING BOARDS AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS. Lumber to Qualified Purchasers About 30,000 ft. o f Used Lumber, Including 5000 Feet of 4-inch Fir Flooring. , Tuttle Lbr. Co. Phone 65 458 SW 3rd St. ^17W Ontario, Oregon To Water Users Our present system will not furnish sufficient watei for irrigation use over the entire city area each day. Therefore, we must insist on the following rules, effective May 1, 1945: - 4 $, No irrigating from 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. No irrigating from 10 P. M. to G A. M. No irrigating north of Main street, west of raihoad tracks on Mondays, Wednesdays ov Fridays. No irrigating south of Main street nor any area east of the railroad tracks on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. To allow pressure during fires, turn o ff all Henry H. Hartley, clerk, * Surplus as regards policy- h o ld «« ---------------------- 19,154,600.18 One 1936 Dodge. Rated capacity 42. Units may be seen at the high school shop. • Total disbursements . . . I 6,247,887.83 A D M IT TE D ASSETS Value o f bondd owned ( amor tised > ___________________$10,658,085.62 Value of stocks owned (m ar ket v a lu e » _______________ 15.044,827 84 Cash In banks and on hand 3.417.435.3U Premiums In course o f col lection written since Sep tember 30. 1 9 4 4 ,_______ 347.833.15 Interest and rents due and accrued ---------------------- 55.107.78 Other assets (n et) _______ 126.940 05 water when the fire siren blows. Net premlume received -------- $|63 K Parts BY ORDER OF TH E COMMON CO UNCIL NYSSA, OREGON Please give us your cooperation