r*eNYSSA VOLUM Ë X X X X Mo. 17' JOURNAL 'N Y SSA , ()KEGÔ>r'THUÏÏS'PA Y ~'M A Y 10, Í945- ADRIAN OVERSEAS ONTARIO TO HAVE War Prisoners Big Warehouse VETS School Affairs AM ATEU R RODEO ORGANIZE Will Arrive In Will Be Erected The department of Oregon. Vet Will Be Closed The Sage and Saddle dub ol of Foreign Wars of the Un- Nyssa Saturday I Ontario will hold a rodeo at the Sam Hartley and Richard Maw j erans States, This Week End has announced that SCHOOL BUDGET COMMITTEE NAMED Spirituality Is Declared Needed With Education The budget committee for school district No. 26C was appointed | county fairgrounds May 20 ana of Nyssa have made plans to build i a new post has been organised at at a meeting of the school board Small Detachment of Ger has extended an Invitation to the a warehouse along the railroad j Adrian by the overseas veterans i Eighth Grade Promotion last Thursday. Gernhardt Delivers Ser 1 and 2 residing in Members of the committee are man and U. S. Soldiers members of the Owyhee Riding track ea-t of Frank Hall's residence i of Exercises To Be mon at Baccalaureate club of Nyssa to participate In the | and across the street from the By- i th, ^ p first ' meeting of the post Dale Garrison, A. H. Boydell, R Already Here Held Friday Service bronc riding, racing and other ! bee packing shed. They bought the for election of officers, will be G. Whitaker, Dave Mitchell and Arvil Child. rodeo events. ground from Mr. Hall. I held in the American Legion hall Captain A. T. Yates, field in j The annual two-year-old race, School activities of both the high The committee will meet with Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, pastor of The men received final approval \ al Adiian Friday. May 11 at 8 p. m. spector in Oregon and Idaho, stated . with a prize of $100 for the winner! for the construction from the war AU ov"erseas veterans who have school and the grade school will be the school board May 17 to draft the Methodist Community church, the tentative 1945-48 budget. . . 1 , . . . . . . _ , _ rot vet joined the V. F. W . are concluded this week. at a luncheon of the Nyssa cham told a large congregation assem has been scheduled. A matched production board in Boise Tuesday. invited t0 be present at the meet_ bled at baccalaureate services in ber of commerce Wednesday noon Commencement for the high sch calf-roping event will be held with j The building, 40 by 100 feet, will ;ng Earl Culver, deputy chief of the Nyssa gymnasium last Sunday that German war prisoners will ool seniors will be held in the two members from each club in be of cinder block construction. It j staff of Oregon will be present. night that scholarship without spir arrive here sometime Saturday and this vicinity participating. District Commander Jake Kollen gymnasium tonight, beginning at ituality will lead to trouble. will be used for shipping and for will start work on local farms Tues and members of Owyhee post No. 8 o'clock. “The future belongs to brains, onion storage. Dean John L. Anderson of the 3503 of Nyssa will go to Adrian day morning. The prisoners wili be not brawn”. Rev. Gernhardt said. Luther Fife is ready to start that night in celebration of the College of Idaho will deliver the PURPLE HEART IS instructed Monday. Adrian union high school will “ It is the thinker who will manip construction immediately. occasion and hope to be able to \ commencement address. Other ulate the material things because A small detachment of prisoners RECEIVED BY W ID O W hold its sixth annual commence the thinker is the one who in Mr. Hartley moved here about 18 go to Ontario and Vale in the numbers on the program will be and military personnel arrived ment exercises Thursday, May 17 fluences men.” months ago and Mr. Maw came near future to assist the veterans presented as follows: Dawn-Rev- Monday night from the base camp Mrs. Boyd Shaw has received a in those cities to organize. erie, high school band: procession in the high school auditorium. Alluding to the rationing sys at Rupert, Idaho. here a few weeks ago from Utah Any veteran Interested in join al, high school band; prayer, Rev. Captain Yates said handling of ! purple heart medal from the gov- I after buying the south half of the Twenty-four seniors will receive tem, the speaker said, “ when folks ing the Veterans of Foreign Wars J. B. Salter; salutatory, Harriet who have brains refuse to exercise the prisoners is governed by the | eminent as a posthumus award Pipe-line ranch, comprising app may apply for membership at the Herrman; song, 'I Love a Little their diplomas. them they have no points and are laws drafted at the Geneva con I lor her husband, Boyd Shaw, who roximately 250 acres. office of Don M. Graham, quar Cottage", girls glee club; valedic- Della Kygar and Lorlna Witty in danger in the world." vention. The housing of the pris | was killed in action March 4. termaster of Owyhee past at Nyssa. tory. Clayton Morgan; song, “P e r - ' ^ ^ chosen honor students Rev. Gernhardt, whose son, John oners is the same as that provided feet Day", Claudine Tomlinson; , is a member of the 1945 class but for (he American troops. The food I Mr. Shaw was stationed with LIEUT. SID BROW N song. "Glow Worm", girls glee club; because of th<,‘ r ht« h scholastic Is now serving in the navy, said Is a comparable quality, but the the 321-d radar division on Luzon, \\ INS AIR MEDAL presentation of awards. Superin- standing. Frank Joseph. Welser "Because too many folk are not prisoners are not given butter and | island in the Philippines. I _____ tendent Henry H. Hartley; presen- attorney, will be the commencement thinking, but are accepting what choice cuts of meat. The clothing -------------------------- Lieutenant Sid C. Brown of Ny- i tation of American Legion awards, speaker others say and are blindly walking is tlie same, except that the prison ssa has been awarded the air Commader L. B. Herrman: pres in that way there are some missing er uniforms are dyed blue and are medal, according to Information entation of class, Principal Frank Baccaliureate services will be stamped with a white P. W. for received by his wife, and his par- I A city zoning committee was app- Parr; presentation of diplomas, held Sunday evening-, May 13 with from this class. Perhaps there will be gold stars. identification. Mr' and Mrs Burna11 Brown- jointed by the city council at a School Board Chairman Carlos President W. W. Hall of the Coll "I want to emphasize that the For farm labor, the prisoners the citation said, ■ meeting in the city hall Tuesday Buchner, and recessional, high must be certified for through the ege of Idaho as speaker. Music future belongs to brains and we , .. "was cited for meritorious K fa -.. _ iA t . m school band. must think. We want not schol war manpower committee. Prison The semi-anr.ua meeting o e ievement while participating in Members of the committee committee are are Members of the graduating class for both the commencement and arship alone because it can create ers may be secured by contacting “ the" Boulevard Grange hall a ,n j aerlal fU° ht ln the " » t o ™ * ^ '¡ G e o r g e Henneman. Carlos Buchner are: baccalaureate services will be giv intellectual brutes; not spiritual I. H. Allen at the administration iic area from November 2, 1944 and Harry Miner, with City M an- Mildred Louise Adams en by the girls glee clubs and ity alone because it can create LuiUUng at the WFA camp at Ny- Tuesday, May 22 at 8 p. m. All to March 1, 1945”. ager E. K. Burton and Board Lois Elaine Anderson fanatics”. sra. Supervision by the farmer in members and those interested in the high school band. Brown took part in. sustained Chairman R. G. Whitaker as ex- Lois Bear Contending that spirituality and ■the field is very important, Cap fish and game problems, including operational flight missions during officio members. Gene A. Bellon Class night exercises will be education are inseparable, Mr. tain Yates said, adding that pro women, in the county are Invited which hostile contact was probable The purpose of a zoning law is j^ y Leonord Benedict* held Tuesday, May 15 in the high Gernhardt said ‘It was not the duction depends upon the amount to attend. and expected. These flights includ to restrict certain types of con- ; Keith Earl Blackburn* The principal business to be ed bombing missions against enemy of si pervision. school building. Awards lor the state that first launched free ed struction to certain areas. Usually Eunice Ann Brady ucation. It was spiritual men. One guard is provided for each considered and acted upon will installations and shipping and year will be presented. The crown a city is divided into four zones; Leona Agnes Calvert Spirituality and scholarship must 20 pri.om The prisoners rest be the recommendations of the supply bases. zones 1 and 2, residential; zone 3,; Lucille Ohadd ing of Georgia Hillis as May queen be wedded again. There have been from their woil: every seventh day. league to the Oregon state game business district, and zone 4, in Perry Ward Coleman will take place, with Marjory Hite two wars in our generation; wars The prisoners are away from the commission for the hunting sea dustrial district. Harry E. Counsil camp 12 hours, including the time sons, bag limits and other factors NAN GRIDER W INS and Nadine Wilson as attendants. that have been caused by educated Mrs. A. L. Fletcher and Mrs. Rodney C. Estey men. We need something more 1hey spend In traveling. The task pertaining to both the hunting of GRANGE HONORS Eddie Powell asked the council Thelma Louise Florea Following the coronation, Che ann than scholarship if we are to write * ct for them is the same as the birds and big game. The meeting to clean the cemetery in prepara John Paul Gernhardt* ual spring dance will be held. Nan Grider was awarded the a lasting peace. We have created a work expected of local free labor. will give all interested a chance tion for Memorial day and ann Frankenstein and unless we learn Earl Culver, deputy chief of to be heard and the decisions j Oregon Trail Grange prize Tues- ounced on behalf of the Nyssa Ross W. Grover* how to drive It, it will crush us.” «laff of the Veterans of Foreign teached will be carried to th e'd a y night for outstanding Grange Civic club that tables and benches Ilene Hartley FLAMES DAM AGE Paying tribute to the spirituality Wars in Oregon said he is here commission as the unified request work during the past year. Donna had been ordered for the city Denzil Lee Howell • WILSON BUILDING Harriet Alisa Herrman of Jesus Christ, the speaker enum Goodell was awarded the second in 'he interest of expanding the of Malheur county. ! park. erated some of the qualities of the Frank B. Wire, supervisor of | prize offered by the Home Boon- j council ordered payment to Aya Iwasakl VF~W. He said "We are expanding Fire damaged an outside stairway Master. made “ and Hpygpr> Martha Kawauchi so as to be of the greatest possible | the Oregon state game commission, i omies club o f the Grange for and threatened to sweep through March Marjorie Klkuchl I find In that mind humility". assistance to returning servicemen. I will be present to show ir,i»’ resting , Grange activities. the Wilson brothers building on Rev. Gernhardt said. He humbled John Long wildlife and From the winners o f subordinate |1 nB‘ neers- ' 1 The Veterans of Foreign Wars and films pertaining to _____ ___„ „ „ i » making a master plan, establishing Odelia Lopez Main street Sunday afternoon, but himself. No truly great person ever the American Legion are growing will also take the opportunity to Grange contests over Oregon a I grades and designing a storm sew- was checked by firemen. Ralph Ernest Maze had to exalt himself. Jesus was a present the problems confronted by state winner will be selected to ■by leaps and bounds." ! er drain. Bill Hansen and BUI Blodgett Mary Elizabeth McGee thinker who was obedient.” l.tRoy Herrman, commander of the commission. Mr. Wire will like- represent the youth work at ¿he Felton Duncan made applica Dorothy Merrill first saw the fire burning in a The high school orchestra dir Nyssa post, American Legion,, wise reply to inquiries of the mem- state Grange sessions this summer, tion, which was approved, for a oox filled with paper under the Clayton C. Morgan A brief business meeting preceded ected by Irshal Davis opened the thanked the rhafnber of cotfimerce bers upon matters of particular taxi stand, which will be main George Weldon Niles* stairway at the rear of the Nyssa program with the processional, 'for sending a delegation to the interest. It is probable that at an evening of entertainment, con- tained at the Gate City cafe. Tavern and notified Damon Savage, 'The Graduate’s March”. Esther Nishi hospital meeting held in Caldwell least one of the commissioners sisting of motion pictures and who called the fire department. Ada La Rue Nye Other numbers on the program for the purpose of asking for more from eastern Oregon will be at dancing. Loyd 'Adams was chair- Smoke poured through Che halls were as follows: Invocation, Rev. Josephine Randolph bed capacity in the veterans hos the meeting to consider the pro- man of the entertainment comm- on the second floor of the Wil E. J. Wilson, who presided at the Vera Lou Rands blems of Malheur county. ittee. pital in Boise. son buildings and to a small extent service; hymn, by the congrega Philip H. Ransom penetrated the stores on the street tion, led by Rev. George Whipple; Guinea. Helen Reffet Hite ¡BAPTISTS PLAN level. Slight damage was caused vocal solo, "Ava Marie” , Thelma Wanda Faye Rogers Pvt. James E. Wallace of the ALL-DAY MEETING Jean Snader Florea; scripture reading. Bishop Two Adrian high school boys, army air force arrived in Nyssa -------- FORMER ^PRISONER Arvil Child; song, "A Green Cath Ted Nelson and Kenneth Elliott, Claudine Tomlinson Friday from Scott field, Illinois Throughout Sunday, the Miss- edral", girls glee club; song, “Fair won first places in the eastern Ernestine Dolores Watson IN GERM ANY HERE for a 10-day furlough. He is a ionary Baptist church of Nyssa Land of Freedom", girls glee club; Oregon track and field meet held Dale H. Willson* son of Henry. Wallace. He received will entertain the Boise valley Donald C. Sopher**— ‘40 in LaGrande last Saturday. Staff Sergeant Gilbert Wilson of prayer, Rev. E. T. Larson; song by his basic training at Buckley field, singing convention. North Platte, Nebraska, prisoner in the congregation, benediction and Nelson won the mile in 4:51 and Lynn Timothy Farmer* *—‘42 Colorado. Wallace, who has been Solos, duets, trios, quartets and \ a German war prison camp for recessional. Elliott took the high-jump at a Gerald K. Rust**—'37 in the service for 14 months, spent choir numbers will be provided by “ Former students who havf> six months, arrived here Sunday height of 5 feet, 10 inches. They most of his itime in a hospital the churches of the valley, ,to vlslt at the home oi left Wednesday of this week for completed their school work in the , morni because of pneumonia and scarlet The days program will be held army tr^uingprogram 'hH aunt and uncle. Rev. and Mrs. {ever as follows: Sunday school. 10 a. m. Corvallis with Coach Jim Attebery "Members of the 1945 class who E j yvilson _____ morning message, 11 a. m.; basket to participate in the state meet. 1 | Sergeant Wilson was released Culp of Vale, making 2:09.5 in are serving in the armed forces. Dee Garner, S 1 ¡c, son of Mr. dinner in the church at noon; con- Promotion exerctses for the eigh the 880 yard-run, was the only n h _ .. 'from prison oamp No. 3 at Kus- and Mrs. Dewey Garner of Emm- gregational and special singing other wiauieur Malheur county youth to ett~ was in Nvssa Saturdav visiting throughout the afternoon, starting om<,r couiny yuui.ii 930 at an assembiy to be lrin' ° ermany January the 31 by the ett, was in Nyssa Saturday visiting k , , , at qualify for the state meet. He won I Jj1* at 9;30 at an assembly to o e Rugsiang and rfached united Edited by his uncle, Delbert Garner. Gar- at 1.30, young peoples service at held ln the schoolhouse. Diplomas t — W1L who was ner who Asiatic ana and 1:15 and the evening event- will D be given to to m 55 dojs bovs ana and giris girls i uh tates the APr*l 30. lnfantry WlLson. wno was figt. Art Neeley, former Nyssa ner. T. CAROL BYBEE who holds noids the tne Asiatic s message '* . by ,he Torn Moore of Nyssa won third ^ 1 win e given 3Jth division, E. T. the sub ..... hv Pnn/<<noi WaU«r MoPartionH ‘ resident, who has been stationed Philippine ribbons, is on & 27*dsy Liacr e . i . Larsen on wie suo in the low hurdles, fifth in the by Principal Walter McPartland. has been in the army for four ject, 'The Final Consummation” . •The assembly program will ln- and one-half years. After a 10-day (By Mrs. Arba A. Glenn) with the army in Alabama, is here furlough. The public is invited to attend high hurdles and third in the Long Beach. California high-jump. Vale won fifth in the cI'*rte an amateur talent night |vlslt hprp hp wlll report to Hot on furlough. He formerly engaged Pfc. Ross W. Grover, son of W. the sessions. 880-yard relay. radio program folk dances and a Arkansas for re-assign- I put away his books and toys in farming near here. Not so long ago. black-face skit. 1 ment. J. Grover, was in Nyssa on a 12- The first six grades attended a A tiny pistol made of wood, dav furlough. He has been in the CANCER FUND IS DON GRAHAM NAMED special show at the Nyssa theater Sgt. Jack J. Roy has completed infantry for four months. He wears OVER-SUBSCRIBED An arrow and a bow. _____ completed training as a cadetfar a medal for sharp shooting with REGISTRAR OF BOYS and the seventh and eighth grades THOMPSONS CHANGE A scrap book filled with pictures -------- | attended a picnic dinner on the SERVICE STATION his training as a gunner on a B-29 the rifle and machinegun. He w ill. Thp Nyssa Business Women's club gay Don Graham has been appointed school lawn Wednesday. After Cut from a story book at C ovis, New Mexico and Mrs. j report to Camp Meade. Maryland. has recejved approximately $140 Operators of the Thompson Oil And pasted neatly on each leaf Roy has completed training as a j Max Swensen, S3 c, arrived home for thp American cancer society registrar of 18-year-old boys under dinner the older pupils played r, t> for for n iifio lr ’c I povp fm m . 1 i L u ee1a/>tiva cnrvipA o p t Mo S11PP- oompc M o eohnol w oe h n lH t /v la v a week's leave from cadet nurse at the Dee Memorial: Monday in Nyssa. The quota for Nyssa was the selective service act. He succ- games. No school was held today, company are remodeling part of Such pains he always took hospital at Ogden. They are spend San Diego. He saw his infant dau $100. The county's quota was $468. eeds Grant Rinehart, who has The children will return to school, their service station building at To make a lovely gift for me "For Mother's Day" He said. resigned. .Friday for their report cards and Third and Main streets. ing their furloughs with her par ghter for the first time. which was easily reached. Young men are required to reg- the junior high pupiLs will attend The office has been moved to And with his own small hand he ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure. The cancer fund will receive con T Sergeant Raymond Dale vis tributions until May 15 and after ister under the selective service act the assembly, wrote the west side of the building, which FOR SALE— Have big demand was erected last fall as an a d d -, "For my Dear Mom" It read. for houses. If you have one for ited Friday and Saturday at the that date they may be mailed to as soon as they become 18 years home of his sister, Mrs. J. W. the American Cancer society, Port old. They are immediately classified ltion to the original building. The | and if not farming or attending D. H. Currans has entered the space thus vacated wlll be used! Now, once again I'll put away Clyde Whittle of Lincoln Heights Pettet, and family. He has been land, Oregon. was inducted into the service two transferred from a camp ln Texas The Nyssa Business Women's j their last semester of high school nursing home for medical treat as a display room. The new office \ The things close to my heart has been nicely furnished and The things he prized, the things weeks ago and went to Forf Doug to Gowen field in Bouse. club wishes to thank each business they are given a pre-physical ex ment. , Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dillon are equipped with fluorescent lighting. he wore. las, Utah for further orders. His firm and individual who cooperat amination. the parents of a daughter bom Cpl. Ellis F*oints of the medical ed in making the drive a success. So much of him a part. wife and seven-year-old son will May 6. The girt weighed 7 pounds, I’ll put them with his precious continue to live in Ontario. Mrs. division of the United States army, Miss Verb Rands, stater of Mrs. 3 ounces. toys. Mrs. Arthur Court of Clarkston, Whittle is employed in the library former Nyssa resident, has been Robert Whitaker, will leave Sat Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sievers of Washington came last Friday for And lock them up real tight there. The Whittle family lived awarded a bronze oak leaf cluster ASHCRAFT SECURES urday for her home at Ogden. Miss Brogan are the parents of a son a visit with her daughter, Mrs. For they are his, should I disturb on the Pennington farm in Lin 'for heroic achievement in conn REGISTERED BULL Rands spent the winter here att- born May 4. weighing 7 pounds. Eliza Herring, and family. ection with military operations I wouldn't feel Just right. coln Heights last year. against the enemy on December Brattleboro. Vt. May 10—D. V. j ending high school. She is a mem 4 ounces. I'll make believe he’s coming soon, The boy I idolize. A son weighing 6 pounds. 4 oun Word has been received from 24. 1944 during the Leyte island Ashcraft. Nyssa Oregon, recently ber of the graduating class. ces, was born to Mr. and Mrs. acquired a registered holstein- Mrs. Ray Llndville and two chil And then he'll find his things are Robert Bowen that he has been operation”. Mureta. safe. dren visited Mrs. Llndville'» sis promoted to fireman first class I The citation said "When the pat friesian bull from the herd of Carl J. C. Smith, elder, and George The following were dismissed ter, Mrs. Kenneth Kygar. and in His suits, his shirts, his ties. and is “up for” water tender, third rol to which Cpl. Points was ass O. Wamstead. Parma. Idaho. Change of ownership for this Whipple, pastor of the First Church Monday from the nursing home: fant girl Monday at the Holy I ll see him in my memories class. His ship is docked in San igned as ambulance driver started I'll feel he's standing by, Francisco at present and he i s , across country he parked his am animal. Elmhurst Troian 921962. of Christ, attended the eastern Ore Mr. Gahan, 8. D. Goshert, Ira Rosary hospital in Ontario. HI hear him saying once again has been officially recorded by the gon convention of the Churches Robinson and Mrs. Jack Graham. spending a few days with his bulance and accompanied them. "Be brave, Mom—please don’t cry." Association of of Christ in Wallowa Tuesday and “Upon advancing approximately Holstein-FYIeslan cousins. Lou F.llen and Keith Wednesday, May 1 and 2. Rev. 200 yards, heavy enemy resistance America, Brattieboro, Vt. Mrs. Castle Callahan was ln ( I went into the shadows deep Sperry at Burlingame. California. Miss Vada Marcroft of Portland Boise Wednesday visiting her hus- , For him. my Joy and pride, The association issued 661 reg Whipple delivered one of the add For the last three months Bowen was met and in the ensuing skir was seriously istry and transfer certificates to resses on the subject, “God Is Able is visiting her cousin. Miss Jose band, who wlll go to San Diego For me he faced the shadows too. has been in the vicinity of Luzon,! mish an officer to Solve the Problems of Youth”. phine Randolph. He did much more, he died. (Continued on Page 5) Oregon breeders during 1944. to enter navy service. Leyte, Samar and Dutch New I j Adrian To Give Diplomas To 24 Malheur Game Leasue lo ]VlCCtei>ts’ V 4 Zoning Planned By City Council Adrian Boys Win In Track Events Our Boys In The Service 35 POET’S CORNER SHADOWS Nursing Home Notes— Going To Utah— Visit Here— Visit At Hospital- Attend Convention— Here From Portland— \ In Boise —