THF NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL PA CF STX THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1945 Jake’s Fix-it S Q. O Thelma Florea. ' Auker, treasurer. j At the punch table. Mrs. Cora The program presented at the •Tom la-on, mother of this year s Kolony schoolhouse by the grade president of the Girls league, pour­ ■ school teachers and their pupils ed. Mrs. Emil Etuno. mother of carried out the program theme of next year's president, presided at the year for the local P. T. A., | the tea table. ! "Citizenship In a Democracy ". A playlet was presented by Mrs. Mil­ As the mothers entered the gym­ Girls league officers were ln- 200 MOTHERS AND OIRUS ATTEND ANNUAL TEA staulet as fo.lows with Harriet nasium, the sophomore girls pre­ dred Hite's first and second grad­ More than 200 mothers and girls Herrman as marshal: President, sented each mother witih a cor­ es. The tonette band from the i third and fourth grade room gave attended the annual tea given by Greta Stunz; vice president, Patty sage of sweetpeas. Thee gymnasium was decorated two numbers directed by Miss the Girls league members In hon­ Chard; secretary. Grace Foster; with large baskets of apple blos­ Prouty. Stories wer* also told by or ol their mothers In the gym­ -treasurer, Lola Ooata; reporter, soms and lilacs on the stage and some of the pufrils of the third Janet Irving; senior representative, nasium Wednesday afternoon. smaller baskets of spring flowers and fourth grades. Two numbers This year, In addition to the Myrna Jordan; junior representa­ about the room. The tables were were played on the violin by Myr­ mothers of high school girls, the tive, Dorothy Bartholoma; soph­ covered with lace clothes, with na Lane. The seventh and eighth league Included on the guest list omore representative, Darlene Say- arrangements of tulips and narciss­ j grade pupils presented a round­ eighth grade girls and their moth­ les; freshman guardian, Mardi us as centerpieces. table discussion with charts on ers. the wives of local ministers Sallee, and song leaders, Patsy The Home Ec. club served re­ ■ “Immigration'’. and also Nyssa women who have Gwynn and Ellen Ann Herrman. freshments. I The last meeting of the year The program was given as fol­ assisted in school activities. Mrs. Ada Haworth Is the Girls will be held May 2 in connection During the program the home lows: Marjorie Bishop, v eal solo, league advisor and Miss Virginia economics department conducted “When the Sun Goes Down”; wel­ Van Slyke Is the home economics with the 4-H spring show. I -8 - a style show, In which the girls come, Claudine Tomlinson. 1945 and G. A. A. advisor. ADRIAN HOSTESS TO modeled garments they made In president; mothers response, Mrs. ASSOCIATED CLUBS — 8 — their sewing projects. The advanc­ W. W. Foster; June Savage, vocal HAROLDSEN-S1PES NUPTIALS The Jolly Janes club of Adrian solo, "Just a Prayer Away”; Eun­ ed class made tailored suits and Anne Haroldsen, daughter of Mr. and Big Bend will be hostess to woolen dresses and the freshmen ice Ann Brady, piano solo. "Min- and Mis. J. Haroldsen of Nyssa. j the associated clubs of Malheur I ute Waltz”; "Bouncing Blues", Lois girls worked on cotton and rayon. I Sgt. Sipes has just returned from at their yearly club gath­ Thelma Florea, president of the Anderson, president of the G. A. and Mrs. Harry Sipes of Ridge- county A., reader, and vocal solo, "Mother", view, were married April 16 in ering in the Adrian high sehoo! Home Ec. club, was the reader. building Thursday. May 24. Boise with R. W. Adams, justice of I All clubs are invited to attend , the peace, officiating. Attendents Each lady Is to provide a covered ; were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnstone. dl"h for the luncheon at noon. FOR SALE AT ^ ’he bridegroom’s parents also at- A special speaker has been en­ , tended the ceremony. gaged from Gowen field and an Sgt. Sipes has pust returned from Interesting program has been Agra, India, where he was sta­ scheduled. tioned for two an one-half years. - 8 - Tiie bride has been employed In NEIGHBORS CLUB MEETS a Los Angeles war plant. The Friendly Neighbor club met Just received another shipment of wringer —«— at the home of Margaret Jones. ENTERTAINS CLUB The ladies spent gart of the time rolls. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner en­ filling out blanks for pc*t-war tertained the Mr and Mrs Sunday homes for a company in the east. 1 Small electric oven. evening club with prizes going to The purpose of the questionnaires George Sallee and Bernard F.ast- was to secure the ideas of women 1 Three-gallon churn. j man. Mr. and Mrs. Sallee were relative to new homes. guests. Games were played, with prizes 1 DeLaval cream separator. going to Marie Maw. Martha Fry, HOSTESS TO CLUB Bessie Bair and Mildred Williams. 1 Kerosene water heater. Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained Plants and shrubs were exchang­ the Thursday afternoon bridge club ed. Lunch was served. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. at her home last Thursday. Mrs. W. R. Campbell won first prize and R.D. MAN SPEAKS AT CLUB Mrs. R. G. Larson won the travel­ Robert Dennis Toomb R.D.M. ing prize. Mrs. Spofford and Mrs. 31c, was the main speaker at the Campbell were guests. Servicemen’s Wives and Mather's club meeting held at the home — 8 — BOYS HONOR LEADER The Nyssa Cub troop gave a surprise party Monday afternoon honoring Mrs. W. W. Foster, their former den mother, at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Telford, their pres­ ent den mother. Mrs. Poster was presented with a beautiful picture * In appreciation of her service to GOOD TIRES ON * * | the Cubs. The nine Cubs present enjoyed the afternoon playing Horses to suit any buyer and prices games. Later refreshments were GOOD CARS to suit any seller. served. The following prices were received for livestock at our sale last Tuesday: HONORS GUEST 1941 Buick sedanette. Cattle 372 Hogs 209 Sheep 186 Mrs. A. L. Fletcher entertained 1941 Pontiac coupe sedan. Market good for feeder steers........................... $14.50 to $15.50 Saturday evening complimenting $10 to $12.50 Common to good steers her house guest. Mrs. Edith Shoe­ 1940 De Soto sedan. $13 to $14 Good fed heifers maker of Vale. Supper was served 1940 Oldsmobile sedan. $10 to $13 Medium to good heifers to 12 guests. Bridge was the diver­ 1940 Studebaker champion sedan. $10.50 to $12 Good cows ....................... sion of the evening, with prizes 1939 Studebaker Com. sedan. .......... $11 to $12.50 Best bulls .......................... going to Miss Eva Bo.vdell and $9 to $10.50 Medium to good cows ..................... 1938 Oldsmobile coupe. Mrs. Glea Billings. A guest prize $12.50 to $15.5, Veal calves .......................................... 1939 Buick coupe. was presented to Mrs. Shoemaker ........ $13 to $14.51 Good quality feeder steers 1935 Chevrolet coach. by the hostess. $15 15 Hog market ................ 1935 Chevrolet coupe. $14.40 3ows ...................................................... C.UFSTS AT DINNER $17.50 to $20.50 Feeder pigs .......................................... 1937 Studebaker coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wild were din­ $6 to $13 per head Wenner pigs ner guests a t the home of their 1936 Chevrolet town sedan. $13 to $14 lam bs .................................... .............. daughter, Mrs. Dwight Seward, 1934 Chevrolet town sedan. Monday evening. 1932 Chev. Spt.Cpe, rumble seat and P. U. box. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. J. L. Church was hostess to Phone 264 Ontario, Oregon the Tuesday bridge club Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin won Manager first prize and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, second. Mrs, Hilda Tensen was a guest. SPECIAL HORSE SALE Sunday, May 13, 1945 ALL TYPES OF HORSES WILL BE SOLD; Saddle Horses .................*Range Horses Draft Horses Canners of Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee Wed­ nesday at 8 P. M. He told many of his experiences, and permitted the ladies to ask questions, after his talk. There were 16 present. Many articles of Red Cross sewing was finished. Points of merit are given the members according to the service they render. At the end of one year, the one receiving the most points will receive a war bond. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bur nail Brown May 23. All L.DB. wives and mothers of servicemen are eligible to at­ tend. - Mr. and Mrs. Athur Kaeli of Francisco. She also visited at Los Angeles and spent a week at Nyssa are the parents of a son born April 25 at the Hoiy KOa«,, Portland. hospital. Parents of Son-- 5 - Goes to Ontario-- Bernard Frost was a business visitor in Ontario Monday. Returns from Coast-- Mrs. Cliff Main returned Sunday from a three-weeks trip to the j coast. While away she visited her brother, Verlan Mace, SI c, at San Dance ADRIAN AMERICAN LEGION HALL Saturday Night, May 5 Auto Repairing Don M. Graham Electric Welding Insurance Agency Lathe Work Parts At Fire and Automobile E. W . Insurance Rentals Bonds Pruyn Nyssa. Oregon Business House For Rent With Living Quarters. I have purchased the building formerly own­ ed and occupied by J. C. Smith, plumber, and will rent part of it. I will specialize in plumbing and pipe-fitting. Sponsored by Modem iPioneer club Lunch Served J.E. Brower Phone IOÖ THEATRE DOUBLE FEATURE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 4-5 Allyn Joslyn, Evelyn Keyes in “STRANGE AFFAIR” Charles Starrett and Dub Taylor in “SADDLE LEATHER LAW” M ai., Sat., 2:50 Adni. 25c-5c In c. T ax Adm. E venings, 40c-9c. In clu d in g T ax SUNDAY & MONDAY, MAY 6-7 Dennis Morgan, Eleanor (Parker and Faye Emerson in “THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU” The story of a 72-hour pass and the gals they made it at. Bugs Bunny Cartoon M at., Sun.. 2:30 Adm., 30r-9c, Inc. T ax Adm. E venings, 40c-9r, In clu d in g T ax 4 > ' Jesse M. Chase PTA INSTALLS OFFICERS At the April meeting of the King- USED CAR MARKET man Kolony P. T. A.. Mrs Hoyt | Warwick was installed as" pres­ 1 Block West of the Bank ident for the coming year. Other officers installed are Mrs. George I Ontario Phone 137 de Haven, vice president; Mrs. Os­ car Schaffer, secretary, and Mrs. SPRING SUITS-- It's Sp rin g C le an in g Tim e For Y ou r C lo th e s With “buy only what you need” in mind, many of last year’s wardrobes will “go on duty” again this year. Comedy, Cartoon and Haunted Harbor Adm. 25c-9c, In c. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 9-10 M ain’s Cleaners Farmers !! Roddy McDowall, Rosa Stradner, Gregory Peck and Thomas Mitchell in GET YOUR EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY AND MEDICAL AID INSURANCE HERE A. J. Cronin’s inspiring drama of a humble man who goes to the end of the world to bring happiness Note: A 2 C, hour show. Shows start at 7 & 9:30 Frank T. Morgan “THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM” Adm Evening«, M e - h , Inrludirfg Tax We’re proud of the fine workmanship that goes into these suits, expert needlework that lengthens the life of a suit, assures perfect fit and cor­ rect styling. Combine this fine tailoring with the country’s outstanding all-wool fabrics and you have a suit that will give you long wear with the utmost satisfaction. Why not drop in today and see our new spring assortments. $37.50 to $55.00 Our expert service removes stains and leav­ es garments in “new” condition. — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, MAY 8 Fred Brady and Jeff Donnell in "DANCING IN MANHATTAN” • Used Cars Art Burson PROGRAM » Good Tailoring Counts-And You Can Count On Alexander’s Tailoring ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY NYSSA V Insure In Sure Insurance SPRING HATS- Wait till you see our new Spring styles-smarter, lighter and more att­ ractive than ever. Featuring all the new shades and shapes for Spring. $4.50 to $7.50 ALEXANDERS ONTARIO ‘Where Good Clot hes Cost Less” OREGON 4