THE NYSSA GATE CITY .TOURNAI day furlough here with his wife and baby, after being at Scott Field, Illinois. He has been over seas 30 months. He wears campaign Continued from Page 1) r.bbons from the Asiatic Pacific, a of fun. Ju st got to shoot at three good conduct ribbon, and one planes. Two of them went down. brunsse star. He is a nephew of One of them gt a good feeling Mrs. Luther Fife. end tried a lit tie strafing. He did Word has teen received by Jo - not get very far. Garren was graduated from Ny seph E. Wheeler that his son Lt. J . j ssa high school in December, 1943 Ellsworth Wheeler, is expected to I and left Hawaii for the South go overseas soon. He is now at Al- I Pacific December 12 of last year. exandria, Louisiana. He has been stationed on the M ar- i Mrs. Edgar Chamberla'n reced shall islands, Saipan and Guam. ed word from the war department Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Molt of P ar that her brother, S Sgt. Myron F. ma have received word from their Jones, has been wounded in Ger son, Cpl. S W. Molt, that he is many. stationed oh Okinawa island. He F O John Pennington, who Is writes. "We have made the Japs plenty mad and they have exchang a ferry commander, is visiting his ed plenty of ¿hells with us. The Pennington and other relatives in only time they shell us is a t night parents, Mr. and Mrs. George I but we deliver them 24 hours a Lincoln Heights. John Pennington j day. They attempted a suicide formerly engaged in farming h ere,! landing one night, which turned but entered aviation before the out to be suicide for them.” , outbreak of the war. Our Boys S T R I K E THREE! - THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1945 and baby visited Mr. and Mrs. Don veteran entitled to any preference of Apple valley Monday under civil service examination , evening. rules? Ans. Widows of veterans receive | Buy Residence-- the additional score points their Mr. and Mrs. John Grootvelt of husbands would be entitled to I ft unset valley have purchased the if they were living. I former Mai ion Khnkenberg resi Notice: All service officers filling out dence on F iist street from A. L. claims for beneficiaries of veter Adit..on. Mr. and Mrs. Grootvelt ans after death should also pur w..J move to Nyssa tvis fall. sue a full claim of veteran to the social security department of the Agent Transferred — state to ascertain it the veteran Lynn Bamhouse, local agent of did not have further benefits un the Consolidated FT» ightways, has der the act. seen transferred to Burley, Idaho, where he will be in charge of a MULCH EFFECTIVE station. Jake Kraal, owner of Ja k t s Fix-it shop, will have charge IN HOLDING WATER of height coating to Nyssa. The main office will be in Ontario. The Keeping the victory garden free change was made by the company from weeds Is one of the best ways in order to give more efficient of conserving moisture, but the service to this territory. Mr. and Mrs. Be and son will leave Nyssa May 15. - > 7 7 ^ B y Collier 1 | be ward i LOCAL NEWS Visits Here— Alvin Swan who has been em- I ployed at Vancouver, Washington ' in defense work, spent last week in Nyssa visiting his parents. 7 C 4 E P O C K E T 8 0 0 K OF K N O W L E D G E - ,£, Arrive In Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Tucker and sens of Elk Mountain, Wyoming Opl. Earl L. Purvis spent a 17 arrived Monday evening at the DRINK A FLyiNS FORTRESS *• M ILK I S ARMEO WITHA A A M N tM U A h O F / 3 S O -CAL I6R F MACHINE FOR / uREAXFAST ---- INDUSTRY NAS OCVCIOPCD _ v ___ ■ ciRwis w t pne/so M sptciflitv»eflTïPaa« fon snmns omsus. une inf w is * m off, mix Rt> SOSAR ARt F M *K > OM THf C í PPflo ANO THt BOL IS ySfeD II H SI‘’jCt2 ACCORD»« TO Our milk provides extra food energy which THE m eP H O H E «OPERwTEHCEWT OP UKWHlMSIDM COURT MOOSE, OHIO, "TOO M udi TALK IM S » you need especially in these times of work, stress and worry. DRINK IT DAILY R oump RuesEE eucrys omyaU Shelton’s Dairy A 1.1 SHT AMP BATTER/ 5ERCE AS MlCUT MOCKERS' PeyiCN/nWC 54FE LAMOlMS PLACES TCP RVWC OVERLOADED BISHT SW ITCHES 4MP 5 P T M IS E/cHflNseof FIRE BOATS. 1VI0USH THE BWOVS TOSS IN A ROI48 SEA 1HE LISHTS PEMAlNl SWTIOMARy Yes!—W e have plenty of Red Cedar • H ... for any repair job ... or for any permitted construction! No Priorities Required! BUDGET TERMS: Tim e for the "Building B ug” to Bite Again! ! WILL take three or four passen- | gers to Portland. Leaving in few Jays. Inquire Powell Service. Nys- | sa. 3Mlxc FOR SALE—Laying hens. Minnie DeRuiz, by railroad bridge south of Nyssa. 3M2xp. FOR SALE—Three lots and new two-bedroom house. F*ull basement, modern except heat. S. G. Long- stroth. 423 Locust street, Nampa, phone 943M. 3Mxp. FOR m e ARM ED SERVICES A / SPECIAL M IRRO R T H A T CAM / FLA S H A S IG N A L O N A / TA R G E T /O M ILE S A W A y / FOR LUNCH < ^ l Nyssa Nursing Home Notes— Mr. and Mrs. Olen Thompson of Vale are the parents of a daugh ter born April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ellibee an the parents of a son bom Apri 25. The boy weighed 8 pounds. Mi*s. Walter Marshall has enter ed the nursing home for treat ment. Dismissed from the nursing home Monday were Lon Hite, Mary Ata- gi, Dave Dugger and Mrs. Susie Mitchell. Donna Steelman of Adrian is ill with pneumonia. J . T. Long has entered the nurs ing home for medical care. Protect vital gears now! Transmission and differential gears must stand up to thousands o f pounds pressure! That means dangerous wear — unless a lubricant made to handle such pressure safeguards your gears. RPM Gear Lubricant (Com pounded) is ideal for all transmissions and differentials except hypoids. It minimizes gear wear, resists sludging, foaming, corrosion. Get this protection today! W. E. “Bill” Schireman Phone 61 &UNS FOR DINNER L* v « rtf Dean Sm ith home. Mr. Tucker plans to leave in the next few days for Alaska, where he will be employed. Guild To Hold Meeting— A meeting of St. Paul’s guild will be held Wednesday, May 9 at the home of Mrs. Jake Sim m ons. Cancer Drive To E n d - contribution before that time........ The end of the cancer drive has been postponed until May 7 and everyone is asked to make his contribution before that time. as little Veterans Information Returns From Visit— Ed Wild returned last Friday Do you know th at George Carl from a vacation spent with rel atives and friends at Crescent, son, veteran of world war No 1 Oklahoma, Waterville, Kansas, and will soon be established as veter ans assistant in the employment Woonsocket, South Dakota. office a t Ontario; th at Comrade Don Graham is doing a swell Job Relatives Visit— L. M. Lindville arrived Sunday of assistance to comrades In Nyssa, from Granite, Oklahoma to visit but wishes that the names of the his son, Ray. and family. Fhi route, different vetet ans would not some he visited his daugnter, Mrs. Char times be of the certain sameness les Bock of Caldwell, who acc- as he is having trouble with his oYnpanied him to Nyssa. The party Heaths and Healths. Q. Is it necessary for a claim left this week to visit Don U nd- ville and family at Walla Walla ant or a beneficiary under n at ional insurance for any benefits need to secure the services of an Baby Arrives— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kygar attorney in filling out the papers are parents of a girl born Apri: to be presented to the veterans 30 in the Holy Rosary hospital administration? Ans. No, there is no necessity at Ontario. The father is serving with the armed forces in Ger for such services of attorneys as the veterans facility of the ad many. ministration will fill out claims without cost, and your service off Visiting Daughter— Mrs. Percy Purvis of Vale is icer of any veterans organization visiting for a week at the home will be able to take care of it. of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. F let Notice: Contact your service off icer of any veterans organization cher. in your own locality and he will advise you as to procedure. Visit In Apple Valley— Q. Is the wife or widow of a Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stathos Your Refrigerator as $ 5 .0 0 Worn Out ? per m o n th ! m m \È i LU M BER ìx COMPANY “There’s a Yard Near You" Your local represen tative for STANDARD OF C A L I F O R N I A ’ Beautify Your Home WITH SOMETHING PRACTICAL We have a grand sel ection of mirrors that will Go to Meeting— Wayne Morris and Luray Trabert left Sunday night for S alt Lake City to attend a union meeting. They will return the latter part of the week. N o t h in g d ow n . . . and easy p a y m e n ts use of mulches is another e ff- ectlve method of reducing evap oration of water from the soil, Cci’nty Agent R. E. Brooke said. A mulch of lawn clippings, straw or leaves may be spread between the rows after the first or second cultivation of a seeded crop or any time after setting out plants, Mr. Brooke explains. The mulch will also help to control weeds. Wet leaves that have piled up over the winter may be used in blankets about an inch thick. Lawn clippings need to be about two inches deep for effectiveness and .dry straw three of four Inches deep. I Mulches are recommended as I being especially good for reducing I fruiC cracking and blossom end | rot of tomatoes. Mr. Brooke rec ommends that tomatoes be mulch ed soon after the plants are set out. To Hold Flower Show— The Civic club will hold a flow er show in the parish hall Wed nesday, May 16. Members are ask- ■ ed to take their flowers to the hall and a committee will be on hand to take charge of the flowers. A special program will be given. W ort came last week from the War Department th at Lt. Merle Kurtz was transferred from the prison camp at Began to a camp a t Moosberg. News came over the radio Sunday that this camp had Go To Pocatello-- Mrs. Doris Paris left Monday ; been liberated by the 12th arm morning for Pocatello, Idaho, where ored division. Capt. Bill Kurtz has le ft Italy she has been transferred by the and is on his way to spend 21 days 1 farm labor administration. She was accompanied by Florence Hansen. at home. Pvt. Ja y Lee Kinkade, son of Mr and Mrs Dixie Kinkade, is with the fir3t army in Germany. He drove across the Rhine river in a car. and was one of the men who first met the Russians. He said the entire country is torn t.p badly. His wife is in Pollack, Mi :souri. PAGE FIVE TH EN Use Our lee To Keep It Cold NYSSA PACKING CO. suit any taste and pocket- book and fit any approp- '^¡¡§10^ riate spot in your home. The selection includes mirrors of various sizes and shapes. Nordale Furniture Store L e t’s F ig h t B u g s Now is the time to get the bugs before they get you. Rotenone Dust Kills sucking and leaf-eating insects. Ideal for use in vegetable and flower gardens. Meta-Nox For the control of snails and slugs and also sowbugs, cutworms and earwigs. Dusting Sulphur For the control of red spider and powdery mildew in the garden and nursery. May be used either as a dry dust or in a liquid spray. Purina Garden Dust An effective insecticide and fungicide. Kills many insects on contact. Kills chewing insects by stomach poison. Prevents certain fungus diseases. Al Thompson & Son