THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE 4 THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1943 COLUMBIA AVENUE | of Ontario to Payette Lakes Fri from Burley, Idaho. European refuge«« In this comm hee visited Mrs. Robert Ditty. | Malon HUlis and daughter, Col Rev. R. L. Casselman filled the day unity. ' leen and Mrs Mary Martih called pulpit at the Nyssa Assembly of I Mary Query went to Boise the Pfc. Dick W. Tensen returned Eight ladles met at the home of • , ------------ - j to see Mrs. HUlis at the Holy Goi church three nights last week first of this week to visit for a last week to Salinas, California Mrs. Annie Harris Friday for the ' OWYHEE A H E A D for Rev. H. G. Gardner, evangel few days. after spending his furlough with put pose of sewing quilts for the j ------ GEORGE S. BENSON , Rosary hospital In Ontario Sun- ist. who was ill. 'day. Red Cross. A polluck dinner was I Mrs. Pearl Ballantyne, princl- his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mrs. Leonard Newgen and Mr h t t ii ia t — H t r i it f I Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen and Mr. and Mrs Kart Funai and and Mrs. Bob Newgen were Ont Tensen, and other relatives. served. j pal of the Owyhee school, took the Sure) Jr i t aiti children have moved to Houston. Mr. and Mrs Jack Wilson of Several from here enjoyed the ¡pupils of her room to the Smvely ario shoppers Monday. Mrs. Marjorie Field of Boise spent Apple valley motored to Emmett Idaho. senior play presented in Ontario, hot springs for a picnic Friday Rev. Atwood Foster of Salem, Government Rebate the week-end at the home of her Sunday. Friday evening. Donna Winslow J Mrs. Sabin and Mrs. Bumgarner Excels is a bad thing: everybody I Loren Hite is receiving treat- distiict superintendent of the Ore parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. was a member of the cast. | picnicked with their pupils at the it. Every time the word ! ment in tihe Nyssa Nursing home gon district of the Assemblies of 6uena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Halnllne schoolhouse where refreshments, in- is is against Mrs. Dick Groot called on Mrs. God. and Mrs. Foster were guests mentioned it brings up recollec for Infection in his hand. and Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Jule eluding Ice cream, were served. Grant Rinehart of Nyssa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver tions of paying excess baggage on of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman Alex Geokan moved his cattle Houston aiul Mr. and Mrs Vem j Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Kinzer of a trunk, or recalls some friend and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Linda Dave Hawkins is visiting rel Monday. Rev. and Mr:;. Foster Smith and Harry attended a’ meet- Boise were callers at the home of whose doctor has warned him from the Don Knottingham ranch were en route to Jerome to attend were in Ontario Thursday. atives on coast.. In at the Churoh of Cfod in Pay- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner Tues- against excess fat or excess sugar to outside range Sunday. Willis Bertram received word Mrs. E. C. the Larson two-day church conference. ette Tuesday evening. I day afternoon. Mr. Kinzer, who "Excess" always makes you think Mrs. Maion Hillis was taken to a Mrs. was a Payette that his brother. Richard, was Charles Ditty, Mrs. Leslie Rev. Harry McOlmsey of Phoen- ; has been ill, Is much improved in of something that's tine in modera 'the Holy Rosary hospital at Ont Ditty and visitor last week. killed on Okinawa April 10. Rich- Mary Query were Vale lx. Arizona has been a house guest health. but very bad. dangerous, sinful j ario Mr. Thursday. j ard stayed with his brother for Mrs. T. M. Beranek of Baker Is and Mrs Henry Terra of shoppers Friday. at the Rev. R. L. Krlner home I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice and dau- tion maybe, if there is any extra I several months last year. Marie Bruner, Dorothy Hobson, visiting at the homes of her dau Nyssa were callers at the Jesse the past week. ! ghter. Lanna. made a trip last week have been a good thing and Mrs. Ruby Smith and dau | Junior Hailey of Twin Falls vis ghters. Mrs. C. M. Tensen and place Friday. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Krlner and to Hunt. Idaho to investigate the for It the would United States and eveiybody 1 Nifhi Mrs. Mary Martin returned last ghter. Margaret, of Portland acc ited at the George Oleaver home Mrs. Clayton Jensen. family and Rev. Harry McClmsey labor situation it, if the man who first said "ex week Mr. and Mrs Jess Gregg en in to the Maion Hillis home ompanied Philip and Anna Smith Sunday. were Tuesday evening dinner guests tertained cess profit," had used a term that dinner Sunday In meant exactly something. Excess at the home of Rev. and Mrs. celebration at of the birthday of her baggage is everything over 150 Harold Jacks in Payette. mother, Mrs. Martha Klinkback pounas. of course, and ooctors know Mrs. Everett Sutton and chil Other were Mrs. Georgt precisely what excess fat or excess dren of Portland are visiting at Gregg of guests Mi's. Russell R sugar is when they find it, but what the home of Mrs. Sutton's parents, Wolf, Jr., Caldwell, and daughter, Ellen is excess profit? Who knows what Mr. and Mis Ray Ledgerwood. Mrs. Annie Gregg and Fred Kling- it is? Quite often it la the unfair Mr. and Mrs. Jule Houston and use of an ugly word. daughters attended a farewell par back. Taxed at 85 Per Cent. ty for Mrs. Houston's brother. Miss Mary Collins of Boise was a caller at the home of Mrs. Jess There is such a thing as excess Clarence May at the home of Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Howard Lemons In Fruit- A P. T. A. meeting will be held, profit, without a doubt; easier te recognize than define. What the land Thursday evening. Others att ending were the members of the at the school picnic which will be government calls excess profit how churches of the Assembly of God held the last of next week. ever, may not always be too much. meeting will be held at I think everybody has a right to in Payette and Ontario. Games the Prayer of Mrs. Annie Gregg know just what it is that corpora furnished entertainment for the with home Rev. Krlner as the leadei tions earn and then have to pay 85 evening. A gift was presented to May lessons will be taken cents out of every dollar back to the honored guest by the churches. from 8. the The book the government in a special tax. of Romans Mr. May left Tuesday for Fort Mrs. Arnold Slippy and two chil Consider this: Douglas Utah for assignment to dren, Sharon and Darrell, were The war choked out a few firms army duty. week-end guests of Mrs. Slippy's completely, but a majority kept go Mrs. Levi Johnson led senior sister, ing and soon found their sales swol Mrs. Charles Culbertson. Christian Endeavor Sunday even Mr. and by war conditions. Costs in Ellis Walters en len ing on the topic, "Faith”. Mrs. tertained at Mrs. dinner creased too but, even so, most of for them Jule Houston will lead next Sun Mrs. Rex Walters and Sunday are making much bigger prof daughter. day evening. annually before taxes than they Mrs. Byrd Walters of its Sunday school was held at 10:30 Brenda, in a good average year of busi Boise, Mrs. Art Bock of Caldwell did Sunday morning A letter from and ness before the war. Die 1840 tax MLss Evelyn Campbell of Wil law Superintendent Taggart was read calls profits "excess" if they by Buell Hickey, as well as a lett der. greater in any one year than er from Rev. Ray Chandler. Plans Prayer meeting was held last are the average annual profits of 1836 for a daily vacation Bible school week at the Jess Gregg home with through 1939. Mr. Gregg as the leader. were discussed. Gift From Government. On Your Old 2-Piece Living Room Set REGARD LESS of CONDITION On Any 2-Piece Living Mr. and Mrs. Austin Robbins Along with increased costs, born and family were Sunday dinner NEWELL HEIGHTS of war, many big corporations en Room Set In Our Stock Regardle*» of Price. A Large Selection of Colors, Fabrics and Styles, guests at the home of Mr. and economies also incidental to war. Mrs. Lee Smith. | Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and joy Costs can usually come down with All Spring Filled. Construction and All Nationally Known Brands. Come in Today and Make Mrs. Wesley Blanton entertain- daughter, Joyce, and Idamary Increased volume, and many ed ¡last Wednesday evening for | Prouty attended a family dinner greatly manufacturers are selling every Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Norman, who t In the I. C. Durnil home recently Your Selection. they make to the government plan to leave for Missouri and , honoring Mrs. Carrie McLaughlin thing as fast as they can make it. Some Indiana for a visit soon. Mr. and i on the occasion of her birthday are relieved entirely of sales ex Mrs. Norman expect to return to | Mrs. Lester Goulet solicited New- pense and kindred expenses like thls area to re-locate. I ell Heights in the interest of the merchandising, warehousing, deteri Claire Gilchrist, piano pupil of cancer drive last week. oration, etc. Miss Wilhelmlna Hoffman, partlc- , Maurice Judd. Jr„ spent several Business establishments with gov lpated In a recital in the Boise days in Boise after being inducted ernment contracts do not offer much Junior college auditorium Sunday into the service and is now stat- protest against a stiff tax on war aftemoon. The recital was spon-' loned at Port Douglas, Utah, profits. Business men are able to sored by the Boise chapter of the Mrs. Cecil Smith and Gary, Pat- see sense in it. They have generally Natlonal Guild of Plano Teach- rlcla and Shirley spent from Thurs- given liberal discounts to big-volume ers, of which Miss Hoffman Is a day until Saturday in New Mead- buyers whose orders keep plants member Miss Gilchrist's number ows. On Sunday they all moved to busy and unit costs down. Govern was the' Prelude In C Sharp Min- New Meadows, except Shirley, who ment is always a close buyer; price to government departments are or by Raehaminoff. is staying with Mrs. Alvin Me cuts certainly nothing new. Darrell Percy is the new ditch Ginnis. Excess Prices Next. rider for this area. Most farmers Mrs. W. W. Smith is In the have started irrigating. Ontario hospital receiving medical Technically, the excc s profits 10 PER CENT DOWN John Stohler and Mrs. Bill Walz treatment. Mr. Smith is In Adrian taxes that corporations p-> now are 20 PER CENT DOWN have received word of the death with his daughter, Mrs. Alvin not price concessions because the WILL HOLD YOUR Inns actually get the money and of their father at Jerome, Idaho. MeGinnis. BALANCE 12 MONTHS Bible study was held at the Idamary Prouty spent the week pay it back later. It is almost pre CHOICE home of Mr. and Mrs. George end as a guest In the William cisely a rebate to the government for its big purchases. The only dif Markham last Friday evening. Toomb home In Adrian. Mrs. Vern Anderson and Chil Mrs. Lou Pratt went to Ontario ference is that our excess profits tax law. War contracts are worded dren have returned to Bums af- i Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. ta is a cancel themselves the day war ter spending several days at the de Boer, who Is in poor health but the tax law has to be re home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ander- Court of honor was held Satur ends, Congress or stay in force. Mr. and Mrs. Emkl Frank were day afternoon at the Legion hall pealed by 85% excess profits tax law business visitors in Welser Friday. in Adrian for the Intermediate of 1« If not our amended to end with the war, Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Halnllne and Girl Scouts, Mothers and Brownies American manufacturers Mohair Cover will have family spent last Sunday In Vale were guests. The girls entertained 1 « keep on rebating the government visiting in the Allen Halnllne home with demonstrations of their work, after the government quits buying. This community has been ass- folk dances and games. Refresh- All Spring Construction. and warehousing costs will lgned a quota of $10 for the cancer | ments were served after 15 of the Selling return; there will be no big-customer fund. Five dollars was given by girls were presented with first olass savings to divide with anybody. Hardwood Frame. throe attending the P. T. A. meet- ! and merit badges. If manufacturers pay government lng Friday evening. Carpenters are completing the 15% of any part of post-wai profits, Trade In Mrs. Annie Harris plans to leave C. B. Hill cinder block house and they must hike prices. That will be Assorted Colors. the first of the week for LaGrande, masons are laying the blocks for an "excess," really, and the whole where she had her eyes operated the Leo Winn machine shed. burden of it will tall on us average on about six weeks ago. She will John Timmerman threshed some consumers. We can only protect have her eyes examined and will of last year's clover seed and ourselves by having proper tax visit her brother during the 10 stacked the remainder during the legislation created now, to go Into days she Is In LaGrande. j past week. effect as soon as the war ends. Mrs. Jules Houston is In charge I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill en- of the collection of clothing for tertalned 14 guests at a dinner Friday evening honoring Orlie Sip es and his bride. Mr. Sipes is home on furlough after spending about three years in India. Mr. and Mrs Earl Parker have received a card from a port of If we neglect so great SAL e k rabmaoittsanltnafgrmtrffthrh embarkation stating that their son, VATION : which at first be Melvin, has left for overseas duty. Word has been received that gan to be spoken by the Lord, Carl Plercy and Bob Eastman have *1 and confirmed unto us by been promoted to the rank of Tapestry Cover b > L - a them that heard HIM; corporal in the marines.. They are back on their home base, which Hardwood Frame God also bearing them wit is believed to be Pauli, after help Assorted Colors ing in the battle of the Iwa. ness, both with signs and won Jim Norris is working again for ders and with divers miracles __ and Styles. C. B Hill. He and his mother will i: the new tenant house as Trade In = and gifts of the HOLY GHOST, according to occupy Spring Filled soon as it is completed. HIS own will? Hebrews 2:3-4. Harris, who has been out The above signs and wonders, ami divers of Is Gay school for more than a month. under a doctor's care and is miracles and girts of the Holy Ghost, which improving. She may have had God promised to confirm His word with (Mark whooping cough. 1(5:17-18.20.) having begun to be set forth in Mrs. Charles Newbtll, who has teacher in the fif our midst has led us to continue the REVIVAL 31 th been and substitute sixth grade room la ill MEETING, which under the able ministry of with a throat As a result O N I O f AM ERICA’S GREAT STORES . . Evangelist H. G. Gardner of Lake Charles. Lou no school was Infection. held in that room Friday. The pupils of the other isiana is being conducted at the “Assembly of grades spent the day on a picnic. God Church” in Nyssa. Lincoln Heights LOOX/A'G Big Furniture Event TRADE IN ALLOWANCE $20 3 Use Our Use Our Budget Layaway DAYS ONLY Plan Friday ™ Saturday Plan and Monday 2 Pc. Living Room Set $21995 » 20 . You Pay Only How Shall We Escape $ 199 95 2 pc. Living Room Set $19995 You Pay Only These meetings will continue every night except Saturday for the next two weeks or long- er. Thank you, Pastor, C. L. Snider Sunset Valfey _ Edna Hallock of Oswego, Ore- s I gun is visiting friends in this vtcin- 3 lty. On Friday afternoon Miss 5 1 Hallock, June Webster of Nyaaa i) Mil HIM 11 M III ill 2UUM U. 1 1MII ,114II III. I I4I.11 1.1 1 11 1 1 1 MU*nd Mrs Homer Brewer of Owy- SERVING THE INLAND EMPIRE $20 $179*^ Ontario Oregon 4