TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y .TOTTT î VAT Classified I ministration, and that the 18th day of May. 1943 at the hour ot 11 o'clock A. M. and the Count) Court Room in the Ci’ y of Vale, Oregon, have been appointed by the Court as the time and place for the hearing of said account, and any objections that may be iu? ► •‘icn issue Minimum ca«n In filed thereto by any person inter­ ested in said estate. Said account is for final settlement and upon being approved said estate will be closed and the administrator dis­ charged. Found A. L. Fletcher, Administrator Es­ tate of Brady O. Fowler, deceas­ r o 0ND—Tire, inquire Ed CorHeld. ed. • ’ 26A2xp 1st pub. April 19 1945. • ----------------------------------------- *---------- Last pub. May 17, 1945. ! LOST THURSDAY. MAY 3. 1915 Transportation to Tojtyo Advertising Two cent« •oro Advance 1 « 30c *ilov_tLLAiNtUUS For Sa.e FOR SALE— Harley Davidson motorcycle, 1933 model. Good cou- dition. New tires. Call Ray Drown at reclamation office. 3Mlxc NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION FOR SALE— Chopped hay. L. G. > LOST— Billfold with name of Ed NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN. Hawley, Nyssa-Parma junction. 3Mlxp. Warren, near Atkeson’s store, con­ That the Board of directors of Big taining A and B gas stamps, some Bend Irrigation District will m eet, FOR SALE—Lady's pre-war Ex­ j at the office of its secretary, J. E .! cutrency. Leave at Journal o ff­ celsior bicycle. Inquire at the tel­ Ho ly, in Adrian, Oregon, at 8:00 j ice. 3Mlxp O'clock P. M. Pacific Time on the ephone office, Nyssa. 3Mlxp. ninth day of May, 1945, to sit as a W ANTED FOR SALE--One John Deere hor­ board of Equalisation for the pur- se-drawn beet cultivator with all WANTED TO BUY—Alarm clocks P°se of reviewing and correcting 1 attachments. One John Deere two- not running. G. E. Bertsch. 158 j Its assessment and apportionment way plow. One McCormick binder. ■ Em Ison St of taxes covering the anticipated 26A4xp One McCormick corn cultivator. • _ expenses of tire District for the Aill machinery in good shape. WANTED— Poultry and rabbits, fiscal year 1945-46. Any complaint Phone 05J1 19A2xp. Now paying live weight, deliver- j concerning the assessments or any -------------------------- — | ed at our plant: Colored hens, 26c; ¡changes desired must be entered FOR SALE—Five passenger Cad-I leghorn hens. 25c; rabbits (white, with the secretary of the District iliac, radio, heater, six tires, trail- i 24c; rabbits (colored. 22c. Payette! before the date herein announced er attachment $900. Terms $500 ; Produce. Phone 155, Payette, Idaho.' as the time for the sitting of said cash. Fine condition. Powell ser- 1 I Board, in order to receive proper WANTED-- Listings on real es vice station. 19Atfc I consideration from the Board. — — ----- j tate. We have sold everything we The 1945 assessment list and ap­ FOR SALE—Ihree thousand once- ■ had listed. Bernard Eastman. 19ttc portionment may be seen at the used alfalfa meal bags, 29x40 min- | imum, 50 per bale 15 cents each, j WANTED—Man for year around!office of the Secretary of the Dis- , Inquire Boise Payette Lumber Oo. j work on farm. Good house and j Done by order of the Board of 19A3XP j living condition. Married man --------- - only. See Jake Fischer. 15Mtlc Directors. TOR SALE— 5 H. P. motor 220 V J. E. Holly, Secretary 3P and 3” centrifugal pump, both WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for Big Bend Irrigation Dist. in A1 condition, $125. Trade eight Uve fox feed horses. Phone 8 , Pay- j Date of first pub. April 19,1945 foot, four-horse disc, a good disc ette. 12Atfc. i Date of last pub. May 3, 1915. for a four-horse riding fresno. 8 miles southwest of Nyssa, lb mile WANTED—Used furniture. Highest I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT east of L-angfon’s corner. A. D. i 1 “ ‘ ics paid. Phone 149W, Nyssa NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN 12Atl;. T |lat T Morgan, Guardian! Moses, Nyssa route 1. 19A4XC Furniture Co. PAGE t H R E E ■chool bu-.dlng Wednesday evening. ed lost In battle for Okinawa. Pond The leading roles were played by was born and educated in this dis­ Nadeen Wilson and Kenneth Ell­ trict. iott. Other parts were played by George Elfers was awarded a Mildred Higgins. Marjorie Hite, first class badge at the Boy Scout Anna Molt, Georgia Hlllls, Keith court of honor 'held at Caldwell Lane. Wilford Prosser and Carroll high school Monday evening. Thomas. Donnie brewer was stage ! Several Bend residents attend­ manager and Della Kygar promp­ ed the memorial services held for ter. Pvt. Tony Yraguan in Parma Sat­ The Boy Scout troop attended urday morning. Yraguan was an­ the court of honor held at Catd- other boy who spent his childhood well Monday evening. Ted Holly in this vicinity, attended grade received a merit, George Elfers school in district 47 and gave his received the first class award and life in the service of his country. James Eastman. Donald Elliott and From Big Bend he and his family Ivan Jensen, second class awards. , moved to Parma, where he was Following choir practice Thurs­ graduated from high school. He day night at the Peterson home, was killed in the battle o f Luzon Mrs. J. C. Nevin was honored at April 3. a social gathering, with Mrs. Pet­ Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English and erson and Mrs. William Toombs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach were as hostesses. Saturday evening guests of Mr. The Adrian community has fill­ and Mrs. Joe Dilley in Roswell. ed its quota for tihe cancer drive. Mr. Kinnlck. who sold his Bend A final report will be made as ranch last month, has bought a roon as all solicitors have reported .new place at Roswell. this week. | Water was turned Into the dit­ Caldwell, and Pete Olsen of the ches during the past week and Floyd Hoit, principal-elect of ' farmers are busy Irrigating as the Peckham Seed company were Sun­ , windy weather dried the ground, day callers in Adrian. and moisture is badly needed. Mrs. John Bishop and children of Nvssa were Sunday guests in the Brumbach home. Members of the speech classes B. G. Roberts returned to his work at the labor camp near Nyssa of Adrian and Nyssa high schools enjoyed a banquet at Nyssa Fri­ to help during ihe busy season. Mrs. Grover Lee, Mrs. Ander­ day evening. Bend residents att­ son and Mr. Curtis of Ontario were ending were Mrs. R. L Haworth, Mrs. Joe Brumbach. Bernice Chan­ Bend callers Sunday. A large number from this com­ ey. Carol Witty and Letty Bronson. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. munity attended the senior play at Adrian high school Wednesday Sydney Snap Wednesday morning evening. Mildred Higgins, Wilford in the Memorial hospital In Cald­ Prosser and Carroll Thomas took well. A large number of Bend resi­ prominent parts. Mrs. Dyre Roberts was app­ dents attended funeral services for ointed to solicit funds for the can­ Marjorie Cameron at Caldwell last cer fund She would appreciate Wednesday afternoon. having the money sent to her as she said Bend is a large territory to cover and the work requires considerable time and gasoline. Mrs. Clyde Riggs and sons and Mrs. Rita Pierce of Parma called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet last Thursday evening. Pvt. Billy Hamilton spent a 10- day furlough visiting his parents and friends and then left for The last tribute to a Port Meade for further training. loved one is the final Bend friends have received word that Coxswain Leonard Pond, son opportunity to express of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pond, pion­ affection. It is a time eers of this community was re­ for perfect harmony. It ported by the navy as missing in action. He was serving on the U. is part o f our service to S. S. Calhoun, which was report­ Big Bend (U . S. Marine Corps Photos) "Rationing” of a sort has hit even out in the Marianas, for while Marine Platoon Sgt. John T. Mills (left, top photo) of Augusta, Ga„ anil Sgt. William If. Jacobson of Oakland, CaL, have a Jap sedan and Jap gasoline, there just isn’t anywhere to go on their Island base. T he Leathernecks captured thLs Hitachi Six, slightly perfor­ ated by shrapnel, soon after the invasion of the Marianas and put ti car back into running order. But they do their touring on the ri-ii.ling board. Seven sailors (lower photo) from a U. S. Navy repair ship succeeded in astonishing "shockproof” Marines by bringing ashere the first civilian automobile to land in the Marshalls. Tech­ nical Sgt. James II. ETynn (left) of Belmont, Mass., scratches his head in « onilerment and is joined by Marine Capt. Leo J. McLoskey of Monmouth, IU. The bluejackets said they want their own trans­ portation “so we can see all the sights in Tokyo.” Faithful Remembrance _ HELP WANTED , of the person and estate of Anna, ______ ___________ ________ ' Housh, an incompetent person, has j WANTED—Man for steady work, 1 filed in the County Court of Mai- j irrigation experience necessary, heur County, his final account of j j modern house, chicken coop, gar- his guardianship, and that the I den. fruit, prevailing wages. Ira R. Court has fixed the 18th day of 19Atfc May, 1945, at the hour of 11 o’- FOR SALE--100 bushels ear corn. Ure, phone 06R2, Nyssa. ----------- ------ ¡clock A. M. as the time of hearing of rural stations we had in the vlously such a program will pro- Robert Ditty. 6 miles west Lang- — -------------- WANTED-- Man to work in dairy. any objections thereto. low point of the depression, a n d , vide work on their return for a ton's corner. 5Atfc Shelton's U#iry. 19Atfc AU ^ „ „ „ 3 mtelested in said the highest point in the history large part of the 60.000 men from TOR SALF- "0 acre farm, 10 miles matter arc notified to file any ob- of the company. | the Bell system who are now ser- MISCELLANEOUS southwest >f Nys a. fully equipped. _______________ jections that they may have, In "In cases where a farmer or j ¡ng ¡n the United States army Horse machinery. 5 horses. 25 Jer- ESTRAYED—To my place, U mile wrltin8 ° n or before said time and rancher, or group of them togeth- and navy in this country and on ‘•e\» tows, eligible to registration. south of Mitchell butte, one 3-year same will be heard. Said account er, prefer to build their own tele- [ a ^ or(, o{ battlefronts." On ■ registered bull, four heifer is for final settlement, and upon I , .. , , ,, assist in the selection old holstein steer, branded W bar . . . . .... . phone Une, the Malheur company <• ves, few hogs. 2 sets of new approved and settled, said . ... . .. H connected on right side. No ear being and notification of pall .... j . _ ,,, . . J . arrange to connect them at the harness, household furnishings, el- .. ,? ... . .. . . marks. Unless owner claims the guardianship will be closed and city Serving 5 Counties limits with a circuit into our e !rle range, washing machine, steer. I will sell for feed costs. J. bearers and clergymen guardian discharged. From the Largest Stock of central office; this for a nominal water softener, electric separator, Frank T. Morgan, Guardian of and handle other de­ 26A3xp. P. Dunaway. Genuine switching charge. Mrs. Vernon Parker received a i liking machine and 30 tons of the person and estate of Anna tails so burdensome to "Rural telephone service Is more telephone call from her husband hav. Possession may be had im­ Housh. GRAVEL, EXCAVATING highly developed in tha United ¡after lie had left here on Tuesday mediately. except for 22 acres that a sorrowing family. L. H. Snodgrass 1st pub. April 19.1945. States than in any other country that he and three other inductees is rented for row crop. $15,000 $10,- General custom work, gravel, ex- Last pub. May 17, 1945. in the world. More than one-half from Malheur county had been | 500 cash, balance long terms. 29M- cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2.' Parts | million miles of telephone pole accepted by the navy and would tfc. Nyssa, Oregon. 26Atfc Orders Shipped Immediately ¡lines serving rural areas have been leave for San Diego. A. L. Atkeson built in this country and by ex­ BUTCHERING Donna Steelman was taken to TOR SALE!— Fifty acres west of tensions of existing lines more than the Nyssa nursing home Friday Custom butchering every Mon­ By Leona Anderson Nyssa citv lin jy Tw': houses, ex­ day and Friday. Beef, sheep and two-thi'.ds of all rural families seriously ill of pneumonia. Idaho Power Co. cellent soil, pu,.«.. -* 00 per acre. pork. Sanitary butchering guaran­ in the United States can be ser­ Phone 49 Payette. Idaho Mrs. Alvin McGinnis has return­ See FYank T. Moigan. 15Mtfc. ved from lines already construct­ ed to Adrian from Madras, Oregon. teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must "Sugar Having With A Smile" come in Thursday or Sunday after­ Mr. McGinnis will return soon. When sugar rationing first start­ ed. TOR SALE—Small house east of “Surveys are now being con­ noon between 1 o’clock and 7. Nc ed. Mrs. Homemaker was lukewarm Miss Lillian Nisbett, county lib­ tracks In Ward addition. $1000 ] stock accepted on butchering day. about sugar saving recipes, but ducted to get an accurate meas­ rarian, spoke to the Girls league cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jtfc SEE TH E One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta let her mention to her friends ure of the problems ahead after at the high school Thursday. 29Mtfc now about having a "good recipe the war in extending service fur­ Mrs. Geraldine Hall, emergency FOR SALE—Thompson's Chek-R- avenue. Jake Fischer. Chix tor delivery every Wednesday which uses no sugar and she’s the ther, as well as the best ways to assistant, spoke to the home econ­ I.epa) Advertisement omics and 4-H club girls and gave End Saturday after March 3. Ord­ most popular lady in the block. do the job. “The Bell Telephone labora­ demonstrations Friday morning. er early to pet the breed and date. NOTICE- Qp f i n a l SETTLEMENT Brownies have always been a spec­ tories. research organization for Barbara McPartland of Nyssa you want them. Thompson's Ont . 8Jtf I Notice hereby Is given that A. ial treat- and still are if we have the Bell system, studied farm tel­ visited last wee kat the D. W. Pat- ario hatchery. For Your the sugar A sugarless Brownie _____ IL. Fletcher, administrator of the ephone service intensively for many I ch home. estate of Brady O. Fowler, deceas­ recipe should be the answer to years before Pearl harbor, since The senior Girl Scouts elected For Rent ed, has filed in the County Court many a “sugarless” household’s which time practically all its en­ Ellen Judd as president and Ilea baking problem, and here it is. TOR RENT— Roadside stand and of Malheur County, Oregon, his ergies have been diverted to war Kreager as secretary to serve for "SUGARLESS BROWNIES" trailer house. Box 97, Ontario. 3M3 first and final account of his ad- projects for the army and navy. the following year. 4 cup shortening. "One promising new device which Mrs. A1 Nelson, who has spent 2 sq. unsweetened chocolate. the Bell laboratories has studied the winter with her husband at (melted) since 1938 is 'rural telephone carr­ Norfolk, Virginia, was a recent <4 tsp salt. ier’. It is particularly promising overnight guest of Miss Gloria 3 4 cup chopped nuts. for families close to power lines Pounds. A1 Nelson, a former Ad­ 1 cup white corn syrup. but distant from telephone lines, rian high school student, has been 3|4 cup sifted cake flour. as it permits putting telephone promoted to A. R. M. 1-c and has •4 tsp. baking powder. conversatioas on power lines In been sent to San Francisco to be 2 eggs well beaten. Work shortening with spoon un­ connection with the use of ca'rrier in the guard service for the united til fluffy and creamy. Then add the Malheur company expects to nations conference. The No-Name club met recently corn syrup graduaJly while con­ cooperate with the rural electrifi­ tinuing to work with spoon until cation administration and with at the home of Mrs. Leo Farnworth. light. Stir in melted chocolate. privately owned companies in its The club voted a special donation Our present system will not furnish sufficient to the cancer drive. Plans were Sift together dry ingredients and territory. “Another means of extending rur- discussed for the benefit dance to add U of them while heating mix water for irrigation use over the entire city O P TO M E TR ISTS ture with spoon. Add well beaten al telephone service ts the use of be given for the service men's D ENTISTS center memorial. eggs, then rest of dry Ingredients a newly developed high-strength DR. J. A. McFALL area each day. Therefore, we must insist on the Mrs. Betty Korman visited In -S e e Mi-Fall and 8 - » B etter- and nuts. Turn into greased 9x9x3 steel wire for telephone lines. J. R. C U N D A I.L "The Bell laboratories has also Boise the last week, pan—bake in moderate oven of following rules, effective May 1, 19 45: Mrs. Joe Brumbach, Miss Jensen, 350 degrees about 35 minutes, or studied the possibilities of micro- Dentist wave radio systems in rural tele- Miss Larsson and Mrs. Patch were until done. Cut in squares with Phone 56-J phone service, especially to farm , afternoon guests of Mrs. Hoyt No irrigating from 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. sharp knife. Sarazin Clinic families at remote points. Warwick at her home in Newell NYSSA OREGON “ Another part of the telephone Heights Wednesday. No irrigating from 10 P. M. to 6 A . M. company’s post-war program has Mrs. Glenn Pounds was honored JEWELRY STORES EYESIGHT SPECIALIST to do with improved transmiss­ with a birthday dinner in Vale ONTARIO OREGON ion. The latest and most efficient last Saturday No irrigating north o f Main street, west o f PAULUS and receivers have been introduced ; The K. I. Peterson family were PHYSICIANS JEW ELRY STORE types of telephone transmitters recent dinner guests at the Frank railroad tracks on Mondays, W ednesdays or The Malheur Home Telephone ■ in rural as well as in urban service Oahill home in Nyssa Union Pacific Time Inspector L. A. Moulding, M.D. company is ready to resume its ¡as they have become available and D. W. Patch went to Burns on JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Fridays. Physician and 8urgeon program of expanding telephone | many rural telephones are already business Saturday. He will be prin­ WATCHES Phone 87 service to farm families in Mai-1 equipped with them. The number cipal of the Burns school next Main Street at Second No irrigating south o f Main street nor any Honrs: 10 to 12 and 1 to » heur county as soon as the needs will be rapidly increased after the I year. of war release the necessary man­ war. Also the number of subscrib- | The Jack Simpson and Frank Dallv- Except Sunday area east of the railroad tracks on Tuesdays, power and materials, according to ers per line, which because of | Cahill families of Nyssa were Sun­ Fry Building W YCK O FF C. M Robertson, manager of the wartime limitations has in some j day dinner guests at the K. I. Thursdays or Saturdays. JEWELRY STORE company. cases become greater than seems Peterson home, S A R A Z IN CLINIC “The Malheur company has al- desirable for normal times will be Mrs. Threlma Elliott and sons Official Time Inspector for J. J. Sarazin, M. D. ways been deeply interested in sec-j reduced. and Mrs. Hite and Marjory were To allow pressure during fires, turn o ff all Union Pacific General practice of medicine uring as aide a farm telephone to continue the studies and sur- Thursday evening dinner guests c> NT A RTO OREGON x -ra y Physiotherapy development as possible." said veys now going o n " Robertson at the Walter McFNrtland home water when the fire siren blows. Robertson. ¡concluded, “which will prepare us in Nyssa. G E O R G E ' JACKSON "During the depression many) The Malheur company expects Miss Virginia M ill^^M lss Jen- SH O E SH O PS MODERN WATCH DEPAIRINO B Y ORDER OF TH E C O M M O N C O U N C IL rural telephone users gave up their for the resumption of our farm ,-en. Miss Larsson Brum- State Licensed service Just as many city usersIprogram as soon as victory release- bach and Mrs. Hoyt Warwick Abbott’ s Shoe Shop Watchmaker N Y S S A , O R EG O N did. so that at the depth of the ¡the manpower and materials need- were Friday luncheon guests of All kinds of shoe and harness ONTARIO. OREGON depression we were serving only ed for this big job. For the entire Mrs. Dennis Patch. repairing. a comparatively small number of Bell system the rural program In | The senior class presented their Please give us your cooperation Across from poet office. 3 4 blocks N. of City Hall subs, fibers. However, in 1945 we the immediate post-war years Is j annual play, a three-act mystery have more than twice the number. expected to Involve $100,000,000. O b-¡ "The Green Light", at the high FOR SALE—Mlchael-Leonard gar­ den seed. Alfalfa, pasture and cl. ver seeds also flower and garden plants. Hollingsworth Hardware and Implement Co. 26A4XC. Adrian Victory Food Hints Me Cluer-Manser Nyssa Funeral Home Dessert Seed Co Grass, Clover and Alfalfa seed Professional And Business Directory To Water Users Telephone Firm To Extend Lines