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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1945)
Dimcu THEjysSACATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 3, _1945_ how to seize and destroy a Jap L egal A d v ertisin g anese pillbox with flame throwers, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF live blank firing, hand grenades THE STATE OF OREGON FOR The Gate City Journal and demolitions. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Informational material and app There will also be an exhibit NOTICE OP HEARING PINAL lication forms pertaining to farm KLAH8 V. POWELL Edl Ml and Pabllshrr ACCOUNT of Infantry weapons and equip wage rates are now available at ment, In the matter of the estate of consisting of machine guns. the county extension office and John Bartholoma. deceased. Sl'Bi'CRIPIION KATES ADVERTISING KA1K8 farm labor office for those Inter- 1 nfles' sniper rifles. Tommy guns, Notice Is hereby given that the ested in checking their wage levels m°r“ rS and roctot Uun<*wr' ' uirimtenTd ' admTnMatrix"of the One Year.........................33 00 ADRIAN FREE METHODIST Open rate, per inch..........II Sunday school. 10 a. m. with war food administration reg- clothln* and equipment, rations E^aU“ of John Bartholoma. de- Six Month*........................H J i National, per inch............. II CHURCH Morning worship, 11 a. m. ulations. County Agent R. E. Brooke and first aid kits. These will be ceased, has filed her (Inal account Single Copies................... OS Classi lieds, pvr word------! Adrian, Oregon B. Y. P. U. at 7:15 p. m. has announced. The extension ser- available for Inspection by the'as such administratrix, and that Rev. P. H. Reiman, Pastor (Strictly In Advance) Minimum ....... 30c Sunday evening preaching ser vice is cooperating with Alden public and will be in charge ol the same wig be heard in the Sunday school. 10 a. m. vice at 7:46. A series of seven Orr, newly appointed evecutive of expert Infantrymen to explain and County Court Room at the City Church service. II a. m. of Vale. Oregon on June 4. 1945. at messages covering the book of Rev the Oregon WFA wage board, in answer questions. Subject: The Holy Spirit". Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County. Oregon the hour of 2 p. m. o'clock of said Young people's meeting. 7 p. m. elation will be given at our Sun acquainting farmers with p r e s e n t ---------------------- Entered at the postoftlce at Nyssa. Oregon (or transmission id“y at time a,ld Place any Ia?d by Joe Nelson with Bemlce day evening service. You are wel legal provisions pertaining to farm Go to Country Club-- through the T. Ited Slates Malls, as second class matter, under wages. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier and object ions to said account will be Chaney as chairman. the act of March 3. 1879 come to attend all our services Under general regulations a nat- ! Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Meier had | heard and determined Evening message. 8 p. m. E. Bartholoma , Cottage prayer meeting next and especially do we urge you to tonal level is set fur all farm rates dinner at the Payette Country club Myrtle Administratrix of the Estate of hear these lectures on the last at not to exceed $200 a month as Sunday evening. week in the Clarence Nelson home HOW LONG WILL THE FIGHT LAST? John Bartholoma, Deceased. of December 9. 1943. The Oregon in Ridgeview, 8 p. m. book of the Bible. Revelation. First pub. May 3, 1945. WFA wage board has officially set From Burley— help us spread Bible holi With the war in Europe drawing to a close ness Come throughout cents an hour as the hourly Mrs. Ursel Beus of Burley. Idaho Last pub. May 31, 1945. the world. CHURCH OF THE NA/AKENR 85 and the war against Japan progressing satis equivalent of <200 a month In this flew to Nyssa with her brother-in- E. J Wilson. Pastor. state. Higher rates are legal in law. W. J. Beus last week. She vis I'llI COMMUNITY UNITED factorily, it seems to be a good time to think 10 a. m., Sunday school. the case of Individual workers or ited at the Eldred Brower home i '.: esh v teria n church 11 a. m., wodship and sermon. about prospects for peace in the Pacific during particular Jobs that were above in Apple Valley. Kingman Memorial FEED DEPENDABLE There will be no night services that level on December 9. 1943. J. C. Nevln, Pastor. the next few months. at the church May 6, on ac rates established af 10 a. m Bible school.The open here One interesting slant on war predictions is Bible count of the baccalaureate ser ter Any that higher date, however, are not will inspire an open mind vice at the school. the forcast that Germany would quit fighting and transform an open heart. legal unless approval is obtained starter ^ - 11 a. m„ morning worship. Ser iUE METHODIST COMMUNIT1 through individual application to Horse sale—At the Ontario Live S chick as soon as the allies reached her borders, and mon: Recommended by the Oregon WFA wage board at "The Meaning of Religion yet she is still battling tenaciously in the center as Love.” Ny*«a Elevator company yards, Ontario, Sun CHURCH Portland. The board is empowered stock day, May 13. Sale starts at 1 p_ m. of Berlin at the present time. II. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. to make adjustments to meet par 300 8 pm., evening worship. Song to 500 horses. ticular conditions where the es with special music. Discus Church school, 10 a. m. Inasmuch as the prognosticators were so en service Worship and sermon. 11 a. m. tablished rates would work a hard sions: Young people, "Parents il m hi munti:! hi hi niiirii hi lit mil 8)1 III KM MIM KM HI m ill III III MII III I I HI M ill HI HI I I tirely wrong in their forecasts, based on Ger Know Bast”, with Keith Lane The Rev. Helstrom will bring the ship for either employer or work man action in world war 1, about the German leading: adults. "Should the morning sermon ers. according to Orr. 15 fellowship ‘meetings or even "The safest course for the pro- g be at Peace Conference?" ing No service. morale, will their forecasts of a long drawn-out Church Attend the Nyssa high i ducer who has a wage problem, s Closing thought by the pastor. n struggle with the Japs really develop? school baccalaureate service, 8 p. m. or who is In doubt as to provis- j = — Monday. 7:45 p. m.. Boy Scout It would appear from this distance that the troop 36 meets in the high school. Bible study and mid-week fell Ions of the law is to ask informa-1 _ tlon directly from the state wage. S Wednesday. 7:45 p. m.. Bible owship Wednesday. 8 p. m. war with the Japs can either be made a long study and prayer. 8:30 p. m.. The Apple valley Sunday school board office if enough information ! — Charter Trips conflict, or a costly, short-lived affair. If the choir practice. Aircraft Service g and congregation will meet with is not contained in the written allies “choke” Japan to death by blockade and Thursday. 8 p. m„ officers' us again Sunday morning. material available at the county WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE extension office,” Orr added. meeting. bombing alone, the job will run into 1946, but monthly ST. PAUL’8 EPISCOPAL Severe penalties for non-obser Friday, 10 a. m„ prayer group Nyssa Airport will be rather economical in lives and money. meets at Hurst's home. MISSION vers of farm wage rates are pro If the United States and her allies decide to go Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. vided for both employers and work | P. O. Box 396 Telephone 012R1 § Morning prayer and sermon. 9:30 ers. including fine and imprison 14-25. Vacation Bible school Holy all-out for a knockout blow, the venture will at May and sermon each ment, as well as certain income •ill H I? hi I1! Hit! RII! HI Mill I!! K K H R Hi HI II! KR III HI HRt! HI III I'! HI III I1: Ill M HI H! HI III HI MR H IM 111 11 111 U Kingman grade school. Plan second '.ommunlon be costly, both in lives and money. The army to the .Sunday of the month. tax penalties. Orr added that the send your boys and girls. it is understood, wants to “do it quick”, so Church school at 10:30 a. m regulations are aimed principally Women's Guild second Wednesday propably that is the way it will be done. at checking "pirating" practices CHURCH OF CHRIST ■t each month. (Christian) and spiraling wage rates and are Limited Quantity Still Available George Whipple, Pastor. for the benefit of both farmers ARCADIA ASSEMBLY OF GOD and workers. Where people fully Bible school. 10 a. m. There are L. Snider, pastor understand the program, he bel Just six more Sunday in the con Sunday C. school, Thirty-six were present at Sun 10 a.m. test. ieves. there will be general volun- j day school Sunday. Rose Warner Morning worship, II a. m. Com Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic set- tary compliance and support. The Selected Seed Potatoes of the Junior class gave a flannel 8 p.m program has a direct bearing on munion served each Lord's day. vice Continued from Page 1) Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys ho]cMng ^ line agalnsl tnfla- board Illustration as the closing Sermon topic: “Repentance" exercise. Rev. Larson of the Bap- two officers were disarmed and Evening services: 7:30 p. m. The In armed forces. Come, worship tionary living costs and hence Is of | tlst church of Nyssa will hold ^ the men escaped in their own car, i adult Bible study and the sermon with us and pray with us for your Interest to consumers of food pro- > services at 9:30 a. m. next Sunday taking the keys to the police car. of the evening will be delivered by boy and some other mother's boy. ducts, he said. Sunday school will be held at 10:30. Walker continued the story of Dd. George R. Whipple, Sr., of B LISS T R IU M P H SUNSET VALLEY Everyone is invited to attend. the chase this way. Ontario. ONTARIO TO HAVE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley "Saturday, the two parked by Every service for every age. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH INFANTRY SHOW Paster R. L. Casselman and Annette went to Big Bend1 the Oregon side Just across the Sunday school. 10 A.M. and Sunday to take home Mr. Strad- 1 river and we had a call they were L. D. 8. CHURCH Joe F. Dyer. Malheur county ley's mother, who has spent the out there at target practice with Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood Morning worship, 11 A.M. Children church, 7:30 P.M. i chairman of the war finance com- past two weeks with her son and the Nampa policemen's guns. The meeting has recently received word his family. | Oregon police surprised them and Sunday 10:30 am. Sunday school Evening evangelistic service, 8 mlttee, the war department, Wash RU SSETS Mrs. Otis Bullard and Wilma they left their car and ran off. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacramen: Vclock. Cottage grayer meeting that Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 8 ington, D C„ has approved the and Betty were business visitors | “Idaho state Patrolman Max neetlng. 1ty of Ontario on the itinerary In Nampa Saturday. They also Smith. Sheriff Cavlness and Saun- Tuesday 2:00 pm. Relief society P.M. Come! A hearty welcome awaits for the "Here’s Your Infantry" vislted at the R. O. Chandler home ders and myself tracked them meeting. show in connection with the sev In Caldwell. (throughout Saturday and most of First Tuesday of each montn at you. Contact enth war loan drive and will show Mr and Mrs. Pay Corn and the night until we traced them to I p.m. Primary for children bet there June 17. TRINITY LUTHERAN family were dinner guests of Mr. i the ween ages of 4 and 12. The officers and men compris Parma, Idaho and Mrs. Jack Com Sunday. I 'Tracking them was fairly easy Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor ing the show unit, numbering 70 Mrs. L. E. Robbons gave a party, because they had on new shoes BAPTIST CHURCH to 80 men. including band and Service: 10 a.m. for the eighth grade graduates which left clear tracks, Second Street convoy drivers, will demonstrate to : at her home Thursday evening. The I “When we went In the shooting E. T. Larson, Missionary Paste* Church School: 11 a.m. the public how an Infantry rifle | graduates were Janice and Myron ' started." squad Is assembled and equipped Osborn, Rudy Marostlcu. Billy j Officers said later that an army without shooting.” Lytle entered the army Decem for battle. Nyssa or Parma A Jungle assault team, Stradley, Diana Brady, Martha Lee rifle, a .32 automatic pistol and a Asked where his home was, ber 27, 1943. reinforced with machine guns, Taylor and Lewellyn Robbins. .22 pistol, with 20 boxes of shells, flame throwers and other Ben Hetter, who was wounded were discovered in the abandoned Bailey sold. Oil, I don t let that His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grov bazooka, In the Pacific area. Is vLsttlng his go. Just say I’m from Portland.” er C. Lytle, live at Nyssa, Oregon. Infantry weapons will demonstrate parents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Heiter. | Capt. A. G. Dunn of the Oregon The wounded desperado added Mrs. Lily Dement of Vale vis- state police said a draft card that when Saunders was In the NYSSA GIRLS TO BE Ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. found on Duffy listed his address basement with him and Duffey, he IN MAY PROGRAM Eilts Warner Sunday. j us a prison in Washington state. The Arcadia Sunshine club will Cavlness said the two bandits were “could have killed him easy”. College of Idaho. May 3—The ann meet May 3 at the school oudl- thought to have committed a series Saunders wounded in the upper torium. Mrs. O, F. Qarren and ol robberies and holdups in a swing Part of the right arm, said he ual Founder’s day celebration at Mrs Anna Dali will be hostesses..through Idaho and Oregon. (must have been in the basement the College of Idaho will be held Fay Lay of Portland Is visiting | "That coming into the base-: the two men "only a few Saturday, May 5, with the trad Ills paventa, Mr. and Mrs. Olen ment was Uie damnedest fool tiling Imoments but seemed like two itional winding of the May pole Lay. 1 ever heard of,“ Cavlness said1 or three hours. and crowning of the May queen. The Sunday school held a board Bulley told him after the shooting. I “I m darned luckey to be alive, The of the Junior honor meeting at the home of Mrs. Otis We were armed to the teeth and 1 M100**11 they'd kill me in the court members assist with the winding Bullard Tuesday evening, j all we had to do was to start basement. Then later I thought of the will pole and among those Mr and Mrs. John Zlttercob shooting. If they had thrown a sure 1 would get kuled when we selected May LIGHT BROWN GENUINE LEATHER are Taka Iwasakl, Chiyo were business visitors In Cold tear gas bomb, or something else,were 8®ing across that field." Yamada and Masako Endow, all well last Friday. I down, we would have come out.; ----------------------- of Nyssa. SELECTIVE WEED Miss Yamada will also be In of the luncheon given by SPRAY SAVES LABOR charge Shield, women's service organiza The use of the selective weed tion. for the guests of the college, i spray, Slnox. on onions Is growing Founder's day Is held each year In importance in the county, ac for the purpose of entertaining the cording to J. B. Holladay. assist high school seniors of the surr ant county agent. ounding schools and an Interesting "Sufficient field trials were car day has been planned for this year. ried out last year, and informa- The college urges that all sen | tlon is available to do a good Job iors interested In attending the I this year,” he said. affair register Saturday morning In time of labor shortage and at 8:30 and spend the day on the high operational costs, this chem campus as guests of the college. CINDER BLOCK, Immediately Available ALL OF THESE CASES ARE EQUIPPED WITH ZIPPERS ical is of great importance In raising onions. An acre of onions PAR THEL BYBEE IS No Priority Needed can be sprayed for $8 to 310, In contrast to 340 to 350 If hand la SOCIETY MEMBER We Can Also Furnish: bor Is employed. PROVO. UTAH. May 3-Dar Spraying will begin this week. Thel CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, INSULATING Plenty Bybee, daughter of Mr. and of chemical Is available Mrs. Dart O. Bybee of Nyssa. lias locally but power sprayers are us BOARDS AND OTHER BUILDING been Initiated Into Lamba Delta ually scarce. Holladay said. Sigma, national religious frater THESE ARE GUARANTEED CONKLIN PENS MATERIALS. nity the campus of Brigham NYSSAITE RECOVERS Young on university, it was announc ed today by the executive commit FROM WAR WOUND tee. The fraternity is sponsored by The 131st General Hospital. Eng the Mormon church, and the chap About 30,000 ft. of Used Lumber, Including land. May 3—Pfc. Donald L. Lytle ter of Brigham Young university i lias recovered at this United States Is one of 17 such chapters located 5000 Feet of 4-inch Fir Flooring. > army general hospital from bullet at various universities throughout wound received at Marche Decem the western states. ber 24. 1944. Miss Bybee Is a graduate of While at this hospital he receiv Nyssa high school where she was ed expert medical care followed vice president of the student body, J*hone 66 45S SW 3rd St. by a period of convalescence. He and editor of the school paper. At now been released for return Brigham Young university she Is 217W Ontario, Oregon has to duty. a freshman, enrolled In the college A member of an Infantry unit. of fine arts, majoring In music r I r INFORMATION ON WAGES AVAILABLE J1E SALE CALENDAR STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Smith Will Ask Indictment > « J. C. Watson Co. This And Thai: 1 Notebook Covers $6.75 - 1 See TUTTLE LUMBER YARD For Lumber to Qualified Purchasers Tuttle Lbr. Co. I Foliio $IO I Brief Case $4.75 Fountain Pens $2.75 Handi-pen Desk Sets $5 Gate City Journal f