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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1945)
'yjGsss&b. Buv 7 »e NYSSA VOLUME XKXX JOURNAL Nü. 1(5. Commencement Baccalaureate Programs Given CLOTHING DRIVE ¡1ERE SUCCESS M A Y 3, 1945' Legion Conducts District Meet STORES NOT TO BE CLOSED FOR V-E DAY The European clothing relief The Ny*sa chamber of comm drive, which was conducted in The annual district conference erce voted at Us weekly luncheon Nyssa last week, met with good of the seventh district of the Wednesday noon to continue "bus Rev. Gernhardt and Dean response, according to Mrs. A. L. American Legion, department of iness as usual" on V-E day. Some towns will close their bus Anderson Will Deliver Fletcher, president of the Nyssa j Oregon, was held at Adrian May 2. iness houses and hold celebrations Civic club, and Henry Hartley, I The business session was held | when victory in Europe is achiev Addresses superintendent of public schools, during the afternoon in the Legion ed. but Nyssa merchants feel that Baccalaureate services will b e , who wish to thank the residents hail and the banquet was held in with Japan still left to deal with conducted Sunday night. May 6, j of Nyssa and Adrian. j the high school building during the country should not relax long enough to celebrate........ . ........... and commencement exercises will They especially wish to thank the evening. Oregon Post-war RED CROSS BUYS N EW W H EEL CHAIR Road Program Smith Will Ask Indictment O f Kenneth Bailey The Nyssa branch chapter of the American Red Cross has purchas ed a wheel chair for community service. Large Crowd Attends Considerable Work W ill The chair Is available to any Funeral for Sergeant one who has use for it. with pre Be Done In Malheur Ted Chambers ference given to servicemen and County ex-servicemen. Use of the chair The county grand Jury, which # _____ The Oregon state highway com may be arranged for at the Sar- j will meet in Vale Friday morning j will be asked by District Attorney mission has announced that it has azin clinic. I E. Otis Smith to indict Kenneth be held Thursday night. May 10 by , Mrs. J. L. Church and her com m -I The following state officers were that^ PrèsIdMit ^rHnma^ ,i" recomm '“-’d- '™ 1 i tentatlVely selected lts three-year Bailey, 26 on a charge of first the Nyssa high school, Principal ittee for packaging and preparing j present: Penn Crum, state com- ends that no celebrations be held. program of post-war highway con- ! degree murder in connection | struction, including considerable ■ Fiank Parr announced. ¡the clothing for shgw ent and mander; Fritz Nlssen, state ad- | Bailey is in the Nyssa Nursing work in Malheur county and along i The baccalaureate services, com-1 ttso Artie Robertson for collecting jutant: W. J. Eccitai, state chair— home recovering from t, wound the John Day highway. j sustained in the battle. He is un- mencing at 8 o'clock, will be held the clothing donated by Adrian j man. Sons of the American i^eg- This program is to be financed ' _____ residents. I ion; Mrs. Chcrles Lemons, state in the gymnasium, with local min | by federal and state funds in the J Funeral services were held In |der guard 24 hours a day. His president of the auxiliary; Mrs. | proportion of 60 per cent of fed- the Parma community church j partner. William Ronald Duffey, isters participating. William Wilkins, district president 22. was killed by the officers . -------- Iera* funds and 40 per cent of Tuesday afternoon for Dwight Rev. H. J. Gernhardt o f the of the auxiliary; Dr. Clark, comm Others wounded in the gun bat- Henry Wallace of Nyssa died i n ' state funds. j Robert Vance of Parma, who was ander third district of Idaho de Methodist Community church will •tle were Chief of Police Clarence the Holy Rosary hospital in Ont- i The amount of federal funds killed when run over by an auto- partment; Earl Culver, commander Saunders of Weiser and R. N. deliver the sermon. district No. 9, Veterans of Foreign ario Wednesday at 4:45 a. m. He available during each of the three , mobile April 27. Interment was in O'Brien, state police officer stat The remainder of the program -------- had been ill of heart trouble for years * s approximately $7.100,00. the Parma cemettery. Wars of the United States, depart (This, together with $4,900,000 of The baby, born February 12, ioned at Ontario. will be presented as follows: Pro- Mrs. Manon Hillis of route 2, ment of Oregon; Albert Heldt, several years. Funeral services were held for Mr. Wallace was born at Clover i 'equired^ state match money, brings 1943 at American Falls, Idaho, and cessional, The Graduation March, Nyssa, died at 5 a. m. Wednes- vice district commander; Claude Sergeant Chambers in the Peterson hlgh school orchestra; invocation, day in the Holy Rosary hospital Echus, chairman of Malheur coun Creek. Idaho January 26. 1899. He the total for each year to $12,000,000. his mother went to Parma to live mortuary in Ontario Tuesday af- in Ontario. She had been bedfast ty council, and Julian F. Morfitt, hod engaged in farm work since *n accord with federal law, $6,- with Mrs. Vance's parents, Mr. Rev. E. J. Wilson; hymn No. 1, for seven months. coming here about 20 years ago. 315.000 of this amount is to be and Mrs. H. C. Dwight when the ternon with Rev. Salter of the county service officer. Episcopal church and Rev. Honey- congregation, led by Rev. George | Mrs. Martha Jane Hillis was William Fiske of Vale post acted He was a member of the Baptist expended on the primary feder- father Pvt. Robert Vance, Jr., was ford of the Baptist church in church. al aid system, $4 310,000 on the transferred by the army to Texas Whipple; vocal solo, "Ava Maria" 1 born September 25, 1910 at Harr- as toastmaster. Survivors are his widow. Anna (Secondary federal aid system, and in December. 1944. Pvt. Vance, charge. More than 30 uniformed The afternoon session was de- by Schubert, Thelma Florea; iron ■ Idaho and came to the Ny- voted to the American Legion pro- Wallace: a son, James E. Wallace, ! *1.375,000 on primary federal aid who is stationed at Tucson, Ari peace officers of Oregon and Idaho . j. , ssa section three years ago from ___ __ __ ____________ ____ ____ , m Burley, Idaho. Sihe and her family gram and reports from county '• army radio technician stationed I routes in urban areas of munici zona, arrived in Parma Monday attended the services. They in cluded Superintendent Charles P. ( A Green Cathedral by jjve<j near Mitchell butte. I posts. The general topic was "What in Illinois; four sisters, Mrs. Wood- I palities having a population great- morning. Pray and Captains Walter Lansing liuhn, girls club; "Fair Land The body will be sent to Burley j Can the Legion Do To Make This row Wilson of Nyssa, Mrs. I. W. |er than 5000. The boy was riding in the of Freedom" by Klemm. girls glee tonight by the Nyssa Funeral home. 1 a Better Community, State and Fdison of Portland. Mrs. Martha Tn addition to the funds to be back seat of his grandfather's car and Charles H. McClees of the Oregon state police headquarters t*ub; prayer. Rev. E. T. Larson; Funeral services will be held Sat-j Nation, Not Only for the Return-I Norland of Parma, and Mrs. Er- used on this program, approxi- on the Parma-RosweB highway at Salem, aptain A. G. Dunn, head hymn No. 2, congregation; bene- urday afternoon at 2:30 in Burley, ing Veteran, but for All of the nest Perkins of Hines, Oregon, and m®tely $3,400,000 of forest highway about three-quarters of a mile of the state police in this district; diction, Rev. Wilson, and recess-< Interment will be in the Burley People of America”. ; two brothers, John of Hailey, Ida- funds will be available during each from Parma. Teasing his grand Sergeant O. O. Nichols of Port ional, high school orchestra. ! cemetery. The evening session was devoted | ho, and Staff Sergeant Melvin of the three post-war years for father, the baby "made a pass" at expenditure by the public roads Mr Dwight, who warned him to land, Sergeant Smith of Arling Lean J. L. Anderson of thej Mrs. Hillis is survived by her to addresses by the state com- Wallace of Arizona. ton, and Sergeants Roach and Funeral services have not been administration, this amount being j be careful "because someone might College of Idaho will deliver the husband; a daughter, Colleen; a I mander and the president of the Johnson of Pendleton. commenctmrnt address next week.'son Jerry; her mother, Mrs. Mary auxiliary, the state adjutant and arranged. The body is in the Ny 'exclusive of approximately $2,000 - get hurt", referring to the danger Interment was in the Ontario 000 of previously authorized forest ] of an automobile accident. As the Clayton Morgan will deliver the Martin of Burley; a sister, Lillian the chairman of the Sons of the ssa Funeral home. highway funds, which funds were | poy whirled around, he apparently cemetery. valedictory and Harriet Herrman; 0f Burley, and a brother, Oliver American Legion. Sergeant Chambers. 45 years old. frozen at the outset of the war. released the latch on the automo- will give the salutatory. | Martin, who is serving in the The Adrian high school band The program of forest highway bile door and he tumbled to the had been employed as a state Other numbers will be given as naVy at San Diego, played during the banquet anti work is not yet developed and will highway and rolled under the police officer for about 15 years. follows: Dawn—Reverie by Bennett,' _________________ the girls of the high school gave [ not be until the funds are app rear wheel. He was killed Instant He served In LaOrande and Pend several patriotic readings. The j leton for a short time before be ropriated by the congress. The for ly. tables were beautifully decorated.! ing transferred to Ontario sever est highway program is selected B. waiter; song, “ I Love a Little | Blit 1 n o lo U ltL illiL ) Besides his parents and his ma The following members of Nyssa al years ago. Cottage" by O'Hara, girls glee is :post attended the meeting: Leroy | The annual spring - - concert of Che . Jointly by the state highway com- ternal grandparents, Dwight Survivors Include 'his widow; two Child Health day, which ann- j j errman commander- Albert Hel- - ombined band and glee clubs of . mission, the public roads admin- survived by a sister, Lynn, and his club vocal solo, "Perfect Day” by Counod, Claudine Tomlinson; song. I dally falls on May 1, will this year dt vice ' dlstrict‘ commander, sev- | thc Nyssa high school will be pre- \ istration and the forest service, and paternal grandparents. Mr. and sons and a daughter. The search for Bailey and D uff “Glow Worm" by Lincke, girls be highlighted by a nation-wide J enth district; Joe Maughan, ser-j sented in the school gymnasium the projects are contracted by the Mrs. Robert Vance, Sr., of Cald ey led to the brick Annex school- glee club: presentation of aw ards. 1 appeal for 100 per cent birth reg- j vice o ff|cer; ' Arthur Reuse, post i'Yiday, May 4. at 8:15, under the,public roads administration. well. He was a nephew of Mrs. house, one mile from Weiser on Superintendent Henry H. Hartley; istration. it was announced by Dr. 1 adJutant; ¿ eibert Rouse, officer direction of Music Director Irshal j In preparing the program, the Julian Johnson of Nyssa. Mr. presentation of American Legion | Harold M_ Eri.kson, state health f thp day M Graham, Davis. ¡commission had before it the rec- Dwight Is manager of the Nyssa the Oregon side of the Snake riv er. where officers found the car awards; presentation of class, officer. ! service officer and quartermaster. There are 58 members in the ommendations of the county Produce. used by the holdup pair abandon I'rank Parr; presentation of d ip -j Parents are urged to ascertain YFW and George N. Bear, post band, 42 in ti," g^L; glee oiub jm d , courts, chambers of commerce and ed near Weiser. torn as, Carlos Buchner and re- whether their children's births h a v e commander vF w . 12 In the boys glee club. Miss d a u - other'int.iuted ciUawts. These rec Ss undent said Chambers called essional, "March Romaine", high been recorded. To do this, parents j Don‘ M ’c , aham was appainted | dine Tomlinson and Mary Lou ommendations, with priority in- him Sunday and said he had a 1 * » i i l r l n e l r l e n c r 1 n n i 1 i v i n e t n t H o V O O - ■ . . I Or . l i At t l r n nn f-.Vsxx a / v » n m r \ n n l e t c j J I aa in A iiA n t A /I Is«» fh a should address inquiries to the reg- ' (0 organize a squadron Qf . the [Schenk are the accompanists. dicated, were « requested by the school band. “tip” the two men were hiding In I istrar of vital statistics of the Sons of the American Legion In The girls glee club will sing state highway commission at Che the school basement. Chambers, Can't You Hear Me Callin' Caro time of an inspection of the state [state health department, located communlty and will have the APPLICATIONS FOR Saunders, O'Brien and Deputy iin the state in which the c h ild , chaj-ter open for membership soon. line. Waves in Navy Blue. Mighty highway system in 1943. In many SUGAR AVAILABLE | was born. If the child's name i s 11 ' Like a Rose, and Glow Worm. rases the county courts and cham The directors of the Malheur Sheriff Al Walters of Washington The boys glee club will sing On bers of commerce indicated their County Farm Labor Sponsoring county, gathered and prepared to ------- ! given, together with precise data The iocal OPA has requested that regarding time and place of birth the Bank of the Wabash. Carolina preference for the construction of association are “doing everything enter the basement. "Ted (Chambers 1 opened the those desiring to secure their cann- it js „ simple matter, in most cas Sweetheart and Stout Hearted Men. roads outside their respective areas in their power to see that there ing sugar for this season either es to make a chccki health auth- Band numbers will be Washington in order to complete links in routes is an adequate supply of seasonal door of the basement" said Saund m-all or take their applications to orities said. Oregon is one of the \ Post March. American Patrol No which would shorten distances to labor in the county for the pro ers, who was taken to a Weiser the city hall. highest ranking states with res- velty with incidental cornet solos markets and thus save them time duction and harvesting of the hospital. "Then they let him have ApplEatlons are available at all pect to Wrth registration, Dr. Er- Three men were sentenced in by Spencer Beus, Betty Blackburn and expense in the movement of 1945 crops," they announced this lt. He was shot three times, once through the head, the first shot grocery stores. Because of lack ¡ckson states, although it ranks circuit court in Vale Tuesday morn and Francis Selty; Memory Waltz, goods and services. The commission week. of '.Tip in the office, the OPA third among the Pacific coast ing by Judge M. A. Biggs in conn Under the Double Eagle March, De complimented these officials and 1 The present supply of labor, dropped him." One of the fugitives was barri ■'a'" would appreciate the appli- st,ates, Overture, Mexicali public-minded citizens in advocat- part of which is In the county and ection with the burglary of Tom termination cations fcping mailed to the office. Redsull's club in Ontario April 15. Rose. When Day Is Done, and I ing such a far-sighted policy, which the remainder expected very short- caded In a coal bin and another Vern Grover of Hillsboro. Oregon The men pleaded guilty to a Stars and Stripes Forever, The is a policy that appears to the ly. consists of 750 prisoners of hid in an opposite comer. Saunders uiid Mrs. M. D. West of Vancouv charge og breaking and entering public is invited to attend. state highway commission to be war and 550 Mexican nationals, was caught In the crossfire of the er. Washington. The sisters arr a building other than a dwelling The band and the baton twirlers necessary in order to develop In addition to these workers, Am- two men and as the others retreat ived here Monday. heid a parade in the business dis properly the road transportation erican Mexicans are being recruit- ed from the basement, the pair with intent to commit larceny. covered him with their guns. Lawrence T. Daugherty was sen trict of Nyssa Tuesday afternoon. system of the state of Oregon in ed and are arriving in the area, "The two of them made a break With the 32nd Infantry Division tenced to four years In the pen Motion pictures were taken of a manner that will bring about I The board of directors of the In Pangasinan Province, Luzon, itentiary, Robert Rizer was sen them. the greatest good for the greatest sponsoring association urges all through the entrance to the cellar, P. I.— Sergeant Harold E. Kurtz, tenced to three years and Floyd number. . j farmers to maintain the govem- forcing Saunders to walk between son of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz, M. Hazen to three years. Hazen The projects and costs include ment scale on sugar beet work, them," Walters related. “There was who live on route 1, Nyssa. Oregon, was released on parole. John Day highway, Unity-Iron- ! which is $10 per acre for thinning some pretty tough shooting. But has been awarded the combat in Trial of civil cases at the spring side section, primary federal aid fields planted with segmented seed, several of us with rifles opened fantryman badge for exemplary term of circuit court was opened project. $345,000; Central Oregon, $12 per acre for the whole type fire as they ran through a nearby behavior in the face of the enemy. Monday with hearing of the case route No. 20. primary federal aid seed, $4 for the first hoeing, $3 field. Duffey dropped dead and In the service since June, 1944, of Rutherford versus Cape for project, Nyssa section, $40,000; j for the second hoeing, $12 for Bailey was injured," Walters was the only one of the The Nyssa chamber of commerce, Central Oregon, route No. 20. Buch- thinning of lettuce, and 60 cents Sgt. Kurtz is fighting on Luzon alleged damages under contract at present with the 32nd "Red Arr bard of Bafar ward fwarafffartd meeting Wednesday noon at lun anan-Juntura section, $440,000: ■ per hour when labor 13 used by four who walked Into the ambush who was not killed or Injured. “ Be ow" division for sale of cattle with Judge For cheon in the Gate City cafe, en John Day-Bums, state primary, the hour. Kurtz is a‘ 1942 graduate of Ny rest L. Hubbard of Baker presid dorsed the proposal to increase $195 000; Vale-West, state secon- j The program Involves consider- lieve me, that lead was pretty hot,” the bed capacity in the veterans dary highway, $120.000: Nyssa- able expense to the association. he said. O'Brien was shot in the Jim Gahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. ssa high school. His brother, Pvt. ing. back, the bullet emerging from his hospital in Boise. Edwin L. Kurtz. Is serving with The case of Wells versus Aiken Adrian, state secondary, $220 000 This money must be raised by H. J. Gahan, route 2, Nyssa, is The members instructed the sec and Adrian spurs (3) state secon fees charged for the use of the arm, and all the other wounded an infantry unit on Okinawa. was scheduled for trial Wednes expected home Saturday for a day. The case of Merrill versus the retary to write to Oregon’s rep dary, $75,000. transported workers. In the case suffered arm Injuries. None of A party of young people met Cable's Chevrolet company and resentatives in congress asking five-day visit. Gahan, who is sta of the war prisoners, the associa them were thought to be seriously tioned with the navy at San Diego, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Catherine Bordell was scheduled them to support the project. Snake tion Is charging five per cent of hurt. After the rifle fire dropped Duf river valley communities are ask JAPANESE YOUTH left Nyssa February 16 of this Ledgerwood Friday evening to hon- for hearing today. the payroll of sponsors and eight ing that the bed capacity be In KILLED IN ITALY year to enter the service. He was j or Dale Ledgerwood, Who Is spend- per cent In the case of non-spon fey, Saunders said he asked Bailey creased to at least 500 beds. graduated in 1942 from Nyssa high ing a 30-day leave at the home of Ill Several Days— sors. With the Mexican labor, the "to give up". The man handed him With the increased number of Pvt. Roy Naemura, graduate of fee will be 25 cents per man per four .38 caliber six-shooters, the school, in which he was promin his parents. Lynn Ray has been 111 several servicemen entering 'hospitals, men the Nyssa high school, was killed day in the case of sponsors, and Weiser chief said. "They threat ent in athletics. days the past week. from this vicinity will have to go in action in Italy while fighting 50 cents per man per day when ened to kill me several times," he T Sgt. Clayton Keeler, son of According to a navy paper. The American army two labor is used by non-sponsors. The added. to Walla, Walla, Spokane or Mon- with the Holst. "Gaihan of Co. 81 leveled Mrs. A E. Mayes of route 1, Nyssa. Visit In Meridian-- Sheriff Art Cavtness of Wash Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Findllng and tana for treatment, sponsors of weeks ago. the 1320-yard run record right Oregon, was graduated last week board of directors has voted that had Pvt. Naemura, bom in Gresham, if this fee raises more money than ington county said Bailey to the ground When he toured the from the army air forces central Mrs. Stella Butler visited in Mer the new program stated, unless Nyssa ! is needed to meet expenses, a divi served two terms in the Oregon three-quarters mile In 3 minutes. 1 instructors school at Laredo army idian Sunday at the Harry Frost the capacity of the Boise facility was graduated from the is increased. high school in 1944. He was in dend will be decltred to users at state prison and one term In Mc 38.9 seconds, clipping over 12 sec- air field, Laredo, Texas, a member home. Neil island federal prison. Representatives from the lower ducted in September. 1944 and was the close of the season. onds off the old mark, set by of the AAF training command. He Officers said the men were those Snake river valley towns attended sent to Italy In January. Naemura Bryan of Co. 58 who took second I is now fully qualified to become Here From Colorado- - who Saturday were surprised this time.” Gahan gave the record an instructor at one of the nat- j Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Meier and a meeting relative to the hos was killed When his outfit, the C. E. BOYER PLACED stealing gasoline qt a Nampa ser performance in a weekly inter ion's seven aerial gunnery schools, daughter, Linda Kay, of Denver, pital proposal In Caldwell Mon 100th battalion, was spearheading vice station. Nampa Officers Ar Sgt. Keeler was prepared for Colorado are visiting at the home day night. Men representing Ny ‘the big push' on the Italian front. ON DRAFT BOARD company track and field meet on thur O'Keefe and George Jordan Memorial services were held In his Instructing duties by complet- j 0f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier and ssa were LeRoy Herrman, George Hull field. Joe Dyer, chairman of the se drove up to Investigate and one ing a comprehensive six weeks ! also at the Henry Meier home In Bear, Don Graham, Frank Mor Hunt, Idaho last week for Naemu gan and Carlos Buchner. ra, who was a son of T. Naemura, lective service board of Malheur of the men stepped from ambush Lt. Robert P. Burrelle. son of Mrs. course in the most modem meth- Apple Valley, who spent many years at Gresh county, has announced that Chelcy and held them at gunpoint. The A. L. Fletcher, has been dismissed ods of Instruction on aerial gunn (Continued on Page 2) ¡E. Boyer of Ontario has been ap Examiner Coming— am. Undergoes Operation— from the Santa Ana, California ery. pointed as a member of the board. A traveling examiner of opera-1 --------------------------- Miss Nonl Child underwent an hospital. Lt. Burrell, who is a bom Boyer succeeds Harry Salisbury, To Participate In M e e t- Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Oarren of appendix operation In Ontario Sat- tors and Chauffeurs will be In the Visits From Twin F a lls- bardier. is now stationed at Vic Tom Moore, hurdler and hlgh- city hall Wednesday, May 9 from ! Gordon Ray of Twin Falls Is who recently resigned because of torville. California, where he will route 2, Nyssa. recently received urday evening, J urn per: Bernard Shaw, mtlerj J. ' visiting with his mother, Mrs Stel ill health. 9 a. m. to 12, noon. word from their son. Arnold Gar- be an Instructor. Mr. Boyer, a Leglonatre and B. Lewis, quarter-mtler, and Glenn la Butler. ren, fireman, 1st class. Visit) in Boise— member of the OPA price panel, Weeks, pole vaulter, will go to j ■ — His letter read in part: "Easter Mrs. Herbert Esher visited In Takes Roping Plare— Pvt. Ross Grover arrived home has a son, Jeff, in the service in pate in the district track and Lynn Snodgrass of Nyssa took I Go To Payette- Friday from Camp Albert, Calif Sunday. Things were getting dull I ‘ Boise Wednesday and Thursday LaOrande Saturday to partlcl Mrs. Perry Ward and Mrs. Ber- Qermany. ornia. where he had been in train- so we went to Okinawa and paid with relatives. Her mother, Mrs. first place in the second section of Fred Koopman of Nyssa is the field meet. They will be accom ing. He will visit his father. W J. i the Japs a little call. Had a l o t 1 Emma Qulnby. returned to Nyssa calf-roplng in a Payette rodeo nard Frost were visitors in Payette panied by Coach K. E. Kevereh. third member of the board. Sunday. Thursday. Grover, and his two sisters. Miss (Continued on Page 5> |with her. Henry Wallace Succumbs Here Given Publicity Baby Tumbling From Car Killed Mrs Hillis O f Route 2 Dies Spring Concert W ill Be Given ss ¿ æ jr in z r s r i g Abiding by W age Rate Requested Three Sentenced To Penitentiary Our Hoys In T h e Service More Hospital Beds Are Asked