Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1945)
Mvim s THE NY SS A GATE CITY JOUHNAI THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1945 PAGE SIX DINNER HONORS INDUCTEES Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure gave a dinner Monday evening in honor at their son-in-law. Cassell Calla han and Harold Wilson, who lelt Tuesday lor induction in the ser vice. HERE FROM SALMON CITY Wlllord O. Peterson and family of Salmon City, Idaho were Mon day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife. YOUNG MEN ENTERTAINED LeRoy Seward, Bill Randolph. Paul Herring. Keith Hensing, El don Baker, Marvin Wilson, Don Hickey were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ran dolph Stattiopulos. WEEK-END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rlhinhart of Nevada were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehart will be in Nyssa Indefinitely, as they are looking for a place. D ir “ I awarded the purple heart medal | for wounds received in action with General MacArthur's liberation 1 forces on Luzon, Philippine ls- l lands. j The medal was presented by j Colonel John M. Caldwell. M. C., j commanding officer of the army ! general hospital in Dutch New Guinea, where Pvt. Hieter Is a patient and making rapid recovery. '*S& t e will be held In the auditorium of the Junior college next Bun- day afternoon at 4 o'clock, moun tain war time, and will be open to the ’ public. Miss Brady will play "Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven and "Waltz in D Plat" by Cliopin. yr A4 A fñ lC fk fT FOR DNORCfL Ifj tAl44O *ß.M 0H X , O W B O P " u r r m u MO6B0NP *vno4EP i • TD Af ORf&J UH6ÜÑCÍ ev«y -s - 1 U * TMfy HAP AH /WSU*etfT. BOCK CLUB MEETS The Kingman Kolony Book club met Saturday at the home of Mrs. Dennis Patch in Adrian. Mrs. M. Greeling of Parma was co-hostess with Mrs. Patch. The book "Wood- row Wilson and My Aunt Louisa" I by Elliott was reviewed by Mrs. Charles Schweizer. VJ a r cargos ON OUg PBIvMTEiy-OWMÜP /UEECW1NT imps ■SAIL AT The tone o f /‘to o /) "wp AAO//TH -------------i>A*r /y ey&ty /M ir hock / (I. F. Ashby, of Om aha, execu “T m E R.0RTOS W *M Ey7F>JSl0fJ •SERVICE *• tive vice-president of the Union A p w s e s TUflT THE V J »y T O QUIET A Pacific Railroad, has just been CLASS HONORS CALLAHAN R o o ster m t h e ak > r n i N6 is t o r jt MM *1 A Bd* SO S*WU « CANT STRETCH HIS The eiders and their wives, gave elected a director of the road. He NEC* a farewell party Monday evening is also executive vice-president f.TSSprtt* at the L.DS. church, in honor of of five other Union Pacific—op- Cassell Callahan, who left Tuesday ■ crated railroads. O n F S i m BAIL DIAMETER morning to enter the service. Mr. vOtt and tecond by Mrs. Ray Lur- FROM A Callahan was the president of the B A IL BEARIN6 COULD SUPPORT elders quorum. Games and a pro T H E VJEI6HT gram provided the diversion of the OF -4 0 0 AUTOS s. id FRflNce T O M L IN S evening. Lunch was served to 30 ................. - 5 - HA\« KXM P -TVVTT THeiR BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD !.6 0 0 .0 0 0 IB S J CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS AUME DETECTORS M ÍO persons. Mrs. Pei ry Ward entertained at u n c o v er bw u ed B&»Jcy Mrs. George Cleaver entertained Kees. the Chatter Box club at her home NYSSA WOMAN WINS CONTEST a party given for her son, Ronald, Thursday afternoon with Mrs. | Mrs. D. O, Bybee was one of the alio was 13 years old on April 18. A weiner loast was enjoyed. Guests GoodeB as co-hostess. four winners of the Boise Minute FYmrteen members answered roll Maid poem slogan contest, it was were Janice and Vernon Frost, : tended. <■811 with an April fool prank. Mrs. announced in a Statesman paper Bobby and Donna Trabert, Lola Taylor's birthday. Lester Cleaver and Mrs. Loyd recently. She will be awarded a Weeks, Jimmy Nicholson and Jean Attends Reunion— Cleaver were guests. , war stamp prize. This is the win Jensen. Keith D. Bybee, S2|c, who is I Sell Property— Mrs. Snlvely was In charge of ning poem: stationed in California, attended j Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife will DINNER GUESTS the games in which Mrs. Bertram Faith in war stamps brings liberty George Henneman and Dr. Jo a family reunion of his mother’s move to their farm this week. They and Mrs Topllff won prizes. When we keep adding more; seph Cundall were dinner guests at folks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; have sold their place on Alberta Refreshments of tuna salad, waf An Investment for the future; the Berard Frost home Monday John Stanley, in East Los Angeles. j avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Haney, ers, cookies and coffee were ser Bringing happiness galore. j Mr. Haney is one of the operators evening. ved. The next meeting will be held of the Inland Oil station. -fr- at the Loyd Adams home May 17. ENTERTAIN AT PARTY On Way To Philippines— SUNDAY 8 GUESTS - I - Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings en Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier were Mrs. D. O. Bybee received word Visiting Here— TO OIVE RECITAL tertained at two tables of bridge Sunday dinner guests at the home Miss Caroline Heldt of Long from California that her youngest Eunice Ann Brady, piano pupil Monday evening. High score was i Beach. California Is visiting her oi Mr. apd Mrs. Albert Meier. brother, Victor Steimle, was on his i brother, A. L. Heldt, and family. of Miss Witheltnlna Hoffman, will won by Mrs. A. L. Fletcher. I -» - be presented by her teacher in a HOSTS AT COUNTRY CLUB way to the Philippines. He was Miss Heldt is en route to Nebraska recital sponsored by the Boise HOSTS TO CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burningham i recently stationed at the San Fran and Wisconsin. While in the east chapter of the National Guild of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Sallee were cisco post office, and had filled a she will attend a celebration for Piano Teachers, of which Miss hosts to the Mr. and Mrs. club entertained at dinner at the Pay I two-year mission for the L D 8. her mother, who will be 90 years Hoffman is a member. The recital Thursday evening. A no-host din ette Country club Saturday evening. church. old. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dave ner was enjoyed at the Payette Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure. Mr. club preceding cards at and Mrs. Dale Garrison, Mr. and Cub Scouts Have Ilik e - Servine 5 Counties Country PURPLE HEART IS the Sallee home. Guests were Mrs. Mrs. Albert Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Den 2 and 3 of the Cub scouts F*rom the Largest Stock of I E. D. Noreott. Mrs. John Bishop Herbert Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. had a hike Saturday, leaving Nys- GIVEN B. A. HIETER Genuine and Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Frank Crookham of Caldwell. jsa at 2 o’clock and returning First prize was won by Mrs. Nor- | about 5:30. They hiked across DUTCH NEW GUINEA —Pvt. Ben ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED | Snake river to the Idaho hills and A. Hieter. Infantry, son of Mrs. 1 The engagement of Verla Mae held a weiner roast. Mrs. Lynn Esther Hieter of Nyssa, has been Bern ard Eastm an Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Snodgrass and Mrs. Bernard Frost Parts Otto Wolfe of Nyssa, to Neal Hol I are the leaders. Fourteen boys at- Orders Shipped Immediately mes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Insurance Real [state Holmes of Nyssa was announced Tuesday, April 24. The wedding Phone 6s will be held the first part of May. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho NYSSA OREGON —8— HONORED AT MEETING Mrs. Larin Goates and Mrs. t i in m in in m in in in in n i in h i n i in in in in in m in in in n i in t i in n i in in in in in in i , i m in i t m m u m i n m u m t i n John Schenk were honored at a The Multi-Viu- party given by the Stake Board min capsule for Relief society of the L. D. S. ^ ill the family. church at Weiser last Sunday. Bach received a gift book. ‘Yankee Doodle” by Ted Malone. The lad les are former members of the board. Me Cluer-Manser P u re le sl General custom work, gravel, ex cavating. 301 Third St. Ph. 08R2, 23Atfc Although the house appropria Nyssa, Oregon. tions committee in Washington WANTED TO BUY—Alarm clocks slashed budget estimates of the not running. G. E. Bertsch. 156 interior department for the fiscal Emlson St. 26A4xp I year beginning July 1 by 25 per cent, the reclamation bureau will I f o r SALE—17 jewel South Bend apparently receive more for oper watch. Gold case. G. E. Bertsch, ation of the Owyhee project than 158 Emison St. 26A2xp for the current fiscal year. The amount recommended by ESTRAYED—To my place, Vi mile the committee for the reclamation south oi Mitchell butte, one 3-year bureau is $6,000000 higher than old holstein steer, branded W bar the figure for 1944-45. but is H connected on right side. No ear $14,700,000 below the amount asked marks. Unless owner claims the for 1945-46. steer. I will sell lor leed costs. J. The Owyhee project will receive P. Dunaway. 26A3xp. $200,000. which is $11000 more than was appropriated for this district wti miim in Mini ii in hi in n r; in in in in in in in in in i for 1944-45. STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Charter Trips Aircraft Service § WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE P. 0 . Box 396 Nyssa Airport Telephone 012R1 | 111 www m n a n m niiiw m in iiiuiriirr! m m w «twin ni m m mm inn m m in in min m m in in in in m in i in I NYSSA P h o n e 108 PRO GRAM THEATRE DOUBLE FEATURE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 27-28 Frances Langford and Wally Brown in “GIRL RUSH” and Bob Mitchum and Anne Jefferys in ‘NEVADA” Mat., Sat., 2:SO Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Kvenlnfs, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, APRIL 29-30 Alan Ladd, Loretta Young, Susan Hayward and Barry Sullivan in “AND NOW TOMORROW” Alan Ladd is back again in a grand role— as the doctor who told off a proud beauty and made her like it. Spoils and Cartoon Mat.. Sun., 2:30 Adm , 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c. Including Tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, MAY 1 “ROGER TOUHY, GANGSTER” Preston Foster and Victor McLaglen in Musical, Cartoon and Haunted Harbor Adm. t5e-0r, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 2-3 Ding Crosby, Rise Stivers and Barry Fitz gerald in “GOING MY WAY” ( Touching, sensational, lovable. A picture with a lilt, a lift and a lot of laughs—and one you will long remember I^ate War News Adm. Evenings. 40c-0c, Including Tax — s— DANCE PLANNED A free dance will be held Tues day. May 1 for all members and Mends of the L. D. S. church at the high school gymnasium. The dance will be a formal May day dance and will begin at 9 o’clock. Jamison's orchestra will provide the music. Celebrate In Emmett— Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor and daughter Bobeta. spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pope at Eanmett. A pic nic was given in observance of Mr. LOCAL NEWS Dance To Be Held— ! A dance w 111 be held at Adrian Friday evening In the legion hall j by the L.D8. branch church there. All members and their Irlends are Invited to attend. Visit Elderly Man — Mr. and Mrs. and lamily spent den, where they derson's father, years old soon. Ranch-Way's suc c e s s f u l pr o t e i n balance and vitamin potency is assured by r i f id laboratory control. For rapid la w -c o s t g ro w th feed RANCH-W AY- all the way. We know the road is long and hard but we are not afraid to fight. We have what it takes to back our men on the battlefields. It takes health and energy. We have it and w e’ll keep it by drinking milk, the fine, rich, creamy kind of milk that this dairy produces. We know it’s good and that it tastes “elegant” to o ! Once you’ve tried it you’ll agree! Sold and Recommended by Nyssa Elevator * tto JORKty Shelton’s Dairy .l imili in in hi in in in min in imu in in imn in mm mnimm FOR SALE AT JAKE’S FIX1T SHOP y 1 Table model electric radio. 1 Table model batteiy radio. 1 Cabinet electric radio. 1 /2 H. P. heavy duty electric motor. 2 Gas lanterns. 3 Lawn mowers. 1 Gas camp stove. Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened QU/K-BANDS • Ready*made bandages. Plain or treated with mercu* rochrome or sulfathiazole. NYSSA PHARMACY Used Cars WE BUY WE SELL WE TRADE ANYWAY ANY TIME O. R. Anderson 1941 Buick sedanette. last week In Og visited Mr. An 1941 Pontiac coupe sedan. who will be 90 1940 De Soto sedan. 1940 Oldsmoblle sedan. 1940 Studebaker champion sedan. Large Crowd Hear Choir— 1939 Studebaker Com. sedan. An audience, overflowing the ca pacity of the Nazarene church 1938 Old-smobile coupe. here, thrilled to the music of the 1939 Buick coupe. Northwest Nazarene college a 1935 Chevrolet coach. Capella choir, last Sunday at 10 1935 Chevrolet coupe. a. m 1937 Studebaker coupe. 1936 Chevrolet town sedan. Here Prom Wyoming — Mrs. Walter Bewer arrived here 1934 Chevrolet town sedan. Friday to visit her brother. Eldon 1932 Chev. Spt.Cpe, rumble seat Blbbey. who has been Inducted In and P. U. box. to the service. Mr. Bibbey's mother. Mrs Ida Bibbey. came with her A r t Burson They plan to move to Washington Manager soon. Mr. Bibbey Is the former operator of the Inland Oil com pany service station. He will re port to Port Douglas Utah. Jesse M. Chase In Emmett Sunday— We’re On Our Way to Victory r For Strong, Vigorous Poults W HO Plena m ins FOUND—Tire, inquire Ed Corfleld. 26A2xp MORE MONEY ASKED ;F 0R OWYHEE WORK -5 - i Too Late to Cluasitv STOLEN--Hours of comfort un less your work shoes are Wol verine Shell Horsehides. See how soft and flexible they are. Learn why they cost less to wear. Get ’em from Oolden Rule store Nyssa, Ore. 26Alxc. USED CAR MARKET Mr and Mrs. Edwin C. Wertz 1 Block West of the Bank and two boys were In F.mmett Sun Phone 137 day visiting Mrs. Wertz's parents. Ontario Mr. and Mrs. John Roesbery. W o lv e rin e Shell Horsehides NO other work shoes on earth are like Wolverines for w ear-defying tough ness and for Comfort. Yet they actually cost less per month or mile of service because they last so long. Souse ’em, soak ’em, freeze ’e m ... yet every time they dry out soft and pliable. Wolverines are the only work shoes with both soles and uppers of genuine Shell Horsehide. Try on a pair. WOLVcRINE SHELL HOHSEHIDE WOHK SHOES Golden Rule Nursery Stock For Sale t ROSES: President Hoover, E. G. Hill American Beauty and 85c to «$1 FLOWER SHRUBS: A Deutzia, Spirea, Dogwood, Forsythia. Honey suckle, Hydrangea, Butterfly Bush 25c to 75c Mock Orange $1 Button Bush 35c EVERGREENS: Berkman Arborvitae, Golden Ball Arbor- yitae, Pfitzer Junipers Nandina $1.25 to $1.50 % MISCELLANEOUS: Tulip tree, 6 to 8 feet, $2.50; American Red Bud, 4 to 5 feet, $1.50; Crinum lily bulbs, 10c; Canna bulbs 10c and evergreen seedlings 10c. Silver leaf maple, 5 feet, 75c; Sugar maple, 2 to 3 feet, 25c. Lloyd W. Lewis 451 Fourth Street Evenings after 5 P. M. and Saturday afternoons s !