Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1945)
lHhj N IS S A GATE CITY JUUKMAL ADVICE IS GIVEN ON CULTIVATION TH UR SD AY, APRIL 26, 1945 j thousands who viewed the vertical flying aircraft. j It also brought a request from Our Boys JFhaUcw cultivation for weed con- Jthe owner of a large eastern Oregon trol in victory gardens is always! farm for Information as to where preferable to deep cultivation. he could purchase a helicopter. "Panning as I do some t'000 ac County Agent R. E. Brooke advis- res scattered over two counties, I ed Malheur county residents who I think this type of plane would agaln this year are helping in the answer my needs", he wrote, "Have j food production by growing a home asked and watched for this type of plane, but have never been able | garden. ■to get information on same”. Deep cultivation is almost cer- Aware of the new interest in I tain to cut off root systems of the | flying for both business and pleas- plants and Interfere with their j ure on the part of individuals, “a l l! growth. Mr. Brooke points out He ' branihes of the First National j ARMY NURSE IN CORPS ZONE INTERIOR OF HOSPITALS R A T IO : LEGEND Nurse to 15 Beds 1 DAY & DUTY y EXAM PLE: advises these shallow cultivations ' ?“ ,k no.w °,f" V new, ;inK ftn<* p!an j as often as necessary to keep the ° r P“ r' ha“ 0 air; n t t tda‘ makes garden free of weeds, and also the deal aS simple as buylng an automobile.” officers said. “T h e 1 following rains regardless of the First National bank was a pioneer 1 p esence of weeds. Weeds are most easily killed air; rait Pla" 3 and when small and If allowed to grow streamdned to meet to more than .seedling size they , £ J f * * * ° ^ compete seriously with the vege- P tf t , tables for .soil nutrients, water.' ^ °ans for 1 instruc- lignt and air. Mr. Brooke said. A ^ ^ C l f ” * “ ^ "** single cultivation will kill prac- 1 aI" u''e' ‘ • tically all weeds one inch tall, but they are difficult to control when I four or five inches tali. A sharp “scuffle’ hoe is recom The Merry Matrons club ob- mended as a convenient cultiva tion tool for scraping the surface served lts eisrhth ^niversary Wed- and killing sprouting weeds by ne-sday afternoon. April 18 at the cutting them off at the soil s u r -, Ore” on Trail schoolhpuse. Games face while they are still small werp played and refreshments were Larger weeds may have to be served The long table was att hand pulled. It is also suggested ractively decorated with yellow and white flowers and tapers. Guests that mechanical cultivators like were Mrs. Price, Mrs. Sue Mar wise be set for shallow cutting. shall, Mrs. Alta Fry. Mrs. Mary June Whitman, Mrs. Connie Chara HELICOPTER PLANE and Mrs. Ada Ulrey. DISPLAYED IN RANK The next club meeting will be ■held May 2 at the home of La- The first display of a helicop- Vinnie Smith with Virginia Rook- ter in Oregon, which took place ! stool as c6-hostess. recently in the lobby of the First I John Stansberry, ACRM. and Mrs National bank of Portland, main ^Stansberry of Tillamook visited last branch, Invoked the interest of ! week at the F. S. Byers home. Mr. 1,000-Bed Hospital 0 f NIGHT DUTY mmm m ® i t ü M i $$$$$$$ TOJA L N U.R $*' £ - 3 « Ï . , D I S T R IB U T IO N Oregon Trail AAA 2 Day Duty I Night Duty ADMINISTRATIV^ OVERHEAD On Duty Days On Emergency C a ll Nights OPERATING* ROOMS ^-„7 , i C L IN IC S 2 44444414 r veyv. . . vu . jx ; tv .-.w ««w* v. 1 Nurse to 3.6 W ards of 34 Beds m i n i .N I G H T SERVICEM EN’S D U T Y * H O S P IT A L W A R * D S — *8 • ____ _______ j ____ :_____:____________:____________________ SUBSCRIPTIONS Average 1 Nurse to 21 .3 Beds or 1.6 Nurses to 1 W ard of 34 Beds Thos"1 (’.esii.iig to renew servicemen's sub DAY DUTY H O SP ITA L WARDS 47^ +f>- J script o*is »o the Gate City Journal through fl e courtesy of the Eagles lodge are asked to ai tke their requests at the Journal office. Eagles Lodge w i" I" "i in i ' i iii i i 11 it 11 n II n::n is hi M la i m i : i i'i ti m ii in m n in m i: iii'i in mi:i n in n 11 iii i,i m u iii i| FOR W H A T IS A M AN PROFITED If he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. Mat. 16:26. Humanity continues on in its fatal error, placing the values of life on the wrong thing, placing emphasis on time and neglect ing the eternal question, stressing things of this material world while their never-dying soul is in the process of being lost. Men have been caused to ponder this most important question at the revival meeting now in progress at the “ Assembly of God Church” in Nyssa, where Evangelist H. G. Gardner of Lake Charles, Louisiana is conducting meetings every night at 8 o’clock, except Saturday. W e have been praying that you would come out some evening. Thank you. Pastor, C. L. Snider Ti'WBi re m mm h miii'imiiiiiTirimi" in n m i • n m hi mu hi itk hi r mm m rt win hi hi hi hi hi hi iii hi The present ratio of one Army nurse to fifteen beds in zone of the interior hospitols is o striking example of fire urgent need for more registered nurses to join the Army Nurse Corps. The normal setup for hospitals of this type is at least one nurse for every ten beds. To moke certain that our sick and wounded fighting men get the finest of core is the objective of the Medical Deportment of the Army. It you are on eligible registered nurse, write the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington 25. D. C ., or go to your nearest Red Cross Procurement Office for your application to join the U. S. Army Nurse Corps. Siansoerry is a nephew of Mr. Byers. Mrs. Dora Holmes, who has been convalescing at the home of her nephew, F. G. Holmes, was able 1 to return to her home in Nyssa this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes spent the week-end at the Marion Chard j home In Boise. Mrs. J. E. Bowen shopped in Weiser Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. John Stansberry and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes spent Tuesday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore o l Boise visited last week at the T. V. Olson home. OW YHEE Mrs. Charles Culbertson was hos tess to the Owyhee Community club Thursday afternoon. Five dollars was donated to the cancer drive by the club. Prize winners were Mrs. Anna Gregg, who was a guest, and Mrs. esse Gregg. Refreshments of salad, sandwiches, cake and coffee were strved by the hostess. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Jesse Gregg with Mrs. Get aid Slippy as co-hostess on the regular date in May. Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Calhoun of Payette were callers Friday at the Earl Crocker and S. D. Bigelow homes. Rev. Kriner of the Lincoln dis trict presented Rev. Harry Mc- Gimsey of Phoenix, Arizona as guest speaker after Sunday school services Sunday. The ministers and Mr. Kriners family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bige low. Bobby and Ronald Kriner were aftemon guests of Fred Kling- back. Word has been received that a daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence DeLozier of Gardena. California. She has been named Carol June. Mrs. DeLozier was formerly Mbs. Lee Culbertson of Owyhee. Mrs. Ellis Walters returned Wed nesday from a visit of several days with relatives in Boise. The eighth grade pupils of thf Owyhee school were visitors at the Adrian high school Friday. i T H E S E ; &U P 3 - Way Action WATER TABLET Prevents spread of dis ease in chick drinking water. Bowel astrin gent, fungicide. f o r DA3Y CHICKS fret! APPETIZER CALF TAPE Step* up appetite of birds off feed. Gets 'em to eat more to b etter w ithstand disease, feed Handy way to meas ure weight. Simply slip a rou nd heart girth. Free to C alf Startana customers. f f k THOMPSON & SON w w w RPil 4M-440 FOR B A B Y C HI C K S - P I G S - C A L V E S ¿U . . . and Pa»re Five week. on by the lumber company's ann Tin leaders of the 4-H clubs ouncement that unless such a road j met recently at Ux, home ol Mrs. was built, it would move its plan Eillott to make plans for the spring ing mill to Brogan. Continued from Page 1) 4-H show to be held at the high Represented at the Ironside lam Boersma stating that he is school Tuesday evening, May 22.1 meei'.ig were the communities of a prisoner of war in Germany. He Wade. Lower Bend, and Napton Vale, Jamison, Brogan, Ironside, said he was wounded, but has al districts will join the Kingman Malheur. Hereford and Unity. The most recovered and is receiving Kakniy clubs in presenting this Piirg show. I meeting was arranged by the Vale good treatment. Mr. and Mrs. John Holly. Ar chamber of commerce, and W. H. Word has been received that thur Holly, and Mias Virginia Jen Daniel, president, preslded._ Fol sen spent Saturday in Boise. lowing a spirited discussion, in Pvt. Isaac L. Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell of route Kenneth Elliott set a new county tecord in the high jump, making which little sympathy for the Ba 1, Nyssa, has been transferred a jump of six feet. | ker plan was displayed, a com to the Marianas islands from A large group of friends met mittee was chosen to acquaint the Hawaii. He said he was 3500 Saturday evening, honoring Vernon state highway commission with miles from Hawaii and 6000 miles from the United States. He met Parker, Maurice. Judd. Arnold Slip the sentiment of the people of this a friend, Melvin Pendarvls on py and Art Cartwright who left county and the adjoining Baker Oahu island In the Hawallans and Tuesday for induction into the ar county communities. also saw a former schoolmate, Rone my. Games, dancing and refresh ments were enjoyed by those pres- ‘ "We must not let them get the Meacham. idea that all of this area is ac cnt. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hight of The Dennis Patch family were quiescing in that idea (the proposed Sunday dinner guests at the Wesley project), or are in favor of it.” route 2 have i eceived word that Robert D. Lytle, Vale attorney and their son, Francis, who is In the Piercy home. former circuit judge for this dis steward's department of the mer trict. said. chant marines, lett for the Orient M ALHEUR FIGHTS Mr. Lytle pointed out that the recently. BAKER ROAD PLAN John Day highway was not yet completed and that of all the Harold Kurtz, son of Mr. and Malheur Enterprise highway projects proposed in the Mrs. Oscar Kurtz, who is station- A group numbering around 100 original highway system in this ed in the Philippines, has been persons gathered at the Ironside sta.e, the John Day highway was promoted to the rank of sergeant. Grange hall last week to discuss the only one that had not been _____ the energetic campaign that has completed since 1919. The comm- | Pfc. Plynn Carpenter of Parma been launched by the Baker Coun ittee should bring pressure on the route 2. who is serving in the in- ty chamber of commerce to per oommission to order completion fantry. ras returned from 13 mon- suade the state highway comm of this highway and urge the build- ths of duty in the European theat- ission to spend between 2 Va and 3 ing of feeder roads that are sore- er of operations on the U. S. hos- million dollars in the improvement ly needed in the areas more thickly pital ship Acaria. He is tempor- of 22 miles o f secondary highway populated than the territory now arily being treated at Stark G en- and an extension of 28 miles of in question, he said, adding that eral hospital prior to being trans- new road from Bates through the we "have been recognized by be- ferred to another army hospital Sumpter valley by way of Whit ing overlooked.' ¡for definitive treatment. ney. This route admittedly would Others who spoke were Ed Sull- _____ be built for the benefit of the Ivan, Hereford; J. O. Hardman. I Jack W. McKee, Si c, who was Oregon Lumber company to enable Unity; Neil Dawson and J. B. home on nine days leave, has re- them to get their lumber from Jones. Brogan, and Carroll Locey ported back to Norfolk, Virginia, their sawmill at Bates to their and others of Ironside. where he is a waist gunner on a planing mill at Baker if and when The committee appointed con P.B.M. mariner. the Sumpter valley narrow guage sisted of T.ytle, Jones, Dawson. railway ceases operation, an inten Floyd White of Ironside and Sull MISgt. Roy E. Osborn has writ tion already anounced by its man ivan and Hardman. ten his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale agement, which incidentally is said The women of ironside surpris Osborn, that he is now stationed in to be controlled by the controlling ed the victors by inviting them to the Marianas. His brother, T5 interests of the lumber company. a supper of sandwiches, coffee and Harold S. Osborn, is now in the The Baker campaign was brought cake, following the meeting. Philippines. CHEK-R-TON M y ^ e d m e e a u h e u u y HAS SERVED ME FAlTHFU^ BUT-I VE &WEN IT GOOD CAR • f r if n iij Adrian Miss Jean Brown left last week I for Boise and from there will go to Los Angeles to meet her fiance, j Lt. Patrick, who has been returned lrom service overseas. Mrs. James Attebery and infant daughter. Judith Ilene, returned home Friday after spending several days at the home o f her sister In Roswell. Mrs. Thelma Elliott entertained members of the senior play cast at a picnic supper Wednesday eve ning. The Wesley Piercy family were Thursday evening dinner guests at the William Toombs home. Word has been received here of the birth of a son, Walker Hin- man. Jr., to Cpl. and Mrs. Walker Edens, on April 1. Mrs. Edens is a former Adrian high school com mercial instructor. Equipment for the new com munity cannery is beginning to arrive. The M. L. Judd family were j Thursday evening dinner guests at the D. W. Patch home. Mrs Betty Korman was a Boise visitor this week. z Mrs. Baker, mother o f Mr. Looney Stephen Looney of the merchant marines and Mrs. Parks visited at the Looney home last as; / r Yes, thousands of electric ranges are serving thousands of town and farm families on the lines of Idaho Power Company. These electric serv ants have stood the test of time under most trying conditions. When the war is over, new electric ranges will be available that will bring even greater convenience, economy and performance in operation. In the mean time— give your present electric range ARE THESE PARTS OF YOUR R A N G E READY FOR THE HOT AND BUS Y B U MME R SEASON AHEAD? • Switches • Plate* • Oven Element* • Lead Wire* • Automatic Control* • Oven Rack* • Oven Baffle it note call your nerv- Iceman t oday. ALL PARTS ARE AT All.- ABLE NOW. good care. i IDAHO V POWER A CITIZEN W H E R E V E R IT S E R V E S Ar-,