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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1945)
PAGE 4 THE NYSSA GATE CITY -TOURNA 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1943 make their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Terrell and Mrs. Orlen Mainline le i senior j -nlly were guests Saturday even Christian Endeavor Sunday ing at the Orien Mainline dome. and chose "Prayer ' for her topic. | » here Dean Mainline celebrated L in c o ln H « i g h U THE PO C K ET BOOK K N O W LE D G E a • of Mrs. Levi Jodison will be next Sun- j blrthiUy. Mr. and Mrs. John Stuhler and day evening s leader. Buell Hickey | famlly wm> Sullday dlnil„ KUes:.s was chosen sponsor and Mrs. J u lelo f Mr , nd Mrs Joe WiUlt.rson| Houston a c t a n t sponsors. | and fam ily. Rev. E. J. Wilson o f Nyssa, pas- Mr and Mre MyrIe Stebbln, tor of the Church of the Nazarene | and ( arnijy 0( vale were Sunday I held services following Sunday sch- : dmer guMts ln lhe 0 r ien Hain. ool Sunday afternoon. Lne home. Mrs. Oeorge Markham accom- M r and Mrs Dlclt and panied Mrs. Geraldine Hall, the famlly o [ ^ and Mr and emergency assistant, to LaOrande ^ R A Hous^on o f Ontario were last week to attend a home econ- prlday nJglu viaUors at Juie omlc conference. She gave an acc- Houston home ount of her trip Thursday when Mrs M j Petlet s]M.nt Wednes. I the Patch and Chat club met. Mrs. dgy and Thursday In Boise v billing ' Hall will give a cooking demonstra- her slsler Mrs. Joe Carpenter Mrs. | tlon at the Jule Houston home Carpenter and M fo. H. R. Pn.slio.d May 2 ; of Longview, Washington, visited ' Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jones and at j bt, j home Monday family of Chester, Nebraska are and Tuesday of last week visiting at the home of Mrs. Jones’ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watterson brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and made a business trip to Nampa Mrs. Amos Dejmal. They plan to Monday. Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds Faithful Remembrance The last tribute to a loved one is the final opportunity to express affection. It is a time for perfect harmony. It is part o f our service to assist in the selection and notification o f pall bearers and clergymen and handle other de tails so burdensome to a sorrowing family. Nyssa Funeral Home that we don't have to fight again a few years after this war is over." Pvt. Troutner. whose wife, Vera and son, Emery, live ln Blackfoot, Idaho is a member of the glider troops. He has been ln a hospital in England since January 8. Pvt. Troutner's letter continues; “Sometimes we feel sorry for our selves, and I know that you at home once in a while think you can't stand being away from the ones you love but stop and think of the people In the countries where the war is being fought. “ I wish more people could just glance at any little town that this war has been through. You see homes tom to hell, people wander ing down roads, lost from their families, hungry, cold not knowing exactly where they're going. You can see that every building is dam A sid e from beih s the “ a rsen a i o f aged so badly that you couldn't DEMOCRACY " THE UNITED STATES, live in it. Whole farms are torn thanks to the pharmaceutical up with shell craters. It will take INDUSTRY, H A lio BECOMING TH E years to put these places back to ’PRU6 STOPE'OF THE ONlTgP NATIONS gether. where sometime it takes V». »Na__ Miss Alice Pettet spent last week only minutes, or a few horns to at the home of her brothers, Myrle, tear them to hell. Tom and Jack. “Sure soldiers go through a lot, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jackson of living in foxholes or slit trenches, Boise spent the week-end at the j seldom getting enough sleep, dirty, home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettet. tired, soared and wondering if Mrs. Pettet and Mrs. Jackson are you’re going to make it through sisters. another day. But I don't think Letha Buttles has been chosen most of us will mind living and as Girls league treasurer for the fighting like this if we can be ensuing year. sure that It won’t have to be done Mrs. Lyle Anderson has been chos all over again in a few years...I’m en as one of the hostesses to serve ÉMOU3H Ldwee« FOR A A-ROOM sure if every person at home takes at the next regular Home Econom HOUSE IS REOUIBQJ t o c r a t b a A N EW COMPRESSION o m m b e r a special interest in our govern ics club meeting. sm all . P ive for shirwes TF H A S SUCCEEPEP IN RELIEVING ment, they can make sure that it Mrs. Leslie Pennington and son, H U N P R E P S O F CASES O F SINUS won't happen again. HEAOACHF Roland, have returned to their Because if there is a next time, home here after visiting Leslie It might be our homes and fam il Pennington of the U. S. navy at ies that are torn up and separated. the Coronado training base near and Mrs. Avery Anderson, Is em - 1 SOLDIER HOPES FOR I can’t think of anything worse Ban Diego. ployed on the Fred Bailey farm, QF ^ L L W A R S happening. I ’ve had a lot of time Neighbors and friends surprised The Andersons now live In Spok to think about it here in the hos Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers at a housewarming party Saturday ev ane. Pvt. James Troutner, son of Mrs pital. I'd like to be sure that I'm coming home to a safe place to Rev. R. L. Krlner and Rev. Mc- ening. The honorees were presented Olive Robinson of Nyssa, ras writ- live, and a country that is econ with a bedspread by the guests. Gimsey of Phoenix, Arizona are ! ten to relatives from England stat- omically stable...All we can do now Sandwiches, cookies and coffee holding services ln various com i ing that “ now is the time to see s keep on fighting and hoping.” were served. munities this week. Donna Houston accompanied her Installation of officers of the P. j aunt, Mrs. Howard Lemons, to La T. A. will be held Friday evening, j Orande last week and had her April 27. Officers for the ensuing eyes examined. year will be Mrs. Jim Hawkins, The ladies club met at the home , president; Mrs. Iven Findley, vice of Matilda Pettet Thursday, April j president; Mrs. Vexn Smith, sec- , 19. Co-(ho»te.sses were Irene Watt-1 retary, and Mrs. Gregory Ross, 1 erson, Pauline Walz and Lizzie treasurer. Anderson. The Red Cross comm ittee had charge of the entertam- B ig B e n d ment. The time was spent cutting pictures for scrapbooks, which will Parents and friendg were guests be given to convalescent service nrfn In hospitals. Lunch consist at the Junior-senior "prom held at ing of sandwiches, potato chips and Adrian high school Friday evening. pickles was served. The May meet Following a banquet dancing was ing will be held at the Annie Harris enjoyed. Several friends from this vicin home. Mrs. Harris will be assist ed by Lena Whltsell, Frances M ill ity attended the farewell party er and Ida McCall. i held at Adrian Saturday evening Allan Anderson, who formerly ln honor of Iour boys leavlnK Tues‘ lived here with his parents, Mr. day to <“nler the army- Oeor*<e _____________________________________Cartwright, one of the boys, has been a life-long resident of this community. | Gerrtt Muntjewerff, who enter- I ed the army ltvst month, writes that j he Is receiving his basic training with the Rainbow division at Camp . Maxey, Texas. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leroy I Bennett entertained at a family dinner honoring Mrs. M. Hart Bak- | er. Guests were Mrs. Lynn Chaney and daughters and Leonard Carter o f Parma, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Make Your Car Fit For Longer Service | Bennett and Marlon of Roswell Now it’s more important than ever to have and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett your car in good running order. Drive in for I and children. Mrs. Hart returned to Baker a check-up today. i Tuesday after a 10-day visit with , her daughter, Mrs, L. Bennett and family. Mrs. Darrell English and Mrs. Dyre Roberts transacted business ln Ontario and Caldwell last Mon day. Bend members o f the N o Name club attended a meeting held at the home of Mr. Farnsworth ln Adrian Wednesday afternoon. The 4-H girls held a mother- daughter tea Tuesday aftem on at the home o f Mrs. Harvey Bennett. T lie girls conducted a regular meet ing. set tables and served the tea Our present system will not furnish sufficient under the supervision of their leaders. Mrs. Van de Water and water for irrigation use over the entire city Mrs. Roberts. Miss Virginia Miller and Miss area each day. Therefore, we must insist on the Mary Weir went to Boise Friday ev ening for a week-end trip. following rules, effective May 1, 1945: Mr. and Mrs. John Holly took Arthur Hotly to Boise Saturday, where he Is receiving treatment No irrigating from 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. for his eyes. M r and Mrs. Arnold Skelton No irrigating from 10 P. M. to G A. M. and children o f Boise were week end guests in the Joe Brock home. Mr. Pinkston and Mr Cortland of No irrigating north of Main street, west of Roswell spent Sunday with them. Walter and Cyrus Bishop made railroad tracks on Mondays, Wednesdays or a business trip to McCall Saturday. Mrs. F. A. Miller. Mrs. R. L. Ha Fridays. worth. Mrs. E. H. Brtunbach and Mrs. Joe Brum bach attended a No irrigating south of Main street nor any dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. D. Patch In Adrian Satur- area east o f the railroad tracks on Tuesdays, |day. Mrs. M. M. Oreeling of P ar ma was assistant hostess. Mrs. Thursdays or Saturdays. Charles Sohweizer gave an Inter- jest ing review of "Aunt Louisa and Woodrow Wilson’ by Mrs. Elliott To allow pressure during fires, turn o ff all This book Is a biography of the home life o f Wilson and his “ In water when the fire siren blows. laws". thus giving a new light on the late president's life. Mr. and Mrs. W ill Sweet and BY ORDER OF TH E COMMON CO UNCIL other members of Roswell Baptist church attended the 66th annual NYSSA, OREGON Baptist association conference held ln Payette Tuesday. Please give us your cooperation Walter Bishop and Mr and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop spent Sunday at Me Call. Springtime Is Check-up Time Townees Garage To Water Users 1945 4-H summer school at Cor vallis, to club members making the greatest improvement ln their I CH RISTM AS SEAL ' PLAN S O U TLINED The Oregon Tuberculosis assoc health during the year. Mrs T. C. McEh-oy, Sr., of Vale reported iation and Its affiliated county public health associations this week launched their 1945 Christ mas seal sale. The contracts for the Malheur County Public H ealth association was signed by President Verl Dow ers and the secretary, Mrs Charles p . Flegel, at the executive board meeting April 11 in Ontario. Mrs M. H. Galt, county seal sale chair man, gave a final report of $1754.51 as gross total of the 1944 seal sale ,n Malheur county. The 1943 sale grors total was $3881.91 for the county. A t the executive board meeting Wednesday a committee was ap pointed by President Dowers to in'estimate costs and procedure ol bringing the chest X -ray survey mobile unit to Malheur county sometime during the year. Earl Blackaby of Ontario, Henry H art ley, Nyssa, and Mrs M. H. Galt, Vale, were named on this comm ittee. The association voted to finance two scholarships to the showings o f tuberculosis film by E. M. Hauser, county club leader, to 26 4-H health clubs in the county. This film will be shown by Mr. Hauser in connection with .several other films he has secured, ¡The health cluhs are made up of | sixth, seventh and eighth grade : boys and girls. Some 800 children j in the county will view these films, i Mrs. Irene Makinson gave a report cn nutrition. Demonstrations of carried-: chool lunches have been given in several communities and Mis. Makinson has available cop ies of this demonstration for any group interested. Boating On The Owyhee-- Among the many Nyssa resi dents who enjoyed boating on the Owyhee lake Sundny were Hershal Thompson. Herb Fisher and Sher man P. Bybee. It has been re ported that soon a boat club will be organized. Fertilizer We Have a Car of Side Dressing 5-10 and 5 Also a car of SIMPLOT FERTILIZER Nyssa Elevator Phone 42 We era NOW dealers for LARR0 FEEDS FOR COWS • CALVES • HOGS • POULTRY • TURKEYS E v e r s i n c e 1912 the name Larro has meant high quality and integrity in feeds. W e are very happy to announce to farmers, dairymen, poultrymen and other users o f feed that w e now have a complete line o f these high quality products o f General Mills. Come in and talk over your feeding problems with us. W e have a supply o f free Larro liter ature prepared by the research staff o f General M ills Larro Research Farm. W e also have available for immediate delivery the fo llo w in g Larro Feeds: CHICK BUILDER C A LF PELLETS BROILER FEED CHICK SCRATCH G RAINS L A Y IN G MASH SURE-FAT C A LF M E AL D A IR Y FEED NYSSA PRODUCE One Block South o f Underpass Y