Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1945)
J I IE^ sj A^GATE CITY JOURNAL 111 o’clock A. M. and the County J Court Room In the City of Vale, | Oregon, have been appointed b> | tlie Court as the time and place | for the hearing of said account, 1 and any objections that may be filed thereto by any person inter K A T 1*^ 7 •vo ceni* p»*» «o r o * ■ * *cn iM»ue Minimum cauri in ested in said estate. Said account is tor final settlement and upon ¿avance o> JOc being approved said estate will be I closed and the administrator dis charged. ctilent soil, p; 00 per acre. A. L. Fletcher, Administrator Es t - i- t - A iX t .O U b | See Prank T. Mo.gan. loMtfc. tate of Brady O. Fowler, deceas Sale ed. I POR SALE—Small house east of 1st pub. April 19.1915. F'OR SALE--O iiver tractor, good tracks in Ward addition. $1000 Last pub. May 17, 1945. thape, new rubber, plows, full set j cash. See Prank T. Jdurgan. 25Jtic o f cultivating equipment. Leo Child, NOTICE T O CREDITORS N O TICE hereby is given to the phone 05J2. 19A2xp FOR SALE—Thompson’s Chek-R- creditors and all other persons Chix for delivery every Wednesday FO R SALE —Pive passenger Cad t.nd Saturday after March 3. Ord interested in the estate of Katie illac, radio, heater, six tires, trail- j er early to get the breed and date Farnsworth, deceased: that the un While Japs were In Guam. Mrs. dersigned has been appointed Ad er attachment $900. Terms $500 you want them. Thompson’s Ont ministrator of the estate of Katie Maria Baza Santas buried un ario hatchery. 18Jtfc derground the 12-foot American cash. Fine condition. Powell ser- J Farnsworth, deceased, and hai flag given her by Uncle Sam qualified as such. vice station. ISAtfc after it had draped the coffin of her U. S. seaman husband who All persons having claims against | died in 1938. When Marines re FO R S A L E -T h re e thousand once- i FOR R E N T — Two small farms. said estate are required to present j captured Guam, she set about to used alfalfa meal tags. 29x40 min- i ^'ood * ° u- See Frun^ T - MorBan. same with the proper voucher: | reclaim her prized possession m l duly verified within six months ol i . , ” | 19A2xc found that a Leatherneck tent imum, a0 per bale 15 cents each. | ____________ __ _ __ the date of the first publicatior covered the spot. Obliging Ma Inquire Boise Payette Lumber Co. j LO ST—Brown billfold containing o f this notice, to the undersigned rines dog up their dirt flocr and 19A3xp valuable papers. Reward. Carey at. the office o f A. L. Fletcher In restored the flag to Its owner. Above, Mrs. Santos (left) and her ____ ; Carskadon. 19A2xp Nyssa Oregon, which place is here sister, Mrs. Adela Baza Boacai- by designated as the place o f bus FO R SA LE — Modern house $5000 zue, proudly display the banner. iness in all matters connected with Below, Mrs. Santos shows how and terms. A. L. Atkeson. 19Atfc | ___________________________________ said estate. the flag had been hidden from ------------------------------------------------ FOUND--M an’s coat in Cow Hoi the Japs. ( U . S. M a r ia « Corpa Photo , ) P O R SALE— 5 H. P. motor 220 V j low hall Saturday night. Owner | March 24, 1945. Leo Farnsworth, Administra 3P and 3" centrifugal pump, both ] may have it by calling at Journal tor Estate of Katie Farnsworth. in A1 condition, $125. Trade eight j office and paying for this ad. 26- 1-3 cup milk. Casselman. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Deceased. foot, four-horse disc, a good disc | Alxc. were on their way to Council, Ida. 1st publ. March 29, 1945 1 T. melted butter. for a four-horse riding fresno. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb L,ast pub. April 26, 1945. 1 t. baking powder. miles southwest o f Nyssa, 44 mile and family have moved into the Mix together whole east o f Langton’s corner. A. D. N O TICE O P E Q U A LIZA TIO N I “ “ ---------- " bran’ Salt basement living quarters at the E. W A N TE D T O B U Y —A good piano. 19A4XC I Moses, Nyssa route 1. N O TICE HFTtEBY IS G IV E N ,; and com meal; stir in boiling wat- J. Hobson home. Holcomb will 19AtfC. Call 05-R1. •I That the Board o f directors o f Blg ’ er. Beat egg well; add milk and work for his cousin, Jim Langley FO R S A LE —Mlchael-Leonurd gar W A N TE D — Poultry and rabbits. Bend Irrigation District will meet melted butter. Combine with first this summer. den seed. Alialfa, pasture and Now paying live weight, deliver at the office of its secretary, J. E. mixture; add baking powder, stirr- Mrs. Mary Martin, who has been clover seeds, also flower and garden ed at oui’ plant: Colored hens, 26c; Holly, in Adrian, Oregon, at 8:00 | ing until blended. Pour into greas- caring for her daughter, Mrs. Mai- plants. Hcllingsworth Flardware leghorn hens, 25c; rabbits (white) O’clock P. M. Pacific Tim e on t h e , ed casserole and bake in moder on Hillis, left Wednesday for her and Implement Co. 2uA4xc. 24c; rabbits (coloredi 22c. Payette n s 111 day of May. 1945, to sit as a ate]y hot Qven (400) degrees 30-35 home in Burley, Idaho for a few FO R S A LE -- One jersey cow, fresh Produce. Phone 155. Payette, Idaho. board of Equalization for the pur- minutes. Batter bread is delicious days. this v.’esk. $100. Ouy Moore. Rt. 2. Friends o f Mr. and Mrs. Bob W A N T E D — Listings on real es pose of reriewlng and correcting ,er/td wilh grilled ham or bacon 26Alxp. Newgen gave them a wedding its assessment and apportionment I ln the p;ace o f a starchy vege- tate. We have sold everything we of taxes covering the anticipated tabie. It is to be served with a shower Monday evening in the FOP. S A IE -- One new seven-foot had listed. Bern \rd Eastman. 19tfe expenses of the District for the I J Nu-acres vicinity. spoon. M .Coi ii k Peering tandem disc. Friends gathered at the home fiscal year 1945-46. Any complaint | Fhcae 1 ,2 . 2JAlxp W ANTE D — Man for year around concerning the assessments or any of Mr. and Mr-,. J. A. Black and w. lk on farm. Good house and gave a farewell potluck dinner in F'OR SALE OR T R A D E —Qood j living condition. Married man changes desired must be entered honor of Staff Sergeant Robert _____ Work team. Ere Di ie Kinkade at only. See Jake Fischer. 15Mtlc with the secretary of the District before the date herein announced Thirteen members of the Worth- H. Dixon, who left Friday night Iniand O il ? a lion. 19A2xp. WE P A Y H IG H E ST PRICES for as the time for the sitting of said while olub met Thursday afternon for Bushnell General hospital in W ANT: ’’’ i rent "ome good live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay Board in order to receive prop er, at the home o f Ruth Warren in Brigham City. Utah. ! Nyssa. Mable Bolitho, Dorothy posture Dixie K. kad. . Box 761. ette. 12Atfc. consideration from the Board. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ohapin and N y SM, Or g. n !9A2xp The 1945 assessment ILst and ap- Hobson and Marie Bruner were vis- family went to Caldwell Friday W ANTE D —Used furniture. Highest portionment may be seen at the j itors. to attend funeral services for a F'OR f AT E—100 bu«hels ear corn write’, paid. Phone 149W, Nyssa office o f the Secretary of the Dis-1 The next meeting will be held relative, P. J. Holst, former resi Robert I itty 6 miles west Lang- Furniture Co. 12Atfc. trict. | with Stella and Betty Wilson in dent of Ainsworth, Nebraska. Peck- ton n ner. 5Atfc ham’s Funeral home was in charge Done by order o f the Board o f | May. HELP W ANTED Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wilson and with burial in the Canyonville Directors. F C : ’ SALE— Red Heart straw Ison spent Sunday in the Charles cemetery. J. E. Holly, Secretary berry plants. M is Glenn Suiter, W A N T E D —Man for steady work, irrigation experience necessary, Verle Landreth of Madras, Who Big Bend Irrigation Dist. ¡KaWim an home in Homedale. Ny e a Heights. 12A3xp I Gannon brothers have finished formerly lived here, left this week modern house, chicken coop, gar Date of first pub. April 19,1945 I several days o f leveling on the An- to enter the armed services. Mrs. Ft .1 SALE—Netted Gem potatoes. den fruit, prevailing wages. Ira R. Date of last pub. May 3, 1945. ] ton Myhr place with their carry- Landreth will make her home with 19Atfc One year from blue tag. William Ure, phone 0SR2, Nyssa. NOTICE O F F IN A L SE TTLE M EN T j all. They ¡riser -ripped the ground her mother. Mrs. William Schwei- Prutz. phone 010J2 12A3xc W A N T E D — Man to work in dairy. N O TIC E HEREBY IS GIVEN, and are now plowing with a zer of Ontario. PO R SA LE — Town property or Shelton's dairy. 19Atfc That Frank T. Morgan, Guardian Wheatland plow, Beth Douglas o f Parma spent will trade for late model oar. Leo of the person and estate of Anna | Mr. and Mrs K art Funai are Saturday night in the Ora Newgen BUTCHERING W. Chard % b F. Rookstool, Rt. Custom butchering every Mon Housh, an incompetent person, has the parents of a daughter born home. 2. Nyssa. 12A3xp Pvt. Ike Mitchell Is on Guam day and Friday. Beef, sheep and filed in the County Court of Mai- ( April 17. Leslie and Robert Ditty were island. F'OR SALE—80 acre farm. 10 miles feork. Sanitary butchering guaran heur County, his final account o f Bemie Lorensen spent the week southwest of Nyssa, fully equipped. teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must his guardianship, and that the: Boise business visitors Tuesday. Horse machinery. 5 horses, 25 jer come in Thursday or Sunday after Court has fixed the 18th day of ! Rev. and Mrs. John R. Haynes end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. sey cows, eligible to registration. noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No May, 1945, at the hour o f 11 o’- i o f Dayville spent part of Wednes- Kenneth Loresen. He has enlisted One registered bull, four heifer stock accepted on butchering day. clock A. M. as the time o f hearing I day visiting Rev. and Mrs. R. L. in the navy. One hundred and thirty-seven calves, few hogs. 2 sets of new i One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta any objections thereto. guests signed the goodwill token All persons interested in said 29Mtfc harness, household furnishings, el avenue. Jake Fischer. BILL at the dance given Saturday night matter are notified to file any ob ectric range, w a,icing machine, by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen. jections that they may have, in Legal Advertisement water softener, electric separator, Auctioneer Those attending the party at the writing on or before said time and milking machine and 30 tons of Arnold Slippy home in Owyhee hay. Posies ion may be had im N O TICE OF F IN A L SE TTLE M EN T same will be heard. Said account Phone 11GJ Nyssa | attended the dance later in the Notice hereby is given that A. is for final settlement, and upon mediately. except for 22 acres that i evening at the hall. is rented for row crop. $15,000. $10.-j L - Fletcher, administrator of the being approved and settled, said Mr. and Mrs. George Yasumura 500 cash, balance long terms. 29M- ! of BradV ° - Fowler’ dece“ ‘ guardianship will be closed and lfc ed, has filed in the County Court said guardian discharged. and children left Sunday by auto- of Malheur County, Oregon, his mobole for Berlin, Maryland to Frank T. Morgan, Guardian o f A. L. Atkeson first and final account of his ad 1 make their home. the person and estate o f Anna FOR SALE— Fifty acres west of ministration. and that the 18th James Bruner and Miss Naomi Housh. Nyssa city lln-.h) Two houses, ex day of May, 1945 at the hour of 1st pub. April 19.1945. Taylor, students at Northwest Naz- .irene college, spent the week-end Last pub. May 17, 1945. at the E. J. Hobson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen spent Monday night in the home o f her father, Cecil Riddles, ln Nu-Acres. By Leona Anderson Donna Mae Parker o f Cow hol Idaho Power Co. low is staying with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lor- Eat Like The Southerners ensen. Whether you're north or whether Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Landreth you're south of the Mason-Dixon of Madras drove to Nyssa the first line matters not a whit if you're of the week and were overnight a smart housewife and vary your guests Wednesday of her brother, Auto Repairing menu. Steal a leaf from the book ] Grover Cooper and Mrs. Cooper. of old southern customs and treat j They left Thursday morning by Electric W elding your family to a taste of spoon O PTO M ETRISTS train for Calloway, Nebraska to DENTISTS bread, (or batter bread—either visit Mrs. Landreth’s sister, who name will do.) Lathe Work Parts is very Ml. Mr. Landreth will go -See Me Fall and 9 « Hetzer' -I. R CU ND ALE Serve it with pork or ham and on to Savannah, Missouri lor a At omit a starchy vegetable. Then— i two-weeks treatment at the sana Dentist serve it with a spoon. torium. Phone 56-J Spoon or Batter Bread The Ridder and Wagoner fam Sarazln Clinic 44 cup whole bran. ilies o f Caldwell were Wednesday NYSSA OREGON 1 t. salt. | evening dinner guests of Mr. and 3-4 cup corn meal. Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson. JEWELRY StORES EYE SIG H T SPECIALIST Nyssa, Oregon 144 cups boiling water. Mr. and Mrs. John R effett re O N TA R IO OREOON 1 egg. ceived word that their son, Jack R effett had been sent to a base p h y s ic ia n s ' ~ hospital. T h e concrete was poured Sat Union Pacific Tim e Inspector L. A. Moulding, M.D. urday for the basement o f the JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS Physician and Surgeon Jim Langley house. W ATCHES Phone *7 John Grotveitt has rented some Main Street at Second land to the Rataezyk brothers. Hours; to to 12 and I to 5 Dally- Except Sunday Pry Building FOR TO M O R R O W Classified PALE THREE THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1945 Flag Recovered on Guam Advertising For For Rent Found WANTED Veterans Information By J. F. M orfitt Do you know or have you noticed: That the boys aie sttil able to step c.'f a wlexed caddence. as was evidenced when they marched from he hall to the - Ontario school buildings to attend the memorial in honor of our late presdent. The only thing Comrade Boyer was always making a half-step for what reason we do not know. That Albert Codr has received notice to report to the veterans facility in Boise for pension examination May 1. (Best of wishes Albert) That Comrade Joe Dyer at the bank is getting better acquainted daily with the O. I. bill on loans and we hope to at least know what it is all about by the time the war is over or even maybe by V-E day. That the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Disabled American Veterans ex tend a sincere invitation to all returning veterans to meet with them at their regular meetings in the cities oi Malheur county. Q. Does the beneficiary o i a war rick insurance of the G. I. Joe of world war No. 2 have any options as to how the insurance is to be paid? Can it be received in a lump sum? Ans. This cannot be paid in lump sum. Option No. 1. Payment in 240 equal monthly installments at the rate of $5.51 per month per $1000. Option No. 2. In a refund life income in monthly installments payable for such period certain as may be required in order that the sum of the installments certain, Including the last installment of such reduced amount as may be necessary, shall equal the lace value of the contract, less any in debtedness with such payments to continue throughout his life time. Q. Is there any pension for the widow of a veteran of world war No. 1 although he was not in jured and was not drawing com- pensation when the veteran died. Ans. Yes there 1s a pension for such widow, provided she has not tem-Tried and does not nave a j yearly m ome of more than $1000. j Q. Can a veteran’s compensa tion check or allowance under the 1 direction of a veterans adminis tration be forwarded by the postal authorities or designated persons by the payee. | Ans. No these checks cannot be 1 forwarded in this manner and the instructions are that persons chan g in g or contemplating a change ln address should notify the vet erans administration immediately o f any change o f address so that the checks then may reach the payeee at such new address. Thanks for the questions and I hope these answers are clear to all but if not do not hesitate to shoot them back and we will en deavor to iron them out. Kingman Kolony Mrs. Einore Brewer and dau ghter and Mrs. Ballentine of Owy hee were Sunday evening callers at the Hugh McConnell home. Mrs. Sam Shaw and son were guests at the McConnell home sev eral days last week. Miss Ida Mary Prouty was a Wednesday evening dinner guest at the Lane home. T-Sgt. Wayne Piercy is visiting at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Piercy. He has been stationed at Pueblo, Colorado. Mrs. Hugh McConnell was in Ontario Friday on business. Word has been received from Corporal Morris Deffenbaugh that he is in a hospital somewhere in Europe. The Home Economics club met at the home of Mrs. Lynn Hurst. Nine members and one visitor were present. Mrs. Lynn Hurst has been sol iciting in the cancer drive this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Piercy and family were Thursday evening din ner guests in the William Toomb home. Sunset Valley \ WANTED Man or woman, 30 to 50, well acquainted in vicinity of Nyssa for a selling job which will last a lifetime and produce both satisfactory current profit and guarantee a retirement in come. Applicant must have high school or col lege training and a successful record in current business and be willing to accept training in new duties. Reply in own handwriting, detail ing educational training and business exper ience. All replies entirely confidential. W rite P.O. Box Q . Nyssa,Oregon LANE \ Professional And Business Directory Victory Food Hints DR. J. A. McFALL E. W . Pruyn PAULUS JEWELRY STORE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREOON GEORGE JACKSON M ODERN W A TC H D E P A IR IN O State Licensed Watchmaker O N TA R IO . OREGON 3 >4 blocks N. of City Hall Protect Your Dreams ~ S A R A Z IN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Buena Vista With adequate insurance for today. General practice of medicine X-ray Physiotherapy SHOE SHOPS Abbott’» Sho« Shop AH kinds of shoe and harness repairing. Across frotr post office. Bring Your Insurance Problems to Frank T. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephens are building a modern seven-room brick house. MV. and Mrs. C. C. W yckoff of Baker called at the Ray G riffith home Monday. They were here to attend the wedding of their son. Burl, and Miss Aloha Maw, Mr and Mrs. Leslie T op liff went to their ranch at Ola. Idaho Tues day. Mrs. Lester Cieaver and Truman were ln Ontario Friday. DON’T FORGET The 2 0 Per cent O ff ON ALL Living Room Suites TH E B ALAN C E OF THIS M ONTH Also 10 per cent off Bedroom Suites Just arrived, 20 dining room chairs and club chairs W e also have a beautiful china closet Nordale Furniture Store Something New Has Been Added W e can now give you expert blacksmith service. Bill Doolin, a very fine blacksmith has been employed to work ir. our shop. Bring your problems to us. welding and blacksmithing Bartron’s Welding and Repair Shop Just south of the Dessert Seed Co. plant NYSSA, OREGON