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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JQURNA1 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1943 PAGE 2 1)11 RCt), Billy Elleby, Berle Draper, K en neth Draper, Ray Benedict, Jay Bunn and Cassell Callahan. This brings the total to 89. Mrs. Bair received another letter from Jesse ah. Visits From Texas-- L. Gale. E.M. ljc. who is In the KI.AS8 V POWELL - • • C dU r and Pebllsbrr Sgt. Retha Marsh of Kelly field, Pacific. He said he missed the Texas was an overnight guest at ***** From Portland— i' ~~~ lh„ h ™ ,,r w r a, H “ David Holman of Portland was Mutual meetings and will be glad to SU BSCRIPTION KATES AD VE R TISIN G K A I ES uie home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred . _ __ , i , .. . . .. a week-end yuest of Mr. and Mrs. return home. He thanked the class Schilling Wednesday. The party Lloyd IJovd L e^ Mr Holman Holman Is a One Year......................... $2 30 Open rate, per Inch_____ Jbc B A P T IS T CHUBCH ADRIAN FREE M ETHODIST Lewis. Mr. for taking such an Interest In 8 lx Months............ ..... 41.36 National, per Inch... » ....... 35c CHURCH '.motored to Vale to visit Mrs. Joe brother of Mrs. Lewis. Second Street writing to the service men. Single Copies.......... ....... OS Classilieds. per w ord____ 2c Adrian. Oregon ■ E. T. Larson. Missionary Paste- | Recla. Sgt. Marsh, a librarian In Rev. P. H. Reiman, Pastor iS trktly tn Advance) M inimum.........30c ! the WAC, has returned to Kelly Go To XunP '” Sunday D in n er- Sunday school. 10 a. m. Mrs. Kyle Sunday school, 10 a. m. fi.ui . Mrs. Roy Darnes, Bishop and Mrs. Arvel Child and I field after spending her furlough Morning worship. 11 a. m. Morning message. 11 a. m. | . - Waite and Mrs. Louise Wernlck family were Sunday dinner guesu ^here. iwere visitors In Nampa Friday. Published every Thursday at Nysaa. Malheur County, Oregon Young people's meeting. 7 p. m. B. Y. P. U. at 7:15 p. m. at the Leo Child home. Entered at the iiostolUce at Nyssa, Oregon (or transmission Mrs. Reiman leader. Sunday evening preaching ser- I ----------------------- through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under Evening service 8 p. tn. vice at 7 45 A series of seven N yssa- Return From V is it- 111 Several Days— 1 ---- Mr. ------- and -------------------------- Mrs. Bill Doolin ---- and , Miss Genevieve and Wednesday prayer meeting in . ---- ... McCullough — _ the act of March 3. 1878 Miss Lorraine Fischer has been the Ed Nelson home in Ridge- m*“ * * aB covering the Doox oi ttev- fam ily have moved Nyssa from Mlss Kathleen Lowe returned Mon- confined to her bed several days v.ew at 8 p. m. ! elation will be given at our Sun- Cedar City, Utah. Mr. Doolin will day of last week from Salem after by Illness. I The regular monthly Malheur day evening service. You are wel- be employed at Bartron’s Welding a week’s visit with Angela Herr- GERM ANS NO T R E PE N TA N T , County Holiness association meet- come to attend all our services and Repair shop. man. who Is attending Willamette Grandmother Here— ing will be held in this church and especially do we urge you to university. As American and British aimies penetrate Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stattio- Tuesday, May 1. There will be hear these lectures on the last Visit In Boise— pulos are enjoying a visit from deeper into Germany they find that the Ger services at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. book of the Bible, Revelation. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear Attend Convention— their grandmother, Mrs. Lena were Boise visitors Saturday. man people are not at all repentant o f the deeds m. with a basket lunch at noon. ------- A. L. Heldt attended the third Creech o f Nampa. Our speaker for both services will T R IN IT Y LUTHERAN district conference of the Idaho of the nazis and absolutely refuse to accept Leaves for California— be Rev. H. S. Hester of California. | Parma. Idaho American Legion at Wetser Sat- Goes To Eugene— any responsibility for the war. Come spend the whole day In | Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor Mrs. Don Graham left Monday urday. Mrs. Frank Morgan left Monday for San Diego. California, where ----------------------- Christian fellowship. Everyone wel- Service: 10 a.m. The lower classes of Germany maintain that for Eugene. Oregon to visit her i Church School: 11 a.m. she will visit for month with her Goes To Nebraska— they had nothing to do with starting the war father, W. W. Calkins. son-ln-ilaw and daughter, Mr. and Everett Heldt left Thursday for CHURCH OF THE NA7.ARENB and the higher classes criticize the nazis for THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED Mrs. Frank Lawrence. Standford, Nebraska to visit rela- E. J Wilson. Pastor. PR ESB YTE R IAN CHURCH -------------------------------------' tives. losing the war. Both classes seem to dislike 10 a. m.. Sunday school. Goes T o Klamath Falls-- j ___________ ■ Kingman Memorial the treatment they receive at the hands o f the 11 a. m., worship and sermon. Mrs. Pearl Kulsor left Thurs- Boy Scouts M e e t- J. C. Nevln. Paster. invader and believe that the war and German 7 p. m.. pre-prayer service. 10 a. m„ Bible school. Know the day for Klam ath Falls, where she Boy Scout troop 58 held a weln- 7:15 p. m., N. Y. P. intermed- wlll visit her sister. er roast and meeting a t Bishop A r- Hook and Know God. were inevitable. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser j iates and junior services. -------------------------------------, vel Child’s farm Tuesday night O f course, he individual German, like you 8 p. m., evangelistic service. Goes To Prairie City— with 30 scouts and scouters in mon: "The Fire of Coals". and I, had no direct pail in the two countries Junior Missionary society meets Eddie Powell ileft last Friday for attendance. After the business during the worship hour. Come to .HE M ETHODIST C O M M U N ITY Prairie City, where he will be meeting games were played ar- being in war, but the German people are in CHURCH employed during the summer by ound a campfire, Bible school and stay for the meet directly responsible for the outbreak o f the H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. the forest service. i __________________ ing. Church school, 10 a. m. war because of their acceptance of disreputable 8 p. m„ evening worship. Song ----------------------- .Business Men Here— Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Here From Caldwell-- | Don Heller, sales manager and service with your favorite psalms leadership. Assuming, as they contend, that Fellowships, Intermediate, youth, and hymns. Discussion groups— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crookham Mr. Clark, auditor for the Inland they are not responsible for the war, but that Young People: The Negroes as Fel- young adult, meet. 7:30. of Caldwell were week-end guests o il refineries o f Spokane were in the nazis threw their country into chaos, then low Citizens; Adults: Should we Evening hymn sing, 8:30. Stor- of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher. t Nyssa last week on business. Send Missionaries to Germany ies of great hymns, the hymns we the rest o f the world, when peace comes, must Italy, and Japan alter the War? all love. Come, let’s sing them to- 1 Goes To Boise— Hammons Have Guests— see to it that hereafter the Germans have the gether. Mrs. Emma Quinby Is spending Closing thought by the pastor. Dr. and Mrs. Hooper o f Ogden, Fourth quarterly meeting, annual j a week In Boise visiting her broth- proper type of government to keep them out of Monday 7 p. m„ Boy Scout troop Utah left for their home after church meeting Dr. C. N. Donald- er-ln-law, Byron Brooks, No. 36 leaves lo r court o i honor in spending several days at the home trouble with their neighbors. son presiding, Wednesday. May 2, Caldwell. of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Hammon, That supervision must be continued over a Visitor From Payette— Wednesday, 7:45 p. m„ steward 8 p. m. Who also had as their week-end Bill Roebury of the Idaho Power 1 guest Murle Burnell of Liberty ship study and prayer service. long period of time, because the Germans have 8T. PAU L’8 EPISCOPAL company of Payette was a busi Utah, who was looking for a place. 8:30 p. m., choir practice. never been a democratic people. For centuries MISSION ness visitor In Nyssa Wednesday Friday. 10 a. m , prayer group W H EN T H E Y they have been ruled with an iron fist, either The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. meets at Hurst home. Everyone is Pageant Planned— Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 Appears in Show— D RINK welcome. by monarchies or by dictators. They really nev A committee is now working on a Holj *.ommunion and sermon each Helen Sallee of Corvallis, daugh Mother’s day pageant to be pre er had a chance to test democracy during the second .Sunday of the month. ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee, CHURCH OF C H R IS T sented at the morning session of presidency o f Von Hindenberg, because Hitler Church school at 10:30 a. m. appeared In a minstrel show given the L.DS. Sunday school. This (Christian) Women’s Guild second Wednesday by the sophomore class. George Whipple. Pastor. began to develop world ambition and gained year’s program will be entirely d if Bible school, 10 a. m. There are tf each month. ferent from that of other years. domination o f the president and the country Returns From Visit— Just six more Sunday in the con Two mothers will have charge of through his new nazi party. ASSEM BLY OF GOD Mrs. Frank Morgan has returned ; most o f It. test. C. L. Snider, pastor from Eugene, where she visited j Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com When any country has caused as much grief Sunday school. 10 a.m. her father, W. W. Calkins. munion served each Lord’s day. Stars Added To F la g - in the world and murdered as many people Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser Sermon topic: "Repentance” Mrs. Howard Bair has sewed on vice 8 p.m Returns From Visit— s Germany and the residents o f that country Evening services: 7:30 p. m. The nine more stars to the service flag Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys Mrs. A. L. Maulding has return- jn adult Bible study and the sermon the L.DS. church. Tw o are still do not feel abashed at thoughts o f the o f the evening will be delivered by in armed forces. Come, worship ed from Gresham Oregon, where ( white, representing the girls who misdeeds, then certainly many years of educa with us and pray with us for your she visited her brother, S Sgt. R. are nurses. The blue stars are for Dd. George R. Whipple, Sr., of boy and some other mother's boy. W. Lewis, who was home on fur tion is going to be necessary before the cancer Ontario. lough from the South Pacific. Ac | Every service for every age. ous condition is removed from the earth. SUNSET V A LLE Y companying Mrs. Maulding home SEE THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH were her Mother, Mrs. Roy Lewis L. D. 8. CHURCH no church service. of Gresham, and her sister, Mrs. Paster R. L. Caseelman Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood Alice Warner, who has been in meeting G. F. Kellerman of Portland, who Sunday school, 10 A.M. Thirty-seven attended Sunday the Holy Rosary hospital In On Sunday 10:30 am. Sunday school. Morning worship, 11 A.M. »111 visit In Nyssa. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Children church. 7:30 P.M. school here Sunday. Alta Jane tario for two weeks, was brought home Saturday. Evening evangelistic service, 8 Here From W ilder— meeting. Taylor o f the Junior class gave a Mr. and Mrs. Orie Friel of W ild Mrs. William Stradley of Big Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society o'clock. Cottage prayer meeting For Your flannel board lesson as the closing Bend Is visiting at the home of her | Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 8 er, Idaho were Sunday guests at meeting. exercise. Classes will be held at son. Elmer Stradley. the Luray Trabert home. First Tuesday of each montn at P.M. 10:30 next Sunday. There will be Guy Shaffer and Ethel Bullard 4 p.m. Primary for children bet Come! A hearty welcome awaits Give For D a n ce- you. ween ages of 4 and 12. Neighbors and friends as well as returned to Hermiston Monday turned to Twin Falls Friday after members o f the Sunset Valley aux- , . iliary donated food that was used refreshments 9 e r w l at ^ Sun_ after a week’s visit at the Charles spending nearly two weeks with the Harry Wood family. Bullard home. A group of neighbors and friends Lonabell Stevens of Valley View was a week-end guest of Martha gathered at the home of Cecil Rid dle Monday evening to honor Mr. Lee and Alta Jane Taylor. Ida Findley and son o f Nyssa and Mrs. Bill Riddle and Mr. and spent the week-end with Mrs. Mrs. Bob Newgen with a miscel laneous shower. Both couples were Martin Farmer and son. The Arcadia school had a welner the recipients of many nice and roast PYlday afternoon at the useful gifts. Mrs. Frank Johnson and children school house. There are only three returned Wednesday morning from more weeks o f school here. Jerry Qsbum broke his leg F ri California where they spent the day at school, but will be able to winter, continue his school work. The Arcadia Sunshine club will meet May 3 with Mrs. Anna Dail i and Mrs. G. F. Garren as hostesses. Sgt. and Mrs. Ray Porter arr ived on furlough last week to visit Chedr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Char- j The Farmerettes met Wednesday ' es Durfee. Porter was wounded of last week with Mrs. Trent Mrs last November while In action and Fry was co-hostess. A pot luck din- sPent f'lve months In a hospital, ner was served. After the regular He received the purple heart and business meeting the annual elec- bas been receiving treatment In a tlon o f officers was held. The new Palm City, California hospital. Mrs. officers are Mrs. Minnie Johnson. P o r ^ f remain here until he president: Mrs. Kathleen Hawley. u released from the hospital. Henry Durfee celebrated his 15th vice-president; Mrs. Martha Ned- balek. secretary, and Mrs. Ethel birthday last Wednesday with a party. His friends and relatives Durrlngton. treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Fry and gathered at his home, where supp family visited Wednesday evening er, consisting of sandwiches, pick Right now we can supply your future In the Ell .Ratcliff home near New les, pie, cake and punch were ser fuel needs for slab wood in unlimited quan ved. Plymouth. tities. Fuel quality was never better, so Mrs. Chester Wood. Mrs. Dwight R O N T W A IT . . , don’t take chances on a C ARD OF T H A N K S Durrlngton and Mrs. Samuels were possible later shortage! We wish to express our apprec shopping In Payette Thursday. Ask about our special carload prices. Re Mr and Mrs. Paul Butcher of iation and heartfelt thanks to our thrifty! . . . get your neighbor to go shares Notus visited at the home of Mr. many friends for their kindnesses with you on a earlot order. Convenient and Mrs Dwight Durrlngton Fri and floral offerings during our recent bereavement. credit terms are available. ORDER NOW day. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Bybee . . . and pay later! ! Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Loward Bybee t fam ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lowera King Evans' parents. Mr and Mrs. Ira 1 Ttsh o f Greenleaf. j The Red Cross ladles o f Fruit- la n.l have some special work to be \ done Thursday. May 3. All ladles ' of this community are asked to FAR M SALE | Friday. May 4. 3 horses. 16 cattle The Do-More 4-H club met Fri- poultry, farm machinery, stove and day night with Wayne Durrlngton. separator. 2 miles north and one "There’s a Yard Near ¥00” A large crowd was In attendance, mile east of Vale. Sale starts at Eight more new members enrolled, 1 p. m. V. N. McCain, owner Cols. making a total of 36 members. Frank and Bruce Brahs. aucts. W Mr. and Mrs. J. H Preston re- j W. Bralvs, clerk. I he Gate City Journal LOCAL NEWS set valley dance sponsored to raise funds with which to purchase wheel chairs for the Bushnell Gen- ; eral hospital In Brigham City. Ut j They’re Healthier OUR MILK it’s pure it’s whole it’s vitamin rich STAR DAIRY Dessert Seed Co ARCADIA Grass, Clover and Alfalfa seed This And That: G ET Y O U R Notebook Covers $0.75 Cow Hollow NU-ACRES LIGHT BROWN GENUINE LEATHER I Foli io I Brief Case $IO $4.75 ALL OF THESE CASES ARE EQUIPPED WITH ZIPPERS BOISE PAYETTE Fountain Pens $2.75 THESE ARE GUARANTEED CONKLIN PENS L U M B E R Jr&COMPANY SALE CALENDAR Handi-pen Desk Sets $5 Gate City Journal