.'S jB Ê S & t^ J g ^ iv JOURNAL 77>eNYSSA VOLUME X X X X No. 15 'NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL- 26T"T945~ GIRLS TO BE Funeral Is Held 45 HIL EXAMINED AT Laborers Begin LEAGUE ¡C DREN-S clinic INSTALLED AT TEA Are Developing m „ ^n— To Arrive For For Aurian Girl » ° Forty-five children were examin- New officers of the Girls league of the high school, elected Tuesday, In This Section ed at the crippled children’s clin- Work In Fields Funeral services for Miss Mar­ i will be ¡stalled 'at the mothers tea _____ ic held in the Women's club build- LEGION TO HOLD DISTRICT CONFAB C h p m u r o ’v i F in ns unemurgy ians The seventh district of the American Legion o f the depart­ ment of Oregon will hold a con­ ference at Adrian Wednesday, May 2 at 2 p. m. Department Com­ mander Penn Crum and several other department officers will at­ tend the meeting. A banquet will be held In the evening. All veterans are ln\ lted to attend both the af­ ternoon and evening sessions. District Vice Commander A. L. Heldt of Nyssa will have charge of the arrangements for the confer­ ence. Ontario Takes Baseball Title On Oregon Side jorie Cameron. 20-year-old Adrian girl whose body was found in an Nyssa Defeated 7 to 2 ; automobile late Sunday afternoon Bulldogs Playing Boise in Arena valley, were held in Cald­ Here Today well Wednesday afternoon with the Transported laborers who will The Ontario high school clinched L. D. S. church In charge, inter- assist in taring for and harvesting the basebadl championship on the met was in the Parma cemetery. the row crops of Malheur coun.y Oregon side of the river by drubb­ A note clutched in the girl's this year have started arriving and ing the Nyssa Bulldogs 7 to 2 on hand indicated that the intend­ more are expected soon. the Ontario field Tuesday and will One hundred and eighty-six ed to take her life. Coroner Will­ meet the Payette Pirates for the Mexicans arrived at the Ontario iam D. Tally of Canyon county, j Snake river valley pennant. C. C. C. camp Monday. The Ontar­ Although they registered eight Idaho said. The coroner expressed io camp is the only Mexican ¿amp hits off Kasahara and Kawasaki. the belief that she had been dead in the county at the present time. Nyssa pitchers, the Tigers failed sipce Saturday night. Sponsors expect 143 more Mexi­ j to S 'ore an earned run. Along cans to arrive by May 3. Miss Cameion. a graduate of the with their eight hits, the Tigers It will be necessary to find farm Adrian high school and the Boise made three errors. The Bulldogs housing for quite a number of the made only two hits, but made 11 Business college, had been em­ Mexicans. Anyone having housing ! errors. ployed as a bookkeeper and sten­ and needing men should make arr- Ontario won three games and ographer by the Simplot Dehydrat­ agements through the county ag­ R. G. Larson of Nyssa discussed lost one, Valle won two and lost The clothing relief drive spon­ ing company near Caldwell and was the Malheur County Farm Labor ent's office or the Malhew County two and Nyssa lost three and won Farm Labor Sponsoring associa­ sored in Nyssa by the schools and to have begun her vacation at the Sponsoring association and the one In conference play, so that a the Nyssa Civic club will be con­ tion. I Nyssa viotory over Ontario this The army has been asked to cluded this week. Mrs. A. L. Flet­ completion of her work Saturday. future of Malheur county agri­ week would have thrown the three ;end the war prisoners to Nyssa cher, president of the club, and After work she went to her room culture at a meeting of the Oregon I teams into a tie. lot later than May 5 and to Vale Henry Hartley, superintendent of in Caldwell, where she lived dur­ Trail Grange Tuesday night. | The Nyssa batting order was as not later than May 8. The camps the schools announced. Vocal solos weie given by Dor- follows: E. Kawasaki. If; Herren, ing the week and was believed to Mrs. J. L. Ghurch, chairman of l ^ ! a^ , CWlter ° f Uie s ^ S m d e n t * will be ready for use by the end have started for her parental home ene Bear and Melvin Melow, who 3b; Bellon, cf; Moore, lb; Rook- of this week. The sponsoring ass­ the drive said old clothing should were accompanied on the piano stool. ss; Kasahara. p; Toombs, c: Mr. Ga.e pointed out that min- Mrs- E- Cr Y ail 1 P „ tell h0i ° ‘?tarl0 ociation ls building a six-foot wire be taljen to the high school any in Adrian. by Mary Lou Schenk. lug and lumbering piovide oniy a"d Mrs. Dorothy Burgher admin- Kabata, 2b. and Root. rf. day this week. Several women will Miss Cameron was driving an C. C. Cotton discussed enforce­ atwut 30 per cent of the produc- ^trator of the county public wel- fence around the former Nyssa be there all day Saturday and automobile owned by Clifton Niel­ ment of the weed control law and labor center east of the railroad tlu.i income of the Snake river fare commission, tracks and floodlighting the area. I Sunday to receive it. Mrs. Church son of Adrian. Nislson returned to a committee was appointed to valley, whereas 70 per cent of the The association urges farmers pointed out that each family sh­ duty in the armed services March wait on the county court relative ur orne from production comes m /u • to utilize the labor at the earliest ould contribute at least two gar- 28 after a furlough in Adrian. to the weed control district. The from agriculture. l U p i l S l O V llV C possible rate, because any idle time ! ments, including children's cloth­ The point in Arena valley where legislative committee led a dis­ ■ Vy d parLr.ent is interested in . i ing. bedding and shoes. The cloth­ will cost the sponsors money and cussion on the county manager bunging new industries to this M U S I C a l 1 1 * 0 2 ^ 1 1 1 (will allow the work to pile up. ing should be clean and mended the car was found was a short J. M. Melville of Chicago, who distance off a road which is a plan of government. Reports wqre area," Mr. Gale said, but he added _____ I Spreading of the work over a longer j and have buttons. Persons unable made on the 4-H organization operates the Central Feed and Sup- that “ It is oettcr to expand an i ^ musical program will be pre- period will tend to flatten out the I to take the clothing to the school- short-cut from Wilder to Adrian. The car Was first noticed Sun­ meeting, which was held last week. 1 ply company, which handled many b.du' try a ready established than ; <;en i e new one. This area priday night at 8:15 in the gym- 145W. the Grange for the newly-formed : last year, stated while here last Arena valley when he was round­ is i >t attra ti e big industry nasjum jn observance of National Mr. Hartley said the schools ing up cattle. The motor was still dairy and garden clubs. Leona • week that the hay received from unit s fe ' .vc some of the raw Muslc weelt conducted a similar drive for Russ­ running. Kandler told Coroner Winters is leader of the garden | Nyssa is the finest hay that is mat. r.al ..a. they need in then ^ The progi'am will consist mostly ia n relief about a month ago. Talley that he knocked on the .club and Ensor Bursh ls leader 'shipped to Chicago for color, qual­ operations". 0f mUsic learned by the pupils in | “ At that time,” he said, “ we ity and protein content. window but decided the girl was i of the dairy club. F e ideivt Carlos Buchner app- classes. Members of the collected nearly a ton of clothes Mr. Melville was endeavoring to sleeping so went on with his work. Lulled , n industrial committee. coniniittee in charge are Miss I from the Nyssa community. We make arrangements to have the Later In the aftemon his small members met with Mr. Gale Kathryn wh„ i Tentative plans for establishment hope that you have discarded some Crandall, Mrs. John Nyssa mill in operation this sea­ a ter the luncheon to assist him achenki Mrs Aj K U€hn and Irshal | of a memorial to the servicemen clothing since that time or have daughter called his attention to son. He said that some remodeling the girl in the car again and Kand­ in sc. uring data on this vicinity. Davls ¡of Adrian and vicinity were out­ ¡discovered some that should have would be necessary before opera­ 1 embers of the committee are R.. j The numbers will be given as lined at a meeting held in Adrian I been given to the Russians. Please ler and W. E. Mayes of Parma tions could be started. The mill walked to the car and found that Larson A. H. Boyde’.l, Bernard fol]ows: Graj e j. our Flag, On Wednesday night. ' remember that the need is very located south of town, was operat­ the young woman was dead. The I rost, Jesse Thompson and George (he Way t0 school, and The Wind- | A public meetig Is scheduled to great. Clothes that have little or J. R. Beck, state farm labor sup­ ed for a .<-k in the office and Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. putting out the fire with the help and sixth grade chorus, The Frog before May 9. j Saipan June 15. 1944, Guam June and Mrs. I. C. Lee. I was staged Sunday afternoon at guard the prisoners. of neighbors who had been aroused. Pond. ; 22. Leyte in the Philippines Oc­ In the few cases in which pris­ I the Bybee Livestock company DAIRY CLUB IS He propped up Hull in a sitting tober 22 and Lingayen January 9. have escaped they have not position on the floor and went to Visit in Boise-- FORMED BY GRANGE He also saw action in New Guinea. ¡salesyard ’with 30 horses and rid­ oners been dangerous because they know Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schenk and the business section, jiot realizing At a recent meeting of the 4-H | While Toombs was assisting a ers participating. at the if they are captured and punished that his companion was dead. Ap- Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anderson club sponsored by the Oregon group of men in need of medical \ The rodeo was held paiently no one else knew about spent Friday and Saturday in Trail Grange a dairy club was care November 18. his ship was salesyard Instead of at the Zack only for escaping they will be plac­ Hull and his body was not found Boise as guests of Mr. and Mrs. organized with 11 members en­ ! attacked many times by Jap “sui- Walker farm, where It was sched­ ed on a bread and water diet, uled to have been held, because of but If they commit a crime they until the next morning. Hull had Malcolm Crawford, former Nyssa rolled. Icide” planes. He lived on nothing inadequate facilities at the farm. will be subject to v'elng Shot. residents. Mr. Crawford expects no relatives in this Vicinity. Edited by The following officers were el­ I but dehydrated food for six Mrs. Dimmick and Mrs. Tensen, to be called to sea by June. He ected: Ensor Bursh, president; Al­ T. CAROL BYBEE months. • mounted on their twin palominos, METHODIST YOUTH has been serving in the navy re­ vin Cleaver, vice president, and Go To Utah— | When his ship approached the THE TEN COMMANDS led the parade, which was staged cruiting station In Boise since 1943. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Beus Nan Griier, secretary. Anyone in­ Golden Gate. Toombs said many INSTITUTE IS HELD Shall we piece together you and I. were in Ogden for several days He took the guests on a tour of terested in 4-H dairy work is in. '.tough and ‘'hard-boiled” men cried on the Nyssa streets at 3 o ’clock. ¡The fragments that's been left and Gowen field. last week. vited to attend the next meeting, 1 for joy. With tears streaming from I At the stockyard the Owyhee The Payette Methodist Youth learn the why? which will be held May 3 at the i their eyes, they were not ashamed, Riding club drill team gave a fellowship was host to the surr­ Our world In which we moved "28 March 45—"Well, by this time demonstration, with Mr. and Mrs. ounding towns April 22 at the sub­ home of Nan Grider. but proud and happy to be home. | Nell Dimmick leading. After form­ From day to day you have heard all about the air district spring Institute. Toombs, a blood donor twice, Became a nightmare that may stay Invasion^)! Germany and can prob­ ing a large circle, the riders went One hundred and thirty-five In many minds and leave a said he never saw a U.S.O. show. ably guess who took the boys there. MEIER FIRST TO members of the youth fellowships The Nyssa man. who received a Shattered wreck Save all the pictures and articles SOLO IN AIRPLANE of Ontario. Frultland, Emmett. By hanging to the past just about it. If you can. Try to get A1 Meier 1s the first Nyssa man “diploma" for being a "trusty shell­ Weiser, New Plymouth, Payette and Looking back. the life magazine." to solo in an airplane at the Ny­ back". said Japanese cigarettes are Nyssa met at 3 p. m. Sunday af­ 2 April 45—“I've seen gay Parie. ssa airport. He soloed after eight made of "trash and burn four ternoon for registration at the Or shall we with new vision build That is one beautiful city. Much hours of instruction given by times as fart as American cigar­ church. . . . Aright, more beautiful than London, be­ Ralph Winebrenner, local aviator ettes”. The theme of the institute was Homes and our world that cause it has been built on human and manager of the Nyssa airport. "V-day for Christian Youth” . This Tumbled overnight? blood when you stop to think how Several women have signed up JURORS CALLED theme was carried out in the class­ In thts onslaught, some see things were done in the old mon­ for flying instruction. m . FOR APRIL TERM es and worship programs. No rhyme or reason. archy days. Saw most of the sights. Mr. Winebrenner flew Ralph The classes held were "V-day in But nothing ever happens without Am now missing one-half shoe Crane of the Inland OH company Jurors, called for the April term Our Spiritual Lives,” led by Rev. Cause leather, two good feet, one pint of Ontario on a charter trip to H. J. Gemhardt: V-day in World Pain and wars come from broken knee grease and a good many Spokane Friday afternoon. Crane of the Malheur county circuit 'Brotherhood.” conducted by Rev. Laws. francs. Enjoyed myself though. returned home Saturday after­ court, have been instructed to re­ L. B. Bailey; “ V-day In Our Home Moses gave us ten commands to Captain Peter D. Mitchell, son Took some pictures I hope turn noon. The flying time was three port at the courthouse at Vale Towns.” by Rev. J. D. Crawford, SPEECH GROUPS Keep of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell out okey. April 30. hours each way. and ’’Victorious Recreation" led But they were bundled up and The jurors are Walter Alford. WILL BE HONORED of Nyssa has completed 32 months 30 March 45—"Dgd. was flying over Winebrenner has moved his fam­ by Rev. Mark Lloyd. Alice W. Holmes. Mattie More­ Tossed Into a heap. of foreign service with the army. some of the old world war 1 batt­ ily to the airport. At 6:30 a special vesper prayer Now folks weep for sons who land, and Virginia Rookstool, Ny­ A banquet In honor of the speech lefields around Reims. Was that T ---------------------- Captain Mitchell is an armament service for the San Francisco sec­ ssa; M. J. Blackburn. Jamison; glasses of Adrian and Nyssa high Never come cack; place beat up? Some of it is now officer asigned to a veteran fight­ farmed but the clay still marks JUNIOR-SENIOR PROM William T. Butler, Tom Ennor. schools will be held in the home urity conference was held with all Stare at plastic arms and legs, Maude Kline. Donald M. McKen­ economics room of the Nyssa high of the different groups offering a Alas, alack,- er-bomber group of the 12th air trench line. Most o f it is just IS HELD AT ADRIAN special number, a scripture and a Shall we build again this same zie. Rowena Lantemman and Lill­ school building Friday night. force's 22nd tactical air command deserted, barren land now. This Members of the junior class of i a n C. Nicholson. Ontario; Frad Old structure- During the latter part of the prayer. lending close support to the allied war is harder on the towns than Rev. Cecil Hannan. Payette pas­ Or, shall we read again- the Adrian high school entertained ,Cammann. Brogan; L. P. Chas­ school term, the Adrian speech ground forces in northern Italy. land.” And follow Moses with his ten members of the senior class, facul­ tain, Edith Knott and John Tur- classes and the Nyssa discussion tor, gave the evening sermon. Overseas since July. 1942. the The next institute will be held Commands? H. L. (Larry) Fisher, coxswain ty and school board at a dinner |ner. Harper; O. F. Douglas, route group have held round table dis­ captain has participated in the at Payette lakes from July 2 to 9. If thLs we do, we can become like Egyptian-Ubyan. Tunisian. Sicil­ In the United States navy, has j and dance. The dinner was served 11, Nyssa; Andrew Greeley. Rock­ cussions and have presented pro­ Him ian, Italian and French campaigns. been sent back to Oakknoll naval .at card tables by members of the ville: Elizabeth Groot. H. E. Noah. grams at meetings of clubs and Appointed Agent— Who walked our way and told us He Ls authorized to wear the war hospital in Oakland. California. j sophomore home economics class, Claude Page, Franklin Sohroeder, other organizations. That our sin The Nyssa Produce has been ap­ A miscellaneous program will department, distinguished unit bad­ Fisher, son of Mrs. Harry Shelton j Following the dinner the guests l J. J. Stills and E. D. Wardlaw, ge as evidence of his outfit’s ach­ o f Nyssa. has been at the naval ’ danced under a canopv of blue and Ontario rural routes; Pauline Hart be presented by members of the pointed dealer for Larro feeds in Had robbed us of our Heaven here And now. j white streamers. A flower garden and Lucy Johnson, Westfall; Ella two groups at the banquet. The this vicinity. The concern will ievements since El Alamein. air station at Fallon. Nevada. I and wishing well centered the Jones. Juntura; Agnes J. Holly. program will include musical num­ handle a full line of poultry, dairy Shall we repent? Those ten laws and hog feeds, produced by Gen­ Tell us how. Ml-s Virginia Trotriner has re­ floor, which was surrounded by a Margaret McKague and Florence bers. readings and talks. .lowing are excerpts from late Mrs. C. H. Murchison Silas Summers is advisor of the eral Mills. Inc. H. C. Dwight ls s from Lt. Harold Kurtz, who ceived a card from Corporal Wlll- 1 white picket fence. Music was fur­ i Kingman Otis, Adrian, and Fred local manager. Ogden, Utah Nys group. nished by an Ontario orchestra. ¡A. Welt*, route 3. Weiser. < Continued on Page 5) ztioned in France: Idaho Power Co. Man Is >" Ontario Wednesday. ,, , . . , . • , [ Five of the youngsters were from M a k i n g 1 n (1 Ill'll l a l Arock and one from Jordan Valley S u rvey and the others were from the -------- 1 northern part of the county. Ralph Gale, sales manager of the Dr. Laurence Noall, orthopedic Idaho Power company, who has physician of Portland, was the been interested in the development1 examining physician. Mrs. Snook of . . , . the crippled children's division of of chemurgy for several years, told , (he Un;verslty of Oregon Metii. mam'^ers of the Nyssa chamber of j cal school, Was the physical ther- commerce Wednesday neon that apist. Mrs. Laura P. Wells, nu- •There has been a good deal of , trition specialist of the maternity development in cliemurgy during Iand ^ u d , healJ'h d' vlslon of the last few years, but it has been ; state b°ald of health, was in att- mostly in planning". i endance. Mrs. Carol Locey of Ontario and The farmer has been busy and has had practically no marketing i Mm. Weldon Wilcox of Ontario • were registrars. Mrs. Ruby Burk- problems. In the future, probably the Snake river valley will have |'llarit and Mrs Mary Ellen Smith marketing problems. At the p resen t.*'«* huraes aids to H n . Edna time I am engaged in an inUus-1 Farris, county pub ic health nurse, trial survey of the area that we Mrs Mary Gonzales was stenog- Uhe Ida no Power company) ser- iaPheJ*- „ ve. Most of cur plans involve ag- Hostesses were Mrs Claries P. i .culture either directly or indir- 1 “ and Mrs. Roderick BeUcnap. ectly. We have very little comum- Visitors were Dr^ J. J. Sarartn lng .minty and it Ls a long ways of Ny'-sa. N. O. Richards of the Mexicans Reach Ontario; Prisoners Are Coining To Nyssa Soon J to be held next Wednesday at 2 p.. m. in the gymnasium. The officers are Greta Stunz. •president: Patty Chard, vice pres­ ident; Grace Foster, secretary: Lolo Coats, treasurer; Janet Irv­ ing. reporter: Myrna Jordan, sen­ ior repre-entative, and Dorothy Eartholoma. junior representative. The girls organizations of the school will provide the entertain­ ment at the tea. The home econ- , omics class girls will give a style show featuring thn clothes they have made during the year. J Grange Presents Varied Program Clothing Needed For Europeans Nyssa Hay Best Sent To Chicago Adrian To Honor Men In Service War Prisoners Plan Discussed Toombs Unhurt In War Service Rodeo Staged By Riding Club POET'S CORNER Our Boys I n T h e Service