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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1945)
The VÜLUM ETXXX NYSSA G W N o . 14 TTYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY,APRIL 19, 1945' V |'le H?S l8î' I S S Ä N ßulldogs Lose In Malheur Co. A t a special - meeting, the board Two Conference Track Carnival of the Adrian union high school IIclSCDclll Games LEG TON PLANS TO REGISTER CHILDREN The Nyssa post of the American Great Value O f Experiment Farm To County Cited JOURNAL C A LV IN M O R FITT KILLED IN A C TIO N Good Relations With So.America Urged By Ortega Calvin M orfitt of Nyssa was killed In action in the South Pac ific area March 21, according to ______ approved the plans for the install- Moore, Nyssa, High Point ation of a community cannery. The n ntario To Play Here Ap- and 2 in order that thelr names Prominent Extension Men information received by relatives Importance of Dealings and friends. cannery will be operated under the Man; Elliot, Adrian A fter War Pointed Out ril 24 and Boise will may b c avai:able ! o * <*«ab> Talk on Feeders’ Day supervision of the state board of Morfitt, who was about 20 years | Sets Jump Record By Speaker Here Play April 26 t fral and-state a l< 1 Program vocational education. old, had been serving in the mar ___* _ I Veterans may register their Earl Cooley, state director of ines for about a year. The Vale high school won the The importance of inter-Am er After losing to Ontario and Vale j children at the office of Don M. vocational agriculture, and Harry The great benefit of the Malheur Malheur county track meet held ican relations ln the post-war per ' Weaver, assistant director of voc during the last few days, tlie Nyssa Graham or with Mrs. Nellie Pow to Malheur iod was discussed at a meeting al Ontario Wednesday afternoon | ational education, met with the high school baseball team will ell. Registration cards may also ^ [ , station „ .. . , .____ , , county, especially to the agrlcui- held in the high school building with a score of 62 points. ”° j j A « 12 10 WOrk out Plans ! meet Ontario again next Tuesday, j be obtained from Arthur Rouse,! tural jnterests was emphasized in Monday night by Joaquin Ortega Nyssa and Ontario tied for sec- ! and details for the cannery. The April 24 in an effort to break even adjutant o f the Legion post. talks and in the display of live- i of the inter-American relations o f ond with 37 points each and Adrian cannery wil1 **' located in the in its four-game schedule on the stock during the Feeders’ day j The 1945 political campaign is fice. who pointed out that the pre . , , ... . j Smith-Hughes agriculture shops at program held at the station last placed fourth with 29 points. N y- the high sthool Oregon side of the conference. underway in the Nyssa high sch war and post-war problems are Friday. ool with the election of student the same except that they have esa missed one of its mainstays, ! Henry Reuter, newly elected ag- The Bulldogs lost to Ontario The program, opening at 11 body officers scheduled for Friday been emphasized by the war. John Gernhardt, who has joined ] rlculture instructor, will start the last Friday on the Ontario diamond o’clock, was interrupted at noon Dr. Ortega, born and educated of this week. ■the navy. ! installation of cannery equipment by a score o f 7 to 2. They lost the for lunch, which was furnished; The building Is plastered with In Fpain, is director of the school and served by the chambers o f ; inter-American affairs and The only record broken was ln | Parted* about^ June* 'lT* and 'will be I ^ game in the second lnninS The Nyssa airport across Snake commerce o f Nyssa, Ontario and . pohtical signs setting forth the of the high-jump event, which E llio t' startea about June 15 and will be when the Tigers ran in six runs slogans and in some cases the professor of Spanish at the Uni river from town has been desig Vale assisted by several 4-H home of Adrian raised from 5 feet, 8 op<ln t0 Malheur a>unty residents, versity of New Mexico at Albu inches to 6 feet. j Equipment will include an auto on errors, walks and hits. Codr, nated by the C AA as a class 1 economic girls. The lunoh, con merits of the candidates. querque. He is a former South The candidates are as follows: matic pea huller, a large mechan Ontario pitcher, struck out 12 men. sisting of “ hot dog" sandwiches, Moore of Nyssa was high point President—Greta Stunz. Udell American newspaperman. Kasahara of Nyssa registered six aPport. ical tomato juicer and meat grind- doughnuts and coffee, was served man o f the meet with 13% points. Mr. Ortega, appearing under the Poul.son, Tom Moore and Ray By- strike-outs. The designation, which came I er. to a large crowd of farmers and He won fit st place in the 120-yard auspices of the federal coordinator The Bulldogs went boom again from Seattle, will be recognized townspeople bee. and 220-yard hurdles, second in j Vice president—Melvin Melow. of inter-Ameriean affairs and the in a critical Inning When they until the permanent designation Blaine Holladay of the county the high-jump and earned a quar Bob Church, Jerry Crandall. Ellen general extension division o f the played Vale Tuesday. The score is received from the main CAA o f agent’s office, opening the pro ter point in the 880-yard relay. Oregon state system of higher ed was 8 to 5. Nyssa led the Vikings fice in Washington, D. C. Herrman and Lorraine Farr. gram. discussed various farm crops Results: Secretary— June Savage, Peggy ucation. discussed principally the in the first of the fourth by a The field is now an official air adaptable to this county. He said High hurdles— Moore, Nyssa; Is- | social and economic relations ex count of 5 to 1. In the fatal fourth port and will be listed in the air Herren and Mildred Loe. " I f you have any questions about teri, Ontario; Scott, Ontario; time I Treasurer— Twila Crawford, Ros isting between North and South frame. Vale ran in seven runs on port direotory. Operations can be 17.7. At least three companies are In three errors, four walks and a hit carried on commercially and any hybrid corn the station is the alie McDowell, Dorothy Barthol- America. place to get the information.” 100 yard dash—Schastus, Ont- terested in establishing a conden- or two. “ All I will say about the politi oma and Marie Sebum. one may land on the field and Last year the station released aiio; Pappe. Vale; Coleman, N y - sery ¡u Nyssa after the war. Inter-class rivalry chairman— cal problems," the speaker said, In the first inning Nyssa loaded t tridents may be soloed the Pioneer bean to dealers and ssa; Richer, Ontario; time 10:9. Myrna Jordan, Hlsako Kido and "is that the American nations are All of the companies have lnves- the bases on two walks and a field now people all over the county are Pole vault— Weeks, Nyssa; and tlgated this territory from the er's choice and all of the runners working together for the first time. Verla Jensen. using them in their gardens. Adrian second, third and fourth; standpoint of cattle population, scored on Herren’s triple. Herren We should Insist on having a pure FREE METH Holladay said winter barleys will height 8 feet, 6 Inches. democracy and developing a pow shipping facilities, availability of scored on an error to count the Shotput—Pappe, Johnson, Vale; feed and prospects for growth and j fourth run. possibly take the place of spring) ~ * \ t /^I7, d TYDTV'TT’ rp/”\ erful public opinion. barleys. Some interesting expert-1 L -iA iN U E itv U M I V xj I V C xl. Vale: Claves, Ontario; 37 are satisfied with the local situa- i Nyssa registered its fifth run "Latin America is Wot a social, ments were made at the station OPEN IN A D R IA N te. :, 5 inches. economic or political unit, from tlon. in the fourth, when Toombs scor with hubam clover. Peas can be I -------- M ile—Nelson. Adrian: Shaw. Ny- , The Carnation Milk company and ed. The Bulldogs had the bases our standpoint, because we o f the A huge crowd attended the sec-1 _ „ _ ssa, Anthon, Vale; Wallace, Vale: ! Amalgamated Sugar company loaded ln the fifth and sixth* inn And annual all-Malheur county j grown very successfully. They work j In observance of ’Cancer Con- United States have affected all band and girls chorus program.- lne ‘ n rotation with spring p o ta -, trol m onth’ as designated by an 5 minutes. 5'- seconds. j are interested in establishing con- ings, but failed to score. of the countries by our action in Work, with sulphur has not act of congress, Adrian wrtl assist much the same way. W e have made 4h— Pit-ick, Vale; Pappe, Vale; j Jenseries. Other concerns have The Vale battery was Kamiraha given by the four high schools been completed, but certainly sul-1 in the national $5.000,000 cam- South America an appendage of C.o< J, Vale Perry, Vale; 58:2. shown some interest in either putt- and Hammack, and Good. of the county ln Ontario Monday phur does help on hard spots, • paign to raise funds to aid in can- this country economically. We have 1 Lseus— Lewis, Nyssa; Patrick, ¡ng ¡n a creamery or condensery. The Nyssa lineup was Hartley Sight, John ,>n ’ nmora, Adrian, 105 f e e t , _________________ ^er prevention cllntcs. Some of the gotten her in a mess because we 3b. Kawasaki If. Rookstool ss, Bel- V The 154 members of the com bln-: Huolladay Kald’ The 10 inches. lon cf, Moore lb, Herren rf. Kam a- ill bands and the 77 members of pbur on be6ts *>“ not been cherolc- c lin ic wUl be located in each state encouraged her to develop her M O R FITT NAMED I.i.h -ju m p — Elliot. Adrian; hara p, Toombs c and Kabata 2b. the girls chorus rehearsed most I ed„ ^ . .. , * ‘,th specially tralned doctors 10 resources. Helping her to extricate Mi ore, Ausmon, Adrian, and Bar SERVICE OFFICER The Ontario game Tuesday will Jt the day and presented the con-I George Penrose, agricultural ag- bring effective anti-cancer weapons herself is no altruistic program. It r e ', Vale tied for third and fourth. tbe ™ Pacific system., within reach of local fa m tie r is a good business proposition. We be the last conference game on the cert in the evening. Mrs. Swan o f , ent ° J. F. M orfitt of Ontario has been Oregon side. Vale directed the glee club num- D u d ^ Sltton super- Cancer today Is Americas No. Height 6 feet. secured the strategic materials selected by veterans organizations bers. Direction of the band was -ntendent of the station said Dud'national health emergency and at Low hurdles-- Moore. Scott. Ont so Latin America helped In defeat The Bulldogs will go to Boise ario: Coleman and Zamora 26.4. as county veterans service officer Friday. April 20 and the Braves divided between the four directors.,*® W ™ * * th* * 0,r k y ° U J T ' ing our enemies more than some ^ Javelin— Good, Church. Nyssa; in Malheur county. people realize. will play a return engagement During the first number the m aj-|do'ng hf re’ Y ° u “ rtainly have been six adults die of cancer Vil meyer. Vale, and Qlaves. 142 Morfitt, who will be paid by the here April 26. of the four schools gave a belp > ° « ‘ V >ur wprk’ | Mr.- Dennis P ^ h chairman of 'W e need to have a healthy , ...r.., ___ •____ D z . R A. Besse. aasustant d ir-j the drive for the Adrian comm- feet, 10 Inches. , county, will work for the benefit America to be strong in In a Colorful performance df batorf ector of the Oregon agricultural , unity, has appointed the following ternational relations". Broad jump— Hammack. Vale; of returning veterans. twilling. The band played eight FA TH E R OF B A R B A R A experiment station, praised the]cancer drive chairmen: Mrs. W ill Schlägel. Ontario; Eagen, Vale; The new service officer, a veter In addition to colonial expan numbers and the glee club sang residents of Malheur county f o r , Gibson of the Wade district, Mrs sion, which has been practiced ln Patker, Adrian. an of world war 1, will represent SM ITH SUCCUMBS four selections. their foresight in securing the sta Annette Goulet of Newell Heights, South America, another way to ex 880-yard run— Culp Vale; Kreuger, all servicemen's organizations. Little Roberta Webster. Nyssa Funeral services for Jacob Van first, grader, was a feature of the tion. He said ’’The station is only Mrs. Harry Sipes of South Owy pand is to exercise influence thr Ontario; Hatch, Adrian; Gibbs, de Meer of Nampa, father o f Mrs. parade in her twirling costume. four years old. The people were hee, Mrs Chapin of Owyhee, Mrs. ough Joint programs with the Latin Vale. 2:12'-. Visits In East— 880-yard relay— Vale, Ontario, Ed Wild is visiting relatives in Barbara Smith o f Nyssa. were held Ttie parade was held at 4 o’clock. aggressive enough to get the state Lynn Hurst of Kingman Kolony American countries. That is the to appropriate money and the and Mrs. Bill Toombs, Mrs. Fran type of development I am sure the N v " a , Adrian. Oklahoma and Kansas and also in Nampa Tuesday in the United The Roxie theater managemPm church with Rev. gave a free movie at 5 o ’clock for county was progressive enough to ces Deffer, Mrs. Threlma Elliot Latin American countries will ap Medley relay— Adrian, Vale. On expects to visit in South Dakota Presbyterian E. D. McKune officiating. Inter llie entertainment of the music provide the land. During that four and Mrs. Howard Hatch .of Ad prove. tario. Nyssa. before returning home May 1. years improvements have been rian. ment was in Kohlerlawn ceme ians. “South America is In an econ made here, the land has been dev . . _ moment, which caused some fran The campaign will continue omic transition", Mr. Ortega said. tery. eloped for irrigation, hundreds of through the month of April. Mr. Van de Meer died April 12 “They need economic alliance witli f i l l » * I I T1 fic worlc on my part before they, _____ • What ___________________ ...............................CANCER DRIVE IS plots have been established for i ___________ _ V 7 1 O X I I lowered. could have been a (........... ] at the home of a daughter, Mrs. other countries because they are too nasty crack-up turned out for the j Nora Arnold of Portland, where * STARTED IN N YSSA testing different kinds of crops DEATH OF MARVIN small for self-sufficiency. Latin best.” i iiee had been visiting for six weeks, j -------- and testing new crops that b a d . T u n M P Q i j M PT^RTATM American countries are afraid of n t been hppn raised rr>i«»rt here. W w ant, t.n v I_JIV I x \ I i i Captain Kurtz Is the son of Mr , he had teen visiting for six weeks.! The Nyssa Business W om en's' n not We p want to ! * I I w 1V1 I k j I X (Continued on Page 5) and Mrs M. L. Kurtz of Nyssa. year. ¡club was appointed by Mrs. W ill-!p a v e the way for new and better Confirmation of the death of Oregon. He received his education ] Mr. Van de Meer was born in ] iam Thomas, chairman of the Am - crops. The farmers do not have Pvt. Marvin E. Thompson in France $170 IS RAISED in the local schools of his home 1 Holland May 25. 1866 and cam e: erlcan Cancer society for M a i- , funds or the time to do that, has been received by his wife, Mrs. FOR W H E E L CH AIRS town and completed the latter part ! to the United States in 1911. He ' lieur county, to solicit Nyssa on j ” In addition to -the crops, corr- Dona Thompson. of his education at Eastern Ore- j resided in New York until 30 years ] behalf of the campaign being wag- : als have been built and 10 varie- A t the time of his death, Pvt. The dance that was sponsored by gon College o f Education. He re ago when he moved to Idaho. ed by that society to conquer can- ties of pasture grasses have been Thompson was a light machine the Sunset auxiliary to raise mon ceived his induction call at Seatle, Besides Mrs. Smith he is sur- cer all over the United States tested and four lots of steers have gunner. His company was set up ey for wheel chairs for the Bush- been fed different rations. This ar and from there he was sent to vlved by his widow. Elizabeth; two ] from April 16 to 30. in defensive road blocks on roads nell General hospital at Brigham school on the west coast for pilot I daughters, Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. I The goal for the state of Oregon ea produces large quantities of for leading Into a town In northeast City, Utah was well supported. training. He was graduated as a j Peggy Senter of Portland; th re e ! is $65.000. The money raised will age and roughage that can be ern France. At about 8 o'clock the One hundred and seventy doll second lieutenant pilot and en- sons, Joe of Portland and John , be used to establish clinics, edu- marketed best through livestock. enemy launched a strong armoured ars was cleared, which will buy (Continued on Page 4) w ih „a.., ., x, , m„ n tered test piloting at Hill field, and James of Nampa, 10 grand- ji ate t«e public about the causes attack supported by Infantry. Dur three wheel chairs.. vveldon ippy i es, seam Ogden, Utah, where he was stat- children and two great grand- of cancer, educate doctors and to ing the ensuing action enemy small 2nd class. Is home on seven-day The chairs have already been or ioned for quite sometime. It was children. finance research to learn more Building Work Begun— leave from San Diego. Erection of the walls for W al arms and tank fire was heavy and dered. An inscription plate. "In from there that he embarked for ----------------------- | about cancer and how to conquer Pvt. Thompson was killed by ene grateful memory of the boys from ter Freeman’s new machine shop everseas, and Casablanca was his W. C. T. U. W ill M eet— | it. my small arms fire penetrating Sunset Valley. Nyssa. Oregon" will Pvt. Robert L. Fields is fighting first stop in his tour of overseas j The Nyssa W. C. T. U. will r e - 1 There will be no house-to-house building on First street near the his ohest. with the marines on Okinawa is duty. After a short stay he trav- organize at a meeting to be held solicitation in be placed on each chair. Nyssa. American underpass has been started. The His body was Identified by Iden land, according to word received eled to Italy, where he All food and supplies were con is now stat- at the Roger Tucker home on the cancer banks have been distributed sidewalls and rear wall will be tification tags and was buried on tributed toy the ladies o f the Sun by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen loned. north end of Fifth street Friday, to all business houses and each constructed of cinder blocks and September 10, 1944. ry Fields. Pvt. Fields also engaged set auxiliary. April 27 at 2 p. m. Anyone inter- resident of Nyssa is asked to con the front wall will be constructed in battle on Saipan. The Bushnell General hospital of brick. ' tribute at these business places. Pfc. Verniand E. Carlson, son ested Is invited to attend. ( ls the amputation center for this DUSTING W IL L BE if Mr. and Mrs. Verner B. Carlson A t an air depot of the AAF ser (area. of Nyssa has been awarded the DONE NEAR NYSSA vice command in Italy--A flight bronze star for meritorious ach section plays a component part in ievement and service. Pfc. Carl Johnson brothers of Parma are R E L A T IV E OF NYSSA the army air forces and its test son distinguished himself as a rad preparing to use the Nyssa airport RESIDENTS PASSES pilots are its keystone. The best io operator in enemy territory un as a base for crop-dusting opera pi.ot in this section is the honor der fire ¡to maintain contact with tions In this territory. Berd W illi urn of Welser, brother that has been bestowed on Cap The brothers will take one plane of Mrs. Parelle Klnser. and uncle his company headquarters. He also tain William Kurtz, by his ground was awarded the infantry combat and their equipment to the air of Mrs. W. E. Schireman died at crew. T o quote them: “ a great pil port and be ready for dusting op his home Monday. badge and good conduct ribbon. ot, and a swell guy to crew for.” Carlson went overseas in July, 1944. erations as soon as the crops are Mr. and Mrs. Schireman and Short, stubby Captain Kurtz ln ready. Mrs. Klnser attended the funeral, a brief interview spoke of main Sgt. Miller H. Jensen arrived which was held Wednesday. Mr. tenance as being the most impor Nursing Home Notes-- Saturday afternoon from Kingman. and Mrs. Louis Orrell of Klamath tant part o f the job that enables A daughter was born to Mrs. Falls, former Nyssa residents, also Arizona for a 15-day furlough here. a pilot to enoy 22 months of succ He was accompanied by Mrs. Jen- Paul Baker April 13. attended the funeral and were ov s a i essful flying without a crack-up. Mr. and Mrs. John 8tam are the ernight guests at the Schireman sen Jensen graduated from gunn- which the captain has attained in parents of a daughter bom April ^ I ery school March 24. Sgt. and Mrs. home. his many months of flying. 15. Jensen have been visiting Mrs. ’’When you have the best main ' ' • J Mr. and Mrs K. A. Funal are Mary Jensen. Mrs. Jensen went tenance men ln the world working the parents of a daughter born AG. IN STR U C TO R IS to Apple valley Tuesday to visit N * for you. then many worries that JHOSEN A T A D R IA N April 17 t w parents, Mr. and Mrs. John would normally fall on the should Henry Reuter of Halfway has Mrs. A. P. Anderson has entered ers o f the pilots are alleviated. And Poage. the nursing home for medical care, i been elected as Smith-Hughes ln- many untiring hours oi final check Miss Rachel Bueno was dismiss structor at Adrian for the coming Dale Ledgerwood, U. S. navy, ar ing are done away with, prior to year. ed April 17. rived Tuesday to visit his parents. actual flight. But even with care Mr. Reuter, formerly of Union, Mrs. Jesse Hale was dismissed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ledgerwood of ful and untiring work on the part has been doing cadet teaching ln April 17. Lincoln Heights. o f the ground crew, many Inci the Halfway agriculture depart dents occur that tend to make ment during the past year. Mr. Here From Utah-- Mr. and Mrs. George B. Ward this job the most Interesting In Oolden Nelbon of Ogden arrived Reuter will arrive In Adrian the flying. I recall one surprised mom of Lincoln Heights have received ln Nyssa Wednesday to visit friends first of May to assume his duties. ent that confronted me ln my word that their son. Pvt. Garland and attend to business. He was a His wife and two small daugh Ward, has gone to a rest camp months of flying. I t occurred on As the American people mourned the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President Harry dinner guest ol Mr. and Mrs. D. ters will move to Adrian later ln a landing, when my wheels on the after an attack o f typhoid fever. He Truman, right, assumed the war-time burdens of the chief executive. the summer. O. Bybee. (Continued on Page 5) landing gear stuck lo r a brief ^ n Plans to register all chil- | dren of veterans of world war 1 I SchOOl TO El6Ct 1945 Officers i Designation Is Given Airport Interest Shown In Condensery Music Festival Held In Ontario T h e Service