Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1945)
PAGE SIX mim PAG (C expío, í the V the at They cities. money troubli dergro »•here place”. Join Brltlsl Ms tv and N day t and 1 Kel and I day f me. > turloi for si the y Lar W1 P tl Íh R< th his iti th th m lei cl RECEPTION A T O Y M FOR LEON C H ILD AND BRIDE A wedding reception In honor of Leon Child, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Child, and his bride, the former Miss Wanda Christensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junius THE NYSSA CÍATE CITY JOÜfcMAÎ After the reception the newly weds, accompanied by 17 relatives, motored to the L. E. Newgen home in Sunset \ alley, where they were served supper at 8 o'clock In the evening. Mr and Mrs Newgen will make man of the club, presided at the their home at the Newgen farm meeting. In Sunset valley until late summer, —{ — j when they plan to move to tlielr C IV IC CLUB T O MEET | new home recently purchased at The next meeting of the Nyssa Madras. —I - Civic club will be held April 18 at NEIQHBORS CLUB MEETS I the parish hall. An intei esting pro- The Friendly Neighbors club, I gram is scheduled, including sev- fra i musical numbers and a talk which meets once a month, gather- by Mrs Frank Morgan on the Dum- the borne of Mrs Esther barton Ookes conference. Plants Dougherty last Thursday. After the will be exchanged and the Payette business session the women held ' membership drive will be conclud- an Easter e8S hunt, with Mrs Paul *d at the meeting. BakeI- winning the prize. Refresh- _ j_ _ j menu were served by the hostess. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1945 vation practices. commerce and the Lions club. Since farm plan meetings have Henry Hartley, who will be chair man of the meeting, said "The ex already been held in outlying com tension division tells me that Dr. munities, those operators who have Ortega is a speaker of national not yet made out a plan will need proportions. This Is an opportunity to call at the county office to do that does not come often to Ny so. ssa. We are somewhat In the back wash in matters o f this sort, due to our geographical situation. I E XPERT hope this meeting presages other opportunities o f a similar nature". LO C AL BRIDE PLA N S DEADLINE ARE ANNOUNCED Christensen o f Ontario, who were married last week In the Salt Lake temple, was given Wednesday eve- nlng _____________ in the school _____________ gymnasium. The bride and groom, with their * ~ ; ST . ' parents and relatives, stood In the * k L- ' M* reception line greeting the guests. - • ' * . * •v" SCOUTS E N T E R T A IN j — 5~ The bride's temple wedding gown The three newly-organized Cub _ , . ... . was o f wiLlte crepe back satin, with a princess style bodice, and finger dens and the Intermediate Girl |Vl ( ’ J l i n i i l t l S IS ___ „ . ___ tip sleeves, trimmed in lace. She Scouts met Monday evening at chose a flesh pink ahlffon formal the Adrian high school for a soc for the reception. Mrs. Leo Child ial evening and to entertain their / - i ? chose a 1 ight green afternoon parents. Wayne Bybee, 17-year-old son of The Cubs put on a circus and frock, and the bride’s mother wore Mr. and Mrs. B. Grant Bybee of a blue party dress. Mrs. J. E. the Boy and Girl Scout troops held Ontario, former Nyssa residents, Flinders, and Mrs. H. Olson, sis a contest in knot-tying and ban passed away Tuesday at 2 a. m. in Mrs Leon Child, the former Wanda Christensen ters o f the groom o f Ogden, are daging. Doughnuts and cocoa were the Holy Rosary hospital." was married April 4 in the L. D. S. temple here for the occasion. Misses Lor served to approximately 50 persons. The boy became 111 Saturday in Salt Lake City raine Fischer, Nannette Bybee, -§ ~ night and never regained con SU PPER GUESTS Nonl Child, and Betty Fife as- sciousness after he entered the Mr and Mrs Ralph Wlnebrenner . .. , .. . _ . sl>ted with the gifts, carrying them ON HONEYM OON , , ,, ... , hospital. He came home Saturday were supper guests o f Mr and Mrs I . . ------ » to the large g ift table, Which was night and complained of a head- Bernard Frost after the dance in charge of Mrs. R. Warren. Re j ache. He went to bed and in the freshments o f punch and wafers : Saturday night, night a doctor was called and Im were served to approximately 300 —§ — mediately diagnosed the case as JUNE PETERSON HONORED guests by Mrs. Arvilla Swensen spinal meningitis. Miss June Peterson, daughter from a table covered with lace and Besides his parents, he is sur decorated with white candles and o f M r and Mrs Glenn Peterson. vived by a brother, Howard of On spring flowers. The girls L.DB. wo. guest of honor at a birthday j Urhj ^ one Mrs Loren' sextet sang several numbers. The party given Sunday in celebra- j ... - ■■ ____ . ,,__ traditional ’Wedding March Waltz’’ tlon of her ninth birthday. Her j Mrs8 M ' Bybee of Nyssa °thretf was decorated woh with Kin® blue can- . , , „ . was given by the bride and groom cake wll<: ncles( of„ Ny* f ’ T T* "d m ™y Ogden with their parents and relatives dies. She received many lovely t “ IV #»« i In n rio n r » o and n r l rYcrHxxr« tives Rupert. Idaho Joining in, and then the entire gifts. and Salt Lake City, Utah. party dancing. Music was furnished - Ï - Graveside services will be held . by the Jamison orchestra. The Have Guest.!-- Harry Miner and George Henne- 0ntarl° ^m eterÿ at 2 p. m couple have purchased a farm with a six-room house, southwest of man were Sunday guests at the ( Nyssa and will be “ at home” to | George Sallee home. their friends in the near future. ! l o o L a t e t o (J l a s a i t y RIDDLE-NEW GEN N U P T IA L S H A P P Y E IG H T MEET FOR S A L E - Red Heart straw- berry plants. Mrs Glenn Suiter, Nyssa Heights. 12A3xp P. Bybee Friday. Mrs Dave Mitch- tage by her father, Cecil Riddle. FOR SALE—Feeder pigs. George Garrison the traveling prize. Rose son of M r and Mrs L. E. Newgen. bushes for spring planting were The Rev. H. J. Gernhardt per - j given as prizes. The club will meet formed the ceremony before an h l/o u /i £<w <yu& ü -¿¡ m l at the home of Mrs Emil Stunz altar beautifully decorated with April 20. | daffodils and snapdragons, center- j —* — ed by a large basket o f pink and white finit blossoms. D IN E A T NAM PA Mr and Mrs Sherman P. Bybee The bride, carrying a bouquet, of and family were Sunday dinner white carnations and pink roses, guests at the home of Mr and Mrs I wore a floor-length dress o f pink Mrs. Clifford Ashby, formerly Miss Elaine Lewis, Russell Jordan of Nampa. j chiffon, with pink lace bows stit- who is spending her honeymoon in California —|— ched down on bodice and skirt, CLUB E NTE R TAIN E D centered by small blue velvet ribb- F. Clowers, four miles northwest' ficlals from Walla Walla were in The M r and Mrs club met Wed- | on bows, of Nyssa. 12A2xp j Nyssa over the week-end complet- nesday evening at the George | Miss Riddle entered on the arm Mitchell home. Mrs Frank Mor- o f her father as Mrs Clifford Main ------------------------I ing a deal with the Bybee broth- NYSSA PHARMACY gan won first prize and W. R. played the wedding march. Miss UOST—Glasses in case. Reward for ers, who will operate the station Campbell won second. Preceding Helen Riddle, sLster of the bride, return to Glenn Schireman, Nyssa. j in the future. D. O., W. A., and cards, dinner was enjoyed at the was bridesmaid. She wore a floor- 12A2XC S. P. Bybee are Interested in the length dress of gray taffetta and Payette Country club. business. white chiffon. FOR SALE—Netted Gem potatoes. Th e groom was attended by How HOME EC. CLUB MEETS One year from blue tag. William To Give Scholarship— RED CEDAR Mrs. Garrett St am was hostess ard Schneider, Peutz, phone 010J2 12A3xc at the April meeting of the Oregon A reception for 40 guests was held The Nyssa Lions club voted at Trail Home Economics club. She after the wedding at the club with a luncheon Monday noon to spon RUM M AGE SALE—In small house was assisted by Mrs. Roy Holmes. M r and Mrs Alex Geokan as hosts. sor a 4-H manual training schol at Bybee auction yard Saturday, At the business meeting, possible T h e procession of cars from the arship to summer school at Cor April 14. 12Alxp projects for the coming season church to the club was led by Mr vallis. N o w A v a ila b le were discussed. The club will con Geokan on horseback. FOR SALE —Six row John Deere for any repair job or for T h e refreshment table bearing tribute to the prize to be award beet planter, A - l condition and a FORMER RESIDENT ed to Oregon T ra il’s outstanding the three-tier wedding cake at the any permitted construc new tandem disc. Phone 04R5 or OF NYSSA PASSES young Granger who will be chosen club wus decorated with daffodils tion job. No priorities re contact D. O. Bybee. 12Alxc 111 May. Mrs Roy Holmes, chair- and snapdragons. quired! Mrs A1 Gamble, former Nyssa FOR SALE — Town property or resident, died at Payette Sunday BUDGET TERMS will trade for late model car. Leo morning. She had been In poor Nothing down and pay W. Chard % B. F. Rookstool, Rt. health for several years. ments as little as $5.00 2, Nyssa. 12A3xp Mrs Gamble, who lived here for ner month. six years, left Nyssa about 15 years EGGS W A N TE D —For top prices ago. She is survived by her hus- | on eggs, poultry and cream go to band: four sons, Don of Boise, Nyssa Produce, H. C. Dwight, man Fred of Payette, Marlon of San ager. One block south of the under Diego and Al, who Is serving with 12A2xp DOUBLE F E A TU R E the marines In the South Pacific, L U M B E R ( g ) COMPANY pass. and a sister, Mrs B. O. Fowler of FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 13-14 W ANTE D -- Poultry and rabbits. Payette. Robert Lowery and Phylis Brooks in Now paying live weight, deliver Funeral services will be held F ri ed at our plant: Colored hens. 26c: day at 2 p. m. in the London Fun “DANGEROUS PASSAGE” leghorn hens, 25c; rabbits (white) eral home In Payette.' Interment Ann Miller, Joe Besser and Hal McIntyre in III 11 II Milll HI III III III |t|i|ll Mil I I I 111 III trill H HI M lil II | 24c 1 rabbits (colored) 22c. Payette will be in the New Plymouth cem “EADIE WAS A LADY” Produce. Phone 155, Payette, Idaho. etery. Mat.. Sat.. 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9o, Including Tax ills Fatal To Youth Plenty Of LAND (Continued from Page 1) food production Intentions. Since this Information Is used to help determine the nation’s probable food supply, the chairman asked that all farmers make out a farm plan, even though some may not intend to carry out any conser- LEVELIN G Phone 727W Caldwell, Idaho INLAND OIL CO. Under New Managment W e invite old customers to continue their patronage and invite new friends to call. Bert Haney and Dixie Kincaid will be in charge. Open from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. CLOSED SU ND AYS Bybee Brothers, Prop. Sherman P., W ilford A. & Dart 0 . Bybee PENICILLIN HERE This already famous drug was released for use of the general public March 15. We keep an adequate supply on hand at all times for your doctor’s needs. It is sold only on prescription. Owyhee Drug Company Shingles NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Inter-American LOCAL NEWS Meeting Planned SUNDAY & MONDAY, APRIL 15-16 E _ I Constance Moore, Bradford Taylor, Jerry Colonna and manv old-time favorite vaudeville stars in Here From Newd&le— Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd and their two sons o f Newdale, Idaho | arrived Friday lor a week’s visit with Mr. Lloyd's sister, Mrs. Leo Fife. “ATLANTIC CITY” A gay romantic musical chock full o f the good old songs that mother used to sing. This is America and Cartoon Mat., Han, 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY, APRIL 17 Nils Asher and Helen W alker in “MAN IN HALF MOON STREET” Cartoon and Chapter 1 o f Haunted Harbor Adm. 25c-9r, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL 18-19 Pvt. Don McCallister, Sgt. Edmond O ’Brien, Cpl. Don Taylor and Jeanne Crain in “WINGED VICTORY” The U. S. army air corps’ own great show. Packed with glamour, guts and gloi £ o f the men who conquer the skies. N O TE : A 2*0 hour show. Shows will start at 7 :00 and 9:30 Old Fashioned Confirmation of plans for the inter-American affairs meeting to be held in the Nyssa high school building April 16 at 8 p. m. has been received from the Oregon state system of higher education, co-sponsor of the meeting. Service Station leased — Dr. Joaquin Ortega of the office Eldon Bibbey, who has been of inter-American affairs will be operating the Inland Oil company the principal speaker. The meeting service station, expect* to be called will be Jointly sponsored by the to the army in the next week. O f- Nyssa Civic club, the chamber of Old-eountry methods did the job, but mod ern ways o f pasteuriz ing and quick delivery make for a healthier nation. GRADE A D A IR Y PRODUCTS Shelton’s Dairy I4WUM m M III HI4M HI IMI It til UIIM M NJtNHI ». Dance Friday, April 14 Sunset Hall To purchase wheel chair for disabled vet erans at Bushnell General hospital at Brigham City. Christiansen’s Orchestra EVERY S U N D A Y NIG H T T h e Id ah o W ra n g le rs W ill Play In ALEX’ PLACE IN N YSSA From 8 p. m. to 12 o’clock, midnight This popular dance band is composed o f five members ON SALE APRIL 16 100 head o f 2 and 3 year old feeder steel’s 250 head of yearling and short 2 year old feeder steel’s. 250 head o f yearling and long yearling hei- ers. 14 head o f 2 year old white faced bulls. One carload o f fat cows and heifers and the usual run of other stock. SALE E VE R Y M O N D A Y Brahs Brothers Auction Yard Telephone 3581 Vale, Oregon