THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL COLUMBIA AVENUE THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1945 Kingm an Kolony STARTER SOLUTION IS GARDEN HELPER turned to Nyssa after spending the winter at aoseph, and are now at Mrs Olen Cooper was in Ont the Collins cabins. They have pur Pvt and Mrs. Floyd Whltely ario Monday. chased a farm in the Black Can were visitors in the Kolony last Victory gardeners are likely to Mr and Mrs Melvin Jensen were yon district and wi.l move there week. Pvt Whltely is home now have more success with their to Boise visitors Monday. Their dau because of his father's severe ill matoes, cabbage, lettuce, peppers ghter. Norma, returned with them ness. He has been stationed at and other transplants if they use to spend the week-end at home. i Nursing Home Note,— Camp Walters. Texas. a “starter” or "booster” solution Mrs Loyal Fields of Boise was A son was born to Mrs Helen Ilea Kreager was a Sunday din- home for the week-end. elation will be given at our Sun Gray April 9. The boy weighed 5 when transplanting, according to AUK IAN FREE METHUD1ST I ner guest of Ardis Hurst. County Agent R. E. Brooke. day evening service. You are »el- ' ^ „ ounces. CHURCH Business visitors in Ontario Mon- ! Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hall were in :ome to attend all our services! Adrian, Oregon This “starter" solution, which in day were Mr and Mrs Dick Qroot. La Grande last week on business. and especially do we urge you te I ^lr and ^ rs B A. Adkins of Rev. P. H. Reiman, Pastor plain words is Just liquid fertilizer. Mr and Mrs Edwin Mowerson i The H.E. club met at the home hear these lectures on the last Notus, Idaho are parents of a Mrs Guy Glenn last Tuesday. and Dale w-re in Payette Thurs girl born April 6. The baby weigh- Is made by mixing one tablespoon book of the Bible, Revelation. Sunday school, 10 a. m. The next meeting will be held at of victory garden fertilizer 16-10-4) ■ ed 6 pounds. 11 ounces. day evening Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes uit Lynn Hurst home April 17 | Jack Gannon, who suffered a in one gallon of water, or use 4-12-4 TRINITY LUTHERAN Pfc. Dick Vf. Tensen arrived Mrs. J. G. Lane attended the for every a=e- fracture of the collarbone and or similar fertilizer formula. Sul Parma, Idaho Evangelistic message, 11 a. m. home Snuday morning from Sal- Pte.sbyterial conference at Ontario shoulder when he was thrown from Rrv. John E. Simon, Pastor Young people’s meeting, 7 p. m. inas California to spend his fur- last Thursday, | liis motorcycle last week, is im- phate of ammonia, nitrate of soda S e rv ic e : 10 a.m. lough with his parents, Mr and De L<’ra Hurst was a Sunday Clarence Nelson, leader. or ammoniated phosphate may be j proving. Church School: 11 a.m. Mrs Pieter Tensen and other rel- dinner guest of Forestine and Na- Miss Ida May Deffenbaugh, chair substituted for victory garden fer man. atives. dine Wilson. I Ogdenites Kero-- tilizer. Exact measurements is CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Song service and preaching, 8. Mrs Wayne Haroldson and her Thurman Piercy has returned Earl McIntyre and his brother strongly recommended. E J Wilson. Pastor. Cottage prayer meeting next I sister, Miss Vivian Fife, motored from Buhl> where he visited rela Mr. Brooke cautions against us 10 a. m.. Sunday school. Ernest of Ogden were here during the te Boise Sunday, returning Mon- lives, and upon tils return " t o Ek.ile Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the E. E. week-end looking for farms. They ing more than one tablespoon to — ’-------■- Barker. Supt. met Donnie Brower and Kenneth Nelson home in —*-*------*— Ridgeview. cav. 11 a. m., song service with com- are cattlemen and building con a gallon of water since plants may Come and helP u* aP;ead scrip- Mrs Garret Siam was an Ontar E lio tt and enlisted in the navy. be injured or killed by a stronger tractors. The boys are waiting to be called. tura* P°Bness throughout the world, munion service following. io H-i-lto- Monday. mixture. The solution of one table 7 p. m., pre-prayer service. William Toombs and family were Mrs Cooper of Idaho Falls is vis spoonful of fertilizer to a gallon 7:15 p. m„ young peop'e. inter Here From California— I THE COMMUNITY UNITED iting a t the home of her brother- Sunday dinner guests at the W. Wayne Chestnut, of California of water is effective and safe, he mediates and junior services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3. Piercy home. iu-iaw. I. L. Cooper. formerly of Nyssa. Is here on a explained. If the solution is kept 8 p. m„ evangelistic service. Kingman Memorial D. M. Matthews and family were C. H. Carskadon Jr., and family well mixed during application. business trip. We have a good time in our J. C. Nevin, Pastor. were in Twin Falls during the Sunday dinner guests at the W. Plants given a "starter” solution Bible study and prayer services on 10 a. m. Bible school. Easter holidays. Mrs Carskadon's W. Deffenbaugh home. usually will start growing immed Ships Cattle— Wednesdays at 8 p. m. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser mother and sister accompnied them The Bybee Livestock company iately without an apparent set We are having prayer and fast mon: "The Christian Source ot back lor a visit. ing services In the church every shipped two carloads of cattle to back from transplanting, O. T. Peace.” McWhorter, O. S. C. extension California last week. I 8 p. m.. evening worship. Song Tuesday noon. horticulturist, reports. This treat We are also having Friday night service with special music. Discus ment is especially valuable for Return To Idaho— sions: Builders—“Is It ever Justifi cottage prayer meetings. Mrs. Larry Shipley and small tomato plants. You are cordially invited to all ab le to lie?”. Adults: The 10th Returns f rom Wyoming— daughter of Lewiston, Idaho re About a pint of the llouid fertil these services. Glenn Pticrson returned Wednes commandment. turned to their home Tuesday after izer poured about each plant when Monday 7:45 p. m„ Boy Scout day from a business trip to Evans troop 36 meets at the high school. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY visiting Mi's. Shipley’s sister, Mrs. it is set out in the garden is rec ton, Wyoming. Glenn Suiter, and brother, Alfred ommended. The transplants may CHURCH Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., prayer be repeated In 10 days with good Evans. II. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. service and 8:30 p. m. choir prac \ i it In Apple Valley— results if the solution is not made Church school, 10 a. m. Ranch-Wsy'i bal- Mr and Mrs Sylvester Myers tice. stronger than recommended. Return Home— Worship and sermon. 11 a. m. Friday, 10 a. m„ prayer group __ anced n ourishm ent fo r and family were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Leon Child, Mrs. These liquid fertilizers are val "Cur Fellowship". Fellowship poultt aids quicker growth. The correct gran a , the Eldon Pearson home lit meets in Newell Heights. Fannie Child and Mrs. H. Olson uable in the Liome garden all ulation for easy eating and digestion prevents meetings, 7:30. returned Sunday after a week's through the season also for keeping any pasta-forming tendency in the bask or A. pie valley. Evening worship. 8:0. CHU41CH OF CHRIST .on feathers. G a t R A N C H 'W A Y today. leafy plants such as lettuce, cabb visit in Ogden and vicinity. Choir practice Monday, 7:30. (Christian) Visits Lions Club— age and chard growing. Row plants Bible study and prayer Wednes "leorce Whipple, Pastor. l . win Schwlebert, representative To Visit In Twin Falls-- may be fertilized every 10 days or day, 8 p. m. Bible school 10 a. m. There are ;he College of Idaho and dep Mrs. Bernard Frost and two so by pouring a gallon at the junc- uty district governor of the Lions Just slx more Sunday in the con- children left Sunday for a three-1 ture of the plant with the soil for ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL c.uo, visited the Nyssa Lions Mon- . ' day visit in Twin Falls with Mrs. I each six or eight feet of row. MISSION day noon. He praised the Lions MornlnS worship. 11 a. m. Com- | _________________ Tile Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Frost’s parents. \S o J for their hospital project and other " lun on served cach Lord's day. CARD OF THANKS Morning prayer and sermcn. 9:30 phases of their commumty belt- Sermon toPic: "Repentance” We take this means of express Holy *.ommunion and sermon each Visit In Nampa— eiment program, program. Mr Schwlebert Eyenin* services: 7:30 p. m. The Mrs Roy Darnes, Mrs Louise ing our thanks for the sympathies second Sunday of the month. adult Bible study and the sermon also visited at the high school. Wernick and Mrs. Bert Haney were shown us during our recent ber Church school at 10:30 a. m. of the evening will be delivered by eavement occurred by the death Women's Guild second Wednesday Nampa visitors Monday. Dd. George R. Whipple, Sr., of I Lexers Sent To Servicemen— of our husband and father, Wil of each month. *E fo Ontario. The M Men and Gleaner Girls Visit In Ontario— liam E. Schweizer. Every service for every age. hate formed a letter-writing group Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland Mrs. Verna B. Schweizer ASSEMBLY OF GOD and are sending 70 letters to boys visited in Ontario Sunday evening. Mrs. Verle Landreth C. L. Snider, pastor L. D. 8. CHURCH in all parts of the world who are Mrs. Alvfinn Ekanger Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sunday 9 15 a.m. Priesthood mi I Ire -ervi c. Mrs Howard Bair Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser- *n Payette- meeting I wrote the original letter Mrs Wilford Bybee was In Pay- Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school vice 8 p.m Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys ftt« on business Friday afternoon. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Go Boating— In armed forces. Come, -worship Among those who enjoyed an meeting. Go To Caldwell— Dairy sale—3 miles west of Ont- d íN w Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society with us and pray with us for your C O N FID E N C E ★ DEPENDABILITY TL'.rg on the Owyhee reservoir Herb Fisher and Bill Hipp were arlo; 1 mile west of the highway boy and some other mother's boy. Sunday were Mr and Mrs Herschel n(“etlnS business visitors ln «uldwell Sun and Joining the airport on the west. First Tuesday of each montn at day. Friday, April 20. Sale starts at SUNSET VALLEY •1 p.m. Primary for children bet- 1 p. m. 31 cattle and miscellaneous ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH ween ages of 4 and 12. Returns To Wisconsin— aquipment. Ernest Sllkett and Son, Paster R. L. Casselman Mr. and Mrs. Barzy Winnie have owners. Col. Bert Andersan, auct. Sunday school, 10 A.M. been visiting in Nyssa the past L. H. FYitts, clerk. BAPTIST CHURCH Morning worship, 11 A.M. Second Street Children church, 7:30 P.M. , two weeks with Mr and Mrs Thursday, April 19 six miles E. T. Larson. Missionary Pasto- Evening evangelistic service. 8 1 Walter Fox. whUe enroute to their Sunday school. 10 a. m. o’clock. Cottage prayer meeting jhome ln ™ rth<\rn W isco n sin ft U,r „ west „ of Vale on Graham Blvd., then Morning worship. 11 a. m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday 8 an extended triP New Mexlco' 4 miles north UP Bully creek- 12:30 Mrs. Winnie Is Mrs. Fox’s sister, p. m. Lunch on grounds. 4 horses. B. Y P. U. at 7:15 p. m. P.M. Sunday evening preaching ser Come! A hearty welcome awaits vice at 7:45. A series of seven you. messages covering the book of Rev- b im c b m m . LOCAL NEW S PAGE FIVE 1 60 cattle, machinery, complete blacksmith outfit, grain, furniture. Richard Oalloway, owner. Col. Bert Anderson, auct. Wednesday, April 18 3V4 miles west of Vale on Graham Blvd. 1 p. m. Lunch on grounds. 4 horses, 25 cattle, machinery, grain, house hold goods, including electric wash er and range. J. E. Sexton, owner. Col. Bert Anderson, auct. SEEDS Alfalfa and all kinds of grass seeds and mix tures. Nyssa Elevator Serving 5 Counties From the Largest Stock of Genuine Parts Orders Shipped Immediately Me C lu e r - M a n s e r Phone 49 •in m him I j n n n m h in h Payette, Idaho h in n h ri h h m in h in I Serve Milk d and Recommended by ; Nyssa I levator %\ £ " « « V START! SALE CALENDAR Thompson. Mr and Mrs Ormand ! Thomas, Mr and Mrs Albert Meier, Mr and Mrs Herbert FLsher, Mrs Verna Beutler and Dr. L. A. Mauld- in8- AND For added meal good ness. We offer you a del icious, full flavored milk for the whole family On sale at local groc ery stores. Star Dairy llllllllinnilHHI lll'HI HIHIHI HIHI HIHI I'l ln " " WH ' i "ini tended the L.DB. semi-annual conference. Mary E. Bybee went as far as Salt Lake with them, and will stay a month with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Leonard Howe, at Ameri can Fork. To Hold Food Sale— The Rebekah lodge ladles will hold a cooked food sa:j at Gra Here From Idaho Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cooper are ham's insurance office Saturday. enjoying a visit with their aunt, Shop In Ontario— Mrs. E. R. Cooper of Idaho Falls, Mrs. Herb Fisher and Mrs. Em ma Qulnby shopped in Ontario who will be here about two weeks. Mrs. Gerald Cooper and Mrs. Glen Saturday afternoon. Cooper were in Payette Wednes Re*urns From Conference— day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford A. B y b e e _________________ returned home Monday from a Returns To Nyssa— five-day visit in Ogden and Salt The Reverend and Mrs. Lloyd Lake City, where Mr. Bybee a t- Pounds and two children have re- £ ' I I I I'l III 1:1 n M Hl l>: II III III 1,1 III 'll III Hl 1 1 Hi Hl I I M ill ||| H M HI M III mill! III III III HI HI III HI HI III 11 III III III III III I'M For a Splendid Selection of New Fine Furniture A. ong the Union Pacific main line— between station«—a signal flashes red. The train slackens speed and stops. The engineer grabs the whistle cord . . . one long and three short blasts. That's a sig nal to "the flagman. It is his duty to give adequate warning to any train following. To do so, he walks a sufficient distance to the rear to insure full protection. TRY US Living room suites Coffee tables Bedroom suites Mattresses Dinette sets Coil bed springs Davenos Unfinished wood beds Club chairs Smoking stands Book cases Sewing cabinets End tables Electric water heaters Table lamps China closets Magazine racks Marble Utility tables Living Room Suites Will Be Sold At Navy dive b ombers— about to strike! In each rear cockpit rides a radio gunner— trusted protector of his pilot and plane. His skill with radio and detection devices permits his pilot to concentrate on flying the plane and blasting the objective. His marksmanship makes enemy planes scarcer, brings V-Day nearer. Until that day comes, t^e major job of the Western Electric Company, peacetime manufac turer of telephone equipment, will be making huge quantities of radio and detection devices. If you are waiting for à telephone you can un derstand why the backed up requirements of the Bell Telephone System for telephones, wires, cable, switchboards, etc., will have to wait. E 2 4 20 Per cent Reduction This Month This is one of the many precautionary measures taken b y Union Pacific—and other railroads — to protect passengers and freight shipments. » I M n I » - T O U S A M E R IC A ” r o llo p r a g r , . M utilai nation w ida not work a . . r , S u a d a , a Aar boo a. C o o aalt r o a r lo c a l aaw ap apo r lot I k . t i a a a a d Matron T K i n o C k iS S IV i 2 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 9 I \ Malheur HomeTelephone Co. | Nordale Furniture Store j III 111111111111111111111.1 U111111IIM11111111111IJ111M11II1111111111111111 III 1111.1111111111111IIH Safe transportation becomes increasingly important in wartime. Trainloads of troops and essential materials are con stantly on the move over Union Pacific's Strategic Middle Route uniting the East with the Pacific Coast. Just as the flagman protects his train, so is it the job of all Americans to provide for future security by buying bonds and saving them. Thus we can help stabilize industry and encourage the American trait of individual enterprise and initiative.