PAGE 4 TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A Ï O u r Boys (Continued from Page U exploration down through part of the Maglnot line, i t is amazing the amount of work put into it. They had regular underground cities. It was certainly a waste of money, though. That was their trouble. They built too much un derground and not enough above where the fighting would take place". r iv e d home from Oamp Endlcott, | Rhode Island far a week's visit. Calvin B. Powell, brother-ln-lav of Mrs. Mark Child, was here vis iting over the week-end, having been recently released from the McCaw hocpltal in Walla Walla where he received treatment for trench mortar wounds, in the right j shoulder. He fought with Patton's ! first army in the "Belgium budlge.” j TH U R SD AY, A P R IL 12, 1945 was employed at Boise until F O O D R A T IO N S TA M P S G O O D MAY APR. MAR. FEB. JAN. RED _i ----------- STAI IMPS j i I JUNE •* ; JULY V 1 j ________________ T U V 5 5 5 ! [ 5 b thru apr 2 s I THRU JUNE 2 S it MISS DROW N HONORED P. X. on her vacation. Miss Nola Rae, daughter o f Mr. - 8 - and Mrs. Ray Drown of Alberta avenue, was honored on her 14th birthday at a surprise party, at the home of Mias Nannette Bybee. A weiner roast was held in the patio fireplace, where hot choco- I late and other refreshments were she enlisted in the WAVES. Mr. Roberts is the son of Mr and Mrs A. R. Roberts of the Sun set district near Nyssa. Roberts, who has been in the service since Pearl harbor, has made many trips across the Pacific and has seen several major battles. R ID E R S T O P IC N IC K The Owyhee R ld ii« ciub will stage an amateur roUeo and pic nic Sunday noon at the Zack | Walker place, northeast of the I local F.S.A. camp here. Former members and those desiring to be- P IN K AND BLUE SHOWER Mrs. Gerry Cooper was honored I : Pvt. Jay E. Bunn, whose paren s with a pink and blue shower at I are operating the Nyssa Furniture her home Wednesday afternoon. John Oliver, first mate of the store, has anived at Camp Maxey, E F G H J THRU JUNE 90 Mrs. Glen Cooper and Mrs. W. L British merchant navy, visited Texas, where he is in boot train Lane were co-hostesses. Lunch wu his two cousins. Mrs. Eldon Jensen ing. — - C served to twelve guests. Games and and Mrs. Olive Drewltz, from Sun served to 21 guests. Nola's birth ¡ come members are invited to at- cards were the diversion of the day until Tuesday. Oliver’s wife K L M Laurence Law who is serving In FROM APRIL I and baby live in South Wales. day cake was chocolate covered, ! tend. Members are to provide cups afternoon. THRU JULY »1 ! the South Pacific on the U.S.S. Sierra, has been promoted to sea - 8 - with white candles in pink roses, and spoons and also weiners and 'Next stamps become good in May A U X IL IA R Y IN IT IA T E S Keith D. Bybee, S2|c, son of Mr. man first class. He writes that buns. Coffee will be furnished. .'.fter the party, home movies were The American Legion auxiliary and Mrs. Dart O. Bybee. left Sun what the boys are going through I I l ‘ -8 - shown. Mrs. Ray Drown and Mrs. I day for his station at Port Huene- is terrible. met at the Legion hall April 5 HOSTS A T P A R T Y D. O. Bybee were co-hostesses. me, California after a two-week | Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thompson with four new members being Ini _ *_ furlough. ,ie was the Inspiration z _ l________1 _ and Mr and Mrs Herschel Thomp tiated. T-5 Cpl. Virl Reitenbough. form GUESTS A T D INN E R for several get-togethers given by er Nyssa man, was here last week The auxiliary will hold its an C D E F G son entertained at a party given THRU APR. 28 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Child and the young people. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ormand nual flower sale May 26. The next | visiting his sister, Mrs. Lynn Snod two daughters and Mrs. Child's Thomas and Mrs Verna Beutier, meeting will be held at the Legion grass, and his father, George N. brother, Calvin B. Powell, were who will leave soon to make their hall May 19. Lamarr Patterson, MC2lc, ar Reitenbough, whom he had not H J K L M THRU JUN E 2 Sunday dinner guests at the home home In Twin Falls. A handker- seen for the past three years. - S — o f Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife. E N TE R TÀIN CLUB : chief shower was given for the lad Reitenbough was in the South -------- - i Mrs R. O. Larson and Mrs Geo - 8 - ies. Guests were Mr and Mrs Herb Pacific with the 41st division early MRS. SCH ENK HONORED n p Q Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meier, rge Mitchell entertained the Thurs in 1942, and has arrived home on THRU JUNE 30 Mrs. Jc’in Schenk was honored Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mltcheil, Mr. day club at the Larson home rotation. He went into the army Wednesday evening, when 12 of and Mrs. Tom Bumlngham and Thursday evening. Mrs John Bishop before Pearl Harbor and trained at Have your fall and Port Lewis. His first overseas loca I her friends surprised her on her Dr. L. A. Maulding. won high score and Mrs Artie FROM APRIL I birthday, with a pinochle party Robertson won the traveling prize. winter garments clean tion was Australia, his division soon THRU JULY 31 I - « - at her home. Three tables were Mrs Ormand Thomas was the hon- I M A R R IE D IN C A L IF O R N IA ed before you store becoming famous as the “ fighting- f Next stomps become good in Noy I in play. Those present were Mr. Asa Roberts, GM 1-c, and Paul oree and was presented with a division o f the entire war. them for the summer. est" and Mrs. W. J. Beus, M r and N Reitenbough, a truck driver be ine Ray, Y2-c. were married Mar. gift from the club. r . i\ I I. Mrs. Eldred Brower, Mr. and Mrs. 17 at the chapel on Treasure is Remember the longer longed to a tank destroyer ou‘ fit -5 - Mark Child, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd land, California. Chaplain Glen Y. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEM ENT the dirt spots stay in which moved into New Guinea with < Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mr and Mrs Max Pfleighoeft of Richards performed the ceremony. rest of the division. lie was harder they are to get the 1 Jensen, A lunch was served. . there two years before getting a I Merle Ray, H A 1-c, was maid of Bremerton, Washington, formerly j^fsua»"| THRU JUNE 2 | ’ - « - nit. furlough and was never o ff the honor and Wayne Senner, C-y, was of Emmett, have announced the Y.G .AS. MEET engagement of their daughter, best man. big island.. He was at Oro bay for | Another stamp will become gooa May t A treasure hunt and weiner roast It is also injurious to eight months, saw action hi the Following the double ring cere Madonna, to Cpl. Edward Qstrom. were the featured attractions at mony, a reception was held at the son of Mr and Mrs John Ostrom T' - I I I I X the colors and weakens Hollandia invasion and later was the Oregon Trail Y.G.A. meeting Wayne Senner home in San Fran o f Nyssa. transferred to the 33rd division for CUP THIS CHART FOR FUTURE REFERENCE the strength o f the gar the held April 4. Leora Winters was Cpl. Ostrom was with the air Wakde campaign, which was I cisco. The young couple spent their In charge of the program and honeymoon at Nyssa and Vale Ws forces in the South Pacific for ment itself. Moths are concerned chiefly with gleaning I Chitton the refreshments. j iting their parents and friends. three years and is now on furlough. less likely to attack out Japanese who had been by- ] Rev. Fred Johnson of Mountour,1 and Mrs Harvey Simmons, Mr and Charlene At the business meeting Roy I The bride is the daughter of Mr No date has been set for the passed by MacArthur's skip-hop Idaho were Monday evening supp- Mrs Jack Pettet and Mr and Mrs clean clothes, too. I Strickland was elected vice-presi i and Mrs Oscar Ray of v al">. She wedding. moves along the northern New er guests at the Vern Smith home. Merle Pettet. dent and William DeGrofft, Jr„ Guinea coast. He left there about They also visited the R. L. Kriner j Mr and Mrs W. W, Dale of was elected steward. The drill team February 17, 1945, returning to the family. I Midvale spent Sunday at the J. and youth contest were discussed United States by boat. He will be | Mr and Mrs Lee Smith were W. Pettet home. and the members decided to hold sent to Santa Barbara. California dinner guests last Sunday at the j Mrs Grace K ler of San Diego a membership attendance contest for a 14-day rest before reassign Ralph Barnes home, visited M r and Mrs Amos Dejmal between the boys and girls con ment. j Miss Lois Nelson spent Sunday last week. She is Mrs Dejmal's ducted on a percentage basis. As for his long service, Reiten and Monday at the home of her aunt. - - bough had little to say except "As brother-in-law and sftter, Mr and j Mrs. Lou Cozier of Bums is E N T E R T A IN S R E LATIV E S far as I am concerned the Japs Mrs Vern Smith. I visiting her brother-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stathopu- For Your can have New Guinea back." Rev. and Mrs R. L. Kriner att sister, M r and Mrs George Mark los entertained Monday at dinner C liff Main, Prop. ended Sunday school at W illow- ham and family. for Mr. Randall's mother, Mrs. N. creek, where Rev. Kriner held Mr and Mrs Jule Houston and A. Stathopulos o f Nampa, and his Phone 70 services. A potluck dinner was daughters attended a family dinn- sister. Miss Priscilla, who is In Miss Ida Ntison of Payette and served at noon. | er at the home o f Mrs. Houston's nurses training at the Samaritan Rev. and Mrs R. L. Kriner plann parents, M r and Mrs Blaine May hospital in Nampa. Priscilla re ed to leave Sunday for a vacation. of Valley View Sunday. cently returned from Palm Springs, They expect to return Saturday. California, where she worked on M r and Mrs G. Z. Arment of Pay THE OtW SnANSnENTE M « ™ * , ette are staying with the Kriner boys during the absence of Rev. ------ s.,, r , .a. ».«je «.«U . r«4aU and Mrs Kriner. Mr and Mrs Roy Farley and sons of Payette attended Lincoln You will find yourself one of the best informed Sunday school Sunday morning. persons in your community when you read The Christian Mr. Farley presented an object Science Monitor regularly. You will find facsh, new viewpoints. lesson. Mrs. Vern Smith recited Her, richer understanding of world affairs . . . truthful, accurate, 1 S&muel 3 that she had memor unbiased news. Write for sample copies today, or send for one- month trial subscription. ized and delivered at the A. S. S. U. convention held in Caldwell I last month. T h a C h r U I U n 8 c l« n , • P u b lM h ln « S o c ie ty ________ U m . Narwsp street, Betlen IS, M m *. a Buell Hickey was Christian En (— | Please aand free sample cop la« o t The i— i Pleas* send a one-month trial subscrip* ■ deavor leader Sunday evening and I—J Christian Sclenca Monitor including a l —l tion to The Christian ficienco Monitor. I copy of your Weekly M a o *ln o Section. for which I enclose ..........................I I > presented the lesson, "Saved to I NAME..... .......................................................................................................... ...................................... | Serve". ■^ADDRESS ............................................. ............ ....................................... . . j A special meeting of the P. T. A. will be held at the sohoolhouse Wednesday at 3 p. m. for election The traditionally high standards maintained contained, Timken bearing mounted. Runs in of a president in place of Mrs by King Wyse engineers are built into this sug Amos Dejmal, who does not wish oil. The King-Wyse loader is capable of load to accept the position. M A Y WE HELP Y O U BUILD ar beet loader, keeping uppermost in mind a ing a ton of sugar beets per minute, pick up the The regular social and business I meeting of the Lincoln Heights machine that will operate in adverse conditions last beet in the row or pick up a single beet at | P. T. A. was held Friday evening. with lowest repair and upkeep possible. Costs a time. This ability is unlike that of other makes An interesting program was pre sented. Mrs Dennis Patch of A d are never considered when they conflict with of sugar beet loaders that leave a pile of beets rian was the principal speaker. The with Comprehensive Liability Insurance Service. Practically o f all-steel construction, at the end. Investigate these modem labor-sav topic was “The Child in the Home". Mrs Findley's pupils gave an Eas roller bearings throughout, drive gears self- ing machines. Place yaur order now. on your properties and activities? Ask ter skit and the upper grade girls gave a carried-luneh demonstra tion. The seventh and eighth grade boys sang and whistled a selec tion. Claire Gilchrist gave a read ing and Geraldine Pettet sang a solo. Bud Osburn and five of his Nyssa, Oregon Idaho Wranglers finished the pro gram with several selections, Phone 97 j Refreshments were served. 1 to 30 H. P. An engine for every job on the Mrs Wesley Blanton. Mrs Char farm. I f you need an engine for your potato les Simmons and Mrs Buell Hick ey composed the committee In in in «1 hi hi in rim mm wmmtM hi hi in mn mui n hi hi hit hi pi hi hi hi hi hi hihi hi hi hi hi hi cantHHiu \ digger, combine, hay balers, etc., let us take charge of the program. The cost is surprisingly low. George Markham has sold his your order. Place your order now. farm In the Lincoln district. The Buell Hickey family, who have been living in the house on the farm, have moved to Ontario. Mr. Coming, a shipment o f farm type And he will draw nigh to Hickey is employed by the Nich olson Service and Supply company. you----- Humble yourselves in Naco potato duster and sprayers. They are Local friends have learned that Che residence o f Mr and Mrs Luth available now. I f you need one place your or the sight of the LORD and er Weston was destroyed by fire. Power or hand operated. I f you need one for der now. Field Force potato and onion liquid Mr. Weston preached a sermon at HE shall lift you up. (James Lincoln a month ago. your farm place your order. sprayers will also be available. Mr and Mrs Orieti Hainllne and 4; 8-10.) fam ily and Dorothy Goodell spent Sunday in the Allen Hainllne home near Vale. This Divine truth is continuing to be dem Elza Markham celebrated her onstrated in the meetings being held at the g sixth birthday Sunday with a party her home. “ Assembly o f God church” in Nyssa as night 1 In Mr and Mrs Vern Anderson of after night we draw nigh to God, under the | Ironside spent Sunday with Mr. H EAD Q U AR TE R S IN S PIR IT anointed ministry o f Evangelist H. G. 1 Anderson's parents, Mr and Mrs George A. W eitz Produce House i Lyle Anderson. (D ad) Gardner of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Derrell Percy has been appoint 710 Albany street Box 166 Those who have humbled themselves in the = ed ditch rider for this community Phone 678 sight o f the Lord have surely been lifted up. § for the ensuing year group of friends gathered at Come out every night at 8 o’clock except ^ the A home of M r and Mrs Tom Saturday for the next three weeks and draw | Pettet to help them celebrate their birthdays. The evening was spent nigh to GOD with us. playing pinochle. Those present W'ilbur Rife, Manager Thank you. were Mr and Mrs Lester Bellsle Pastor C. L. Snider. and Jolene. Mr and Mrs LaVere IH I* M MIIM M M HI IIII HI W.M HI HI HI! I l.l HI HI Hi II HI MII Hi IIM HI HI IIM 111 Taylor. Mr and Mrs Otis King, Mr 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 BLUE STAMPS] 2 2 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 2 BE SAFE 2 2 2 II X , mim SUGAR STAMPS. MAIN’S Dry Cleaners 8 Grass, Clover and Alfalfa seed Lincoln Heights FREE @1 I I Dessert Seed Co We Have A Shipment Of Beet Loaders Coming King Wyse Sugar Beat Loaders YOUR PERSONAL DEFENSE Frank T. M organ SHIPMENT OF CASWELL HYDRAULIC POWER LOADERS COMING fi h Hum 11 n im r BU u ri hm i! R htm rnitffi r n « trti tren™ nmm nu ri rra mb b u Hydraulics For All Makes Of Tractors Wisconsin Air Cooled Motors DRAW NIGH TO GOD I YOUR DEALER FOR THE FOLLOWING: Cement Mixers Farmers Supply Company Caldwell, Idaho