FUE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified THURSDAY. APRIL 12, 1945 PACE THREE Hatch. Leroy Bishcp, and Sharon! potatoes the past week. ies Durfee, violin, and Irvin Dur- 'and Karon R be.ts, pre-school Mrs Carl Hill entertained Thurs- ,fee. guitar. ’Children gave 'dial! readings, Miss day afternoon o f last week in hon- j Mr .and Mrs William Moyes vis- Vliginia Mellcr end Mrs Cyrus or of Mrs Jcc-e Sugg at a hand-•it—’ in <w nrlo In'* w’<“ k --" 'l * ¿Imp g. v a ski. - ;d Mrs Brum- kerchief shower. Games were en -i L D 3 .' church members’ are 1 «-V I • Offieers e’ - Joy*«1 by 25 ladle* from Adrian I , * J' ‘ Kingman Kolony and Newell , Pawing and preparing ground on e ted for .he nc/i; year aie as HeighUj Refreshments of cookies the church farm for planting to ttATKS Two cent* %uro i • »“ htí iNMit* Minimum cam in 'f How.: I ie n -.n l . s Verl Biin- and tea were served by Mrs Hill beets, ctüvanee is 30c 1 v • p esiaent, I s L>. English, and Mrs Kurtz, Mr and Mrs Joseph Callahan and f ecretarj-t'teasu r, Mrs Wal- Ellen Judd was a dinner guest end Mr and Mrs Charles Durfee ter B1 hap. > of Forestine Wilson Sunday. were in Ontario last Saturday on Mrs Dyre Roberts and Mrs Boyce vitamins and other e..sent.al pro ì - a N l O U ì ) business. i van de Wu.cr. 4-H club leaders, ducts to consumers, tuli or part Por Sale ave excellent -epor's of the 4-H Cpl. Joseph H. Callahan of the .une. W: he u, once. Rcwlelgh's U. S. army and Mrs Callahan have lub leaders convention held in f'->R BALL--fcuoy Oajs.iiet. Mrs L p ORD-321-133. Oakland, Calli. LaGrande. Mrs Frank Parker was surprised moved to Omaha. Cpl. Callahan L.uier Eelil-k, Fiankliu cabin No. 12Alxp. Guests o f the unit were Mrs. iast week when her brother, who is now in the military police. His 2, east of uudeipass. lzAaxp • \ jß * ^ 4> N. S. Phelan and Mrs Grover Lee vs in the armed services, came to home address is 4031 north 38th LOST street, Omaha, 11 Nebraska. i of On,ario Mrs John Holly and visit her. f o R SALE-- 192 J Chevrolet truck, John Ermon Cox of Mountain M.s Dan Holly of Adrian. Mrs Clarence Nlecum and children l'a tuna, guod rubLer. D. C. Britt LOST—Lunch pail at school. Elsli R rbert Weir and Mrs George Swig- have moved back to this vicinity. Home was here last week on busi Robertson. Reward. Return to Jour on. Morgan avenue. 12A2xp | rt «f Roswell. W. A. Bybee attended the 115th ness and called at the Joseph Call nal office. 5A2xp. Mrs Grover Lee and Mrs N. S. general conference of the L. D. S. ahan home. f J R i*ALE-- Five g od hoLie.n Mr and Mrs Leo Utter received Phelan were overnight gi ests Fri- ichurch in Salt Lake City last week. -owi, holsteln bull and Farm Mas- ' For Rent RTB UA-423 ! c.cy in the F. A. Mi ler home, re- ter m.lklng machine. Vein Gainer, The social given by the mem a letter from their son, Donald I turning to Ontario Saturday. I ’ i 1-iil lp.i-e avuiue, 3 3-4 miles FOR RENT--Pasture 3 miles east bers of the L. D. S. church was Utter and his "purple heart" last L 'e u to n e n t B la n ch e Barrel, U. S. A r m y n urse from N e w to n Foils, west of Hasliitaui coiner. 13A2xp of Nyssa. northwest quarter, Eec enjoyei by a large crowd at the week. Utter was awarded the medal N. Y ., (left) a n d L ie u te n a n t M a r j a r . l F crrahe r, A rm y n urse fro m Ole on Trail schoolhouse last for wounds received in action over F lu sh in g, N . Y „ a ssist m ed ica l office s in o n op eration tor rem oval o f v f v v r i L HEIGHTS i'O I' AI.E--100 bu'hels ear corn.' 14, Twp. S R 5. ICO acres on Idaho a bullet from the chest o f a n A m e ric a n soldier. T h e scene is in the -------- Thursday evening. Games were Germany île lias returned to duty side. Price ten cents per acre lot Robert clitiy, 6 rules west Lang- su rge ry o f a n A r m y h o sp ita l a t Lie g e , B e lgiu m . T e n th o u sa n d m ore Mrs E. E. Parker returned Wed- played and refreshments were ser- with th_- array in Cermany. e.-u.m of 1945. N. J. Garman. Pay registered n urses are needed in the A r m y N u r s e C o rp s for w ork Itke this. ton's corner. 5AtXc nesc'av from a two-week trip to ved. Music was furnished by Char- ette, Idaho, phone Fruitland 13-4. CaHfornia. where she was called FOR SALE—80 acre farm, 10 miles — — 2iM3xc . cree of the court, and that ueien- Judie, Mrs KeiUi Kygar and son, to be with a daughter Mrs Dorsey r iiii — — southwest of Nyssa, fu.ly equipped. _________ Conrad, who submitted to an op Jants be decreed to have no right Jesse Keith, and Mr and Mrs Horse machinery. 5 horses, 25 jer- BUTCHERING scy cows, t igible to registration. Custom butchering every Mon- itle or interest therein adverse to l> n n Kygar an.l daughters, Della eration. The cause of the illness was infection. Mrs Parker and Mrs One registered bull lour lie.ler j ay antj piiday. Beef, sheep and he plaintiff. and Marine. Conrad spent Easter week-end in canes, few hogs. 2 sets of new pork. Sanitary butihering guaran- Prayer meeting was held at the Pasadena at the home of former This summons is published by or liarness, household furnishings. el- teed. P.ione 05R1. All stock must der of the Hon. M. A. Biggs, Cir Wallace Gregg home Tuesday ev Kansas friends. A get-together of ectric range, washing machine.1 come in Thursday or Sunday after cuit Judge, made and entered on ening. Rev. Kriner was the leader. ether former nieghbors was given water softener, electric separator, noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No March 13, 1945, prescribing that in their honor. Thirty were present. milking ma ¡line and 30 tons of ..tock accepted on butchering day. this summons be served by publi Mr and Mrs Jesse Sugg and Carol Lay. Possestion may be had im- One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta cation thereof, once each week Jean left Newell Heights Wed mediately, e .cept for 22 acres that avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc V is t a nesday evening after their sale. Is rented for row crop. $15,000 $10, - | ____________ ,____ -_______________ for four consecutive weeks in the Gate City Journal, a newspaper Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram were Mrs Sugg and Carol Jean will vis £00 ca. h, b<: an.e long terms. 28 ia -| 1 k v a 1 A civ < 'rtlefn t'**n ! published in Malheur County, Gre in New Plymouth .Wednesday it for a time in Madero Califor tfc. Mrs O. L. Hendry and children nia with Mrs Sugg's sister, Miss IN THE CIRCUIT e t ) CRT O F So«', and the date of the first pub A. Atkeson vi Red several days the past week lication is March 22, 1945. Mary Jardine, and her brother. T! ?: STATE OF OREGON FOR at the J. W. Jennings home. A. L. Fietclier QUALITY BABY CHICKB—From Tl E COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Bob Jardine. Mr Sugg hes entered ! Ceorge Cleaver and Alva Good- the veterans' hospital for obser Attorney for Plaintiff Pullorum tested flocks. Selected for U’ nn-.ons For Publication i ell were in Caldwell Thursday. Residence and Post Office vigor and egg-protiuelng qualities, j c< rtrude Czapiewskl vation and treatment. I Those who attended the H. E. Address, Nyssa, Oregon. Chicks hatching every Tuesday and The Modem Pioneer club ladies Plaintiff, ' club meeting at the Garrett Stam met with Mrs H. Williams Tues Friday. Order early to insure de Vs NOTICE TO CREDITORS home from this community were day afternoon. A white elephant sired delivery date.Also metal fee °iis»m O. Whitehead, John Doe NOTICE hereby is given to the Mrs Willis Bertram, Mrs H. L. sale furnished the entertainment ders and founts and chick supplies. Whitehead, her husband, and the Lemon's hatchery. Phone 11J, Ny unknown heirs and devisees of creditors and all other persons Day. Mrs George Cleaver and Mrs for the aftemon as well as netting ssa, Oregon. 15Ftfc the treasury a small amount in the said John Doe Whitehead, interested In the estate of Katie Alva Goodell. if he be dead, and all oLher per Farnsworth, deceased: that the un- | Peggy Pounds of Nvssa spent cash. FOR SALE—7-room house with j night with Donna Mr and Mrs Robert' Overstreet son- and parties unknown, having dersigned has been appointed Ad- Wednesday bath, $3500.00— $500 down. $35.00 and son of Bcise and Mr and or claiming to have some light, ministrator of the estate of Katie ! CoodelJ. month, good location. A L. Atke- Mr and Mrs H. L. Day and Mr Mrs M. L. Judd and Maurice, Jr.. title Interest in or lien upon the Farnsworth, deceased, and hai £on. 5Atfc and Mrs Willis Bertram were in rnjoyed a b a * e t dinner at the real estate described in the com- qualified as such. All persons having claims agalnsl Ontario Tuesday. parental Overstreet home Sunday. p.aint on file herein. I OR 8 A L £ — Fifty a c e s west of said estate are required to present Mrs S. B. Hoffman left Thurs Idamary Prouty attended the Defendants Nyssa city lin ks rwx nouses, ex cellent, Boil, p;. i-i - ‘ Oo per acre. To, Pusan G. Whitehead. John Doe same with the propej voucher: day for Nebraska to be with her Malheur county teachers’ banquet Whitehead her husband, and the duly verified within six months ot I mother, Mrs Maize, who is ill. in Vale Saturday evening. Lee Fra-ik T. Mmgan. 15Mtfc. unknown h irs and devisees of ,lle date ° r the Iirit publication ! \Vo>d was received that Harold Mr and Mrs I. C. Dumil and notice, to the undersigned , Robbins, who was seriously wound family of Ten DavLs, Idaho were FOR SALE- -Small house east of aid John Doe Whitehead, if he of tracks in Ward addition. $1000 be dead, and all other persons at the office of A. L. Fletcher In i ed In the Philippines, in Decern- dinner guests Easter Sunday in cash. See Flank T. Morgan. 25Jtfc ami parties unknown, having or Nyssa. Oregon, which place Is here- j ber. is in a hospital at Walla the M. L. Kurtz home. Mr and Mrs M. M. Greeling oi claiming to have some right, title, by designated as the place of bus- Walla. Mrs Robbins is with her FOR SALE—Thompson's Chek-R- interest in or lien upon the real ¡ness in all matters connected with husband. Mr. Robbins is a son-in- Parma attended church in Adrian Chix for delivery every Wednesday law of H. L. Day. and were dinner guests in the estate described in the complaint 'aid estate. and Saturday after March 3. Ord March 24. 1945. Carl Hill home Sunday. on filé herein. er early to get the breed and date Leo Farnsworth, Administra Defendants: Mr and Mrs Leo Winn and Ger- j you want them. Thompson's Ont tor Estate of Katie Farnsworth, TN THE NAME OF THE STATE aid were in attendance at the fun- i ario hatchery. 18Jtfc Deceased. OF OREGON, you and each of you Mrs M. E. Rogers, who has been eral services for Mr. Winn’s bro- I are hereby required to appear and 1st publ. March 29. 1945 sick, spent the past week at the ther, who died last week. W ANTED Last pub. April 26, 19-15. _________________ ¡answer the complaint filed against home of her daughter, Mrs Alva * Mrs Carl Hilf, Mrs Wesley Pier- cy and Mrs M. L. Kurtz attended I WANTED— WiH pay cash rentj>'<u in the flbove entitled suit on Watt, in Parma. the all-day and evening meeting for 40 acres with alfalfa and pas-1 o r before the 19th day of April VICTORY FOOD Mrs George E'.fers went to Boise “Eggs A La Mode" ture. Would like equipment, but |1945’ sald date being the last day last Tuc day to consult a doctor. of the women's missionary pres- ‘ ■ we translate the little phrase of the Presbyterian j not necessary. O a Hieter Hiet.r box w,v °* of four weeks from the date of tne ¡ 11 Mr and Mi's George Fallen of byterial first publication of this summons; I a la mode literally, we would 414, Nyssa. 5A3xp. Eolse were guests of Mr and Mrs church in Ontario Thursday. Joyce I ¡and if you fail to appear and ans- bnd that it meant "in fashion'. Kurtz and Caroline Schiemer att-1 D. M. McGarr last Sunday. WANTED- Man for year around; vver said complaint, for want thereof Right now eggs—almost any way FOR BIGGER YIELDS AND Mr and Mrs George Bugher of ended the evening meeting and j work on farm. Good house and ! the plaintiff will apply to the ! y°u like them—are “ a la mode” , Parma and Mr and Mrs Floyd with Patsy de Haven gave the living condition. Married man Court for the relief prayed for hi i We know “a la mode” doesn’t evening devotionals. EASIER HARVESTING mean "with ice cream' as it has Handler and children were guests her home in the Willimette vall only. See Jake Fischer. 15Mtfc , her complaint. last Sunday at the home of O. M. ______________ __ This suit is brought for the pur- been commonly used.) ey after a two-week visit here with w n PAY HIGHEST PRICES for e of quicting title of the plain- There are lots of eggs on the. Handler. Mrs Anna Pratt left Tuesday for Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston of live fox feed horses. Phone 8. P a y -!u ff to the ^mw-c-st quarter of the market and they do their share in CHICKEN FEE D S-G R O W IN G MASHES relatives and friends. Adrian and their daughter and cite. 12Atfc. ; southeast quarter of Section 19. rounding out our diet. Don't worry Patricia Smith has been con family were Sunday afternoon AND STARTENA fined to her home with a severe WANTED—U p 1 furniture Highest1 Township 20. S. R. 40 E. W. M. in the family about the nutrients they guests of Mrs Anna Pinkston. cold for the past three weeks. price, paid. Phone 149W, Nyssa ' Malheur County, Oregon, and re- contain, just serve them generous- Mr and Mrs Pogleman and their 12Atfc ! quiring the defendants to set forth 1 iy- Mrs Charles Newbill substituted Furniture Co. daughter and two sons of Phillips- _ . .. the nature of their claims, if any. ! “ Baked Cheese Eggs" burg. Kansas arrived Tuesday ev as a teacher in the fifth and six SALESMAN WANTED anj that all adverse claims of the ,6 eggs. ening for a visit with her brother. th grade room for Mrs Peck one 2 T. sharp cheese spread. Men and women to supply foods. defendants be determined day this week. Boyce Van de Water and family. 2 T. salad dressing. M. L. Judd, Carl Hill, George They are planning on locating here 2 T. finely chopped green pepper. Schiemer, Stanley Hill, Lester Qou- and he will work for George Schiem 2 T. finely chopped celery. er of Newell Heights this season. let, Frank Ray, M. L. Kurtz and V* t. salt. B. G. Roberts, who has resigned j Mr. White have been planting early I Pinch oi pepper. from his work in the government | 1 cup of cornflakes. camp near Nyssa, is building a '-2 t. melted butter. Cook eggs in water Just below small house on his ranch, where boiling point about 20 minutes. he will live. Miss Mary Weir, primary teach Cover with cold water: remove shells. Cut eggs in halves length er in district 47, entertained her wise and remove yolks. Mash yolks pupils at her home last Friday af- ' and combine with cheese, salad terpoon. Games were played and dressing, green pepper, celery and a lunch was served. E. M. Hauser, county club lead- j The Western-Hall Hi-Lift sweep rake with Power Control unit is de seasonings. Refill egg whites round- .ng up filling. Place in well-greas er, Visited Bend schools last week. OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS Mrs Anna Pinkston, Pete Sleep- j signed to take the drudgery out o f forage crop harvesting, cuts haying ed shallow baking dish. Crush DR. J. A. Mc F ALL er, Donna Handler and Lt. Joe | cornflakes into fine crumbs and time as much as 50 per cent; does the work of 3 or 4 wagon crews. Del ••S it M e l a l i and *•-* Betlerr mix with butter. Sprinkle buttered Harrineton transacted business in . Ontario last Monday. ivers clean fully leaved hay to the stacks. Handles shocked grain to the crumbs over the eggs: Bake in a Dentist Mr and Mrs D. M. McGarr spent j moderate oven about 15 minutes. thresher easily and quickly. Is used for all bundled or bulky forage crops; the past two weeks visiting their' Phone 56-J children in various points in Wash- i baled or loose straw. Sarazin Clinic OW YHEE ington. Their children, Lewds and VYSSA__________ OREGON Clara, re'umed with them for a j The KNEE-FLEX Spring Suspension gives the hay a smooth ride over The Owyhee Community club short visit. JEWELRY STORES EYESIGHT SPECIALIST will meet with Mrs Charles Culbert rough fields at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. It is loaded and unloaded Mr anti Mrs Grover Wilson, Mr ONTARIO OREGON son Thursday, April 19. and Mrs Darwin Paulding and two PAUI-US as fast as you can shift gears—easily and quickly detached from the Jess Gregg and Pvt. Don Grant daughters of Boise and Mrs J oh n 1 PHY^K'IANS ~ JEW ELRY STORE tractor. left Monday cn a business trip to Bishop and children of Nyssa were j Union Pacific Time Inspector The Dalles. Sunday guests in the Brumbach j L. A. Muulding, M.D. Mrs Mary Hatt is teaching in home. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Physlctan and Surgeon the primary room at the Owyhee | Mrs R. L. Haworth, Miss Mary 1 WATCHES Phone 37 school while the regular teacher,' Weir, Mr and Mrs Joe Brumbach Main Street at Second Hmin 1.1 to 12 and 1 to 5 Mrs John Bumgarner, is in Ken attended the banquet, and recept- j Dsilv Except Sunday tucky. Mrs Bumgarner was called ion for Malheur county teachers In | Delivery will be made within 10 days, Call us collect, Phone 1(57. Fry Building to Kentucky because of the death Vale Saturday evening. WYCKOFF of her brother. Mr and Mrs R. L. Haworth att- ' JEWELRY STORE ! Mr and Mrs Clair Jungquest and ended the junior-senior banquet i SARAZIN CLINIC j two sons of Anderson dam were held in the Nyssa high school i Official Time Inspector for J. J. Sarazin, M. D. i week-end guests at the parental S. building Friday evening. Union Pacific General practice of medicine | D. Bigelow home. A large group of ladies attended ■ ONTARIO OREGON X-ray Physiotherapy | Guests at dinner at the paren- the P. T. A. meeting held at the | tal Jess Kygar home in honor of home of Mrs F. A. Miller Friday. | GEORGE JACKSON lT -4 Merle Kygar. who was re- SHOE SHOPS A covered dish dinner was en- MODERN WATCH DEPAIRING I ccntly released as a prisoner of | joyed, followed by a business meet- In Bums Chevrolet Co. Building State Licensed Abbott’s Sho* Shop j war from Bilibad prison in the mg and a program. Mrs Walter Watchmaker All kinds of shoe and harness Philippines were Sgt. and Mrs Bishop, program chairman, opened 9th and Arthur Streets ONTARIO. OREGON repairing. Frank Peterson of Gowen field, the meeting by all singing Amer- Across from poet office Mr and Mrs Richard Brown and ¿ca. Mrs Verl Bishop and Mrs F. 3's blocks N. of City Hall Caldwell Idaho daughter, Patsy of Boise, Mrs A. Miller presented instrumental Kenneth Kygar and daughter, numbers, Alan Bennett, Phyllis1 Army Nurses A id in Operation at Liege Advertising Cow Hollow Plant Your Corn By April 20 Buena Plant Big Bend Idahybrid Kingcross , Iowealth M Thompson & Son Professional And usiness Directory Western Hall Hi-Lift Sweep Rakes I. R. CUNDALL Place Your Order Now B. & M. Equipment Co. f