PAGE 2 TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A I TH U RSD AY, A P R IL 12, 1945 equipment for operating rooms. M i» Ih e G ate C ity Jo u rn a l KLA3S V. POW ELL • • • ADVkKTIHING SU BSCRIPTIO N KATES One Year $2.30 Six M onths......................$l JB Single Copies......................08 (SUictljr In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoluce through the United States the act Verla Wolf* has taken a position In the nursing home In Nyjsa. Pfc. Jack R effett has written to hls parents. Mr and Mrs John Reffett. stating that he was In­ volved in an accident and is now Fishing Season Opens Saturday B fU r * - % O PROVIDE MORE JOBS AFTER -m e VSW. AMERCflN 0USWE5S PROPOSES.-. A The KA1C8 Open rate, per Inch 25c National, per Inch............36c Classifieds, per word.... .... 2c Minimum......... 30c al Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1878 U. S. IS DEBTOR N A TIO N The fact that the United States is a debtor nation comes as a big surprise to persons not familiar with international financial conditions. The greatest factor in turning this nation from a creditor to a debtor nation is the war, which has created in this country a great de­ mand for raw materials that are needed for the production of war materials. The change, the National City bank o f New York explained in its April bank letter, is the result of the loss of gold and the accumulation by foreigners of bank deposits and other short­ term funds in this country. In the three years prior to the Japanese at­ tack on Pearl harbor the United States sold in foreign countries $2,331,000,000 more in goods and services than it purchased from foreigners, while in the three years since .Pearl harbor this country bought abroad $4,898,000,000 more goods and services than it sold. “ The other main cause of our heavy debit balance was a sharp rise in the outlay of doll­ ars for services performed for us by foreign­ ers” , the report said. “ From $250,000,000 in 1940 the annual average of these net payments rose to over $1,000,000,000, mainly because of the great expansion in our military expendi­ tures overseas” . While we rather dislike to view the one-time “ greatest creditor nation earth” as an interna­ tional debtor, the situation will be beneficial, especially after the war, because foreign nat­ ions will be in a better position to buy from us the things that we are going to manufacture in our factories in great quantities. One of the most common causes of war is economic in­ equality and if we are able after this conflict to help other nations to help themselves we are going to be much more certain of lasting peace. ■ . 0+AIT-Í *■<+ fa A d ria n Mr and Mrs James Attebery are the parents o f a six pound daughter born Friday morning In the Brltt- Inglram nursing home in Ontario. Mr and Mrs Steelman spent last Sunday in Middleton with relatives. Mrs Robert Ball and children and Mrs. Mary Ball and children o f Boise were recent guests at the C. G. Brown home. Miss Ruby Brown, daughter of Mr and Mrs C. G. Brown, has come to Adrian from Boise to live with her parents. She will be em­ ployed In her father's store. The Dennis Patch fam ily att­ ended a family gathering at Wei- ser Sunday. Rev. J. Boyd Patterson of Port­ land was an overnight guest at the Rev. J. C. Nevln home. Fldelae Amicae of the United Presbyterian church met Sunday afternon at the Nevln home. Scrapbooks for Julube hospital In Tennessee were made by the girls Word has been received from Garrett Muntjewerff that he Is now stationed at Camp Maxey In Texas. The senior Girl Scouts met Thursday at the high school build­ ing. Guest speaker was Miss Vir­ ginia Miller who spoke on her work last year in the Santa Baibara hospital children's ward. Mrs George de Haven went to Ontario Saturday to take her aunt from the hospital to rela­ tives In Weiser. The Howard Hatch and John Jarvis families went to Reno over the week-end to attend the wedd­ ing of Elbert Hatch and Virginia Jarvis. 1 Sc * 7 b ta k e bolo bisks stabtms nemy Businesses-. - fino mi on> ones m oss enemy M ensure# Q uru n ives missionary salary of \enna Patt­ erson In her work in Egypt, was over subscribed >136. The theme was "The of the Open Door” presbyterlal with Rev. J. Boyd Patterson of Portland as general angling season for speaker. trout over six Inches In length will open Saturday, April 14 In all coun­ ties of the state except Lake coun­ ty, where the opening date is set for May 20. The bag limit Is the same as last year, 15 fish but not more than 15 pounds and one fish In any one day, and 30 fish but not more than 30 pounds and two fish in any seven consecutive days or In possession at any one time. Waters that are closed to angling entirely or that have special sea­ sons are listed In the official an­ gling synopsis of the game com­ mission. which is just coming off the press and will be distributed as soon as possible to license ag­ ents throughout the state. The angling license fee Is $3 for residents and $5 for non-res­ idents. There 1s also a »3 ten-day license for non-residents. Anyone ; who has not been in the state for | a period o f six months immed­ iately prior to applying for a lic­ ense is classified as a non-resi­ dent. All servicemen, however, are entitled to purchase licenses at 1 resident fees regardless of their status as residents. I __________________ Visit Brother- - Mr and Mrs Jess Thompson and Mr and Mrs A1 Thompson spent Mon lay In Boise to be with the men's brother, Oharlesof Emmett, who underwent a major operation at St. M ary’s hospital. Auto Repairing Electric Welding Lathe Work Parts At E. W . Pruyn Nyssa, Oregon Faithful Remembrance a skit by the Adrian teachers. in Vale last week. Mrs Swan presented Mrs Edna ! Robert D. Lytle, Vale, was elect- PR E S B YTE R IA L OF Farris, county health nurse, with ed chairman; A. W. Quast, Ontario, ID AH O GATHERS The last tribute to a a bouquet from the teachers ass- I vice chairman; Mrs A. L. Fletcher, loved one is the final oclation In appreciation of her i Nyssa’ secretary, and Mrs Ida Gor- | The spring presbyterlal of the opportunity to express United Presbyterian church met ___ . ... _ . , don, Vale, treasurer. coun y. The executive committee con- (Thursday In the United Presby- affection. It is a time | Ralph criUe of Boise was Intro-1 g^ts of the chairman, or in his ■ terian church in Ontario with dele­ for perfect harmony. It duced by Mr. Fisk of the V a le ! absence the vice chairman, and the gations from the churches of Wel- school board and spoke on "Ohem- following persons: G. K. Ilch. Vale; 1 ser. King Hill, Nampa. Ontario is part o f our service to urgy '• I Paul Roberts, Dr. E. F. Johnson, and Adrian In attendance. assist in the selection Dancing and games under the both of Ontario; R. G. Larson, Mrs I The Adrian women's society had and notification of pall direction of the Vale grade teach-, Fletcher, both of Nyssa, and Mrs a 100 per cent efficiency record ers concluded the program. bearers and clergymen Edna Farris, R. N.. county health and won the efficiency banner for the year. The Adrian and Ontario nurse. and handle other de­ Interested persons may join the junior societies both were 100 per A D R IA N W IL L BUY tails so burdensome to group by advising the secretary cent in efficiency record. FIRE EQUIPM ENT A R C A D IA a sorrowing family. Mrs John Wakefield of Nampa that they wish to become members. The chapter will carry out the was elected president, succeeding On Thursday evening the Adrian S Sgt Leo Wagner, who spent plans of the national organization Mrs. J. C. Nevln of Adrian. Adrian chamber of commerce voted to .. . , , „ . ... . his 21-day furlough here with his women elected to offices were Mrs. the purchase of fire as f ey ^ rta‘ n k>callya'ld w11 ** parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. W ag­ promote Jim Lane, second vice president: fighting equipment. These fire ex- ready makf immediate contact ner, left last week for Santa Bar­ an Improved four-l the national foundation In Mrs. M. L. Kurtz, young women's bara. California where he will re­ tinguishers. gallon unit, may be purchased by , event ° , an c here so secretary, and Mrs. Nevln, special port work secretary. Mrs. Anna Dail spent last week individuals or business firms at the that a " loblla st*uad Wltf tralnad The Idaho presbyterlal, which in Nyssa with her son, Lee. who special rate of $15 given through Personnel and equipment can be has undertaken the support of the the chamber o f commerce. The quickly obtained. Funds will be Is ill with pneumonia. to furnish Eddy Gregg of Ontario spent club hopes enough of these units used the week-end at the Otis Bullard will be purchased that they will ™e<7 a and s" rS‘ Cal se(rV1CeS' ° r‘ be effective in case of fire. Anyone ,,hoPedic appliances. ransporta- 1 Your Car Has Come Through a Tough Winter 3 home. to a" d fror" bosp ,taUf and pay The Arcadia Sunshine club met desirlng a unit, should place the April 5 at the home of Mrs. Louie order with Clyde Steelman, secre- cl,nlc and hosp tal bl' ls for needy IT NEEDS . * * ? • age' Pryon with Mrs. John Zittercob tary o f the chamber of commerce !* ™ ' " * 7 7 color or creed. Local funds may = id as assistant hostess. The next before April 15. also be used to purchase physical of the Nazarene at Parma. The chamber of commerce also meeting will be held April 19 at the . ~ — r ~ 7 1 therapy apparatus, respirators or Word was received this week schoolhouse. Mrs. Hall of Ontario' discussed the location of a branch ; _____ ________________________ creamery at either Nyssa or Adrian. | Is S Rev. William Hageman. pastor of the birth of a daughter' to Mr will give a talk on gardening. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Walker have and the possibility of other new o f Portland downtown Assembly and Mrs Eldon McGarvin o f Hood Treat it kindly. Your car needs extra special | Don M. Graham moved to Nyssa from their place industries locating in the Adrian of God church and president of River on March 30. The girl was here. The Hunter family have rent­ vicinity. the Oregon district Christ's Am ­ named Brenda Mae. = care right now. Drive to our garage for testing | ed the Walker place. bassadors was guest speaker F ri­ Insurance Agency Mrs Murea Kirkland and dau­ Valley View played baseball with day evening at the church In be­ ghters, Joan and Barbara, left 1 by our trained mechanics, who know exactly § Arcadia school on the Arcadia dia­ half o f the young people. Visit­ Wednesday evening for Plummer, mond. Arcadia won the game. ing ministers were Rev. Paul Nick- Idaho to be near Mrs. Kirkland's | what to do to give your car the service it needs, s Fire and Automobile Mrs. Lee Taylor went to Juntura Ins of Vale. Rev. Ernest Bedwell mother, who Is ill. Friday afternoon to get Mr. Taylor, o f Ontario and Evangelist Wayne John R effett was called last who teaches at Beulah. Mr. Taylor Insurance Fagerstrom of Tennessee. T h e Malheur county chapter o f week to the bedside of his mother, spent the week-end here with his The Holcomb family of Owyhee who was critically 111 In Chicago. the National Infantile Paralysis family. Rentals Bonds were all-day visitors In the Oeorge foundation was organized at a Mr and Mrs Grover Cooper and Jackie and G ary Dail spent the Wilson home Sunday. Mrs MikeRataezyk were business week-end here with their aunt, meeting held In the courthouse Mr and Mrs Charles Ditty re­ visitors in Ontario Wednesday of Mrs. Theo Matherly. turned home Tuesday from Tac­ last week. Jackie Zittercob’s car was stoler oma. where they visited their dau­ Those attending the all-day | Thursday night while he was at­ INSTRU CTIO NS FOR USE OF ghter. Mrs Chester Newell, and fellowship meeting and young peo- i tending the show in Nyssa. O f­ family. pie's C. A. rally at Vale Wednes­ ficers found it Saturday evening Several from the valley attended day were Rev. and Mrs. R. L. In Weiser. the W illiam Sehwelzer funeral In Ca-sselman, Marea Kirkland and Mrs. Lily Dement of Vale vis­ the Owyhee schoolhouse Sunday daughters. Mrs Leslie Ditty. Mrs ited at the Ellis Warner home Sun­ afternoon. Charles Ditty. Mary Query, Tressa' day and witih her granddaughter. Guests at the J. A. Black home Ditty an t Anton Myhr. FERTILIZERS ON LA W N S AN D GARDENS Alice Warner, who is receiving fur Sunday dinner were Mr and Billy Wilson is 111 with influenza. treatment in the Ontario hospital. Mrs Charles Share and Mrs Lew Charles Ditty and daughter, Mary Sunday school will be held at Simplot “ Soil Builder” Red Diamond superphosphate and Green Diamond ammoniated phosphate McCoy. | called at the Ralph Stark home in 10:30 next Sundav. Mrs. L. E. Newgen and Mrs. Ora Wilder Saturday. N U -A C R E S Newgen attended the funeral of George Wilson Is helping Warren _______ How to Apply When to Fertilize Amount to Apply Mrs. Anna Higgins at the church Blodgett clean government dltch- Alfred Rood, who has been very Lawns Early spring ; repeat 4 lbs. or 2 qts. per 100 sq. Spread evenly with spread­ 111 in the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, Is reported better. ft. Repeat application 2 lbs. er or by hand when grass application after 2 mo The Do-More 4-H sewing club per 100 sq ft. is dry. Sprinkle at once. met Saturday with their leader. Mrs. Paul Thomson, i Red Herren o f Nyssa has sold Vegetable and Early spring. Repeat 4 lbs. or 2 qts. per 100 sq. ft. I hls farm In this community to A. Broadcast evenly before Flower garden application in July B Hann. who has been employed at or 4 lbs. in rows 100 ft.long. planting and rake well into the sugar factory. July 2 lbs perlOO sq. ft. or top soil. Among those calling at the 100 ft. row. Thomson home Sunday were Mr Ju ly-dig shallow furrow 3 and Mrs. Marlon Seuell, Mr. and in row o f plants and scatt­ Mrs. Alice Lanfear o f Caldwell, and er fertilizer in furrow and Mrs. Harry Wood and Horace. Mr and Mrs Harry Wood expect cover. Water thoroughly. their son. BUI. home this week on leave from boot camp at San Diego, Trees, Shrubs Early spring PR O PE R SERVICE where he has been training with 2 to 4 I ls per tree or shrub Spead evenly around tree the marine corps. depending on size and age. or shrub from trunk out as Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston of A T TH E PROPER TIM E Twin Falls came Monday to visit far as branches reach. Work their daughter, Mrs. H. E. Wood, into soil and water thor­ and family. W IT H TH E PROPER M A TE R IA LS oughly. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kersey and family spent Sunday In Caldwell W ill reduce the wear and tear on your j with their daughter and family. j Nyssa Funeral Home |l til III Md'lil I'llllim Mtl Mt> M MW M lit III IIIIIJI III W M m III I'l III MM III III III Mill III Mill It III KM l i Gentle Treatment S u n s e t V a !U y Officers Named By Polio Group Townees Garage SIMPLOT SOIL BUILDER Guaranteed Longer Life For Your Car House plants tires, motor, battery, etc. For proper servicing you can’t go wrong by trying Moss-Ninemire Motor Co. FO RD SALES AND SERVICE M ALH EU R TEACHERS G A TH E R IN V A L E Teachers o f the Malheur branch of the Oregon State Teachers ass­ ociation met In Vale Saturday ev­ ening A banquet was held In the home economics rooms by the Vale home economics department Mrs Charles Swan, president of the Malheur teachers organlaatlon. pre- 1 sided over the business meeting and ‘ presented a program of mualc and Once every month. Dissolve 2 tablespoonsful in 1 gallon o f water W ater plants once every 3 weeks or month with this fertilizer solution. Keep o ff foliage. Al Thompson and Son DEALERS IN LO TS UNDER 100 POUNDS