Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1945)
fH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L TH U RSD AY. M ARCH 29, 1945 Mrs Jess Gregs gave a party for Water masters, irrigation district her Sunday school class at her officials, forest service men. power aome in the Richland district F ri -ompany repieuen, stives, county Rev. Kriner o l the Lincoln dist day evening. Seventeen were in att agents and others interested will rict held preaching services after endance. attend eorh of the meetings to Sunday school Sunday. The Kriner Mrs Martha Kllngback, Mrs La contribute information that will fam ily were dinner guests In the Vone Culbertson and son Larry, ¡nto the final forecast of Irrl- Martha Klingbaclc home Services and Mrs Margaret W olf and dau were aiso held at the schoolhouse ghter, Ellen, were business visitors gatlon water prospects for each in Caldwell Friday and were dinn in the evening. district. Following the district Seventeen delegates attended the er guests of Mrs George Gregg. meetings, the usual Columbia rlv- ASSEMBLY OF GOD BAPTIST CHURCH Californians Here-- Sunday school conference in the ]er basin interstate water forecast C. L. Snider, pastor Second Street Mrs Don Haroldson a nd two I Christian church in Caldwell from | committee will be held In Portland Sunday school, 10 a.m. this district Tuesday and were daughters. Merna and Joyce, of I E. T. Larson, Missionary Paste* Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser- 1 April 18. Sunday school. 10 a. m. awarded a prize for most delegates Rosooe, California are in Nyssa vice 8 p.m Preliminary repoits this season visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs | Morning worship, 11 a. m. and miles traveled. Thursday, 8 pm., prayer lor boys ^ave nt>t been encouraging as to M r and Mrs John Westfall and Ruben Haroldson. They also vis- I B. Y. P. U. at 7:15 p. m. In armed forces. Come, worship summer water supplies, although daughter. Joan, of Seneca were ited Mrs Haroldson's parents a t ; with us and pray with us lor your late storms In March have added Sunday evening preaching ser Idaho Falls. week-end guests at the parental H. materially to snow cover in the vice at 7:45. A series ol seven boy and some other mother's boy. T. Brewer home. mountains and have increased res- M r and Mrs Russell Patton, Jr., messages covering the book of Rev I ervoir storage supplies materially ADRIAN FREE METHODIST end son, Del, were Boise visitors I in some parts of the state. elation will be given at our Sun CHURCH Friday. I The meeting for this district will Adrian, Oregon day evening service. You are wel be held in the U. S. reclamation Egg hunt Saturday at 2 p. m. come to attend all our services bureau office In Vale April 4 at for the children. Counties Serving: 5 and especially do we urge you to 19 a. m. W e will have our Easter pro (Continued from Page 1) ,. . ------------ — ---- — Prom the Largest Stock of many times the child with low vt- *e5.tur^? °.n 1116 last 1 gram this Sunday so there will ■enulne tálity or partial defects of hearing. | ^ of the Bible’ Revelation. be no class period. I CERTIFIED SEED 'or sight or speech may be accused Our program consists of dialog- P O T A T O USE URGED THE METHODIST COMMUNITY ues, a short skit of the empty I _____ I by his parents and teachers of CHURCH ' being lazy or stupid. He pointed tomb, some choruses, a trio and | use o f only certified seed pota- H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. a duet, with a short message by the ( oes ts much more Important than Parts ! : out that it is easy to find the i child who is blind, deaf or mute, Church school, 10 o'clock. Orders Shipped Immediately pastor afterwards. I seed potato treatment in avoiding Worship-sacrament of baptism, but many lesser handicaps are Everyone should attend church crop 1(>sses and disappointment. sermon-reception of members 11. m n n ih sen oiron r U lin W o lT rnl _ « _ J _1 __ _ ■ unsuspected. somewhere every Sunday. We n wel- county Agent — R. __ E. — Brooke advises Fellowship meetings, 7:30. Prof. Taylor said the program come you to come and worship Malheur county victory gardeners. Devotions, 8:15. with us if you have no church In fact, Mr. Brooke said that \ Phone 49 Payette, Idaho ¡demands special work in the state, Our evening services will be home. ¡but the program in Oregon is re home gardeners may well omit combined for the summer. It will ceiving national recognition. F ifty potato seed treatment entirely and THE C O M M UNITY UNITED I students have been returned to be a study discussion and devo- in any event they are advised not PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH public schools from the state school to attempt to use the cumbersome, periods. Kingman Memorial for the deaf during the last year tedious and poisonous corrosive Choir practice Monday 7:30. J. C. Nevln, Pastor. and are new able to carry on their sublimate treatment that comm Bible study and prayer Wednes 10 a. m., Bible school. work with the normal students. ercial growers use for control of day 8 o’clock. 11 a. m., morning worship. Spe potato scab and rhizoctonta. The important thing is to find c i a l Easter service: “ God’s Easter the children and then have a Certified seed potatoes have been I" s - CHURCH i G ift” , with the members of the carefully grown from disease-free follow-up program, the educator Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood Bible school taking part, said. Diseases, especially among seed and have been regularly in j 7 3 0 p m > evening worship. “The spected during the growing season children are great contributors to meeting Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. Tw elfth Apostle” , a story and song d< afness. to eliminate diseased hills. Such Sunday 7:30 p. m Sacrament service led by the choir. These experts came here at the diseases as mosaic and wilt, which meeting. Monday. 7:45 p. m „ Boy Scout reduce yields to practically nothing invitation o f Mrs Kathryn Clay- Tuesday 2:00 p m. R elief society troop number 36 and Adrian Cub are carried in the seed potato Itself p ol, county school superintendent, meeting. pack meet together with their par and cannot be detected by looking and the school administrators of First Tuesday of each montn at ents at the high school. the county. T h e three handicaps— at the seed. M r Brooke explained. 4 p.m. Primary for children bet Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.. mid-week I While treatment may aid the app- ween ages of 4 and 12. Pilots-Passengers- prayer service. 8:30 p. m. choir ■ €arallce of the resulting crop by practice. j controlling scab, the treatment SUNSET VALLEY Thursday, 9:30 a. m„ Idaho ' wjii bave no effect on the worst Planes ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH presbytery meets In our Ontario diseases from a vield standpoint, Paster R. L. Casselman church. W e will leave Adrian a t, potatoes may be planted in the Sunday school, 10 A.M. 8:15. home garden as soon as the soil Morning worship, 11 A.M. Friday 10 a. m.. Prayer group warms up and is dry enough to A lfa lfa and all kinds Children church. 7:30 P.M. meets at Ole’s. spade six or eight Inches deep Evening evangelistic service, 8 Everyone welcome. without puddling. Early varieties of grass seeds and mix Insurance Seal Estate o'clock. Cottage prayer meeting suggested for home gardeners are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 CHURCH OF CHRIST tures. Bliss triumph, Irish cobbler, early P.M. Phone 84 (Christian) rose, earliest of all and white rose. Come! A hearty welcome awaits George Whipple, Pastor. Late varieties suggested are Bur NYSSA OREGON you. Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. bank. netted gem and Katahdln. Bible school at 10 a. m. A goal Gardening specialists recommend CHURCH OF TIIE NA7.ARENF has been set to break all records that each seed piece have at least E. J. Wilson, Pastor. for attendance. Do your part. ! one t,ye, weigh one and one-half 11 in m iii iii i i nan a «mill m ini a a a nrm m in ii mu a uni a m iimii iii id a lira a a m m m m a ura a il 19 a. m. Sunday school hour. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com- j Part of this time will be given to munion served each Lord's day. IF YO U W A N T HOME COM FORT an Easter cantata Sunday, “The Thieves on the Cross and 11 a. m. worship and message. SEE OUR B U ILT -W E LL the Christ”. 7 p. m. pre-prayer service. Evening services, 7:30. Chris 7:15 young people, intermediate tian Endeavor and adult study. and junior services. 7:30. Preaching and song service 8 p. m. evangelistic service. 8:15. Every service for every age. 8 p. m. A good service every Wednesday at the church. T R IN IT Y LUTHERAN PA R M A , ID A H O Anyone not having a church Parma, Idaho he already attends is cordially Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor — invited to worship with us Easter Service: 10 a.m. One chair is low back and the other is high | Sunday. Church School: 11 a.m. O W YH E E Educaters Here For Meeting M e C lu e r - M a n s e r Complete Aviation Insurance B e rn ard E a stm a n Seeds ounces and be as blocky In shape going to town on your “ chicken as possible. Cut seed potatoes may dinners". I spoke to several of the he sprinkled with land plaster. 7g young folks present about "A lex’ | although this is not necessary, place" and everyone o l them told i They should not be exposed to me that they appreciated such a I direct sunlight for any length of place where they can go to in |ume and the cut seed never treated j their home town and enjoy them- selves. So. Alex, I want to say that ¡with corrosive sublimate, I am sure that the business men Potatoes in the home garden are I ' o f this community and the parents usually planted three to five Inches j appreciate your goodness in turning deep, though early potatoes m a y 1 over to the young people yur place be planted slightly more shallow of business and making possible than late varieties. Victory garden » lot o t iu" and pleasure for them. Best of luck, Alex, and thanks. lertillzer may be used effectively Claud Willson at the rate of 114 to 2 pounds lor every 100 square feet, or an ounce of fertilizer two or three inches Don M. Graham to either side and about an Inch deeper than the seed piece. Gard Insurance Agency eners are cautioned, however, not to place the fertilizer under or against the seed piece. Fire and Automobile LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Insurance Rentals Bonds Hello Alex Last Friday evening I dropped in at your plae'e oI business just out of how the young people of this community were en joying themselves, and I was pleas ed to watch so many o f them hav ing a wonderful time dancing and It looked as If they really were Auto Repairing Electric Welding Lathe Work Parts At BILL L A N E E. W . Pruyn Auctioneer Phone 116J Nyssa Nyssa, Oregon FARMERS Get your accident and medical aid insurance for your employees now and be prepared to protect your assets and keep the goodwill of your employees. Frank T. Morgan :i i:¡ liiii i , i ; i :¡ i:i:i o t i ¡ i i:: ci;: i:: i:ri:i i:i litri 11:¡ eri e unti ri un ri mira m ir a n t mum un m Nyssa Elevator PAG E FIVE Davenport With Two Matching Chairs WATTS SEED COMPANY | j back. This furniture is finished in Jackard J m vision, hearing and speech only are considered. All teachers o f the velore. county are participating In these conferences. The teachers have done the screening and referred only those children who, after they have had their correction, Finished in Green and Wine are still handicapped. The expert examines the child referred with LAR G E SIZE C H IN A CLOSET = the parent and If possible the tea II cher present with the idea of putt ing into the schools certain equip i ment to aid the child In his own in m m a,a m ri a a a a a a a a a a a aura a a a a a urn a in a ana: min am a a a in lira in in am school room uiU also to make rec ommendations to the parent and teacher. The visitors will appear on the program at the health associa tion meetlng.which will be held in the Conklin auditorium In Ont ario tonight at 8 o’clock. Club Chairs j g Nordale Furniture Store I Special on Tires IO Per Cent Discount April I to 15, Inclusive Inter-State Oil Co. Distributors o f Hancock Products Gas— Oils— Greases Wholesale and Retail Earl Gray, Manager W A T E R FORECAST MEETING PLA N N E D The annual series o f Irrigation water forecast meetings through out eastern and southern Ore gon will be held from March 31 to April 7, Inclusive, announces W. T. Frost, associate hydraulic engin eer of the soil conservation ser vice. Frost will make the trip this year instead of A. R. Work, who is In charge o f the Oregon co-op erative snow surveys conduucted jointly by CSVS and the Oregon agricultural experiment station. Accompanying Frost on the ser ies of meetings will be John C. Burtner. extension editor at Ore gon State college, who will help distribute information on the find ings o f each of the eight meetings. ATTENTION!! DON’T FORGET Old Time Revival Meetings W ill begin A P R IL 1, EASTER S U N D A Y A t the “ Assembly o f God Church” , located one block south o f water tower in Nyssa, Oregon. Rev. H. G. (D ad) Gardner o f Lake Charles, Louisiana, internationally known evangelist, Bible teacher and pastor, will be bringing the word o f God to us in these meetings every even ing at 8 o’clock, except Saturday for four weeks or longer. Rev. Gardner has spent 43 years in the minis try, 30 of which were spent in the Methodist church. A very able minister whose chief aim is to exalt the CH RIST whom he loves. Special music and singing will be a feature o f this effort for the Kingdom. W ill be looking for you all. Thank You, Pastor, C, L. Snider. GROW ERS--SHIPPERS Since 1928 N YSSA , O R E G O N Mail Your Orders To Us All Seed Items Postage or Freight Paid Within 300 Mile Radius G A R D E N SEED S 250 Different Varieties PE A S ,......................................................... 35 cents pound B E A N S .......................................................40 cents pound CO RN ..................................................... 40 cents pound * * O T H E R ITEMS po9TAGE prepaid by us A LFALFA . . . C LO V E R S ID A H O A L F A L F A , 99.25 or better pure .............. $49.50 O K L A H O M A A L F A L F A , 99.25 or better p u re ......... $47.00 Y E L L O W BLO SSO M S W E E T C LO V E R ............. $19.00 RED CLO VER, 99.60 p u re ....................................... $42.00 ALSIK E, 99.60 pure.................................................. $41.00 * * O T H E R ITEMS FREIGHT •r POSTAGE TREPAID G RASSES BRO M E GRASS ...................................................... $22.00 O R C H A R D G R A SS ....................................................$46.00 M E A D O W FE SCU E ................................................ $36.00 V EG ET A BLE FREIGHT or POSTAGE PREPAID PLAN TS T O M A T O P L A N T S ............................................ 25c dozen POSTAGE C A B B A G E P L A N T S ............................................ 25c dozen TREPAID O N IO N P L A N T S ............................................ 20c hundred O N IO N SE T S --W H IT E .........................................30c pound * * Other Plants—W rite About Them. BY US W e guarantee any seeds we sell to be satisfactory upon inspection and if you are not satisfied with them, return them within 10 days after re ceiving them and your money will be refunded. Watts Seed Company PA R M A , ID A H O N YSSA, O R E G O N