Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1945)
THE NVSSA GATE CITY JOUR.MAÎ THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 PAGE 4 Mrs Edith Dawmun were recent ternoon. Mrs Sydney Snap was Friday with Mrs N. S. Phelan and held at the home of Mrs Boyce i Miss Haworth and Ellis Givens. in the navy in the Pacific, lie is Grover tee in Ontario. visitors at the Austin Robbins h'.nor guest and was presented Van de Water Saturday afternoon, will be married Monday evening. been serving for the past 27 months home. The ladies of Sunset and Cow wU* * nl~* glft- Mr* Cyrus Bishup ErM sT^bb"w asU Uli«i*r February A large numbor of fri erLd5 from j March 36 In the Presbyterian now stationed at Widby island 9 ln Belgium. The Abbl family Nyssa- Parma. Roswell, Adrian and church in Roswell. Mr Givens has north of Seattle. Hollow community served lunch ihe Lincoln P. T. A. served the was assistant hostess. »i the Schneider rr.-inm-—i sale last __ week lunch at Har.ey Simmons' sale | Miss Phyllis Haworth and Miss jived ln Bend and moved from Bend attended and many nice gifts at A nice sum of monev was donated Monday and cleared approximately Mildred _ Fiohmader of Roseburg here to Canada. Ernest Abbl was j were presented to the honoree. Corvallis Evtrf" Friday ------ serving in the Canadian Guessing games were played to the Red Cross. $20. The P. T. A. also served lunch ' arrived from week-end -------“* ----------- - ' army. 1 ------- *--------- ‘ - and in i visit Wade pupils had a holiday Tues- ' Mrs John Bishop won the prize. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and at the sale held on the Farley j morning for ] the Haworth home. j day as their teachers attended a Refreshments were served by the family and Mis. B. F. Rookstool place Friday, __ ____ „ __ Red Cross sewing | Mr and Mrs Verl Bishop were j church conference in Caldwell. , hostesses, Mrs M. E. Rogers, Mrs and Keith attended a dinner at An all-day the J. C. Rookstool home near m eeting was held Wednesday at the, CaMwell shoppers Saturday. Miss Phyllis Haworth was honor Alva Watt, Mrs Dudley Mausling Parma for Lt. George and Mrs. Orlen Halnline home. Two quilts I sale Walter Stradley held a public gUest at a miscellaneous shower and Mrs Boyce Van de Water. of his stock and miscellaneous Rookstool of Sallna. Kansas and and several garments were com | articles We have palominos, pintces, well broke and at his ranch near Lower Fern Rookstool, 3K of the WAVES, pleted. M is H Harvey arvev flm m o n s o Bend e u u ¡miuuuiuu-a: who was home on furlough from Mr and Mis Eimmons schoolhouse Wednesday. J. E SEE THE unbroken; saddle horses, work horses and mu New York. have sold their farm and have Guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Schneider returned home moved to Ontario to reside tempor- last Sunday were Clif- les. Thursday morning from Hood arlly. Mrs Simmons will complete j ton Neilson, who is at home on River, having been called there the term as teacher of the seventh 8 furlough, and his som Tommy, We have excellent feeding anti shipping earlier ln the week because of and eighth grades at Lincoln. Mrs Mis J. A. Talbot of Boise and the illness of his sister, Mrs. Me- Amos Dejmal acted as substitute John Covington of Salt Lake Cily. conditions. We aim to please. For Your Farland, who was much better teacher for Mrs Simmons three' A "U"?ber. oi ,Bend .a t‘ when he left. 'days last week. landed the band concert at Adrian For information call 3581, Vaffe Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and I Lincoln sent 12 representatives h,gb school Friday evening. Several family, accompanied by Fred Pro- , to the American union Sunday students from here participated convention held at Cald- the concert, Vince, were Ontario shoppers Sat- school well Tuesday. Those attending' Miss Marjorie Cameron of Cald- urday. from here were Mr and Mrs Buell *ell spent the week-end visiting Vale, Oregon Hickey, Mr and Mrs Ralph Barnes, her parents. NU-ACRES Rev. and Mrs R. L. Kriner and ' Mr and Mrs A- M o r spent, Mrs. Martin Hansen left Mon- Sandra. Mrs Jim Hawkins, Mrs day of last week for North Platte, Jul° Hu-'ito"' “ rf, ^ and " M Mrs a in lin e Mrs Ray Whitsell Vern "1 Nebraska to visit her father. C. Smith. Mrs Huston and Mrs Smith A. Feather, who is seriously ill. participated in the scripture speak Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Moore spent contest. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Waiter ing Sunrise services will be held LeGrande. morning Mr. and rs. Archie Kersey and Easter Sunday _ . . . on . . Malheur faml y spent Sunday ln Caldwell butt8' The seTvlces wUI ** spon' with Mr and Mrs Ora Kersey and have SOTed Invited by 018 Arcadia yo“ng Sunday p°‘,>p!e' school ^ h', famlly ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Graves *> a«8,ld- An Easter program will and children spent Sunday at the glvon ,ollowlng clas3t* Sonday Henry Orcutt home. morning and Rev. R L Kriner Mrs. Kenneth Wall and sons of w111 rellver a message. J. R. Farley Boise spent week ago Sunday with wlu dellver a fermon Apr11 Chandler 8 Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley. Rev and “ rs R- ° ' Mr and Mrs. Paul Butcher and and 1)011 ny of Payette tolled Lin- family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett High- 001,1 Sunday scho° 1 Sunday mor"- barger and family, all of Notus. InB-They were dinner guests at the and Mr anrMrs Ray Butcher and Ba!Pb Barnes home and also call- family of Riverside. California at the Vern Smlth home- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A surprise housewarming party Dwight Durrlngton. was heW for Mr 111111 Mrs Jule Mr and Mrs. Marion Seven Huston and di,u«hters Prtday 8V* spent Tuesday with their son and 8nlng The hon<«ees were presented family, Mr and Mrs Ernest Seuell wlth a set of dishes and several of Nyssa gifts Klven by Individuals. Games Deanna, daughter of Mr. and were played and lunoh furnished Mrs. Cecil Evans Is quite 111. by 1118 «u « 13 was sorved- Mrs. Dave Barney has been ill Annle Harris' who recenUy the past week underwent an eye operation at La Mr. and Mrs. Cigert Davidson Grande to now staying with rela- of Parma were dinner guests at Bves ln that city. P. T. A. meeting the Smtt home week ago Sunday. will The be monthly held Friday evening. New Mr. and Mrs Smlt spent Sun officers will be elected. day with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Farmer and son Morris, have returned to their Oregon Trail farm after spending the winter ln Mrs F. C. Fry and Mrs. F. G. Portland in war work. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Key of Holmes attended the annual Sun- Portland visited Mrs. Key's broth- day « boo> workers' conference in er, Jay Conner, and family over Caldwell March 20. the week-end. while enroute to Mrs Ew8n chard who has 1)08,1 Tuthin, South Dakota. helping care for her father, W A. The Farmerette club met Wed- Mettlen, has returned home. Mr. nesday afternoon with Mrs. Ches- Mettlen 1s able to be up again. ney. Mrs. Henry Blanchard was I several Mr and days Mrs with T- v their - Olson daughter, vls,t8d co-hostess. Mrs. Harry Wood and son, Hor- I Mrs Horace Fuhrlman and children ace, left Thursday for Twin Falls at Kuna, Idaho, to visit In the home of her par - 1 Mr arvd Mrs Roy Holmes made ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston. a business trip to Nampa Saturday. Her brother is home on furlough Mr and Mrs Craig Russel of before going overseas. Filer, Idaho and William Dee of Tiffin, Iowa visited at the F. S. Byers home from Monday until Wednesday. Lincoln Heights The 4-H Sewing club met with their new leader, lone Robbins, Big Bend Saturday. They elected the foll owing officers: Darlene Robbins, Miss Virginia Miller substituted president; Cleone Pettet. vice pres ln Mrs Haworth's place In Nyssa ident; and Loto Halnline, secre high school several days during the In this fertile valley where Idaho and us an extra burden if we are to maintain tary. The girls plan to have a past week. weiner roast March 31, Mr and Mrs J. E. Cameron re Oregon meet, the past seven years have wit these hard-won advantages after the war. j Mr and Mrs M. J. Pettet spent ceived word from their son, Keith Sunday at the Ike Palmer home from Iwo Jlma, stating that he to nessed a remarkable transformation of agri near Kuna. Idaho. They stopped ln good health and doing fine, As every veteran beet grower knows, farm to see Mr Pettet's sister, Mrs Lura I The youth to serving ln the mar- culture and industry. Here in 1938, the Mltohell, who to ill In the Namj>a I ines. ers are not free to grow all the beets they want hospital. I Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop trans- Nyssa sugar factory was erected. Five years Teressa Watterson visited her acted business in Nampa Wednes- in normal times. They are limited by legal grandparents In Nampa last week. day. later, in response to a popular demand for more Her grandfather, Pete Rivet, un Mrs H. R. Hatch and Helen quotas. Normally the entire sugar industry derwent an ojjeratlon In the Nam shopped ln Nampa Thursday. sugar beet acreage than one factory could pa hospital last week. Mrs Walter Bishop and Mrs Rev. and Mrs Luther Weston Cyrus Bishop shopped In Nyssa serve, a second factory was built at Nampa. can produce only 23 per cent of the nation's and famlly of Prultland were Sun Thursday. day dinner guests at the Buell j Mr and Mrs F. A. Miller and These factories, the two newest and most total sugar needs. Quotas for individuals Hickey home. . Mrs E. H. Brumbach were In Ont- modern in America, have helped to establish Mr and Mrs Austin Robbins! arto on business Wednesday. They and districts are likewise limited, and are were Sunday dinner guests at the visited Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mrs this district as one of the finest beet growing home of Mr and Mrs Virgil Perry Grover Lee. based, to a large extent, on past production of Vale. The No Name club met with Miss districts in the nation . . . and the fastest grow Mr and Mrs Olen German and Dorothy Hamilton Wednesday af- history, with older districts having a natural U pper Sunset _______________________ - ____ ______________ Rev riet t £unda Special Horse Sale Sunday, April 8 at 1 P.M. Dessert Seed Co Grass, Clover and Alfalfa seed Brahs Bro. Auction Yard B RIG H Tv-S EOI OF ing. Prepare to Attend the Owyhee Riding Club DANCE Saturday, March 31 And help build the new rodeo grounds Nyssa Gymnasium GOOD ORCHESTRA GOOD TIME Come early as we will close at 12 o’clock, midnight. Come in your Levi’s if you want to. Admission $1 per couple, including tax. Its wartime record for sugar beet pro duction is outstanding. Its 1945 record, based on a partial 1945 “signup,” promises to be even better. Insur: NY 8 S U»l|i||!| Ili S S 2 1 r' tentions are carried through, the three-year I -J l : La So new districts like this one, t with only a short history to draw on, must continue to do their best . . . this year, next wartime record of this district for sugar Food Administration goals, will likely be the best of any beet district in the nation. And still there’s no room for complacency. The very newness of the district puts upon duction that counts . . . planted and harvested. acres that are The nation needs the sugar; the valley needs the industry; our growers will need the beet crops for postwar prosperity. This is the bright spot of the sugar beet industry. Let s keep it that way! Let s plant our full contracted acreage. THE A M A L G A M A T E D SUGAR CO. = = 2 2 E E Eî r: year, every year. Moreover, it’s actual pro By the end of next harvest, if present in beet acreage, compared with W a r advantage. Bei I b? ve