THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified Advertising RATES advance la 30c. For Rent FOR RENT OR SALE— 80 near FOR SALE— Seventh house on Homedale, Idaho. Cash or crop. No race restrictions. Will sell equ- north side of road west of Dessert , lpment w j winalow, oreenleaf, Seed Co. on Alberta ave. Size 16' Idaho. 29 Mlxp. by 26'. 2 rooms upstairs, 3 in base- ! - - - — ~ — r — — *—r\~ , 1 FOR RENT— The Bosshardt forty, ment. One acW garden and pas- j mlle of Apple valley K h. ture. Owyhee ditch water. $1830, ooihouse and ‘4 mile west.Wrlte or $750 down payment, rest terms. In­ call Frank T. Morgan, Nyssa, Ore­ gon. 22M2xc quire at residence. 29Mlxp. FOR SALE— Gem seed potatoes, Found one year from blue tag. Phone 65J. POUND—Purse ' with money. In­ E. L. Jamison. 22Mtfc quire at Journal office. 29M1 FOR SALK— Fifty acres west of LOST Nyssa city limits. Two houses, ex- ! cellent soil, priced at $300 per acre. > LO T — Large German police and See Frank T. Morgan. 15Mtfc. j shepherd deg, solid dark color. .---------------------------------------- — — — i Answers to the name of “Sport". SEWING MACHINES & RE- Notify Bill Looney at Eder Hard- PAIRING — F. "Lete" Sackett, ware. Adrian, Oregon. Liberal re- Phone 247M. P.O. Box 608. 3rd ward. 29Mlxp Building south of US. 28 on 1 s t -------------------------- Street. Ontario Oregon. j BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Mon­ FOR SALE—Small house east of day and Friday. Beef, sheep and tracks in Ward addition. $1000 pork. Sanitary butchering guaran­ cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jtfc teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must FOR SALE- -Thompson's Chek-R- come ln Thursday or Sunday after- Chlx for delivery every Wednesday ! lloon between 1 o’clock and 7. No and Saturday after March 3. Ord- j « ork accepted on butchering day. er early to get the breed and date One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta 29Mtfc you want them. Thompson's Ont­ avenue. Jake Fischer. ario hatchery. 18Jtfc PAGE THREE legislatures. The cost of the session greased two-quart casserole. Bake. Lola Jean Smith, Paul Knotting- M ove to New R esid en ce— Defendants To, Susan G. Whitehead, John Doe j is estimated to be $125,000. The ln mode rati- oven (315) degrees for | ham, Janice Casselman, Jacqueline Mr and Mrs Gordon Ray have - and Billy Wilson, Brian Crutch- moved to their new residence Just Whitehead, her husband, and the i expense does not cease with the j minutes. field, Charlotte and Ronald Ditty north of their store. Remodeling unknown heirs and devisees of fall of the gavel, but continues for and Barbara Kirkland. Refresh- __ . said JoXn Doe Whitehead, if he 40 days during which the Journals menu of sandwiches, salad, cake « o re building will be start- be dead, and all other persons o f the two houses are revised and and ice cream were sei ved. Joan ed soon to make more space lor storage. and parties unknown, having or corrected. There were 931 bills, Mrs Guy Tanner entertained received several nice gifts. claiming to have some right, title, resolutions and memorials intro­ the Out-Our-Way club at her interest in or lien upon the real duced, which is a near-record. home Thursday afternoon. Ten Session Rated estate described in the complaint The late session was surely bet members answered roll call with on file herein. ter than average. Its faults and |a l4*®- The ladles P! csented g Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE virtues as human as those of the i toT Mrs Tanner s new home. Mrs OF OREX j ON, you and each of you people who elected them to go to Jim Ritchie was in charge o t e games, with Mrs S. B. Hoffman are hereby required to appear and j the capital, and Mrs Glenn Hoffman winning As I have sold my farm, I will sell the following answer the coinplaint filed against | Here are lobby and gallery in- , prizes. property % mile north of Adrian and 2 % miles you in the above entitled suit on l terviews at random: Refreshments of sandwiches, pie or before the 19th day of April “ 'Thirty years ago I thought we | west on Newell Heights road. 1945, said date being the last day ' held a line session. They are g e t -iand coffee were served, of four weeks from the date of me I ting better.-Jay Bowerman, form- I The next meeting will be held first publication of this summons; j er governor and president of the ' at *be home of Mrs Geoige C and If you fail to appear and an s-sen a te in 1919. April 12. "Although this legislature Is re-] wlllis Bertram was in Boise wersaid complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the garded as being conservative, tt, Saturday, George Cleaver was In Ontario SALE STARTS AT 12:30 Court for the relief prayed for in has demonstrated that It recog- ! ru>/' rt~ niacs the need for facing the pro- Monday. ver complaint. Truman and FYancis Cleaver This suit Is brought for the pur- blems of the future with realism, are much improved from their 1 Team son-ell horses, coming 4 and 5 years old. oose of quieting title of the plain- It lias been fair in its approach to W eight 3000 lbs and well matched. iff to the southwest quarter of the the problems In which laboring recent illness. Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell and outheast quarter of Section 19. people have a particular Interest." 1 Bay mare, 7 years old, wt. 1600. 1 Bay horse, 7 Township 20. S. R 46 E. W. M. in --S. Ehigene Allen, editor Oregon Donna Belle and Alva. Jr., were years old, wt. 1650. A good team. Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Malheur County, Oregon, and re- Labor Press. quirin? the defendants to set forth “clow ,” Harry Dean. 94-year-old Nielson home.. The dinner was 2 Good sets of harness. given in honor of CUfton Nielson, 1 Guernsey cow, 6 years, freshened in Jan. Gave 44 he nature of their claims, if any, 1 doorkeeper of the house, ind that all adverse claims of the • “Of the 800 bills Introduced and who is home on leave from the ibs. when fresh. Giving 36 lbs. now. lefendants be determined by de- j 470 passed this legislature has a merchant marines. Thelma Florea who has been L Guernsey cow, 5 years old, freshened in Oct. Gave ree of the court, and that defen- ; great deal to apologize for”, Mor- lants be decreed to have no right ' ton Tompkins, state grange mas- staying at the Willis Bertram home 42 lbs when fresh. Giving 34 lbs now. returned to her home in Nyssa title or interest therein adverse to ter. 1 Shorthorn cow, 4 years old, freshened in Jan. the plaintiff. I "Level headed bunch of men. Sunday. Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell were Gave 36 lbs when fresh. Giving 26 lbs now. This summons Is published by or- | One of the best legislatures we der of the Hon. M. A. Biggs, Cir- have had for a long time".—Oz n Ontario Tuesday. 1 Guernsey cow, 4 years, freshened Jan. 20. Gave luenii Vista Two cent a pel woro lor ench Issue Minimum c u n In MliiCKLLANLOUS For Sale THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1945 Farm Sale Wed., April 4 zuit Judge, made and entered on West, former governor. 55 lbs. Giving 50 lbs now. March 13, 1945, prescribing th a t' “ Euuhh” —Chief Yallup, Colum- ' 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years, freshened in Nov. Gave this summons be served by publl- l bia fisherman. cation thereof, once each week | “This legislature, while funda- Rev. and Mrs R. L. Casselman, 38 lbs. Giving 24 lbs now. for four consecutive weeks In the | mentally conservative, was liberal Anton Myhr and Mary Query att­ 1 Purebred Guernsey bull, 2 years old. Gate City Journal, a newspaper ln many respects—pension, un­ ended a missionary conference of All cows are Bang’s tested. published in Malheur County, Ore- ' employment and salary Increases, the Assemblies of God church in ton. and the date of the first pub­ appropriations for improvements, Caldwell Tuesday. Rev. Howard 1 16-inch walking plow. Legal Advertisement veterans' legislation and planning Osgood, w ___ who ___ _______ ____ __ lication is March 22, 1945. has spent 15 _____ years 1 Two-section John Deere Spike-tooth harrow. QUALITY BABY CHICKS—From A. L. Fletcher for the return of men and women among the Chinese people, was NOTICE OF MEETING Pullorum tested flocks. Selected for 1 Two-row Valley Mound corrugator. Attorney for Plaintiff in the armed forces received ma­ Owyhee Irrigation District vigor and egg-producing qualities. jor consideration. Any proposed KUM r ^ n d eMrs Frank Dudley of ] 2 WheelbaiTOWS ‘ Residence and Post Office 1 Float Notice Hereby is Given: That the Chicks hatching every Tuesday and Address, Nyssa, Oregon. increase in taxation consistently gurley, Idaho came Tuesday to 1 Rubber tired wagon and rack Friday. Order early to insure de­ B :ard of Directors of the Owyhee met opposition.” —Governor Earl vislt her si3ter Mrs waiter HllUs, sired delivery date.Also metal fee­ Irrigation District, sitting as a 1 12-foot McCormick Deering hay rake NOTICE TO CREDITORS Snell and family. They returned to their ders and founts and chick supplies. Board of Equalization, will meet on 1 Sickle grinder and motor NOTICE hereby is given to the! Long Distance Politics home Saturday. Lemon’s hatchery. Phone 11J, N y -, ^le 3rd day ° f April, 1945, at 8:00 creditors and all other persons' During the closing hours of the Mrs Ed Corfteld attended a Sun- 1 Garden cultivator 2 Slips and slings ssa, Oregon. 15Ftfc o'clock P. M. of said day at its interested in the estate of K atie, legislature speculation on a presi- day school convention ln Cald­ 1 16-in. International hay chopper, new. office at Nyssa, Oregon, for the Famsworth, deceased: that the u n - , dent of the senate and speaker of well Tuesday. purpose of reviewing and correcting W ANTED its 'assessment roll “and apportion- ! designed has been appointed Ad-1 the house for the 1947 session George Yasumura, who has been 1 John Deere hand corn sheller. WORK WANTED—Crew of four ment of charges for operation and ' ministrator of the estate of K atie1 brought out the names of Senators visiting relatives in New York City 1 John Deere com planter. wants to cut potatoes, write box maintenance for the 1945 season. Farnsworth, deceased, and has | Lamport, Gibson, Chessman and returned home Saturday. 1 Two-section John Deere spring-tooth harrow, Engdahl to be added to those of 9>, Nyssa. or phone 05J11. 22M3xp. The assessment roll and record qualified as such. Charles Ditty left Monday by nearly new. All persons having claims against1 Senators Newbry, Cornette and train for a few days' visit with may be inspected at the office of WANTED— Man with family for the district by any interested per­ said estate are required to present Walsh who were candidates in his daughter, Mrs Chester Newell 1 Hay derrick, complete with cables and pulleys row crop work. House, garden and son during office hours of each same with the proper vouchers 1943. All except Walsh and Cor- and family in Tacoma. 1 Two-horse fresno. 1 Four-wheel trailer pasture furnished. Three miles business day. duly verified within six months of nette, who are holdovers, will have On Thursday of last week an 1 New stock tank. 1 used Stock tank. west of Langton’s comer. Norman the date of the first publication to run for re-election but are pop­ all-day meeting of the Oregon Ass­ By order of the Beard of Direc­ Douglas. 22M2xp of this notice, to the undersigned ular in their districts and prac­ emblies of God churches was held 240 rods of 36” woven wore. tors. By Frank T. Morgan, Secretary „ at the „ office of . A. , , L. Fletcher in tically assured of election. In the in Nyssa. Those attending from 1 Spool of new barbed wire. Some used wire. WANTED— To rent two-bedroom Owyhee Irrigation District Nyssa Ore8on' whlch PIace ls here- house Rep. Giles L. French and here were Re. and Mrs R. L. Cass­ house with bath in Nyssa. Inquire Ralph T. Moore, are readily ac­ elman, Mr and Mrs George Wilson, 1 John Deere horse corn and potato cultivator Datcd and first publ. Mar. 8th 1945. by d o n a t e d as the place of bus- Journal office. 22M3xp Last publ. Mar. 29th, 1945. , :ness in a11 matters connected with cepted by a majority of the mem- Mr and Mrs geSiie Ditty, Mr and 1 DeLaval, 2 single units magnetic milking machine [said estate. bers of the present house as being | Mrs Rot^rt Ditty, Anton Myhr, WANTED— Alfalfa hay. Kelly Hay Used 8 months. eminently qualified to preside as Mary Query Maria Kirkland and Co. 1010 1st St. N., Nampa. Idaho. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF March 24. 1945. Lots of Small hand tools. Leo Farnsworth, Administra.- speaker. , Phone 335M. 15M3xc. Tressa Ditty. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tor Estate of Katie Farnsworth“ Gubernatorial Appointment 1 Ton barley. Mr and Mrs Olaf E'Ullngness 10 Tons chopped hay. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. WANTED—Man for year around Deceased. I Senator William H. Strayer, of ■ have moved to their property on 15 Tons 1st and 3rd cutting long hay. Summons For Publication work on farm. Good house and Gertrude Czaplewski 1st publ. March 29. 1945 Baker, dean of the senate with I the Chalk butte road and are re- 1500 lbs ear corn living condition. Married man Last pub. April 26. 1945. I thirty years of service in the state I modeling and enlarging their house. 1500 lbs ground oats. Plaintiff, only. See Jake Fischer. 15Mtfc | senate, has been re-appointed by j Mr and Mrs Harry Frye of App. 3 doz. Grain sacks 1000 lbs of oats. Vs Governor Earl Snell as a member ; Homedale were visitors Tuesday 60 New Hampshire red hens, laying good now. Busan G. Whitehead, John Doe WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES toi of the state board of geology and in the Walter and Marion Hlllis Whitehead, her husband, and the live fox feed horses Phone 8 Pav- 1 10-tube R. C. A. Victor radio. mineral industries, for a term of homes. unknown heirs and devisees of efte 27Ntfc four years. Senator Strayer has Mr and Mrs j A Black motored 1 Bed, springs and mattress. the said John Doe Whitehead. been a member of the board since Brigham City, Utah Wednesday 1 New Davenport and chair. WANTED—Used furniture Highest If he be dead, and all other per­ its creation in 1937. j to bring Staff Sergeant Robert H. prices ne id Phone 149W. Nyssa sons and parties unknown, having MilllB/L 1 Kitchen table and chairs. 1 Cot and Mattress. Americana | Dickson to their home, where he Furniture Co. 1ATFC or claiming to have some right, M urrayVado Many interesting Individuals vis- , wju spend his furlough. He ls stat- 1 Minnesota sewing machine. 1 Circulating heater title interest in or lien upon the WANTED—Ma mire haulers. See ited the legislature this session in- I ioned at the Bushnell general Canned fruit and jars. real estate described'in the com­ eluding brigadier generals, milllon- hospital in Brigham City. Frank T. Morgan. 18Jtfc plaint on file herein. The public is invited to bring in livestock and Emily Post could smile with ap- aires, Indian chiefs and noted au- The Clarence Niccum family of proval at the polite and orderly j thors. The visit of the so-called Nyssa have moved to the Gabriel machinery for sale. conclusion of the 43rd Oregon leg- | “ one-man chamber of Commerce” , place in Cow hollow. TERMS CASH islature on St. Patrick’s day. Most A. Kalina, mayor of Malln, was of Adolph Schneider and family Lunch served on the grounds I of the day was taken up with mo- signal interest. Malin, in the Klam- moved the first of the week to a ] tion following motion to reconsid-: ath potato growing district, has place Hi Idaho. 1 er previously defeated bills or to set a challenging example ln civic Mrs Maria Kirkland entertained | suspend the rules to bring o u t , achievement. His town with a pop- at her home Saturday in obser­ i doomed bills held in committees. I ulation of 535 has established the vance of the ninth birthday of I Verbal shillalahs were swung and first community park district in her daughter, Joan. Those present ! dodged as social errors approach- ' Oregon and is building a park were Terry Flanagan, Luella and Col. Bert Andei’SOn, aUCt. L. H. Fritts, clerk ing misdemeanors occurred. How- which wtll cost $135,000. Twenty- ever, when the end neared all be- eight of the residents, most of came serene to the tune (?) of whom are Czecho-Slovoks, donated Auld Lang Syne. The session last- t $500 each to the project, ed 69 days and established an all- j Consideration Of Bills DENTISTS OPTOMETRISTS time record for length of Oregon ! Governor Snell said Wednesday DR. J. A. McFALL — ------ - ------------------ ■■ ■ — he would finish action on bills “ See M e ta ll and 8 . » B e tte r ' J. R. CUNDALL well before the 20 days after ad­ journment he Is given to sign, veto Dentist or file them without signature. Phone 56-J The Western-Hall Hi-Lift sweep rake with Power Control unit is de­ Bills carrying the emergency clause Sarazin Clinic become law on the expiration of NYSSA__________ OREDON signed to take the drudgery out of forage crop harvesting, cuts haying the 20 day period if not vetoed- except those passed during the time as much as 50 per cent; does the work of 3 or 4 wagon crews. Del­ JEW ELRY STORES W E BUY EYESIGHT SPECIALIST session when he has only 5 days ivers clean fully leaved hay to the stacks. Handles shocked grain to the W E SELL in which to exercise his veto pow- ONTARIO OREGON PAULUS ers. thresher easily and quickly. Is used for all bundled or bulky forage crops; W E TRADE Sunset Valley 4 Capital' m Parade' Jesse Sugg, Owner Western Hall Hi-Lift Sweep Rakes Used Cars JEW ELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second W YC K O FF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO__________OREGON GEORGE JACKSON MODERN WATCH DEPAIRING State Licensed Watchmaker ONTARIO. OREGON 3H blocks N. of City Hall PHYSICIANS ANYW AY A N Y TIME L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to $ Dslly- Except Sunday Pry Building SAR AZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. General practice of medicine X-ray Physiotherapy HAY BUYER W . F. JAHN SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoe Shop AH kinds of shoe and harness repairing. Across front post office. Dealer in Hay and Grain. No. 5, Factory Court ¡Opposite Sugar Factory baled or loose straw. Victory Food H ints 1935- - Chevrolet Coach By Leona Anderson 1936- -Pontiar Sedan, radio, heater. Idaho Power Co. 1938- -Oldsmobile Coupe "A One-disher For Washday” 1940- -Studebaker Champ. Sedan A dandy one-disher—macroni, 1941- -Pontiac Sedan-Coupe cheese and tomatoes—gets a 100 1939- -Studebaker Com. Sedan per cent vote from the family when j 1941--Buick Sedanette served with a simple menu such 1940- -DeSoto Sedan as a fresh salad, biscuits and 1940--Oldsmobile Sedan fruits. 1938- -Chevrolet Sedan "Monday beans” can be backed 1939- -Ruirk Special Coupe, Radio o ff the map with this easy dish. j and Heater The recipe has been tested and j approved and here it ls. "Baked Macroni Casserole" 1 Six ounce package 7-mlnute macroni. Manager 1 cup soft bread crumbs. 2 beaten eggs. 2 cups canned tomatoes. 1 cup diced American cheese. 1-3 cup diced green pepper. USED CAR MARKET 1 t. minced onion. 1-4 cup butter. 1 Block West of the Bank Cook macroni in boiling, salted Ontario Phone 137 water seven minutes, drain. Add remaining ingredients: mix light­ ly; season to taste. Pour into A rt Burson Jesse M. Chase The KNEE-FLEX Spring Suspension gives the hay a smooth ride over rough fields at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. It is loaded and unloaded as fast as you can shift gears-easily and quickly detached from the tractor. Place Your Order Now Delivery will be made within 10 days, Call us collect, Phone 167. B. & M. Equipment Co. In Bums Chevrolet Co. Building 9th and Arthur Streets Idaho