Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, March 29, 1945, Image 1

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    TheN YSSA
No. 11
Easter Will Be
Celebrated By
Nyssa Churches
Educators Here
For Health Meet
And Child Clinic
Factory Worker
Is Badly Hurt
Nimrods Finish
Organization Of
Malheur League
Clifford Ashby, well known "ace"
Mrs Boyd Shaw of Nyssa receiv­
of tlie American air forces, has
ed woid this morning that her
A cross-country run will be stag­
George Naylor, pipe fitter and
been promoted to the rank of cap- mechanic in the Amalgamated ed by Nyssa high school youths
husband, who was stationed with
Service the 32nd radar division on Luzon Annual Meeting of Heal­ tain and arrived at his home in \ sugar company factory in Nyssa, Friday, starting at 3 p. m. under Three Nyssa Residents
island in the Philippines, was kill­
Nyssa March 19 for a 21-day fur- j was seriously injured when struck the direction of Track Coach Kev-
th Association to be
Placed on Board of
W ill Be Dispensed
ed March 4.
ion the head by an elevator chain eren.
Mrs Shaw makes her home with
Captain Ashby has completed 80 shortly qeiore noon Monday.
The boys will run a mile down
her parents. Rev. and Mrs E. J.
Malheur county sportsmen, meet­
Pastors o f the local churches Wibon of Nyssa.
voted at a meeting of the Nyssa
Details of Mr Shaw's life were cators are in Malheur county th is, has received the distinguished fly- ! Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario return, making a total distance ing in the Boulevard Grange hall
week to confer with school off­ ing cross, 11 oak leaf clusters and 6Ufferlng from a skull fracture nf lwo »lies. The participants will near Cairo junction, elected dir­
Ministerial association last week not available today.
icials and attend a clinic and the the presidential citation ribbon, and severe shock. When injured, j he Melvin Melow. Jack Lile, Bob
ectors and attended to other bus­
to dispense with the usual Easter
Shaw, David iness pertaining to organization
ninth annual meeting of the Mal­ He has been in the service about Naylor wtLS replacmg the elevator Church.
sunrise service, so that the prin­
Lhrce years. He is a one-man crew
. .____ _ . 4 __
heur County Public Health assoc­ i n his P51 fighter plane
cipal feature of the Easter obser­
I chain on a sprocket. The heavy ! Highland, Robert Florea, Eldred of the Malheur County Game
Captain Ashby, an L. D. S. boy. chaln sapped o ff the sprocket again Irving, Reed Ray, J. B. Lewis and i league Tuesday night,
vance will be the individual church
The educators are Mrs Ethel attended the quarterly conference ! and lashing out like a whip struck ! Robert McDonald,
i Aden Wilson and Roy Pounds
the head.
winner will be given
cross- I were elected to represent Nyssa
of in Weiser Sunday with his father.
In place of the outdoor sunrise
Plans for development of the
His mother recently died here. He! Although Mr Naylors condition,
monogram Shaw is fav-
service, the ministers are urging new Nyssa airport are progressing education of visually handicapp­
is serious, he is expected to recoverjcounlry monogram, s n a » is lav , and Charles Newbill the Adrian
ed, staff consultant state school lias three brothers in the service.
territory on the board. Vale and
I ored to win the run.
all Christians to hold sunrise ser­ nicely.
unless complications develop.
Ontario also elected three direc­
Work has progressed far enough for the deaf; John E. Taylor, sup­
vices in their own homes. They
ervisor of education of deaf and
tors. The board of nine members
suggested as suitable passages of 'on reconstruction of a two-room hard-of-hearing, staff consultant
will elect a president and a sec­
house for the manager that Ralph
scripture Matthew, 27th chapter, Winebrenner expects to move his state school for the blind, and Leon
retary-treasurer from among them­
and Psalm 28.
family to the airport during the Lassers of Portland, supervisor
speech correction, staff consultant,
The sportsmen also adopted a
An Easter cantata, “The Prince first part of April.
constitution and by-laws at the
The Malheur county court has
drilling a well, the city child guidance extension. Univer­
The Red Cross quota lor the
of Life” , will be presented in the
The annual Nyssa chamber of I meeting, which was attended by 12
_____________________ _
reached water at a depth of 100 sity of Oregon Medical school.
Nvssa-Adrlan district has been ex­ issued an appeal to farmers to
Nazarene church by the Nazarene , . ,
... .
The visitors spent Monday and ceeded by a few hundred dollars, refrain from allowing waste water commerce banquet, scheduled to I Nyssa residents. Charles Flegel of
feet. A pressure pump will be m-
young people Sunday morning at stalled for watering the trees and Tuesday in the junior high schcol Mrs Bernard Frost, local chairman, to run onto the roads and high­ have been held several weeks ago, I Ontario acted as temporary chair-
, man
lawn that are expected to be pla n t-1 *n Ontario and met with parents said.
has been set for April 20. The
The sacrament of baptism will ed around the house. The city is I
I The first regular meeting will
children with defects in the
Last year the county court klnd-
The quota for the two districts
be held in the Boulevard Grange
be observed and reception of new als0 ¿rawing plans for a shop and Nyssa high school building Wed-| js £2550 and Nyssa has Itself rais- ly requested the farmers to not al-
meinbers will be held at the morn- qangar
*— —
and J today.
J— ” They
— -------—
were ass­ ed $'1400 and is expected to reach ! low their waste water to run on economics room of the high school ■ hall May 22, when Frank B. Wire
of the state game department
ing service in the Methodist church.
several local residents are in- isted by Mrs Edna Farris of Vale the $2550 mark with receipts from ! the county roads", the court said, building.
health 'he Rod Cross benefit to be given ! "We received excellent coopera-
Rev. Gernhardt will speak on the tPrestPd in buying airplanes that Malheur
The banquet was postponed from will show pictures on wild life and
subject, “This Is Victory
the government is releasing.
by Alex Geokan at Alex’ place, tion from the great majority of its scheduled date in February discuss tentative hunting regula­
Dr. Lassers and Professor Taylor Friday night. Geokan will serve1 farmers, for which our sincere because the chamber members de­ tions for the year.
Special musical numbers well be
when the designation papers ar-
The league now has more than
presented in the Methodist church rjvei which are expected scon, also delivered talks at the weekly- sandwiches and soft drinks and thanks, but there were a few, sired to hear Allan A. Smith of
as follows: Prelude in E minor by more use can be made of the field luncheon of the Nyssa chamber will give all the proceeds to the j mostly through negligence, who did Portland speak on the subject of 300 members, many of whom are
¡Bauhe; organtory--Andante from
of commerce Wednesday noon.
Red Gross. The public is invited | not properly take care of their valley authorities and Mr Smith farmers. The annual membership
■trio 7 by Beethoven; postlude—
They said the first purpose of to attend at any time up to mid- waste water and our attention was was unable to come to Nyssa at fee is $2.
the program is to detect children night.
Easter Joy by Morrison, with Mrs
! called to several who, it seems. that time because of his attendance
Carlos Buchner playing the piatio;
who have visual, hearing or speech
The $2400 collected in Nyssa in-1 wilfully and unpatriotically plan- at the legislative session in Salem.
difficulties and who are in the cludes the Nyssa theater collec - 1 ned to use the road for
violin solo--The Elegy in G minor
a waste
Mr Smith's address will include
schools of the county and to refer tions, which amounted to m ore! ditch. The court hesitated to take a discussion of the proposed Col­
by Kramer, Mrs Herbert Fisher;
them to the proper medical or than $95.
vocal trio—O! Saviour of the World
I action and make an example of umbia valley authority.
by Pears, Kathryn Crandall, Harr­
superintendent educational agency where such re­
The amount of money raised in ■ these few, hoping they would soon
All business men and their wives
iet Cole and Mrs C. Buchner with of the Malheur experiement station ferral is indicated.
Adrian, reported
to be several realize their mistake and help 1m- ! are Invited to attend the banquet,
The first baseball game of the
Mrs Henry Hartley as accompanist. announced this week that a Feed-
The second purpose is to give hundred dollars,
could not be prove the roads and thus oontri- j The chamber of commerce will
season for the Nyssa Bulldogs will
The children of the Bible school j ers day program has been ar-
.t° _ ^ . _ t^ herL \nX Pa,rent6,^ an Earned this morning. With Nyssa
understanding of the educational raising $2500, the Nyssa-Adrlan
cf the First Church of Christ will ranged for April 13 .
“We are glad to acknowledge er chambers of commerce in the be played April 6, instead of April
present a special program Sunday j The program will be the third and social problems of children quota will be exceeded by what­ that many farmers did contribute, Snake river valley to attend the 3, as previously announced. The
morning at 10 o'clock. The church held at the station since it was who have visual, hearing or speech ever amount Adrian collects.
individually, toward building and meeting. This territory is vitally Bulldogs and the Vale Vikings will
held special services during the established in February, 1942. This difficulties or who are maladjusted
repairing their roads and we as­ interested in the proposed valley play on the Nyssa diamond.
Nyssa is dropping two games
past week with Rev Frank Gosser year an interesting program will so that they may make the max- |
sure them this was greatly appre­ authority measures now before
from its schedule. Instead of play­
„ f
M w rcseo
of Payette preaching.
| be in store for those who attend, imum progress and development in Cl
ing each team in the conference
school and at home.
i k T lF lI U l l x j S o d
A revival service will be started sitton said,
"The court has full knowledge of
three times, the Bulldogs will play
Dr. Lassers said the crippled
in the Assembly of God church on
The program will be
the condition of our county roads.
each school twice, and wQi add
Easter. Communion will be held promptly at II a. m. and will last child receives every attention, be-
We have sometimes over a hundred R. F. GILCHRIST
one other game.
¡until 3 p. m. with a tour of th e ' cause his troubles are obvious, but
letters and personal calls a week, FUNERAL IS HELD
The local field has been too we»
A special Easter program will be feed yards being the last feature.
(Continued on Page 5)
Pfc. Kenneth Pierce of Scotts- and we have worried over this
for practice. Three boys, George
given in the L. D. S. chapel Sun- The Ontario, Nyssa and V
a l e --------------------------
bluff, Nebraska, son of Mrs. Mary more than the people who use
Kasahara, Tom Rldder and Donald
day morning. Richard Taylor and chambers of commerce will serve a Riding Club To Meet—
Pierre of Nyssa, has been dis­ the roads. We are doing all that is
Robert F. Gilchrist, Sr., of Lin­
Mildred Williams will have charge free lunch at noon.
i The Owyhee Riding club will charged from the Winter general possible to keep the roads pass coln Heights died in the Holy Ros- Whitman, are working out for the
pitching staff. Stelnke and Bellon
of the program.
-------------------------- i hold a business meeting on the
hospital in Topeka, Kansas and (able, realizing that school buses, aTy hospital Tuesday evening.
are the only returning lettermen.
A program of dialogues, a skit Primary Conference Planned--
1 last Thursday night of each month spent a 21-day furlough with his cream trucks and mail routes have
Death came following a rather
The Bulldogs will practice In
and songs will be presented in the I Class dramatizations will be a at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse. wife, Dorothy, in Scottsbluff and had to suspend service on certain short illness, in which injuries and
Payette Friday.
Free Methodist church in Adrian I special feature of the primary beginning at 8 o ’clock. The first his mother in Nyssa.
roads. We have, today 19 or 20 shock suffered in a tractor acci-
during the Sunday school hour.: conference to be held Sunday ev- | meeting will be held tonight. Lloyd
Pierce, who was wounded twice bridges to rebuild or repair and dent about a month ago. were at
The church will sponsor an Easter ening in the L. D. S. church. A R- Marshall is president and Mrs in Italy, entered the service in we cannot get bridge material. Our least contributing factors.
egg hunt for the children Satur- one-act play written by T. Carol Lynn Snodgrass is secretary. The August, 1942 and trained at Camp motor-graders, shovel and gravel
Funeral services were in the BE SPONSORED HERE
day afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Bybee, will be given by a group j members and their friends are e s - ' Roberts, California and at Port trucks are in such condition that L.D8. chapel in Ontario Frldaq.
A special Easter service will be of girls under the direction of Mrs
\ pecialiy invited to
attend a dance Meade, Maryland. He it was
is sent
very expensive to keep them
Mr. Ollchrtst is survived by his
Ministers of the city outlined
held in the Presbyterian church Sherman Bybee. The main theme to be sponsored by the riding club ( overseas March 19. 1944 and land- running and we are often delayed widow, three sons, three daugh­ plans at a recent meeting for a
in Adr'.in with the members of the of the conference is “Reverence”. Saturday night in the school gym- | ed in North Africa March 28. He weeks in getting repair parts.
ters, three brothers
and three vacation Bible school to be held
Bible school participating. A story “The Lord's Prayer”, with soft nasium. The Idaho Wranglers will j was at a replacement center in
“Prospects are much brighter for sisters.
during the two weeks Immediately
an1 song service centering about music will be given by a class un-
the future, for the court has been
following the close of the public
replace- able to set aside, at the present To Caldwell—
“ The Twelfth Apostle" will be led der the supervision of Mrs Arvel the entertainment chairman, W. L. | transferred to another
school term.
by the choir at 7:30 p. m.
Lane, a prize will be awarded to! ment center in Italy.
time, something over $60000 to be
Mrs Ben Hartley and daughter,
the man and woman who have the
Pierce first saw action in May, used for roads when men and ma­ Ilene and Mrs Opal King were in school will be conducted for five
Pvt. Kurtz entered the army best western costume
1944, when he participated in the chinery are available but for the Caldwell on business Thursday.
days a week, Monday through Fri­
in June, 1944 and trained at Camp
advance and the capture of Rome. duration
day from 9 to 11:30 a. m.
“The people were terribly glad to times, we ask your cooperation, Visits In Portland—
| Wolters, Texas. He is a 1942 grad- Here FromUtah—
The teachers have not been sel­
help, not hinder.”
Mrs George Whipple is visiting ected. Samples of materials are
! uate of Nyssa high school.
and son, Wayne, of Ogden visited though we couldn't
her mother and other relatives in expected to be received soon.
Having served seven months ov- here pYiday and Saturday with them" their kisses of appreciation ' Returns From Hospital-
Portland for two weeks. She left
The new officers of the Nyssa
erseas, T-Sgt. Wayne S. Piercy, son Mr and Mrs Dewey Garner of helped convey the fact.”
| Tom Eldi edge returned home Tuesday. Her mother is at home Ministerial association are Rev.
cf W. E. Piercy of Nyssa route 2, Emmett.
| After the battle for Rome the Saturday from the Holy Rosary on furlough from service In the E. J. Wilson, president, and Rev.
has now been assigned to the army
men in his division were pulled out hospital, where he underwent an WACS.
Oeorge Whipple. Jr., secretary-
air bare at Pueblo. Colorado. He Visits At Parma—
|On October 3, he returned to battle operation,
received the air medal with two
Miss Peggy Pounds spent the north of Rome and was wounded j
To Help In Services—
oak leaf clusters while participât- week-end with her friend, Betty of the front lines for a 15-day rest. ! Get Stake Positions--
Rev. George Whipple, pastor of To Operate Sugg Farm —
ing in aerial combat missions over Lomax of Parma.
in the lef' arm by shrapnel and j Mrs Arvel Child, Mrs John the Church of Christ will assist
Evan Ray, brother of Gordon
enemy territory.
mortar fire. He was hospitalized, Schenk, Mrs Mildred Williams with a two-week series of meet­ Ray, manager of Gordon’s Drive-in
Boise Visitors—
for one month before returning to Mrs W. L. Anderson and Miss Ruth ings in the First Christian church •has moved his family here from
Easter greetings have been sent
Mr and Mrs Bernard FYost and the line of duty. Pfc. Pierce still Larsen were chosen to act as the ■ in LaOrande, beglnlng Monday Ogden to operate the Jesse Sugg
to Nyssa friends by Lester L. Mr and Mrs Emil Stunz and dau- carries a long, deep scar in Ills, primary stake board at an L. D. I night, April 2. He will be in Nyssa
farm near Adrian. He was form­
. -n tj t-i. b.nith,
nas fin­ Keizer. S. O. M. 2-c, U. S. S. ghter. Greta, were Boise visitors ¡aim from the wound.
¡S. conference held in Weiser Sun-Ion Sundays during this period of erly employed at the navy supply
ished his radar course in Boston Rinehart D. E. 196. division C, Monday.
1 —
■ ---------------------
--— and
— -* ■ day.
- -
He sair
that the weather
D. - L. Anderson
Is stake mus- time.
depot. Arvel Bybee of the army
and has been assigned to an LST FPO, New York City.who was re-
-------------------------- (mountains hindered advancement ¡c project leader.
service department, accompanied
boat, according to word received cently promoted to 2-c S. O M. Here From Kansas--
¡and was responsible for such a
In Ontario—
him for the purpose of looking for
by his parents, Mr and Mrs R. C He has crossed the Atlantic 10
Mr and Mrs F. C. Steimer a rr-jiong delay north of Rome.
Salt Lakers at Fife Home—
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fife and Alma a farm.
times in the last 15 months. Keiz­ ived Monday from St. Paul. Kan-1 Shortly after his return to duty, I Levi Edgar Young, senior mem-
White were in Ontario on busi­
er said he would enjoy receiving sas. Mrs Steimer is the daughter pfc. Pierce was wounded again In ber of the council of seventies of
ness Monday.
Panama City, Fla— Pvt. Francis a card from some of his friends. of Mrs Ella FYost.
the chest and stomach by shrap- ; the L. D. S. church living at Salt
O. Case has received his aerial
William Keizer. S. F. 1-c C. B.
nel. He was hospitalized in Naples I Lake City, and Roscoe Erdley, Mother Operated On—
gunner's wings frm the army air M. U.. is on duty on Leyte, Phili­ Home For V acation-
for some time before being flown Chairman of the welfare plan were
Mrs. Wllford A. By bee received
forces flexible gunnery school at ppine islands and is in charge of
Don EUdrédge. son of Mr and to the U. S. Pierce said that he week-end guests at the Luther word by phone from Ogden Mon­
Tyndall field, the largest school painting operations there. His wife Mrs Tom Eldredge, is home for left Italy on FYb. 15. 1945 and ar- Fife home,
day stating that her mother, Mrs.
of its kind in the army air forces and small daughter live in Walla spring vacation from Oregon State rived in Miami, Florida on Feb.
Arthur Weston was In the hos­
training command.
Edited by
21 .
Nampans Here—
pital. convalescing from a major
Upon his gradurtion, the soldier
“ I'd like to add here,” interrupt-
Mr and Mrs Russell Jordon were operation.
is qualified to take his place as a
Word has been received by Mrs Visits in Nampa—
ed Pierce, "that the doctors and here Friday on business. Mrs Mary
If you get ones when other class­
member of the combat crew of Wayne Haroldson that her hus­
spent the nurses in the hospital at Miami, | E. Bybee returned to Nampa with At Vale Sale—
mates fall to
an AAF bomber.
band, R. T. 3-c, has been sent week-end visiting friends in Nampa. though short of help, are doing them for a week's visit.
John Stringer and Dart Bybee And find the others looking up to
At the gunnery school he was out on a cruiser.
Grange Meets- -
a wonderful job. Their work is |
attended the auction sale at Vale you
trained in the operation of .30 and
The Chalk Butte Grange met at excellent and I really appreciated \ Go To Louisiana—
If friends of yours with envious
.50 calibre machine guns, first on
Denis Fife telephoned his parents. Chalk
Butte Tuesday
evening. It.”
Mrs Elsworth Wheeler and son, Visits Here —
speeches hall you
ground ranges and later in the air, Mr and Mrs Luther L. Fife, Sat­ March 20 with a good attendance.
Dennis, are in Alexandria, Louis­
Don Corbett, formerly of Nyssa, You forgive them all and others,
learning by simulated aerial battle urday from Amarillo. Texas that The men of the Grange gave an In Ontario—
iana visiting Mr Wheeler, who is visited Sunday evening at the S. too.
conditions how to blast enemy "I made a high enough score to interesting program for the bene- ( Mrs Luther L. Fife and Mrs in the air force there.
F Seward home. He is helping
fighter plan«» from the sky.
make the B29s". Due to an accident fit of the women. A party was Wayne Haroldson were in Ontario
with the construction of a new If you with pride conceal your
Case is a son of Cecil E. Case to his hand last summer, it fails planned for Magnus Ekanger. who on business FYiday.
Visitors From Logan—
Nazarene church at New
Ply­ well-won glory
of Wilder, Idaho.
to function in coordination tests, is leaving to enter the army. The |
Visiting at the W R. Campbell mouth.
Brag not to those who've known
which would have passed him on next meeting will be held April In Seattle—
home are their daughter. Mrs
Pvt. Harold E. Kurtz, son of a pilot's test. He will now be In- 3.
j Mrs Wayne W Abbott and son, Frank O. Cranney of Logan, Utah Leave For East—
If you do this in every daily story
Mr and Mrs O. J. Kurtz, route 2,' structed in tail-gunnery
Darwin are in Seattle visiting Mrs and Mrs M. E. Picaneo, also of
Mrs Harry Miner and Mrs Oeor­ I say this honestly, you've got me
Nyssa. has been assigned to the
Leaves For University—
Abbott's sister.
ge Henneman and daughter. Mary beat.
32nd "Red Arrow" division now
Seaman 1st Class James Shaw
Miss Dar Thel Bybee left Nyssa j
Eldred Irving, sophomore
Jill, left Monday morning for an
fighting on Luzon island in the arrived in Nyssa Monday from after a two-week vacation with her ; III Past Week—
111 Past W eek -
Accepted for publication in the
indefinite visit with friends and rel­
Philippines, according to word re- 1 Farragut. where he spent 16 weeks parents for Provo, Utah, where she I M iss Noni Child has been con­
Mrs. Oeorge Callahan has been atives In the east. Mrs Miner will Anthology of High School Poetry.
ceived by the Gate City Journal in a signalmen’s school He will will attend Brigham Young U ni-¡fined to her bed the past week by confined to her bed on account o f ' go to South Dakota and Mrs Henn- National Poetry association.
direct from the army.
(Continued on Page 2)
Iversity. She will major In music.
illness the past week.
| em in to Nebraska.
Airfield Work
Is Progressing
I hl"l °n U'e f‘de °f
Red Cross Quota
Is Far Exceeded
Feeders Day At
Station Planned
j The
Chamber Dinner
Date Again Set
First Baseball
Game Postponed
Woman Wounded
Our Boys In
The Service
» -