Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1945)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A I CLUB O FFICERS ELECTED Officers of the Nyssa Civic club were elected at a meeting held Wednesday. The new officers are as follows: President. Mrs Jean Fletcher; vice president, Mrs Marjorie East man; secretary, Mrs Joe Suther land. and treasurer. Mrs John Stam. Mrs Fletcher appointed the foll- Keep Meals Well Balanced! in and Mrs W i liam Holly. Danc- n? followed refreshments. Mr and .1rs Mum jewerff were presented with g.fts. Mr Muntjewerff will leave Tues day for Induction into the army. Mrs Muntjewerff and children will reside in Parma during his absence. owing as members of the executive board: Mrs Ed frost, .publicity JO B S DAUGHTERS MEET At a meeting of Job's Daugh chairman: Mrs Mae Sc hi reman, j chairman of the project for the ters Wednesday evening, Mrs B. Stanley, grand guardian of Job's ; year and the officers. I Daughters of Oregon, paid her A contest for new members will ; offieial visit to bethel No. 25 at be held at the next meeting, which j Ontario. Dorene Bear of Nyssa will be held April 18. Plans are honored queen, presided over the being made for a fall llower show. m« « Un* and wa* P a n t e d will» Mrs Fletcher should be contacted ■a and corsage. Preceding the concerning exchange of plants.' nleetm8. dinner was enjoyed at Chrysanthemums will be the main tlle Payette Country club, flower displayed at the show. I — 5 - The tea committee for last week’s G RO UP G IVES P A R T Y meeting consisted of Mrs Hazel The Youth fellowship of the Frost and Mrs Jessie Morgan. The Me,hodl81 chureh “ ave a pany for program Included singing by four Ule Sunday 8011001 Tuesday evening, high school boys, Ralph Maze iThe pro(fram consisted oi a vocal Robert McDonald. Robert Church 80)0 by Rob<>rt McDoilald' a cornet solo by Oscar Bratton and a vocal and John Gernhardt. solo by Jim Savage. Silas Sum mers’ discussion group of the high G IR L HONORED presented the question. Miss Lorraine Marie Fischer, school daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Jacob “Should the Voting Age Be Low Fischer, was honored at a party ered to 18?” The “ barber shop' 'given today in celebration o f her quartet consisting o f John Gern j 10th birthday. “ Hot dogs", pop, ice hardt. Ralph Maze. Harry Coun- cream and cake were served to 20 sil and Robert McDonald, sang several numbers. Refreshments guests. were served, GUESTS A T DINNER W. Walqulst, Idaho Falls, and Ben : Jensen of Parma were Wednesday evening dinner guests at the Luther Fife home. They are brothers of Mrs Fife. -I- TH U R SD AY, M ARC H 22, 1945 Harp Her Forte Good Hunting! FO R SALE— Gem seed potatoes, one year from blue tag. Phone 65J. Marine Pfc. O. R. Dafau of Los Angeles, CaL, displays the tropi cal parrotflsh he “hooked” with a carbine during a hunting-fish ing trip in a South Pacific Jungle. Dafau is a veteran of the Cape Gloucester and Pelellu paigns. (U. S. M u ía * C o rp s P h o to ) 8 Tuesday, March 27 8 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAR. 23-24 Jean Heather, Charles Quigley, Robert Benchley and Mabel Paige in “N A T IO N A L BARN DANCE” It’s a musical mirthquake...with all of your “ National Barn Dance” favorites on the screen again. 2-Reel musical and cartoon Special: Government Reel Mat.. Sat., 2:50 Adm. 25e-5c Inc. Tax Ailm. Evenings, 40e-9o, Including Tax SU N D AY AND MONDAY, MAR. 25 26 Ann Sothern, John Hodiak, Tom Drake, and Marta Kinden in “MAISIE GOES TO RENO” Maisie meets the biggest and most thrilling adventure o f her life-in the biggest little city in the world, latest March o f Time and Color Cartoon Mat., Son.. 2:30 Adm., 30c-So. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tas — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY, MARCH 27 Anne Shirley, Dennis Day, Phillip Terry in “MUSIC IN M A N H A T T A N ” Spoil Subject and Captain America Adm. ISo-Oc, Inc. Tax WED. A N D THURS., MARCH 28-29 Joan Fontaine, Ralph Forbes, Nigel Bruce, Cecil Kellawav and Basil Rathbone in “FRENCHM AN’S CREEK" The daring escapade o f a bold-hearted buccaneer and a willful aristocrat, who was willing to nay any price for romance Late W ar News Ados. Evenings, Ma-lr, Including T u I l I I III td lll IH M U MM U MAM MUM MANN N MUMM MU M ■ M MU H li I I I I I I M U11 II M MAMMA« Lathe Work Parts CLUB E N TE R TAIN E D The Mr and Mrs Sunday evening bridge club was entertained by Mr and Mrs George Henneman. Harry Miner won first prize and i Mrs Miner won second. M r and Mrs George Sallee were guests. : At E. W. Pruyn Nyssa, Oregon Baby chicks thrive on R A N C H - W A Y ’ S balanced nourishment. R A N C H - W A Y is always uni form, easy to digest; promotes rapid growth at low cost. BILL LANE Malheur Game League Phone IOÔ *y\ W A N T E D — T o rent two-bedroom house with bath in Nyssa. Inquire Journal office. 22M3xp Attend Meeting of NYSSA W ANTE D — Man with family for W ANTE D — To buy inexpensive I row crop work. House, garden and car. J H. Benedict, 1*1 miles S. W. I pastu v furnished. Three miles Nyssa. 2Mlxc west o f Langton's comer. Norman Douglas. 22M2xp T O R SA LE — 10 squares good ased corrugated roofing. Call 122J or write H. E. Collins, Box 500, Nyssa. 22Mlxc Shelton’s Dairy 8 P.M. Boulevard Grange Hall 22M1ÍC E. L. Jamison. FO R SALE— Or lease. Rust ranch, 235 acres. Immediate possession. 150 acres under cultivation. Some loose and baled hay on plaoe. 13 miles southwest Nyssa. 22Mlxp When Papa needed a harpist for his school orchestra, 12-year- old Louise Se'dl was d rafted , and music has been her business e ver since. N ow Louise and her harp are featured in the “ Your Am eri- ore" -stra, h e a r’’ on 123 Mu- -J i 1 stations e v ery Sunday. CELEBRATES 81ST B IR T H D A Y “Grandpa" Maginnis celebrated his 81st birthday Friday with open It’s not hard when you house at the home of his son, realize that the most Andrew Maginnis. A large birth day cake supporting 81 candles Mrs Melvin Jensen. Green pots of important part of heal was served. 60 persons called dur geraniums were used as center- CHURCH HAS REUNION ing the day to offer congratulations. thful well balanced The L. D. S. church o f Parma pieces, with green candles in crys meals is dairy foods. branch of the Nyssa ward, held a H E LPIN G HANDERS MEET tal holders at either end of the reunion Friday evening. Mr. Ham- With plenty o f milk, sen is branch president. Lunch The Helping Hand club met at tables and center. Mrs Child, Mrs the home of Mrs George Clowers R. L. Swensen and Mrs Richard cheesp and butter on was served to members and their Friday evening. Twenty-six were Taylor presided at the tables, which families. present. Lunch was served to mem seated over 50 persons. A comic the menu, you are sure — 8— program was given, with various bers and their families. FAMI1.Y HONORED o f eating right. readings and musical skits. Lyle Mr and Mrs Garret M untjewerff Cottle sang “ Home-Made Love” , JENSENS E NTE R TAIN You can tell our milk and children were guests of honor Mr and Mrs Mark Child and composed by T. Carol Bybee and a t a farewell party given at the published. A parody to by its quality and its American Legion hall in Adrian family were dinner guests Sunday “ recently at the home of Mr and Mrs Mel Maggie” was written by M is M il Saturday night. Musical numbers dred Williams and sung by two quality by its texture, were furnished by Carrol Thomas, vin Jensen. members in old timer's costume. smooth, creamy, rich. who played "An Irish Lullaby” as CELEBRATE - A 5 - N N IV E R SAR Y An Instrumental number was given, a trombone solo, and Mrs William Mr and Mrs Arvel Child cele with Instruments as the washboard, Toomb, who sang “ Always". Both brated their crystal wedding ann air pump, tinpan drums and a saw. were accompanied by Betty Jean iversary (15 years) Monday even __________ - - | Toomb. Games were played under ing with a formal candlelight din C H ATTE R B O X CLUB MEETS the direction of Mrs Gayle Mar- T h e Chatter Box club held Its ner at their home. Members o f the Immediate fam ily were present. March meeting at the Clifton Niel son home with Mrs Ed Nielson as —8— hostess. HA V i; BRIDGE CLUB Mrs Jesse Ford and Mrs Wilson Mr and Mrs Joe Sutherland er. tertalned at bridge Sunday even Winters were in charge of the Mrs Goodell and Mrs ing. Mrs Henry Hartley won first games. prize for the ladies and William Sweaney won prizes. Fourteen members answered roll Wahlert won first prize for the men. Mr and Mrs Wahlert were call with a Joke. Refreshments of fruit salad and guests. cake were served. The next meeting will be held at HOSTESS T O CLUB Mrs George Henneman was host the George Cleaver home April 19. ess to the Wednesday evening brid - 8 - ge club last week. Mrs John Bish Gives Solos----- Miss DarThel Bybee sang two op won first prize, Mrs Jake Simm- oas second and Mrs Bernard East solos Sunday evening. "T h e B rit ish Child's Prayer" and an Italian man the traveling prize. number "N ina" accompanied by - - ST. P A T R IC K PR O G RAM G IVEN Mrs George Callahan. A program and banquet was given Friday by the Relief society To Give Recital— ' v, *' Mrs Dwight Seward will present ladles o f the L. D. S. church in celebration o f St. Patrick's day eight pupils In a plarno recital this iim m iiii'iii «tiiiiiii mill iTin m wSi mimn in iii iiiiiii iwiiii n mumiiii imhimmn and the 103rd anniversary of the evening In the Nazarene church. The theme of the recital will be society. The table decorations were in l "Spring". Pupils participating will charge of Mrs O. R. Anderson and I1* Donna and Joan Matherly, W il- ima and Betty Bullard. Helen Bar ker, Rosetta Herring, Bernita Tuck Auto Repairing er and Nadine Seward. Dolores Gray and Mrs Floyd Holton will Electric W elding assist in the program. j 22M2xc Kon. These lamps have china bases with silk shades. Tables Occasional and coffee tables and genuine Tennesse marble top utility tables. Prepare to Attend the Owyhee Riding Club I oo Late to Classify And help build the new rodeo grounds W ANTED — T o care for children after school and evenings. Twenty- five cents an hour, 35 cents after midnight. Joan Maiheny and Dor othy Loewen. Fourth and Good St 2Mlxp TOR R E N T —Furnished bungalow for months of April, May and June. Electric stove, refrigerator, automatic hot water heater. In quire Journal office. 22Mlxc DANCE Nyssa Apply for merit system examin ations for permanent positions with the State at 616 Mead building, Portland 4. FO R cattle, White White miles SALE— 20 head o f young 5 head o f bred Chester gilts, one registered Chester boar. George F. Clowers, 4 northwest o f Nyssa. 15Mlxc TO R SALE— Twenty-three ton l clean alfalfa hay located 1 mile north o f Nyssa-Parma Junction (Idaho side) M mile west to fir s t! house. J. S. Brewington. 22Mlxp The Bosshardt forty. o f Apple valley sch- 14 mile west.Write or Morgan. Nyssa. Ore- WE BUY W E SELL W E TR A D E ANYW AY A N Y TIM E 1941 1940 1938 1941 1939 1940 1939 1938 1938 1936 1940 midnight. Come in your Levi’s if you want to. Admission $1 per couple, including tax. m 1 m m tÁe ¿ufjfxly. o j- NORTHLAND SEED Is Limited This Year O N L Y T H E H IG H E S T Q U A L IT Y SEED ran ever meet rigid testa by which we »elect seed sold under the Northland Brand. For 61 years the same high standard has been main tained and farmers recognize the Flying Goose as the symbol of dependable, fertile seeds, adapted to local climatic condi tions. Last season there was less seed produced of suf ficiently high quality to offer under our name. Your North rop, King dealer NO W has a L IM IT E D supply of always- tLpeiidable Northland seed. See him, or write to . . . Northrop King & Co. B O IS E . ID AH O Special Horse Sale Sunday, April 8 at 1 P.M. We have palominos, pintoes, well broke and unbroken ; saddle horses, work horses and mu les. We have excellent feeding and shipping conditions. We aim to please. For information call 3581, Vale Brahs Bro. Auction Yard Vale, Oregon Livestock For Sale Buiek Sedanette. Olds. Sedan Olds Coupe Pontiac Sedan Coupe Stude. Commander Sdn. Stude. Champion Sdn. Buiek Coupe Buiek Sport Coupe Pontiae Sedan Pontiae Sedan DeSoto Sedan Monday, March 26 One consignment of 20 two-year-old steers. 100 long yearling steers. 50 long yearling heifers. 30 stock cattle. A rt B urson This stock is all good quality stuff. SALE EVERY MONDAY Manager Jesse M. Chase 1 Block West of the Bank Ontario GOOD TIM E Come early as we will close at 12 o’clock, W O R K W ANTED—Crew o f four wants to cut potatoes, write box 95, Nyssa, or phone 05J11. 22M3xp. TO R SALE — 1935 Ford coach, with reconditioned motor and four new tires. Celling price. Fred Province, 14 mile east o l O le’s comer. 22M- lxp. Gymnasium GOOD ORCHESTRA TO R SALE: Elbrs Upright Grand piano $95; collapisble play pen and pad $8; 40 lb. pressure shallow well pump and motor with 15 gal lon tank, $35. All In good condi tion. Guy Moore, Kingman Kolony. 22Mlxc USED C AR M A R K E T Nordale Furniture Store S O L O A N O R E C O M M E N D E D BY Thompson and Christine Rinehart who were eight years old. The 19 guests attended a welner roast at the Rinehart home and were served cake and ice cream at the Thomp son home. Table Lamps Used Cars $ 10 .— Bernard Eastman — 8— E N T E R T A IN S A T P A R T Y Mrs Herschel Thompson and Mrs Grant Rinehart entertained at a birthday party Thursday for Ronnie mmiu iiiiuiiiii u Miami m um n n h im m i le lamps just received. Nyssa Phone 116J fam ily were Sunday dinner guests at the home of M r and Mrs Arvel L. Child. Places were laid for 12. FO R R E N T— 1 mile south GUESTS A T D INN E R oolhouse and M r and Mrs W illiam J. Beus and call Frank T. Fine selection o f tab Auctioneer Phone 137 UN KM MAM M M » M M M HU IH 1111 III 19 For information call 3581, Vale I Brahs Bro. Auction Yard VALE , OREGON