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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITA’ JOURNAI PAGE 4 Lincoln Heights visitors Saturday. seas duty. Mr and Mrs Elmer Sparks, Mr Mr and Mrs William Moyes vis- | and Mrs W. H. Bunch and Mi lied Mr and Mrs Randall on the an i Mrs K. I. Peterson were Cald Ela-k Oanyon project last Sunday. well visitors Thursday. ML? L.tlva Moyes is in Pocatello Miss Emily Otis, a student at nursing her sister'3 christen wmle Eastern Oregon College of Educa the sister stays with her husband tion, arrived home Thursday for in a hosp.tal in Salt Lake City. spring vacation. Mr Gamer of Burley, Idaho will Mrs Dennis Patch entertained live on the Weaver ranch rented a group of boys Friday evening in by W. A Bybee this year. observance of Donny’s birthday. Mr Cleverly and family have Mrs Threlma Elliott left Thurs purchased the Pierce farm. day morning for LaGrande to att Appro imately 100 persons att end a 4-H leaders conference. ended the Relief society social and On Wednesday the 4-H Cooking aniversary party Saturday evening.' II club entertained the basketball A supper was served by the ladies squad at a dinner in the high of the society. The program includ school building. Mrs W. H. Bunch ed playing games and singing. is leader of the club. The Junior Grange gave a soc Don Nichols of Nampa visited ial last Thursday evening in the Saturday at the home of his sister, Cow Hollow community hall for Mrs Clyde Steelman. the purpose of interesting more , young people in Orange activities I under the leadership of Mr and | Mrs Cooper. Forty were in attend- i ance. Games were played. Supper | By Leona Anderson was served by members of the i Idaho Power Co. Grange. String Out Ration Points Mrs Charles Durfee arrived here With Noodles Sunday after a two-weeks visit in Spaghetti, macroni and noodles! Utah. She said the snow was a Break 'em up, Keep 'em long! Ser foot deep and snow was still fall ing when she left Utah. Rev. Weston of Payette dellvei- ed a sermon following Sunday school Sunday morning. His wile and two children were also present. Because a preacher was available tor the forenoon, church services, usually held in the afternoon of the third Sunday of the month, were held in the morning. Mrs Ray Whitsell, who acc ompanied her mother, Mrs Annie Harris, to LaOrande last week, returned to her home Monday evening. She reports that her mother, who underwent an eye op eration, is improving nicely. Mr and Mrs Marlon Schutt of Lusk, Wyoming are the parents of a son. Mrs Schutt is the former Lillian Green, daughter of Mr and Mrs O. E. Green. Lois Nelson of Payette spent Sun day and Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs Vem Smith. Mr and Mrs Jule Houston and daughters entertained relatives Sunday in honor of Ervin Kimble, who will leave for army service roon. Mr and Mrs Joe Watterson and family spent Sunday in Nampa at the home of Mrs Watterson's par ents, Mr and Mrs Pete Rivet. Mrs Vincent Phillips and son of Boise visited at the home of ■ The Merry Matrons club was a her sister and brother-in-law, Mr _ guest of the Worthwhile club of and Mrs Tom Fettet last Wednes ’ .Sunset valley Thursday afternoon. day. Members attending from here were Mr and Mrs Tom Pettet and Jessie Chard, Marie Holmes, Al son. Oarl, visited Mr and Mrs berta Bowen, LaVinnle Smith, Al Jake Jackson and Mr and Mrs ice Holmes, Emma Pitkin, Virginia Vincent Phillips and family in Rookstool and Gladys Byers. Boise. firs A. H. Keck left Sunday for Miss Lucille Hurd of Portland Portland to visit her daughter, Mrs is visiting Mr and Mrs Ray Vance. Robinson. She is Mrs Vance's niece. Mr and Mrs T. V. Olson return Mr and Mrs Buell Hickey and ed home Friday afternoon after a family were Sunday dinner guests two-weeks visit with their daugh at the home of Mr and Mrs Alva ter-in-law, Mrs Elmer Olson of Amidon in Valley View. Brawley, California. Mr and Mrs Francis Oarren of Mr and Mrs Roy Holmes were Arcadia were Thursday visitors at hosts at a pinochle party Saturday the home of Mr and Mrs Forrest evening. Three tables of progress Sayers. ive pinochle were in play, with Mrs Ralph Enevoldsen visited high prizes being won by Mr and ¿feveral days last week with her Mrs L. W. Toll, and low score daughter. Muriel, who is attending prizes by Mrs Rolland Holmes and school In Caldwell. F. S. Byers. Rolland Holmes won Mr and Mrs Gene Gruell of Vale the traveling prize. have completed their new resi Mrs Robert Adams is ill with dence and are now located on the static rheumatism. Her sister, Mrs land they purchased front George Robert Odems of Vale is helping Rooks tool. care for her. Mrs Lyle Anderson. Mrs O. S. Pettet, Mrs J. F. Pettet and Mrs Emil Frank attended the Grange home economics meeting at the Jean Brown visited in Boise the home of Mrs Edith Magnuson past week. Thursday afternoon. Mrs Glen Pounds and Gloria Mr and Mrs Buell Hickey, Rev. visited in Vale over the week-end. R. L. Krlner, Mrs Jule Houston, Mr and Mrs Earl Sparks and Mrs Ray Whitsell, Mrs Jim Haw children of Boise visited Mrs Ellen kins, Mrs Orlen Hainllne and Mrs Sparks and other relatives in this Vem Smith planned to attend the vicinity the past week. Earl Sparks America Union Sunday sahool con will leave Monday to be inducted ference held in Caldwell Tuesday into the army. of this week. The Girls league sponsored a The Patch and Chat club met "dime dance” in the high school at the home of Ethel GoodeJl Thur building Friday afternoon. sday. Co-hostesses were Grace Rob The Junior class presented its bins and Hazel Leavitt. Roll call annual class play Wednesday even- was answered with "my favorite [ ing when "Pig Tails" was given hobby". Reports were given by the | In the high school building. Lead- Red Cross, service gifts and park I ing parts were played by Beth committees. The club will purchase Chapin as Mrs Campbell, Forres- a gift for Lily Pettet, who has en tine WAlson and Bernice Chaney tered cadet nursing and also a gift as her two daughters, Annabelle for Mrs Annie Harris, who is a and Florabelle; Betty Wolfe, the patient at LaGrande. negro maid. Other parts were play An all-day Red Cross sewing ed by Ellen Judd. Letty Bronson, meeting will be held at the Orlen Bob Scheizer Pete Tommerman, Hainllne home Wednesday. A pot- Virgil Middlestead and Angus Cur luck dinner will be served at noon. tis. The club and the P. T. A. will The cast presented Mr. Patch serve lunch at the Simmons sale with a desk set as coach of the Monday and at a sale an the Far- play. lay place Friday. A shower was Mrs. Gladys Long and son of given for Mrs Richard Hunt fol Ontario visited at the home of lowing the business meeting. her mother, Mrs Ellen Sparks, the past week. The Adrian faculty and families held a dinner Sunday evening at Dale Bush, who is serving In the the Patch home. Gifts were pres merchant marines, was home last ented to Mr and Mrs Attebery and week to visit his wife and baby. and Mr and Mrs Stone. The Hatch family were Boise Mr. Bush will sail soon for over Victory Food Hints THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 and all we want is for them to der. Post Commander Herman jutant, who introduced Cert Ad carry on the good work.’ j presented 20-year membership ams, past adjutant; group singing "Yes, the American Legion has card 3 to E. J. Powell and Albert | of "Smiles'' in honor oi Mrs Her- had a rebirth in the blood of Heldt and a 10-year card to Doug- ‘shey, secretary of the unit; re- ! marks by Joe Maujhan, post ser- world war 2. With that new life j las McDonald. drawn to us we envision an Am-j ctty Manager E. K. Burton and I vice officer; presentation of gold erlcan Legion serving in peace | and silver membership stars to Bert as it has served in two wars, fath Otner numbers on tne program I Alains for obtaining 63 members er and son, mother and daughter, I dining 1944; talk by Toastmaster al' associated together for the high were song by Dorene Bear, accom {Graham regarding the gold star est purposes made known to man panied by Mrs Maughan; intro fathers, mothers and wives; stand- by God. Selfless service to comm duction of Melvin Melow, the boy big vote of thanks to Mrs Rolland unity, state and nation, unselfish orator, who spoke n the subject, Laurence and her committee for devotion to the service of our com- "The Constitution of the United the program, and singing of "Am rades...may we tomorrow envision States”; remarks by Mrs Heldt erica". ....... an ________ American __....... Legion ... serving 17 on behalf of the auxiliary unit; re million veterans of these two wars,! murks by Arthur Rouse, post ad- touching every family in America, | Serving 5 Counties and safeguarding every American ■ From the Largest Stock of principal of Justice, freedom and j D on M. G rah am lenuuie democracy. All this we do. The j final answer rests with those who | Insurance Agency now serve and that’s no one else but you and me of the American \ Legion. So folks, let us all re-ded- | Parts icate ourselves to this great work Fire and Automobile Orders Shipped Immediately ' and carry on more so than ever before." Insurance Twenty-five year membership cards were presented to Leroy Heir- Payette, Idah< Phone 49 Rentals Bonds (Continued from Page 1) man and Don M. Graham by Al All this is theirs for the taking bert Heldt, district vice comman- ve them in main dishes—with meat | or as side dishes—in soups or with ^meat bails! They take ou the de lightful flavor of the meat and stretch its savory goodness to ail members of the family. Frankfurter Macroni Loaf 2 c uncooked e.oow macaroni 1 c grated American cheese 2 eggs, well beaten 3 thsp shortening 3 tbsp all-purpose enriched flour 1 c milk 2 tsp salt 6-8 frankfurters 2 tbsp prepared or 1 tsp dry j mustard Cook macaroni in boiling, salted water for 12 minutes. Drain. Make white sauce of milk, flour, short ening and salt. Add eggs and then melt cheese in hot sauce. Put a layer In the bottom of well greas ed loaf pan ( 9" x 5" ). Anniversary Of Legion Observed Me tluer-M anser Oregon Trail '"¡portant Adrian Production f°re the * 10 n beco, 0fy »nt Hk Cow Hollow "E v e ry fo rm e r who ho t lan d suitable for the gro w in g o f su g ar beets should give m ost serious consideration .to p la n tin g s u g a r beets to the lim it of his ' a v a ila b le lan d in 1 9 4 5 ," says N . E. Dodd, C h ie f o f A g ric u ltu ra l A d ju s t ment A d m in istratio n . Buy Your Potato and N ever w as the need for su gar greater. A n y substan tia! increase in su g a r production this year m u tt com e from beets. S u g a r bec»t a n d dairy , products are the two m ost ipsportant 1945 crops that farm ers of this area c an grow. See your su gar beet fieldm an. P lan t m ore beets •* • * them at early a s weather and soil condition s will perm it O n Ion Seed * . . , an d plant * .. Early to secure the best. Blue Tag certified Minnesota Pontiac. Blue Tag certified Wyoming Triumphs. Blue Tag certified Montana Russets. Blue Tag certified Montana White Rose. Russets-One year out of certification. Certified and uncertified white and yellow Spanish onion seed. Call at our Nampa Office i. C. SEWELL Produce Company STATE OF OREGON R. B. Taylor, Chairman State A. C. A. Committee. Wm. A. Sehoenfeld, Director of Extension Wm. M. Carson, Pres. Nyssa-Nampa Beet Growers Association. Roy Lane, Area Director W. F. A. MALHEUR COUNTY Glenn Hutchinson, Chairman Malheur Co A. C. A. Committee. R. E. Brooke, County Agent 4