Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified it which time interested persons (nay appear and file objections or emonstrances in writing. Adopted this 13th day of February, 1945. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 PAGE THREE has bought considerable oats from New Plymouth spent Saturday with Bend ranchers for Caldwell Eeed- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis .Fry. ers, Inc. The Do-Moie 4-H club had a Mrs. Horace Chaney and daugh- good attendance at their first ters of Parma were guests in the meeting of this year Much interest Horace Chaney home Wednesday!'“ 1» shown. Most of the evening round on straight lefts to the chin. ( ter the pair battled on even terms but he lost the decision to the On- for three rounds, the referee flipped tar jin on points In the other two out his decision In favor of Lackey rounds. without the least hesitation and Rookstool, 123. Nyssa. showed s he heard from the spectators, who slight edge over Caverhill. 121 j thought that at least another nial Advertieement and attended the play Pigbails." I Was » I * * * M[' and Mrs; Tho™- the • Vale, in the first round but Ca- ' round should have been fought. , Ison outlining the rtoric for verhill took the last round ___ and t , HATES Two celli* per woro non Issue Minimum casti In Mrs. Charles Allen, Mr. and Mrs. vear NOTICE OF MEETING the decision. iLo,a of Lhat boul would have Clint Allen of Roswell and Mrs. Mrs. Marion Seuell returned advance Is 30c Owyhee Irrigation District Mrs Good of Vale outclassed Codr j thrown Vale and Ontario into a Friday from St. JJoseph. Mo. , Notice Hereby is Given: That the JJohn Bishop and children of Nys- home ,, . „ „ , . . . . . of Ontario In the last two rounds • tie at the end of the boxing pro- sa were Sunday guests in the Liyod seuell left Monday night f ^ ht u k e an eaBy de. 1 gram. Board of Directors of the Owyhee inniinMnn into m tn the tn n c. t*m j / i forces. fmviAi 1 for v ¡n{juction armed long yearling and one a short year Irrigation District, sitting as a Brumbach home. | Fritz, 166, Ontario, was unable MISCELLANEOUS Mr. and Mrs. Walker Bishop Mr and Mrs gain Henne were cision. . Jackson. 140. Adrian, and Low, ! to handle his 200-pound opponent ling. Owner can nave them by Board of Equalization, will meet onj were business visitors in Ontario, transacting business in For Sale the 3rd day of April, 1945, at 8:00 ampa 135 Nyssa were ^ e m ily matched in the last fight and lost the de- proving property, paying feed bill ,Phelant nnd Saturday. o'clock P. M. of said day at its They called ° " FOR SALE- Trees, peach, Alberta. | aI)d paying for this advertisement. Mr. Flannery of Nampa spent the the referee was unable to make a cision. office at Nyssa, Oregon, for the found her gradually improving. the fifth round was A large number of Bend people letter part of last week with his decision at the end of the regu-1 After J H. Hale. Early Alberta and Roch- > Martha Klingback. 8M3xc purpose of reviewing and correcting lar three rounds and asked the feught by Low and Jackson the cni u.... attended the farewell party honor- daughter, Mrs. Sam Henne. ester. 85 cents per tree. See them ------------------------------— — _________ its ioarsm assessment roll and apportion *“ . *“ ,u ing Gerrit Muntjewerff of Adrian A held a, , he boys to fight another round. At th e , referee announced they would flip ment of charges for operation and ■ . .. . A lareweu paity was nem at tne end of the fourth round they were a coin to determine the winner as at my place, 344 miles west of ! W A N TED Desseret ranch. J. W. Jennings 2 p w 7 n FEI> - Alfalfa hay. Kelly Hay ' “ ™ ment roil a“ d H" March ^ r i j ‘ “ o y d ^ ^ e l f T h e ^ e v ^ S still tied up and fought the fifth five rounds is the limit of an u - round after the other bouts. | teur fights. Low won the toss and FOR SALE—Four Planet Juniors, Co. 1010 1st st. N„ Nampa. Idaho. may be inspected at the office o f ' 20 J ° e" ter, the 1 v as spelrt sl- '’ lng songs and P1“ *- Crocker of Adrian was knocked the two schools divided the seven 15M3xc. the district by any interested per- 1 N ’ !^ ° ° 1 ^*ldJ " ^ ade gam «- aiter which sandwiches, down by Stephens in the first points evenly. practically new. John Low. route 2. Phone 335M. --------------------------------------------- Lon durine office hours of each tnct Thursday as Mr and Mrs coffee and cocoa were served by the round, but he floored the Adrian Frank Parr, Nyssa principal, »yssa, two miles west and milt WANTED-Man for year around ™ i n“ ay eaCh Charles Witty went to Weiser to ladles. lad for the count on a terrific left awarded the individual ribbons and north of Langton's store. 15M3xc work on farm. Good house and By order of the Board of Dlrec- a^te;rd the ' Mr' and MrS' ®°b Johnson and hook to the stomach in the second. Introduced the coaches. He said condition. Married man tors | the Christian churchy for her grand-|Robert spent week ago Sunday at FOR SALE— Fifty acres west of living Coleman of Nyssa, 165, and the championship trophy given by Nyssa city limits. Two houses, ex only. See Jake Fischer. 15Mtfc i , t0r By Frank T. Morgan, Secretary m? ‘iher' ISMtic „ „ „ I the Tom Lowe Home west of Nyssa. Lackey. 153. of Ontario, staged the the Nyssa chamber of commerce Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Seuell had cellent soil, priced at $31)0 per acre. ' ' Owyhee Irrigation District toughest fight of the evening. Af- will be awarded to Ontario later. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi 1 Dated^and firsrAiubl Mar 8th 1945 Horredale visitors Sunday. las dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and See Flank T. Morgan. 15Mtfc. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay- , oub] Mar 29th 1945 , _ **rs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. (Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and daugh SEWING MACHINES & RE- I -Ate. Boyce Van de Water accompanied i t^,r Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seuell and *“ 27Ntfc I SEE THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF E' , M Hauser of Ontario, coiinty | ^ Mr and Mrs. Kermy Baker Advertising « I S m S M g '.S Building south of US. 28 on 1st ! prlces l,ald phone 149W. Nyssa conference at La Grande Friday balek and Donna and Miss Laureen 1ATFC THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Furniture Co. morning. Mrs. Van de Water re- . Hawley. Street. Ontario Oregon. Summons For Publication , I, turned home Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney called haulers. See Gertrude Czapiewski FOR SALE!- One 3 H. P. John WANTED—Manure Mrs. Roberts stopped at Baker to at the Seuell home Sunday morn 18Jtfs Plaintiff, Deere engine, oil bath. One 2 H.P. Frank T. Morgan. ¡visit Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts ing. ----------1- Vs Fairbanks-Morse engine, both in j and returned home Monday eve BUTCHERING Susan G. Whitehead, John Doe ning with B. G. Roberts, who has good shape. J. H. Bair, 2 m iles' . .. . . ... i Custom butchering every Monday Whitehead, her husband, and the been the guest of his son, Wesley, ___\_________________ ______ ^ I and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. unknown heirs and devisees of since the preceding Wednesday. Seventeen members of the FOR SALE;—Small range. M rs., Sanitary butchering guaranteed. the . said Doe . . John . . ,, Whitehead. .. , Donald Hamilton celebrated his Worthwhile club entertained eight Ellis Walters, first house south of * Phone 05R1. Please bring stock if he be dead, and all other per- 11 ^ blrUlday Sunday by enter- members of the Merry Matrons Langton's store. Phone 09R5. M22 i Sunday evening or Thursday even sons and parties unknown. having ta) 15 or h,s uttle mends club of Oregon Trail Thursday at _____ — .__________________________ j mg. All stock must be in by 12, or claiming to have some right, fre|hmenU were nrved. the home of Bernice Robb. Ruth noon, on butchering day. One mil» title interest in or lien upon the, Mr and Mrs. Don Boren and Warren of Nyssa and Frances FOR SALE;—Small house east of west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. rea^ estate described in the com- d hter of Nam and Mr. and Gregg were visitors. Contests were a tracks in Ward addition. $1000 Jake Fischer. cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jtfc P-amt on file herein. ¡Mrs. Gayle Martin of Adrian were feature of the afternoon with Bet Defendants | overnight guests Friday of Mr. and ty Wilson winning the prize in the For Rent FOR SALE—Thompson's Chek-R To. Susan G. Whitehead, John Doe . Mrs. Darrell English. bottle ringing” contest; Maude Chlx for delivery every Wednesday' p c R RENX I n o F F ^ s ^ f'g o o d row Whitehead, her husband, and th e , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach at Cooper in "guessing of objects” ; end Saturday after March 3. Ord- land. wlth or wlthout tractor unknown heirs and devisees of tended a buffet supper Sunday Mrs Chard in the “tongue twister” er early to get the breed and date Inqulre JournaI off!ce 15M2 xd said if he evening at the Patch home in contest and Mrs Bowen in the . . J . o in Doe . Whitehead, ,, .. you want them. Thompson's Ont be dead, and all other persons Adrjan unscrambling of words” . The next ario hatchery. 18Jtfc FOR RENT— 80 acres choice row and parties unknown, having o r ! meeting will be held with Ruth crop land, mostly old alfalfa, liv claiming to have some right, title. Warren in Nyssa April 19. FOR SALE— Two-!?edroom house ing quarters inquire at Journal Interest in or lien upon the real Robert Ditty and Rev. R. L. bath, basement, kitchen, living office. 8M3xp estate described in the complaint Sgt Everett Each us visited the Casselman purchased pipe in Boise room, King ave.. $4000. $2000 down, j on file herein. W. W. Deffenbaugh family last Monday to be used to pipe water terms on balance. Former Del Tay TO RENT—240 acres, 160 irriga Defendants: week. to the church and parsonage. lor property. ted farm land. Will give the right IN THE NAME OF THE STATE j The Herbert Shaw family and Word was received last week of Small acreage, two houses, north man a good deal. 6 miles south OF OREGON, you and each of you Mrs. Sam Shaw and son were Sun- the birth of a daughter to Mr and side city, $1800. Terms. west of New Plymouth. Inquire of are hereby required to appear and day visitors of the Hugh McCon- Mrs Andrew Titland of Idaho Falls. Seven-room house with bath, Frank Morgan. 8M3xp answer the complaint filed against nell family. Mr and Mrs Titland purchased the good location. $3000 cash. you in the above entitled suit o n , Mrs. L. L. Kreager and Mrs. John Vandepool eighty acres and ICO acres, row crop and stock Le«al Advertising or before the 19th day of April Guy Glenn were in Ontario on farmed here "last year farm, $4700. 1945, said date being the last day business Saturday. | Mr and Mrs Lester Kendan were RESOLUTION A. L. ATKESON Pete Deffenbaugh, who has ^ n ^ y at the ______ Howard Fin- A Resolution Declaring Intention four weeks from the date of me __ p „ p e „ r „ guests ____ _______ to and Commencing Proceedings hrst publication of this summons, i working in Washington, returned ! ger home Monday evening, QUALITY BABY CHICKS—From Streets and h you fail to appear and ans - 1 home last week. , Mrs R. L. Casselman, Tressa Pullorum tested flocks. Selected for t for Vacation _______ of __ Certain _______________ vigor and egg-producing qualities, j Whereas, the following described w'er said complaint, for want thereof Mr. and Mrs. Altor Swan and Ditty and Sharon Query were shop- Plaintiff will apply to the : son, Charles, and Miss Bess Scotch 1 p^re ¡n Boise Tuesday. Mary Query Chirks hatching every Tuesday and portion of a street in the City of Friday. Order ear’? to insure de Nyssa, Malheur County, State of Uaurt for the relief prayed for in of Nampa took dinner with the ^ accompanied them home after a Lane family Sunday. sired delivery date.Also metal fee Oregon, at this time are not used *ler complaint. month’s stay in Boise. Mrs. J. G. Lane and Keith and 11115 sult ls brought for the pur- ders and founts and chick supplies. or needed for purposes of public George Wilson is erecting a Myrna, Arthur Case, Betty Jean Lemon's hatchery. Phone 11J, Ny travel or convienience. and the ,x)se ol Quieting title of the plain- story and a half on his basement 15Ftfc , area thereof is valuable for pur- 1111 lo '■he southwest quarter of the Toomb, and Donald Elliott were in house. When completed, the house ssa. Oregon. -------- poses of the adjacent owners, and 'outheast quarter of Section 19, Nampa Saturday on business. will include six rooms and a bath. LOST Willard Hall, who recently pur ! it is deemed in the best interests Township 20, S. R. 46 E. W. M. in A farewell potluck supper was f o i T — X l a r v e brown and’ ^hiTe of the c it y of Nyssa that such Malheur County, Oregon, and re- chased the old Kingman place, re given Thursday evening at the i .o r t — A large Drown and wnite quiring the defendants to set forth turned to Phoenix, Arizona this Sunset community hall in honor sinooth-halred bird drg. Scar on e of their claims, if any week. He was accompanied by his Gf the Lester ___________________ Kendall family who __ front leg. Reward. Floyd Holton, S That portion ot Reece A v e n u e “ extending from the East line of and that aI1 adverse claims of the father, D. W. Hall. T. B. Hall, 1 moved to Yakima. They left early Parma Rt. 2 8M3xp First Street to the Railroad d(>fendants be determined by de- brother of Willard Hall, will oper- ; p , . , ^ mornlng by automobile. LOST —Eed roll between town _______ ____ right of way. Irree of the court- and that defen‘ at* the farm thls year- I The Charles Ditty home was the and the Desteret. Phone 01J4.15M The time for the hearing on the dants be decreed to have no rl&h t | Beverly Hall entered the second' scene of a get-together Thursday 2xp. vacation of above street closing 111 e or lnlerest therein adverse to grade in the Kingman Kolony evening in honor of Marea Kirk- school Monday of this week. is hereby fixed for the 22nd day i the Plaintlff | land and daughters. Joan and Bar Mrs. Osborn and Mrs. Lane have bara. Mrs Kirkland was presented F TTRAYED— Two red heifers of March. 1945, at the hour of 8:00 I This summons ls Published by or- j W|tb a lovely lucid gift. A lunch came to the Martha Klingback o ’clock P. M. at the Council Room der of the Hon' M' A' BiggSl c lr ' called at the Kolony homes solicit- I' ranch about February 22, one a in the City Hall in Nyssa, Oregon 01111 Judge' made and entered on ing for the Red Cross. ¡of sandwiches, cake and Jello was March 13, 1945, prescribing that served. NU-ACRES this summons be served by publi Mary Query and daughter, Shar cation thereof, once each week Mr. and Mrs. William Butcher, on Kaye, and Charles Ditty were for four consecutive weeks in the who have been visiting Mr. and in Ontario Monday on business. Gate City Journal, a newspaper Mrs. Dwight Durnington and fam published in Malheur County, Ore ily, returned to their home in Riv gon, and the date of the first pub erside, California last week. lication is March 22, 1945. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and Mr and Mrs George Cleaver were A. L. Fletcher family spent week ago Sunday with in Ontario Saturday. Attorney for Plaintiff Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager and Mr and Mrs Ed Nielson and Lots. Residence and Post Office family. Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams and Mil- Address, Nyssa, Oregon. Mrs. Alvie Lanfear of Caldwell, dred, Mrs Charles Gardner and visited in the home of her daugh- , George Adams were Sunday dinner BIG BEND ter, Mrs. Paul Thomson, from Sun- j guests in the Alva Goodell home, day until Thursday. | Truman and Francis Cleaver Phillip and Merle Hatch re- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olsen and I have been 111. D -MTISTS OPTOMETRISTS turned Friday from a two-weeks family of New Plymouth spent DR J. A. McFALL visit with relatives in Texas. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ••See Me Kail and 8oe B etter* I. K. CUNDALL A large crowd from here at Evans and family. tended the Junior play “ Rigbails” Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck gave Dentist given at Adrian high school Wed a dinner Sunday in honor of Miss Phone 56-J nesday evening. Bernice Chaney, Janice E>ans' birthday. Others Sarazln Clinic Letty Bronson and Angus Curtis present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas vsHA OREGON were pupils from this vicinity who Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bal (Continued from Page 1) had prominent parts. Terada, 112, Vale and Schagel, lard and family of Parma. JEWELRY STORES EYE8IOHT 8PEC1AU8T N. L. Richardson of Caldwell hardest Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ratcliff of 112, Ontario, were the ONTARIO OREOOK fighters up to the time of their PAULUS •pKmmm mm m battle. The Jap took the second S u n s e t V a lle y Kingman Kolony Professional And Business Directory B u e n a V ista Ontario Takes Boxing Tourney JF.WELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second W YCK OFF JEWELRY STORE Officiai Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON GEORGE JACKSON MODERN WATCH DEPAIR1NQ State Licensed Watchmaker ONTARIO, OREGON 34$ blocks N. of City Hall SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Sho* Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing. Across from poet office. min mwne PHYSICIANS |S wwii * n n m hi n tin mm mmm m mi hiwh miriiiuri tr^ Can You Say “ Yes” | In 1945? | L. A. Moulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 19 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally- Except Sunday Fry Building SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. General practice o f medicine X-ray Physiotherapy HAY BUYER W. F. JAHN Dealer in Hay and Grain. No, 5, Factory Court Opposite Sugar Factory 1. “ Have I enough insurance?” 2. “ Are my policies the best type I could = select to cover my risk?” 3. “ Can I count on prompt adjustment if I have J a claim ?” We can help you select insurance that will answer each o f these important questions to to review your present policies and advise you your complete satisfaction. We will be pleased as to their adequacy without obligation on your part. | = | | | Frank T. Morgan iti hi ri i m n m nr 11 m i m i m i uni hum ■ n m mti ■ rt hi n i n mb mnirini in rrti m utmtu u We know that a sym pathetic understanding is more important dur ing your bereavement than at any other time. That is why you are as sured that everything will be handled in a di gnified manner when you come to us. N y s s a F u n e ra l Hom e Dessert Seed Co For Your Grass, Clover and Alfalfa seed Farm & Dairy Sale Quarter mile north o f Main street at end o f four th street in Nyssa. Friday March 30 SALE STARTS AT 12:30 1 Holstein, 3 years, milking, 4 gal. 1 Holstein, 3 years; milking, 4V;» gal. 1 Brindle cow, 6 years, freshen April 23 1 White cow, 2 years old, heavy springer. 1 Guernsey, 2 years old, bred. 1 Holstein heifer, 1 year old. 1 Holstein bull, 1 year old 2 Holstein heifer calves 5 Calves 1 Guernsey heifer calf 1 Guernsey, 4 years, milking, 5 gal. 1 Guernsey, 4 years, milking, 4% gal. 1 Guernsey, 8 years, milking, fresh April 1 1 Guernsey, 5 years, milking now. 1 Jersey, 3 years, ready to freshen. 1 Red cow, 5 years, milking, 4 gal. 1 Red cow, 3 years, milking, 3 '/_> gal. Jersey durham, 2 years, fresh Feb. 18, 5 gal. Red durham, 8 years, fresh Oct. 2, 4 gal. Red durham, 6 years, fresh Nov. 3, 51/* gal- Jersey-Guernsey, 3 years, fresh Nov. 14, 4 '/> gal. Guernsey, 4 years, fresh Dec. 23, 5 gal. Red durham, 3 years, fresh Feb 11, 4 l/ j gal. Jersey durham, 6 years, fresh Oct. 22, 5 1/;» gal. Durham guernsey, 3 years, fresh Oct. 7, gal. Guernsey, 4 years, fresh Sept. 17, 3 gal. Holstein, 8 years, fresh Jan. 16, 8 gal. Guernsey, 3 years, fresh Feb. 19, 4*/» gal. Jersey, 3 years, fresh by sale date Jersey, 3 years, fresh by sale date. Guernsey, 7 years, fresh April 4 Guernsey, 5 years, fresh April 12 Jersey holstein, 3 years, fresh April 28 Durham holstein, 2 years, fresh May 18 Cow tests given day of sale. 1 Colt, 2 years old. 1 Black horse, 6 years old, wt. 1500 1 Gray horse, 9 years old, wt. 1400 1 Bay saddle horse, 4 years, unbroke. 1 Roan mare, 8 years, weight 1500. 1 Bay mare, 6 years, weight 1400 1 Roan gelding, 6 years, weight 1400 Several thousand feet of lumber. 2 Rolls barb wire. 1 Roll smooth wire. 1 Roll woven wire. 200 posts, like new 50 Sacks seed spuds. 50 of eating potatoes 1 Set leather harness, collars, halters. 1 Set o f socket wrenches 2 Pipe wrenches Other tools too numerous to mention. 4 Picking baskets 1 Picking harness McCormiek-Deering rubber tired mower. Power driven emery and Sickle grinder. Spud digger, power lift. 1 Row cultivator 2 Mowing machines, good shape; Moline tractor, gang plow, almost new; pump jack, electric motor 1 Cream separator. 8 Milk cans 1 Perfection milking machine, good condition. 25 Laying hens. Davenport and chair, rocking chairs, sewing mach ine, floor lamp, table. Lunch served on the grounds TERMS CASH J.C. Crismon & Bruce Pett Owners Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer L. H. Fritts, Gerk