THE NYSSA GATE CITY .TOURNAI PAGE 2 I In the spring concert presented recently in the college auditorium In Monmouth. Illinois Miss Toomb plays In the clarinet section. The Gate City Journal Here From Port.and— Mr and Mrs James E. Latham of Portland arrived here last Thurs day to spend a few days with his parents. Mr and Mrs Jesse Latham. Mr and Mrs K. P. Rietz and dau ghter of Wheatland, Wyoming are also visiting at the Latham home. Mrs Rietz is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Latham. KLA88 V P O W E I.L ................................Editor >nd PublHhri D I 'a iT R I P T I O N ADVERTISING KATES KATES $2.00 $1 36 41 Single Copies.. _ (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoftioe through the United States the act Open rate, per Inch....... 35c National, per Inch.......... .. 35c Classifieds, per word....... Jr Minimum.... .....30c at Nysaa. Malheur County. Oregon at Nyssa, Oregon for ' ransmlaaion Malle, as second class nr.atter. under of March 3. 1879 LOCAI NEWS Attends FSA Meeting— Kosel Hunter of Nyssa was am ong those attending the FSA sup ervisory staff meeting for three days in Pendleton last week. He returned home Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 Go To Ogden— Mr and Mrs C. H. Stephenson have gone to Ogden, Utah for a week's visit. includes nine cities in Idaho and Oregon and several branches in outlying communities. Irving J. Duffin was chosen as counselor and Mark Child as stake secretary. Returns Home— Mrs Sid Burbldge has returned from Baker, where she visited Mrs Dewey Ray, who is ill In a hos pital there. fo lM O } HE BAPTIST CHURCH Second Street E. T. Larson, Missionary Past«- Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 7:18 p. m. Sunday evening preaching ser vice at 7:45. A series of seven messages covering the book of Rev elation will be given at our Sun day evening service. You are wel come to attend all our servîtes and especially do we urge you to hear these lectures on the last book of the Bible, Revelation. Visit In Boise— Week-end In Weiser— Mrs Marilyn Stringfellow and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis and Mrs Darlene Brown spent the son, Richard, spent the week-end week-end in Boise. in Welser with Bishop and Mrs Orant Weber. Return From Ogden— Mr and Mrs R. O. Whitaker Beus Has Important Office----- Plays In Orchestra — have returned from Ogden, where William J. Beus, who recently Miss Dorothy Toomb of Cald they went on business. moved here from Burley, has been well, Idaho, former resident of appointed as superintendent of th Kingman Kolony, is a member of Returns Home— Welser stake Sunday schools of the Monmouth college orchestra Jack praayer returned to his the L. D. S. church. The territoryand appeared with the orchestra home in Ogden after completing ■* N11 *1 : H III I' IT III III El III mil III turn III III 11 III 1:1 I I II III II III 1.1 III 11 in HI III 11 III 11 III III | | 111.| I l I I III 111 business in Nyssa Saturday. A n n o u n c in g Old Fashioned Revival Meeting Beginning April 1 (Easter Sunday) at the Ass embly of God Church located in Nyssa, Oregon one block south of water tower. We feel highly favor ed in being able to ob' tain the services of the internationally known evangelist and Bible teacher, the Reverend H. D. (D ad ) G ard n er. The Rev. Gardner is an old-time Methodist preacher, having spent 30 years ministering in that denomination and 13 years with the Ass- amblies of God. Surely one with such a background of exper ience and of tried and tested ability and faith of this dear servent of Jesus Christ, can present to the soul hungry of our town and community a ministry that will enrich their lives and lead them on to a deeper place with Christ in God. We prayerfully urge you to come out to these meetings. You will find that our brother has no fight with the churches. His aim is to glorify the Lord, whom he serves. Come hear the pure Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, preached in Apostolic faith and fervor. This meeting will continue for four weeks or longer with services beginning every evening at 8 o’clock, except Saturday. Thank You, C. L. Snider, Pastor THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. Church school, 10 a. m. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Baptism of Infants. Fellowship meetings, 7 p. m. Evening worship. 8 p. m. Holy week services: Mid-week service Wednesday, 8 p. m. Good Friday holy communion, 8 p. m. Choir practice Monday, 7:30. The church calls, “consider Jesus Christ”. Passion week and Holy week. Palm Sunday and Easter ' Attends Center Opening— Mrs Lillian Newby returned home offer an Ideal time to answer that Sunday after a 10-day visit in call. Boise with her sons, Harry and L. D. 8. CHURCH Tom. She also attended the opening Sunday 9:15 a.m Priesthood of the youth center there. meeting Sunday 10:30 a.m Sunday school Ontarions Here— Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Mr and Mrs Clarence Aston and son, Willard of California were meeting. Tuesday 3:00 p.m. Relief society visiting In Nyssa Friday and Satur meeting. day. First Tuesday of each montn at 4 p.m. Primary for children bet Conference Planned— A quarterly L. D. S. conference ween ages of 4 and 12. will be held in Welser next Sun SUNSET VALLEY day, with the general meeting for the public beginning a t 10 a. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Paster R. L. Casselman A special feature will be a mothers and daughters meeting at 9 a. m. Sunday school, 10 A.M. during the priesthood session. Two Morning worship, 11 A.M. special meetings for welfare work Children church, 7:30 P.M. Evening evangelistic service, 8 ers will be held in Ontario Satur day evening. Levi Edgar Young of o’clock. Cottage prayer meeting Salt Lake City, church authority, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 PM. well be present. Come! A hearty welcome awaits Here From Weiser----- Miss Marjorie Bensen and Eve lyn Bates of Weiser were Nyssa visitors Sunday evening with their father and Mr. Stoddard of the Welser bishopric. Here From Logan— Mrs Rachel Bensen of Logan was a visitor at the O. R. Ander son home Friday. I Here From Boise— | I Alice Hill, who has been attend ing beauty school at Boise, was a week-end visitor at the home of her uncle, Earl Blackburn. , Members Admitted— Fifteen new members were ad- [ mitted to the L. D. S. church Sun day, their names being read by the clerk and passed on by the congre gation. Cecil Bair was advanced from deacon to a teacher. you. ASSEMBLY OF GOD C. L. Snider, pastor Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sermon, 11 a m. Evangelistic ser vice 8 p.m Thursday. 8 pm., prayer for boys in armed forces. Come, worship with us and pray with us for your boy and some other mother's boy. ADRIAN FREE METHODIST CHURCH Adrian, Oregon Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evangelistic message. 11 a. m. Subject: “Passion Week” Young people's meeting, 7:30. Ed. Nelson leading. Song practice for Easter program afterwards. If you have no church home we welcome you to come and worship with us and make our church your church. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. in the Ed Nelson home In Ridgevlew. THE COMMUNITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kingman Memorial J. C. Nevin, Pastor 10 A. M. Bible school. The best way to keep a privilege is to use It. Come and bring your family and friends. 11 A. M. morning worship. Ser mon: “The Conscience of Christ”. Basket dinner and reception for new members and installation of officers of organizations. 7:30 P. M„ no evening service. Wednesday, 8 P. M„ annual con gregational with annual reports and election of congregational of ficers and all other necessary busi ness. Friday, 8 P. M., Good Friday worship. Sermon "The Conscience of the Dying Thief”. Sacrament of the Lord’s supper. C1IUKCII OF THE NAZARENE E. J. Wilson, Pastor. 10 a. m„ Sunday school. 11 a. m„ worship and preaching. Your S t a n d a r d M a n h a s a cre w o f FREE h e lp e r s f o r y o u ! Put this crew of time-savers to work for you — FREE! Each one makes it easy to do an important job quickly, correctly. Tractor Lubrication Guide — shows where, when, how to grease tractors. Wheel Bearing Service books — complete in structions for a precision job. Farm Guide—tells how to make Standard farm products work for you. Fleet Service-charts, records, cost-forms to put truck and tractor operation on a scientific basis. W. E. “ Bill” Schirem an Phone 61 Your local representative for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA you need money ... *■ : 0? ■ . ! preaching, 8:15. Sermon topic, "That Which God has said Con cerning Men. and that Which Man Cannot say Without Sinning”. Easter services Frank Gosser of Payette preaching. Tuesday night, “The Human Christ "; Wednesday night, "The Forsaken Christ”; Thursday night. "The Forgiving Christ”; Friday night, “The Sav ing Christ". On Thursday night there will be a special communion CHURCH OF CHRIST service commemorating the last (Christian) supper. George Whipple. Pastor. The Women's council will meet Bible school, 10 a. m. Thursday afternoon, March 29 at Morning worship, 11 a. m. Communion served each lo rd ’s 2 p. m. in the church. day. Sermon topic, “Not My Will, TRINITY LUTHERAN but Thine, Be Done". Parma, Idaho Evening services, 7:30 p. m. Ad Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor ult study group and Christian Endeavor for all from Junior thr Service: 10 a.m. ough to adult. Church service and Cnur. h School: 11 a.m. 7 p. m„ pre-prayer service. 7:15, young people, Intermed iates and Junior meetings. 8 p. m.. evangelistic service. 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Bible study and prayer, excepting the first Wednesday of each month, when the missionary Crusaders' services are held. We Invite you to all our services. $ c ! ■ . V v. * ff "'ligf BE THRIFTY ic m Ik e Go To Ontario Wanda Jeffrey and brother, Charles, visited In Ontario Satur day. FIEST NATIONAL BANE Visit In Payette Mrs. George N. Bear and Dorene and Mrs. Kinser were Payette vis I t ill HI HI II11 HI III Mill III 11 III III III HI III HI III |I| mil II III III III HI III III III III III III III 1,1 III III III III 11 III HI III HI I II II I'll I itors Saturday. tfaecaube . . . • It costs less to borrow from a bank. Western Hall Hi-Lift Sweep Rakes - ' . a ' • You establish Your Credit for future use. ■ You have a full year to repay a loan of The Western-Hall Hi-Lift sweep rake with Power Control unit is de signed to take the drudgery out of forage crop harvesting, cuts haying time as much as 50 per cent; does the work of 3 or 4 wagon crews. Del ivers clean fully leaved hay to the stacks. Handles shocked grain to the thresher easily and quickly. Is used for all bundled or bulky forage crops; baled or loose straw. any amount from $50 to $1000. V % REM EM BER!...IT’S THRIFTY TO BORROW FROM THE FIRST NATIONAL The KNEE-FLEX Spring Suspension gives the hay a smooth ride over rough fields at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. It is loaded and unloaded as fast as you can shift gears-easily and quickly detached from the tractor. Place Your Order Now A. *. Delivery will be made within 10 days, Call us collect, Phone 167. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND B. & M. Equipment Co. "Mon hoots of Credit” for 80 yfors In Burns Chevrolet Co. Building 9th an d A rth u r S treets Ca'dwell Any Brandi . M I M I I t Idaho 1 F I O I t A l D E P O S I T I N S U I t N C I C O I T O I A T ' MO N -V