Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, March 22, 1945, Image 1

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I n YSSA, OREGON, Tin IRS!) A Y. MARCH 22, 1945'
N o . 10
26th. Birthday
Of Am. Legion
Observed Here
f l p n k u n T n H p l n (FRANK A. HARRIS
V! , ?
Re« Cross; Drive
Quota Unreached
COUNTY PURCHASES ( R p r l a m a t i n n U f «
Ontario Takes
0 n l ?JS
County Title In ^
„ T ». . « a , Draft Flans To
was made last week I Fight Authority
Boxing Tourney by motor the grader
Malheur county court, the
Frank A. Harris. 61. former Ny-
ssa resident, died last week at
Dr. Leon Lassera of Portland will
Mountain Home, Idaho, where he
address the Malheur County Pub­
had lived for the last five months.
Ontario high
school won the , authorisation having
- been granted
Morgan Attends Meet­
in ulltuum
Banquet Held and Pro­ lic Health association, at its an ­ Alex Geokan. operator of Alex’, Mr Harris, _ born ...
place, will give all of the gross re- was a member of the Baptist Malheur county boxing tournament !
federal authorities. Delivery was
gram given by Post
ing of Representatives
j held in the Nyssa gymnasium last i
Conklin school in Ontario March celpts of his establishment the i hurch.
and Unit
in Spokane
night of March 30 to the Red Cros.s ;
. ^ ary^._operate^ Friday night by nosing out th e ! hampeml by the fre<iuent break'
29 at 8 p. m.
1 Aunt Jo's cafe and later opened i
Dr. Lassers Is supervi ¡or of speech he announced today. He will ser- — £ £ £ ’the”
Frank T. Morgan of Nyssa past
Vlkf ? s by a nlargln oi 0nJy down of equipment now owned.
A joint banquet was held Thurs­
a" d j t was predicted that this new ! president of the Oregon Reclama­
I lniee P °lnts
day evening, March 15 by the Am- correction, staff consultant, child ve sandwiches and soft drinks to ¡n Nyssa.
Ontario fighters scored 24 points grader. when xeceived, would fac-
| . Survivors
are h!s u widow, Jose-
erican Legion and auxiliary in guidance extension. University ot the public.
. ■ Va.e 21, Nysaa 1414 and Adrian 8 ;j. M ats the repair of roads through- tion Congress, has returned from
^ storing
night the „ut the county.
Spokane, where he said the rec­
celebration of the 261 h anniversary i Oregon Medical school,
brother, ^. a L ' H a r r L s o f Yak‘ i winner was awarded five p o i n t s _______________
lamation interests of the Columbia
of the founding of the Legion in | The association has annually held Red Cross uniforms.
Local residents have been con- inia, Washington.
I and the losers two. The half points
valley states passed a resolution
Pails, France.
U banquet, but because of the diif- tributing
to the Red Cross drive Funeral
services were held1 Sat- j in , he Nyaea and Adrian ^ores ^ , , „ „ , . „ 1
T T _1 J
unanimously favoring continuation
Following group singing and din- ! Acuities of securing accommoda- rather slowly, Mrs Bernard Frost, in day in Baser. where Mr Han is were amounted for ■when a Nyssa * U l l c i d k
l o IlG IU
of the development of the land
ner and invocation by Douglas Me i tions for this type of meeting, the chairman, said. Mrs Frost asks formerly Uved. Interment was in and Adriajl fighter failed to gain I
A \T
| a deciSi0n. All decisions were made, f O f A . V . I l U J I I
water resources of the Columbia
Donald, the Legion and auxiliary j 8‘oup was forced to dispense with that local residents send In their Mt. Hope cemetery at Baker.
contributions to her as soon as
by Referee Tuttle of Meridian, i
valley by and through the existing
birthday cakes were cut by Past I the banquet this year.
possible as the campaign will be
Teams ended the semi-finals; Albert Vedder Pruvn, Nyssa federal and state agencies and op­
Commander Andy McGinnis and | F«>m 150 to 200 persons are ex- closed April 1.
staged Friday night with the fol- j builder and sign painter, died at
posing creation of a river “auth­
Mrs Albert Heldt, past president, pected to attend the meeting. Off-
The Nyssa district is still about
lowing scores: Nyssa 10, Ontario his home March 15.
Toastmaster Don Graham, vet- i i< ers will be elected and reports $500 short of its quota of $2550.
Funeral services were held Sun­ ority" for that purpose.
and Vale 12 each and Adrian 4,
The resolution was passed at
In the first bout, Baca. 103, On- day afternoon at 2:30 in the Meth-
eran of two world wars, discussed'*1“ »* *lven on activ“ i6S con' I , Persons who have 001 received
¡ducted this year. Frank Parr of letters or who have misplaced their
The annual spring concert of the tario, versus Bartholoma, 99, Nys- odLt church with Rev. H. J. Qern- a meeting of representatives of
the origin of the Legion and its Nyssa is president of the assoc- letters may make their contribu
Adrian high school band and glee sa' the **** punched hard In the hardt in charge. Mrs Gilbert Kllnk-
• tions with Mis Frost or leave club will be presented Friday even- fllst t round„ but Barthoknn* be­ enberg sang "Shall We Gather the reclamation associations of
Oregon. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming,
Mr Graham said "From the date
----------------------- I their money at the Idaho Power
at the River?" and God Under­
ing, March 23. according to Jerry :* “
weaken at the
of Ule stands and He Cares" with Mrs and Washington. The meeting was
of its Inception in 1919 and con­
company office.
Stone director
i initial canto and went down on
called by the Washington State
tinuing throughout the 26 years of
The concert will mark the f ir s t'0116 knee a«alnst' 1116
as 016 Carlos Buchner at the piano. The Reclamation association for the
I ,
its life, the American Legion has
T r « 1 1 j /• x
Ör X
band in their 1
6bd oi th6 second I pallbearers were O. P. CounslL purpose of combatting the effort
served America as America would
in Washingtn, D. C. to create a
have it serve. No single undertak­
s c h e m i n g o f N a z i s
Columbia valley authority similar
ing has been too large, no task
lad went down on his knee again Lee Miller. Int-rment was in the to the authorities existing in the
Second Lieutenant Stanley Ray * Plans have been completed for The band recently was w^ll re- in the third.
too small, to receive the Legion's
New Plymouth cemetery with the middle west and east.
united effort. Pledged to m utual, of Nyssa, son of Mr and Mrs Dewey the senior play, “Tomorrow the Icelved at the class B basketball
Mark Hartley of Nyssa, 103, won Nyssa Funeral home In charge,
Delegates from Oregon In ad­
helpfulness, its program of rehab- Ray of Baker, was killed March 4
a decision over Goucher of Vale,
Mr. Pruyn was born near Clar-
illtatlon, Americanism, child wel-I on Iwo Jima in the Philippines, in the gymnasium Friday night, icials having voted the band as ,108, in the second bout. Hartley tnda, Iowa August 6, 1887 and dition to Mr, Morgan were Edward
E. Lage of Hood River, Oregon,
fare, youth activities, community i according to information receiv- M ar'h 23 at 8 o’clock.
" ip n m m
will include t lie i h a d a tendency to swing wild at moved with his parents to Nebraska president; Judge Robert W. Sawyer
The play Is of the type not often
service, national defense and many j ed here.
“ ^num bers-
t m e r n r e i l l Ihls taller and longer armed oppen- In 1872. After residing at Wahoo of Bend, first vice president of the
others are golden pages in the I Lieutenant Ray was born in Oct- given by a high school cast.
‘ ■ ent, but he landed enough punches until he was 18 years old, he att- National Reclamation association.
In view of the troubled situa­ choral, Beautiful Savior: medley o f ,
history and development of our ober. 1922 in Nyssa and spent all
ended Hastings college at Hast­
a Jwtsion.
Judge Sawyer was elected chair­
of his life here, except for the tion In regard to problems of post- four songs. Songs of the Service. t0 ga n (Continued
ings. Nebraska for two years and man of the meeting and A. L.
on Page 3)
"One of the Legion's first offic­ time he spent in college and In war Germany, “the audience will Caissons Song, Anchors Aweigh,
later graduated from a business Gan.son of Seattle was elected sec­
ial acts, soon following the out­ the service. He was graduated from get an idea f the enormity of the Marines Hymn, and Army Air I
college in Greeley, Colorado. Aside I retary. Frank Morgan was ap­
break of world war 2 was to safe­ tlie Nyssa high school in 1940 and task that faces us, through attend­ Corps, with special routines by! KYGAR ARRIVES
from a few years of farming, he pointed by Judge Sawyer was one
guard, as best it could, the future
I" “
n* and s« n Pftnt- of "the* memtos"of“ ^ “ committee
welfare of those in the armed for three years. He was active in
ing. He was married to Miss Mary
The glee club will sing several
The story centers about the act­
Merle Kygar ol Nyssa, Japanese Wood at Axtell, Nebraska April Ithat drafted 1116 major resolution,
forces and their dependants by athletics both in high school and
ivities of a nasi youth living in songs. Including Irish selections, prisoner released by U. 3. troops io 1902 Mr Pruyn who had been
A commlttee was named to draft
state and federal legislation; for college.
'a resolution requesting that hear-
Peggy O’Neil, Irish Love Song from Billbad prison In the Phil­
Lieutenant Ray, serving with the the United States.
instance the so-called ‘GI bill' we
on legislation proposing crea-
and Irish Lullaby, and also Vienn­ ippines, has arrived In SanFran-
ltear so much about these days. fourth division of the marines,
P lv ™ ,,r ? n
New : tion of a Columbia valley authority
ese refrains and Can’t You Hear cisco.
Never has the American Legion entered the service in July, 1943.
Me Calling Caroline. Band num­
had a selfish motive, never has He made his home with his grand­
He told Nyssa relatives by long • Survivors are his widow, Mary, I* d ay d
“ J®1 si*ch hearings
bers to complete the program will distance telephone last Saturday and a son. Edward, both of Nyssa; ^
it asked for anything for itself, mother, Mrs Stella Butler, in Ny­
held wlthln the territory in-
nor does the American Legion ask
that he would be home after spend- I two grandsons. James and Repaid
i bers, medley of waltzes, sleepy ing a few days in a hospital for Pruyn, and a sister, Mrs H. S. The conferees agreed to work in
Besides his parents and grand­
anything for itself today, other
close cooperation, with the under­
than it be given more strength mother, Lieutenant Ray is sur-
a check-up.
! Wetherell of Post Falls, Idaho.
The track and baseball
sched- ,
concm Is slated to »tart
standing that the president and
with which to render more service | vived by a slater. Leona Ray of
Kygar was serving as a second I
secretary of «pch state association
ules for the season were drafted \ at g:15 in the Adrian high school class carburetor specialist In the
to those returning servicemen and i Baker.
and the all-star basketball team I auditorium. A nominal admission army when he was captured.
serve as a coordinating committee.
to their dependants of world wari
--------------- i----
of the 1944-45 season was selected wm de charged.
They also agreed to support to
2. So our 26 years planning and 1 GENE COOK GUARD
at a meeting of the Snake River
such extent as may be necessary,
efforts which have borne so much
Velley Schoolmasters club in Fruit-
financially and otherwise, the con­
fruit may be passed on to them. FOR F. R. IN AFRICA
lend Wednesday night.
tinuing committee of the water
(Continued on Page 4)
Pfc. Gene A. Cook of Nyssa, who Track events will be staged as
“People must try to understand conservation conference.
was one of the guards for Presi­ follows: Adrian meet with Nyssa,
other countries,” was one of the
dent Roosevelt at Casa Blanca Vale, Ontario and Adrian partlci-
points stressed by Dr. James Mill­
when the President visited in At- paring, probably April 4; Ontario
The importance of attaining the ar In his address to the Malheur 4-H LEADERS OF
rica. has returned home after relay carnival, April 11; Malheur
With more than 300 members 1945 sugar beet acreage goal is county public Monday, March 19. CO. ATTEND MEETING
spending 29 months in actual com-¡county meet at Ontario, April 18, signed up in the Malheur Game emphasized by Glen L. Hutchinson,
He said “There is no simple
bat in Africa, Italy and France.! and Snake river valley meet at League, those furthering the or­ county AAA chairman, in releas- solution for the many complex wor­
Ten 4-H club leaders represent­
Mrs Jennie M. Root, mother of
ganization are calling a general ¡ng a statement from War Pood ld problems, but to solve these ing six communities in Malheur
Lonnie S. Root of Nyssa, died at her
meeting of the members and all j Administrator Marvin Jones,
problems we fill need a pooling of county attended the eastern Ore­
home on Canyon hill near Caldwell overseas In the infantry for three | Oregon side will be held as foil- others interested who have not as. -This statement outlines the na- the greatest minds and everyone gon 4-H leaders conference held
years. He was taken out of actual ows: April 3, Vale at Nyssa; April yet signed up.
Monday morning.
I tional picture", Hutchinson said, must participate to solve them. Not at the Eastern Oregon College of
Mrs Root, born August 23, 1868 combat and placed in the re- 16, Ontario at Vale, open; April 10, The meeting will be held in the . - jt is up to Malheur, county farm-
only are we living In a compact Education at LaGrande last Fri­
13, Nyssa Boulevard Grange hall at 8 P. M .' ers t,0 do their part in meeting world full of tension and troubles, day and Saturday.
at Eelle Plain, Iowa, Is survived placement department because of j Nyssa at Ontario; April
by her husband, W. H. Root of a physical ailment. He will be here | at Vale: April 17, Vale at Ontario, Tuesday, March 27. The meeting | county goals for sugar beet ac­ but a colorful, dangerous and hope­
This leaders conference was in
Caldwell, her son living in Nyssa, until April 15, when he will report open; April 20, Ontario at Nyssa; ¡has been called to further the reage.”
ful world".
the nature of a training school
at Santa Barbara, California for April 24, Vale at Nyssa; April 26,1 membership slgn-up and to have
and three grandchildren.
Jones’ statement said:
Dr. Millar, field representative to help the leaders with the prob­
Ontario at Vale, open, and April the members adopt a constitution
Mr and Mrs Root, who were further duty.
“The sugar situation has reached of the Oregon Council of Churches lems connected with their project
married 58 years ago. went to Ida­
27. Ontario at Nyssa.
j and by-laws with the election o f 1 its most critical state of the war. also spoke to the Ontario and Ny­ work H. C. Seymour, state club
ho in 1928. Mrs Root was a mem­ ceived a medical discharge and Is
Nyssa placed one man, Gene officers and directors for the cur—< Reserve stocks in tiie United States ssa upper grades on the subject, leader, was in charge of the con­
now living at McCall, Idaho.
ber of the Rebekah lodge.
Bellon, on the all-star team s e l-1 rent year.
| have steadily declined. Now they "Knowing How". Tuesday noon, ference with other central staff
ected by the coaches. Other firs t! It has not been possible to d e f-1 are lower than any time during
class, and his brother, Wayne stringers are Reed and Schiller of initely arrange for a speaker with j the war. Sugar rations for com- March 20 at the Moore hotel in members and extension personnel
Ontario, he gave a very interesting teaching the various classes.
Haroldson, radio tech., 3-c, met on Emmett, Moss of New Plymouth films to be present and such may merclal and home use have been talk about "Dominant Desires in Group meetings to discuss home
Oahu Island in the Hawaiian group and Echanis of Ontario. The sec- be deferred until the May meeting I reduced for 1945 and the use of Europe" to the Kiwanis and Lions economics projects, livestock and
not having seen each other for ond team u composed of Moore of when Supervisor Frank B. W ire1 sugar for industrial alcohol has club members.
crops projects and general leader­
Nyssa, Hammack of Vale, Cannon of the Oregon state game commis-
commis been discontinued. The difference
three vears
1 I Nyssa'
Dr. Millar was born in Ireland ship problems were held during
of w
j ™.
— -»•—* *" v-»
between the amount expected to be and received his early education the two-day session.
Pfr lav T.e® Kinkarte «>n nf ' and Purcell of New Plymouth, with interesting films. Plans are brought in from off shore areas there. Later he received a master's Those attending from Malheur
¡Those receiving honorable mention that the evening will be devoted and national needs must be made degree from Colorado State coll­ county were Mis Bernice Batt of
Mr and Mrs Dixie Kinkade, was are ciabby of Weiser,
Codings- to a general discussion of the up from continental U. S. pro- ege and a doctor’s degree from Nyssa, Mrs Agnes Jordan and Miss
last heard from when
he was worth of Frultland, Brewer and members as to the program of the duction. This need was a major Denver. His graduate work was Lois Jordan of White Settlement,
transferred from Belgium
to Ger- [ Piercy of Adrian, Winder of Vale, league activities for the current consideration in tile establishment done in America at Chicago uni- Mrs C. E. Elliot of Kingman Kol-
many. He said there was two feet Ackerman of Ontario and
Massin- year. It Is desired th a t members of the 1945 sugar beet goal almost verstty and in England at Cam ony, Mrs Boyce VanDeWater and
of snow In Belgium, and lt was gill of Payette.
will give some thought to the pro- 50 per cent greater than last year's bridge and Oxford universities. He Mrs Dyre Roberts of Wade. Mrs
like spring in Germany, indicat­
jblems In mind so th at the dlscus- planted acreage. The 951,000 acre Is a former professor In the Coll­ Helen Barnes of Vale and Mrs
ing an extreme change in temp- Attends Funeral—
I sion will develop basic Ideas for sugar beet goal, with average ege of Idaho.
Bernice Russell and Mrs Fred
Mrs C. W. Reberger came here the betterment of the fish and yields, and the expected cane su­
Hyde of the Grove community.
from Caldwell to attend the fun- game resources of Malheur county gar production would balance sup­ Moving To Harper
Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan have eral of A. V. Pruyn. She was a and adjacent areas,
plies with our requirements. Su­
Mr. and Mrs. George Callahan ON COMMITTF.E AT COLLEGE
received word that their son. Lieut. week-end guest at the H. R. Sher-
Through action by those fur- gar beet producers are assured will move to Harper, where he
Collegt of Idaho, March 22— Mab-
Pfc. Donald Snader, who is serv- , Ted Morgan, that he is now stat- wood home.
thering the organization the game prices tor 1945 as high as prices wlll be employed during the sum- el Roberts of Nyssa served as gen-
tng in the Philippines, has been toned in the Aleutian islands.
commission has approved the release guaranteed for the 1944 crop. We mer. They plan to Leave Monday. I eral chairman for a St. Patrick’s
wounded twice, in the arm and the
Move To Rupert—
of 500 Mongolian cocks In this will give every possible assistance
day party given last Thursday at
leg. He has received the oak leaf
Word has been received stating j Mr and Mrs Pete Wakewood have county and also approved the ex­ in meeting labor requirements and Go To Idaho—
the College of Idaho. Voorhees
cluster and the purple heart. He that Staff Sergeant Robert H. 1 moved to Rupert, Idaho, where penditure of $50 toward the re­ feel confident that sufficient labor
Mr and Mrs H. S. Wetherell re­ dormitory entertained Finney hall
mailed the purple heart to his Dickson, who was wounded In Oer- | Mr
Wakewood will engage In duction of the crow population In will be available to meet the need. turned to their home at Post Falls, and the men of the campus at the
mother, Mrs. W. E. Snader.
many November 22, has returned farming. He was formerly employed the county. The pheasants have I hope that every farmer who has Idaho Tuesday after attending party.
to the United States and Is now a by the Amalgamated Sugar oom- been released during the past land adapted to sugar beet pro­ funeral services for A. V. Pruyn.
The evening was spent in playing
Wlllard Aston, merchant m arine.1 patient in the Bushneil general pany.
week on lands where the owners duction will give serious considera­ They were accompanied home by games and singing songs. Refresh­
has finished training at the U. S, hospital in Brigham City, Utah.
have given written permission and tion to planting the maximum Mrs Pruyn.
ments were served.
M. S. officers school at Neptune, |
Here From Caldwell—
in many cases requested birds. The acreage of sugar beets in 1945."
beach, Alameda. California and is
Earl Jennings, who was home
Mr and Mrs Joe Bellon had as blasting of the crows has been
Chairman Hutchinson said that Going To Seattle—
Here From South Dakota
now an ensign. He was in Nyssa for a few weeks on leave from the dinner guests Sunday Mr and Mrs delayed due to difficulty In getting tiie sentence relative to labor in
Mrs John J. Smith and daugh­
Mrs. Leon E. Hall of South Da­
Friday and Saturday with his fath- navy, is now stationed in Hawaii. Roy Harrington and daughter, the necessary materials but will Jones’ statement Is the strongest ter will leave Monday for Seattle, kota is here visiting her daughters
er, Clarence Aston of Ontario. En- j
Paula, of Caldwell and Mr and be carried out shortly if the con­ expression yet made in regard to where they will Join Mr. Smith, Mrs. Clifford Pox and Mrs. Clar­
sign Aston left Sunday to resum e' Pfc Loyd Cleaver, who was Mrs Kim Pickett and daughter, centration continues at the rock- meeting the critical needs for la­ who is serving In the navy.
ence Ret tig, and her daughter-in-
his duties in California.
i wounded in Italy last October, has Kay. also of Caldwell.
bor In sugar beet fields, and that Returns to Nyssa—
law, Mrs. Floyd Hall.
(been transferred to the air force
It is particularly desired to have lt gives growers assurance that
Frank Phdlips returned to Nyssa
Mr and Mrs R. O. Larson have ground crew,
Home From Hospital
the fanners of the county well re­ the War Food Administration will Monday after an absence of a year. Visits Sister
received word that their son. Ray­
Mrs. Ben Shaw arrived- home presented in the membership and aid them in this problem.
He has been employed in defense
Cpl. Vlrl S. Reitenbaugh T'5
mond has landed in France.
Pfc. WUUam K. Pierce, son of Monday with her infant son from they are especially requested to
work in Salem. Oregon and in was in Nyssa Sunday visiting his
Mrs Mary Pierce, is home on a the Holy Rosary hospital.
attend the meeting March 27 and Attend Meeting—
sister. Mrs. Lynn H. Snodgrass,
George Newby, F. c. M. M„ and ¡21-day convalescent furlough. He
express their views on matters of
Melvin Spltze and Miss Harriett
while enroute to Colorado. He has
his two children have been visiting was recently released from the gen- Return From Salt Lake—
Cole of the Nyssa public school Enlists In Nurse C orps-
spent four years In the service. He
a t the home of Mr. Newby's moth- eral hospital at Topeka, Kansas.
Mr and Mrs Charles Garrison
system attended a special meeting
Miss Vera Jensen, registered nur­ is In the 123rd Infantry.
er, Mrs Lillian Newby. Newby was He was wounded twice in the Euro­ and Mrs John Olsen and baby re- Examiner Coining—
for science teachers In Ontario se. who has been at St. Luke's
on a 30-day leave from the South pean war theatre by shrapnel in turned Tuesday from Salt Lake j A traveling examiner of operat- Wednesday. The meeting was spon­ hospital In Boise, has enlisted in Visit In Weiser
the chest and arm. Pierce has two City. where they visited for two j ors and chauffeurs will be in the sored by the state department of the army nurses corps and will
Mrs. Walter Nye and daughter,
stars for battles, two oak leaf weeks with Lieut. OLsen, who left j Nyssa city hall March 28 from 9 education, which furnished the take her physical examination this LuRue, were Weiser visitors S at­
Jess Haroldson. radioman. 1st
(Continued On Page 5)
recently for overseas duty.
a. m. to 12,noon.
Adrian To Give
Annual Concert
Lt. Stanley Ray
Killed On Iwo ¡¡:
-« 5 - - « g
2 2J22\3
School Athletic
Schedules Drawn
Nimrod Sign-up Increase Asked
In Sugar Beats
Gaining Nicely
Our Boys In
The Service
Of World Urged